To be sure, only children﹙独生子女﹚ experienced some things differently from those with sisters and brothers. Many feel more pressure to succeed. In the absence of brothers and sisters, only children also tend to look more exclusively to their parents as role models.﹙只以父母为楷模﹚

In India, 10-year-old Saviraj Sankpal founded a support group for the tiny minority of only children. Among other things, the group does volunteer work to counter ﹙反驳﹚the myth﹙不真实的说法﹚ that they are not responsible. “People think we’re treated too kindly and ruined,” says Sankpal, a computer engineering student. “But I’d like to remind them how lonely it can get.”

Most only children, however, say they wish for sisters or brothers only when it comes to caring for aging, unhealthy parents. Britain’s David Emerson, coauthor of the book The Only Child, says that such a person bears a terrible burden in having to make all the decisions alone. Emerson knows from experience: After his father died, he chose to move his elderly mother from their family home, where she was vulnerable(易受攻击的) to house breakers, to a new one with more security﹙安全﹚. “The move was quite hard on her, and she might feel that I pushed her into it,” he says. “After all, I am left with that responsibility.” ﹙责无旁贷﹚

In the future, more and more only children will likely face similar choices. With working mothers increasingly the rule, many families are finding they simply don’t have the time, money or energy to have more than one child. As only children become common, perhaps the world will realize that the charge made against them is unjust.

1.It can be inferred from the passage that the author’s attitude towards only children is .

A. critical﹙批评的﹚ B. objective﹙反对的﹚

C. hostile﹙不友善的﹚D. unjust﹙不公正的﹚

2.It can be inferred from the passage that only children’s parents should .

A. find a support group for their only children

B. do volunteer work to help their only children

C. let their only children make all the decision alone

D. set good examples for their only children

3.Emerson decided to move his elderly mother to a new house because he .

A. is the only one who cares about her

B. doesn’t want to leave her alone

C. wants to share the responsibility with her

D. is worried about her safety

4.It is quite usual now for a working mother to .

A. spend all her time and money on her only child

B. be responsible for bringing up her only child

C. have and bring up only one child

D. devote all her energy to her job

阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was my birthday last Thursday. I decided to _________ by inviting a few friends out to supper. I chose a restaurant in a _________ part of town. It is one of my favorite restaurants because the food is good and the waiters are friendly. It is _________ ever crowded, because not many people know about it, so it is not usually _________ to book a table. In any case, Thursday is not a busy evening _________.

When we entered the restaurant, we were surprised to find it completely _________. I looked around but no _________ was free. One of the waiters recognized me. He came across and explained the situation. “A party of tourists came in about half an hour ago,” he said. “It was like an invasion (侵略). _________ the place was full! We can hardly manage (对付,应付).”

The waiter then pointed to a table in the corner. “The people there are about to _________,” he said. “Just hold on and you’ll _________ a place there.” He was right. Fifteen minutes later, the people _________ the corner table paid their _________, got up and left. I led my friends across and we all sat down.

_________ , our table was almost out of sight. We tried to call the attention of the waiter who sent us there, _________ he, like all the other waiters, was _________ with the party of tourists. They ordered lots of food. At last, an hour later, the tourists were finishing their meal and looking very _________ with life. The waiter, now very tired, appeared at our table. I advised my friends about the best dishes and finally the waiter went off with our _________ .

A few moments later he returned to our table. We could tell from his face that he had _________news for us. _________a little sorry, he told us that there was no meat or fish. “All we can _________ you,” he said, “is an omelet (煎蛋卷)!”

1.A. remember B. congratulate C. memorize D. celebrate

2.A. calm B. quiet C. busy D. faraway

3.A. hardly B. often C. hard D. always

4.A. important B. possible C. necessary D. certain

5.A. as usual B. in fact C. as before D. in all

6.A. full B. empty C. free D. quiet

7.A. person B. table C. waiter D. friend

8.A. Happily B. Luckily C. Suddenly D. Hopefully

9.A. start B. end C. leave D. pay

10.A. find B. take C. wait D. see

11.A. by B. at C. beside D. near

12.A. money B. drink C. food D. bill

13.A. Luckily B. Normally C. Unluckily D. Angrily

14.A. but B. so C. yet D. and

15.A. easy B. busy C. strict D. satisfied

16.A. excited B. tired C. disappointed D. pleased

17.A. order B. foods C. dishes D. money

18.A. good B. bad C. valuable D. pleasant

19.A. Remaining B. Seeing C. Looking D. Finding

20.A. find B. sell C. offer D. bring


There are four possible birth order positions within a family. A child may be the oldest, the youngest or the _________ child, or an only child _________ no brothers or sisters. Birth order theory says that our birth order influences what kind of person we each _________.

Children in each birth position have a _________ way to gain an advantage in the family. The oldest children often get more time with their parents. They always try to be _________ and do everything correctly. The youngest children are used to other people providing for them. They may be more _________ about themselves than about other people. As for middle children, they can sometimes feel left out, since they don't get the _________ of being the oldest or the youngest. Some middle children become competitive and even rebel against (反抗) their parents. _________ many of them make peace in the family.

The last birth order position is only children. With no brothers or sisters they often _________ whatever they want! They don't have any _________ for their parents' time or resources. Only children often use language very well _________ they spend so much time with adults. They can also feel a lot of _________ as only children, which can make them competitive and hardworking.

Some people _________ that birth order theory describes them very well. Other people say the theory doesn't _________ There are many other different_________ that may change the effects of birth order on personality. These variables _________the sex and age of each child and the number of brothers and sisters. Culture and education _________ make a difference. So does the amount of money that the _________ has. The experiences of the family can also change how birth order affects _________ .

As family expert Frank Sulloway says, “Humans are complex. But that doesn't mean birth order isn't _________ we can learn from.”

1.A. middle B. last C. small D. cute

2.A. beyond B. under C. with D. for

3.A. become B. need C. accept D. see

4.A. new B. different C. strange D. right

5.A. perfect B. honest C. polite D. curious

6.A. concerned B. cautious C. excited D. disappointed

7.A. results B. promises C. advantages D. dreams

8.A. And B. So C. But D. Or

9.A. get B. ignore C. hide D. doubt

10.A. preparation B. excuse C. authority D. competition

11.A. until B. because C. unless D. though

12.A. sadness B. pressure C. pity D. pain

13.A. advise B. hope C. know D. find

14.A. work B. happen C. appear D. develop

15.A. forms B. situations C. standards D. purposes

16.A. influence B. change C. include D. describe

17.A. seldom B. also C. never D. ever

18.A. team B. society C. school D. family

19.A. emotion B. attitude C. personality D. behavior

20.A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything

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