
Joan Chen is famous both in China, where she grew up, and in the United States,where she now lives. How did Joan become a famous actress in two countries? It’s an interesting story.

Joan Chen was born in Shanghai in 1961. When she was 14, some people from a film studio (制片厂) came to her school and chose her to study at the studio. She was happy about this chance, but mainly she liked the idea of getting out of school. Soon, however she discovered that she really liked acting. At age 18, she won the Golden Rooster, China's top film prize.

In the late 1970s, Joan's parents, who were doctors, moved to the United States. Joan joined them when she was 20 and went to college there. Her parents hoped she would study medicine. Instead, she majored in(主修) film and later looked for work as an actress. To work in the United States, Joan had to start all over again. She told Hollywood that she was an actress in China, but she only got some small parts in TV shows.

One day Joan went to speak to a director who was making a movie called Tai --pan. The interview didn't go well. As she walked away, a man in a car noticed her. The man was Dino De Laurntiis, the film’s producer(制造者). He immediately offered her a leading(主要的) part. A year later, she started in Bernardo Bertolucci’s The Last Emperor and was on her way to worldwide fame.

1.What was turn about Joan Chen when she was 14?

A. Some people came to her school and chose her as an actress.

B. She liked to study at the studio just because she wanted to be famous.

C. The most important reason for her going to the studio was that she wouldn't like to stay at school.

D. She found she was fond of acting even before she was 14.

2.When did she move to the States?

A. In the late 1970s. B. After she graduated from college.

C. In the late 1980s. D. In the early 1980s

3.The interview with a director ____.

A. made her on the way to being famous in the world

B. led to no immediate good result

C. made her play a leading part in Tai-- pan

D. gave her a chance to act in The Last Emperor


“I don, t feel right about this,” I said to one of my cousins in a low voice. She nodded in ______. Not wanting to be the first to touch the food, I waited for one of the older adults to start.

Thanksgiving usually meant ______ and full stomachs. However, this year was ______. My family sat around the dinner table ______ at our feast. Everyone had a full plate, everyone except Grandma. The treatment for throat cancer would ______ one of her great pleasures, eating. This was the first of many food-focused ______ to come. I could not imagine what it would be like to never taste ______ food again. My cousin Molly broke the ______ with a raise of her glass, “To Nat.” We all followed her lead. “Your ______ and strength encourage us all,” she continued. Grandma smiled, holding back her tears with great ______. “Thank you. Please, please eat.” And with that, we all began to eat. Conversation broke ______ around the room while Grandma laughed and talked with us all. Cancer would take away her ability to eat, but not the gift of being the best hostess. The evening went on as normal ______ do. By the time the night was over, I felt ______ to my family than ever before. I learned that we gather together on holidays not to eat a rich feast, but to ______ and share with one another. We ______ my Grandmother’s courage, but we all learned a lesson in grace. In the years following, my Grandma ______ to create meals for family events. She told me once with a laugh, “I may not be able to eat, but I can ______ taste things.” With a ______ heart, Grandma prepared what she could not have for the only purpose of making us ______. She inspired me to learn to cook and helped me find the ______ to make everything come together: love.

1.A. excitement B. surprise C. satisfaction D. agreement

2.A. disappointment B. thoughts C. laughter D. sorrow

3.A. different B. popular C. same D. similar

4.A. glaring B. nodding C. joking D. staring

5.A. take away B. take in C. take up D. take down

6.A. plans B. dinners C. holidays D. action

7.A. delicious B. expensive C. cheap D. terrible

8.A. record B. rule C. dark D. silence

9.A. wish B. concern C. courage D. confidence

10.A. efforts B. effects C. relief D. patience

11.A. into B. up C. down D. cut

12.A. New Year’s Days B. Christmases C. Thanksgivings D. April Fool’s Days

13.A. farther B. closer C. happier D. stranger

14.A. apologize B. promise C. forgive D. support

15.A. remembered B. mentioned C. followed D. celebrated

16.A. decided B. continued C. hated D. started

17.A. still B. ever C. just D. even

18.A. selfless B. selfish C. anxious D. pitiful

19.A. sad B. happy C. surprised D. lovely

20.A. sign B. skill C. attitude D. secret

A friend of mine met with an accident driving in the darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn’t  ______.What was worse was that he found himself unable to ask for help—his mobile phone didn’t ______ . Nothing could be done but ______ in cold wilderness. It was 8 hours later that day broke, and then the ______ of the rescue.

It is almost ______ that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even more surprising was his ______: “First of all, I checked up my physical ______ and found myself not in mortal danger. As there was no ______ to call for help, I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from ______. In this way I dozed(打盹儿) off.”

This ______ me of another story: A group of young men ______ to explore a mountain cave and got lost. ______ to find a way out in the dark cave they were ______ and ran anxiously without a sense of ______. Finally they fell dead in fear and exhaustion. According to the ______ people that found them, the place where they got lost was only about 10 meters away from the ______ of the cave. If they stayed where they got lost and tried to ______ themselves, they would probably ______ a small light glimmering(闪烁) not far away.

We can compare it with our______  itself. Sometimes when we meet with difficulties in life, we feel lost in the darkness. If it is unclear, you needn’t put up a struggle ______. Remember: CALM DOWN!

1.A. recover B. move C. escape D. shout

2.A. control B. operate C. ring D. work

3.A. cry B. lie C. wait D. sleep

4.A. failure B. success C. team D. arrival

5.A. untrue B. unimaginable C. true D. useless

6.A. plan B. decision C. explanation D. excuse

7.A. conditions B. situations C. signs D. cases

8.A. method B. way C. tool D. strength

9.A. rotting B. spreading C. hurting D. bleeding

10.A. reminds B. informs C. demands D. tells

11.A. had B. managed C. tried D. planned

12.A. Unwilling B. Unable C. Determined D. Deciding

13.A. frightened B. surprised C. Excited D. disappointed

14.A. hearing B. sight C. feeling D. direction

15.A. rescue B. village C. local D. brave

16.A. end B. top C. opening D. door

17.A. save B. help C. check D. calm

18.A. look B. sense C. catch D. realize

19.A. adventure B. accident C. life D. experience

20.A. really B. immediately C. carefully D. certainly

Distance runners often worry about “hitting the wall” during training or races,when negative thoughts become so overpowering that they make it difficult to continue.1. At that time,the body’s glycogen(糖原) supplies become exhausted.As a result,many runners feel exhausted and discouraged,slow their pace,have trouble focusing and want to quit or walk.2. Here are a few sports psychologist-approved techniques to try,which could have major benefits for an athlete’s performance and well-being.

1.Make a motivational song list.Distracting(分心) yourself with some great tunes can help you make it to the finish line faster.3.

2.Try the partner system.A running partner can keep you motivated and on-track,and might even improve your performance,research shows.

3.4. A study on weight-lifters found that mental practices can be as effective as physical practice,resulting in actual muscle increases.Visualizing your if-then plan,for instance,could improve your chance of success.

4.Try “attention narrowing”.5. Last year,an NYU study found that focusing on an object on the horizon makes the distance feel shorter,and leads runners to go faster and perform better than those who let their minds wander.

With these helpful strategies,your next personal record might be just around the corner.

A.Plan what to do.

B.Visualize achieving your goal.

C.Finding ways to move past those kinds of experiences is very vital.

D.“Hitting the wall” typically happens around 20 miles into a marathon.

E.There is evidence that saying motivational things to oneself benefits a lot.

F.Runners who focus their eyes on an object in the distance get there faster.

G.Studies show athletes run,bike and swim farther and faster when listening to music.

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