Part-time Front Desk Position

    Fuse Fitness is looking for a part-time front desk receptionist (接待员) at our new Carlsbad location.

Job duties include:

l  Welcoming and greeting members;

l  Answering phone calls;

l  Signing up new members;

l  Cleaning and performing other various duties.

    You should have great communication skills and be dependable. More importantly, you should have a positive spirit in stressful situations. You are expected to work five days a week (including weekends).

Please, no phone calls about this job in the morning!

Tel: (760) 434-7704


Apply (申请) in person at: 2502 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008


    The first impression you make in a job interview is very important. The first judgment an interviewer makes is based on how you look and what you are wearing. That’s why it’s always important to dress professionally for a job interview, even if the work environment is casual.

l  Before you even think about going to an interview, make sure you have suitable interview clothes and that everything fits correctly.

l  Get you clothes ready the night before, so you don’t have to spend time getting them ready on the day of the interview.

l  Polish (擦亮) your shoes.

l  Bring a breath mint (薄荷糖) and use it before you enter the building.

For more information:

 Visit: Jobsearch. monster. com

Or Tel: (800) 421-7250 or (760) 603-4000 Carlsbad, California

1.How should you contact Fuse Fitness about the front desk position in the morning if you can’t go in person?

A. Call (760) 603-4000        

B. Call (760) 434-7704

C. Visit Jobsearch. monster. com

D. Send an e-mail to

2.What does Fuse Fitness think is the biggest challenge for a receptionist?

A. Working five days a week including weekends.

B. Having good communication skills.

C. Keeping cheerful even in difficult situations.

D. Welcoming guests and answering phone calls.

3.What would be the best title for the second piece of information?

A. What to Bring to a Job Interview

B. How to Find a Desired Job

C. The First Impression in a Job Interview

D. Interview Dressing Suggestions

4.Which is TRUE according to the second piece of information?

A. The first judgment is made based on how you behave.

B. What to wear should be taken into consideration before an interview.

C. It is OK to dress informally for an interview if the work environment is casual.

D. You don’t need to pay attention to your shoes because nobody will notice them.



第一节   对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


R—Rose                L—Lisa

L: Hi, Rose, you look pale today, What’s (76) h    to you?

R: Nothing serious, I was told that I had been (77)a        to Zhejiang University.

L: Well, you should have been happy about that, That’s exciting news, (78) a          all. And your parents will take pride in you.

R: That’s true, but that means a problem, too. You know, school (79) e       have been increasing

rapidly these years. What worries me is that my family is too poor to afford them.

L: Well, what do your parents do? Do they have (80) j          with fixed income (收入)?

R: My father (81) u        to, but he was laid off years ago. With my mother earning the bread for the  

family of five, it is often hard to make ends meet.

L: That’s really a problem then. But you can consider (82) b       money from your relatives and

even from the bank.

R: Yes, I think so. And my head teacher told me that a few days ago.

L: By the (83) w       , what will you learn there?

R: Computer science is my (84) m      .

L: That sounds great! I wish I could go to the same university and learn the (85) s        subject too.

R: you surely can. I know you are a top student in your class. Work hard and good luck!


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