

since before since that that when

(1)It is already five years ________ they got married.

(2)It was not long ________ John recovered and returned to the army.

(3)I don’t know how long it is ________ they began their research.

(4)Was it last autumn ________ you had a chance to tour Xiamen?

(5)It was in the 1950s ________ Tom had to sell newspaper to make a living.

(6)It was 1950s ________ Tom had to sell newspaper to make a living.


(1)since (2)before (3)since (4)that (5)that (6)when



  Make a few mouse clickings and one of the most important things in your life can be perfectly settled.[1]________(连接词)the web may not provide you [2]________(介词)a pleasant lover, it can make all the wedding [3]________(arrange)for you.

  “Couples are now inclined(倾向)to arrange their weddings on line [4]________(连词)business people are changing strategy(策略)by working together with marriage websites to generate(产生)profits(利润),” said Lin Zhen, the assistant to the chief executive officer(CEO首席执行官)at 51marry.com, the city’s only marriagewebsite.

  Some newlywedsto be(快要结婚的人)[5]________(satisfy/get satisfied)with its convenience(方便)and high quality.Most young couples who are busy with their own work may feel[6]________(代词)troublesome to care about every detail.“I feel a bit dizzy [7]________(try)to make all my wedding arrangements on my own, ”said Zhang Jianbin, a young white collar worker who is planning to turn to websites for his October wedding.

  [8]“I can enjoy a favorable price that is 30 percent lower than in the off?line market, ”Zhang added.(改为间接引语)

  On [9]________(冠词)other hand, some wedding photo studios, hotels, wedding costume(服装)producers and travel agencies also seize the opportunity to cooperate with the websites:They think that the websites’ large database(资料库)can bring them more customers and increase their profits.

  51marry.com has now attached(连接)900 couples since it began to operate in February this year.[10]People expect more websites target(把……作为目标)themarriage market.(改正错误)


    1   Amelia Earhart did what no other woman had dared to do, so she is my hero.(改写成同义句)She became the first woman aviator(飞行员)in the world to try to fly around the world.She made it easier for other women to go out and do things only men had done.

  Amelia Earhart lived in Atchison, Kansas.Her parents were Amy and Edwin.She had a sister named Muriel who was named Pidge   2  (介词)a blue pigeon in her favorite song.She didn’t have a very happy childhood, for her father was an alcoholic(酒鬼).When she became a teenager in World War Ⅰ, she served as a volunteer nurse.After the war, she studied at Columbia University.  3  (从属连词)she was doing well in school, she went back to California to be with her parents.One day she went with her father to an“aerial meet”and went on a 10 minute flight over Los Angeles.At that moment, she knew that   4  (fly)was what she wanted to do.

  Amelia had heard of a woman aviation teacher, Anita Snook, and   5  (gave/took)flying lessons with her at Kinner Field near Long Beach, California.In July, Amelia bought a plane and named it“The Canary.”In October, 1922, Amelia began breaking world records and   6  (动词)a women’s highest altitude(海拔高度)record at 14 000 feet.

  On April 27, 1926, Mr.H.H.Railey called Amelia and asked,“  7  (疑问副词)would you like to be the first woman to fly across the Atlantic?”  8   Mr.Railey had asked by George Putman, a New York Publisher, to find a woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.(改错)No woman had ever flown this far across the Atlantic.Since Earhart had no experience with more than one-engine planes, Amelia went on the flight as a passenger.Two men, Wilmer Stultz and Slim Gordon, were   9  (actual)going to fly the plane.On Sunday, June 3,1928, Amelia went to Nova Scotia to start her flight.Some bad weather held the flight back until June 18, though.They flew through dense fog most of the way and landed in South Wales instead of Ireland with only a bit of fuel left.

  Amelia got all the attention as the   10  (序数词)“girl”to fly across the Atlantic.She was upset that the two men who had actually flown the plane didn’t get any attention.

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