
8.Children under sixteen is notpermitted(允许) to take part in this activity.

分析 十六岁以下的孩子是不允许参加这个活动的.

解答 permitted 考查动词的用法.根据汉语提示"允许"和后面的动词不定式可知,本句是被动语态,因为permit构成的短语有permit doing和permit sb.to do,被动语态中的动词应用过去分词,故填permitted.

点评 本题是根据汉语提示完成单词拼写的题目类型,做题时要根据所给汉语提示结合句意和句子结构,选择合适的词形和词性.

19.Last week the manager of an old jeweler's shop received a letter marked"personal",so of course his secretary gave it to him unopened.As he was very busy,the letter lay on his desk till tea-time.Then he opened it and a£10note fell out onto his desk.With the note was a short letter.This is what it said:
Dear sir,
In 1935I got engaged.But unfortunately at that time there was a lot of unemployment and I lost my job.I was six months without a job and then I got work again.But of course was very short of money.I came to your shop to buy a wedding ring.The assistant brought some rings for me to look at,but she was called away for a moment,and I put one of the rings in my pocket.When she came back,I said I did not know the size of my girl-friend's finger.So I left the shop without buying a ring.
My wife died a short while ago and the fact that I never paid for her ring has been on my conscience (良心) all these years.At the time the ring cost£2so I reckon (估计) that is about£10at today's price.And I am sending you that amount.
Yours truly,
A customer
"Well,well,well,"said the manager,"life is full of surprises!"
44.The best headline for this article would beA.
A.A Customer Pays His Bill
B.An Old Jeweler's Shop
C.The Manager and the Letter
D.A Letter with£10
45.Why didn't the secretary open the letter?BecauseB.
A.he was very busy
B.it was a personal letter
C.there was a£10note in it
D.the letter was unimportant
46.What happened to the writer of the letter in 1935?D
A.He was engaged to a girl.
B.He was out of work for six months.
C.He lost a ring.
D.Both A and B.
47.What was true about the assistant?C
A.She lost her job.
B.She was short of money.
C.She was called away while serving the customer.
D.She put one of the rings in her pocket.
16.A student's life is never easy.(36)GA lot of preparations are needed so you can be sure to go back home with a diploma and a bright future waiting for you.The following are some basic things you need to do before even seizing that passport and boarding on the plane.
Knowing the country.
You shouldn't bother researching the country's hottest tourist spots or historical places.You won't go there as a tourist,but as a student.It'll be helpful to read the most important points in their history and to read up on their culture.(37)C You surely don't want to face legal problems,especially if you're away from home.
Studying their language.
Don't expect that you can graduate abroad without knowing even the basics of the language.Before leaving your home country,take online lessons to at least master some of their words and sentences.(38)D  Doing this will also prepare you in communicating with those who can't speak English.
Check the conversion(兑换)of your money to their local currency,set up your bank account so you can use it there,get an insurance,and find an apartment.The Internet or your intended school will be very helpful in finding an apartment and helping you understand local currency.
Remember,you're not only carrying your own reputation but your country's reputation as well.If you act foolishly,people there might think that all of your country men are foolish as well.(40)E.

A.Packing your clothes.
B.Preparing for other needs.
C.Most importantly,read about their laws.
D.This will be useful in living and studying there.
E.That would surely be a very bad start foryour study abroad program.
F.Going with their trends will keep it from being too obvious that you're a foreigner.
G.And it is even more difficult if you will have to complete your study in a foreign land.
17.Mrs.Packletide intended to shoot a tiger.Not that the desire to kill had suddenly come to her,or that she felt she would leave India safer with one wild beast less.It was because Loona Bimberton had recently taken a plane to the forest and killed a tiger,and the newspapers showed photographs of Loona Bimberton with a tiger-skin on.In a world supposed to be moved by hunger and by love,Mrs.Packletide's movements were largely governed by dislike of Loona Bimberton.
     Circumstances proved favorable.Mrs.Packletide had offered a thousand rupees (印度卢比) for the opportunity of shooting a tiger without risk or effort,and it happened that an old tiger was frequently coming to a neighboring village at night.He was so old that he couldn't kill animals in the wild and just satisfied his appetite to the smaller household animals.The villagers were eager to earn the thousand rupees; children were posted night and day in the jungle to watch the tiger,and the cheap goats were left about to keep him from going elsewhere.The one great fear was that he should die of old age before the day of Mrs.Packletide's shoot.
    The great night arrived.A platform had been built in a tree,on which sat Mrs.Packletide and her paid companion,Miss Mebbin.A goat with a loud bleat (咩咩叫) was tied down at the correct distance.With an accurate gun,they waited for the coming of the tiger.
"I suppose we are in some danger?"said Miss Mebbin.
    She was not actually nervous about the wild beast,but she was unwilling to perform a bit more service than she had been paid for.
"It's a very old tiger.It couldn't spring up here even if it wanted to."said Mrs.Packletide.
    Their conversation was cut short by the appearance of the old tiger.He saw the goat,and lay on the earth for a short rest before attacking.
      The gun fired very loudly,and the great yellow beast jumped to one side and then rolled over in the stillness of death.In a moment a crowd of excited villagers appeared on the scene,and their shouting carried the glad news to the village.
    It was Miss Mebbin who found that the goat was dying from a bullet-wound,while no wound could be found on the tiger.Evidently the wrong animal had been hit,and the tiger had died of heart-failure,caused by the sudden loud noise of the gun.Mrs.Packletide was annoyed at the discovery; but anyway,she owned a dead tiger,and the villagers,anxious for their thous and rupees,gladly accepted the fiction that she had shot the tiger.And Miss Mebbin was a paid companion.Therefore Mrs.Packletide faced the cameras with a light heart,and her pictures appeared on the newspapers of England and America.As for Loona Bimberton,she refused to look at a newspaper for weeks,and was in a depressed emotion for quite some time.
    Mrs.Packletide's tiger-skin was inspected and admired by the neighbors,and Mrs.Packletide went to the Costume Ball in the character of Diana (狩猎女神).
"How amused everyone would be if they knew what really happened,"said Miss Mebbin a few days after the ball.
"What do you mean?"asked Mrs.Packletide quickly.
"How you shot the goat and frightened the tiger to death,"said Miss Mebbin,with her unpleasant laugh.
"No one would believe it,"said Mrs.Packletide,her face changing color rapidly.
"Loona Bimberton would,"said Miss Mebbin.
    Mrs.Packletide's face settled on greenish white."You surely wouldn't give me away?"she asked.
"I've seen a weekend cottage near Dorking,"said Miss Mebbin,"six hundred and eighty.Quite a bargain,only I don't happen to have the money."
    Miss Mebbin possessed the pretty weekend cottage.Mrs.Packletide lost interest in animal-hunting.
"The extra expenses are so heavy,"she said to inquiring friends.
62.Mrs.Packletide planned to shoot a tiger because sheD.
A.would leave India safer                  
B.hated the wild animal
C.admired her good friend                  
D.disliked a certain person
63.What did Mrs.Packletide want the villagers to arrange for her?D
A.A platform in a tree.
B.A paid companion.
C.An accurate gun.
D.A safe shooting.
64.What was the result of Mrs.Packletide's shooting?C
A.The old tiger was shot to death.
B.Neither the tiger nor the goat was shot.
C.The old tiger missed being shot.
D.Both the goat and the tiger were shot.
65.What is the message conveyed in the story?D
A.Life is hard for one to predict.
B.Everything comes for a reason.
C.It's unwise to keep bad company.
D.False pride costs more than expected.
18."Angie,I know you like to sing,"her father,a worker,told Angela Brown,"but you must have something to fall back on (依靠)."
Brown took her father's advice.She got a degree in secretarial science before enering Oakwood College,in Huntsville,Alabama.However,her aim was to become a singer at religious meetings.So after graduation she headed for Indiana University to study with the famus soprano (女高音歌手) Virginia Zeani.
Once,when Brown was troubled by self-doubt,Zeani said to her,"If you want to be the next Aretha Franklin,you need no more lessons,"Brown remembers her saying."But if you want to be the best Verdian soprano this world has ever seen,you must work."
Work she did.Three times she competed in the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions (试演).Three times she failed to make the final round in New York.Then,in 1997at age 33,the age limit for sopranos to audition,she gave it one more try.She signed up at the last minute and didn't even practice,thinking,"All they could do was to tell me no,and that didn't hurt my feelings anymore."She had the strength she needed to fall back on if she failed.
She won.But making it in New York was just the beginning.It took her three more years to become an understudy (替角) at the Met.But waiting in the wings was fine with her.Finally,her time came.When the featured singer fell ill,Brown earned the chance to sing the lead role in Aida.And The New York Times described her performance as a great success.Angela Brown,who had prepared for 20years,was an"overnight"successful singer at age 40.
56.The underlined words"Aretha Franklin"in Paragraph 3probably refer to"".C
A.one of Virginia Zeani's students
B.an unsuccessful singer
C.another famous singer
D.an understudy at the Met
57.We can learn from the fourth paragraph that Angela Brown.A
A.was about to give up if she failed again in 1997
B.failed to make the final round because of her old age
C.failed many auditions because she hadn't practiced hard
D.cared much about the results of the audition in 1997
58.Which of the following sayings can best express the message of the passage?C
A.No pains,no gains.
B.The early bird catches the worm.
C.Never too old to learn,never too late to turn
D.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
59.Which of the following words can best describe Angela Brown's father?D
A.Helpful and confident.
B.Understanding and practical.
C.Humorous and open-minded.
D.Strict and strong-willed.

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