
Berlin---China’s endeavor(efforts) to enhance(step up) environmental protection, energy-saving and gas emission-cut(减排) and build a resource-conserving society is of great significance to the world,  said Klaus Toepfer, former chief of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in a recent interview with Xinhua.
“Such a move is in the interest of the entire world, and meets the need of the global sustainable development(可持续性发展),” he added.
“As a member of China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED), I have seen the strong determination of China’s leadership,” said Toepfer.
“The performance of the Chinese central and regional governments during the process of urbanization(城市化进程) also makes me believe that it has become the consensus(共识)of all the governments to protect the environment, save energy, cut greenhouse gas emission, and to build an resource-conserving society.”
The expert took Shanghai as an example. “The Shanghai government is fully aware of the importance of an energy-saving and resource-efficient structure.”
To make Shanghai an eco-friendly city, the municipal government(市政府)has taken measures such as building more sewage processing facilities(污水处理设备), limiting the number of cars to help ease traffic jam and improve air conditions, he said, describing them as quite impressive.
He also noted many changes in the government’s policies concerning manufacturing and service industries(加工、服务业), an indication of China’s new approach to environmental protection and energy conservation.
For instance, China has given higher priority(优先)to the proper handling of carbon dioxide emission. The country has also actively been engaged in the research and development of electricity-powered cars and cars that use alternative energy.
However, despite the positive results, more needs to be done in China, the former UN environment chief said.
China still needs to make tremendous efforts to tackle tough challenges such as to protect water resources, reduce air pollution and enhance energy efficiency, he added.
Toepfer suggested that China introduce advanced new technologies on environmental protection and energy-saving from other countries, and actively participate in international cooperation projects on environmental protection and energy conservation as the country already has a strong scientific and economic capability.
On the negative impacts of the ongoing financial crisis on environmental protection and energy conservation, Toepfer said the impacts are obvious, but only of short duration. As governments’ measures to stabilize financial markets take effect, environmental protection and energy conservation will again become the world's major concern, he said.
67. The passage may probably be entitled ______.
A. China's environmental protection crucial (至关重要的)to the world
B. China’s achievements and tasks in environmental protection
C. China’s contributions to the sustainable development of the world
D. China’s determination in face of the ongoing financial crisis
68. In Toepfer’s opinion, the major concern at present is ______.
A. energy conservation                  B. environmental protection
C. carbon dioxide emission               D. financial crisis
69. Toepfer’s attitude towards the ongoing financial crisis is ______.
A. contradictory      B. negative      C. optimistic     D. pessimistic(悲观的)
70. Which of the following statements is true referring to the passage?
A. Regional governments’ work is not so efficient.
B. Efforts made by China have won the appreciation of the world.
C. The present financial crisis will last for several years at least.
D. At present China should introduce new technologies on production.




When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, Leonard Bernstein gave a concert in Berlin, including Beethoven's Ode to Joy, with the word "Joy" changed to "Freedom" in the lyrics sung.The orchestra(管弦乐队)were drawn from both East and West Germany, as well as the United Kingdom, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States.

Freedom was in the air and it was not just for people. The wall between East and West Germany had also kept a large population of wild pigs within the eastern forests of Brandenburg.The wall's falling down made it easier for the big pigs—a very big one can weigh over 300 pounds—to leave the woodlands and walk into the town. Warm winters and easy access to food have helped the population increase. Now about 10,000 wild pigs walk around Berlin.

The nature of the beast has added to the boom(兴旺)."The pigs are intelligent," says Marc Franusch, a spokesman for the Berlin forestry department. "They learn to use the neighborhoods.They get used to people, dogs, and traffic."  

The wild pigs tend to travel in small groups and have been found searching rubbish and gardens, feeding their piglets(小猪)in the shadow of parked cars, and crossing busy roads.On average, the animals are involved in one traffic accident every day. And despite the fact that it's illegal, some Berliners have been known to give the pigs food.

Though wild pigs are protected under German law, the city's forestry department is permitted to kill 2,000 of the creatures every year, targeting mostly young adult animals in forests surrounding Berlin. Pigs within city limits are only shot if they make an immediate threat.No humans have yet been seriously wounded by them, but local dogs have been the victims of their tusks. "The forestry department is not aiming to get rid of the pigs," explains Franusch, "but we do have to reduce dangerous situations."

1.The concert in the first paragraph is given to          

A.celebrate Bernstein's success              B.remind people of fighting for rights

C.show the artists' delight of life              D.express people's joy for freedom

2.The following factors contribute to the boom of wild pigs EXCEPT          

A.the Berlin Wall                         B.adequate food

C.their own nature                        D.warm winter

3.From the text we can know that          

A.in Berlin people can never kill any wild pig

B.it is against law to offer food to wild pigs

C.wild pigs each weigh more than three hundred pounds

D.traffic accidents are mainly caused by wild pigs in Berlin

4.The article mainly talks about           

A.why wild pigs in Berlin enjoy so much freedom

B.when wild pigs were united in Berlin

C.how wild pigs are living in Berlin

D.what damage wild pigs have done to Berliners



第一节  (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


1.He’s filled with ________ to become a famous singer.

2.Cycling is highly________ to health and the environment.

3.I have lots of ________ for her; she brougt up the children on her own.

4.Most miners were waiting ________ after they were trapped in the water in Wang JiaLing Coal Mine.

5.Joe ________ to consider his answer.

6.The girl ________ to London after an argument with her family.

7.The old lady enjoyed eating things that are ________ - even when she is not hungry.

8.My mother soon ________ herself to the city life.

9.There is no ________ for his strange behavior.

10.They return in September for the start of the new________ year.



11.What does the woman mean?

   A. She feels cold.       B. She is quite well.  C. She is still ill.

12.What did the man think of the exam?

   A. It was beyond him.    B. It was very easy.   C. It was a bit difficult.

13.What can be inferred about the woman?

   A. She hates computer.  

B. She doesn’t have a computer.  

C. Her computer hasn’t been updated.

14.What does the man mean?

   A. The woman should get a repairman to check the fridge.

B. The woman has put off buying a new fridge for too long.         

C. He will repair the fridge for the woman.

15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a bookshop.        B. In a classroom. C. In a library.

16.Where is the man going?

A. Rome.             B. Berlin.         C. London. 

17.What does the woman think of the weather?

A. A bit warm.           B. Too hot.            C. Not warm at all.

18.Why does the man mention other sources of energy? 

A. To comfort the woman.

B. To blame people for wasting energy.

C. To say that solar energy is important.

19.What’s the possible relationship between Lucy and the two speakers?

A. Teacher and students.                      

B. Daughter and parents.                      

C. Friends.

20.Where is the man going?

   A. To the classroom. B. To the movies.     C. To the library.


 “In our time,” Marx once wrote, “change is upon the world and cannot be stopped as we wish. The thing now is to understand it.” Marx devoted his life to understanding that change.

Born in Trier in 1818, he came from a rich, middle—class family. Many of his relatives had believed in Judaism(犹太教),but his father had changed to believe in Protestantism(新教) in order to become a lawyer. After studying at the universities of Bonn and Berlin, Marx became interested in politics in his early twenties and in 1848 wrote The Communist Manifesto, together with his life-long friend Friedrich Engels.

Revolution broke out throughout Europe in 1848 and Marx was forced to leave Germany when it failed in 1849. He moved to London, where he spent the rest of his life, working in the British Museum.

His stay in the house in Dean Street in Soho was a time of great hardship for Marx and his family. He was surviving almost on the money provided by Engels and on the very little money he earned as the foreign reporter for a newspaper in New York.

Three of his six children died during the time in Soho and, Marx even had to borrow money in order to bury one of them. Only when Marx’s wife Jenny got 120 pounds after her mother died was the family able to move out of Soho and into a slightly better house in Kentish Town.

Marx died on March 14th ,1883, and is buried in Highgate Cemetery in north London.

69.Why did Karl Marx’s father change his belief from Judaism to Protestantism?

        A.For his son’s education.         B.For his career development.

         C.Not to be looked down on.         D.To move to another country.

70.Why did Karl Max leave Germany?

         A.He was offered a job by the British Museum.

         B.He couldn’t find work in Germany.

         C.The political situation was very dangerous for him.

         D.He wanted to write a book.

71.Where did Karl Marx work for a newspaper?

         A.In New York.  B.In Berlin.   C.In Trier.              D.In London.

72.Which of the following statements is true?

         A.Karl Marx lived a happy life in Soho, London

         B.Karl Marx suffered the death of more than half his children

         C.Karl Marx was born in a poor family

         D.Karl Marx lived a better life after his mother-in-law died

73.Which is the right order of the following facts?

a. Marx’s family moved to Kentish Town.

b. Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto with Engels.

c. He began to work as the foreign reporter for a newspaper.

d. Marx had to leave Germany because of the failure of the revolution.

A. b d a c                    B. b d c a                    C. c a b d                    D. c b d a

  In 1896, 17-year-old Einstein went to Zurich to study physics. There he met Marits, a girl __36__ Hungary. They studied in the same class and the same interest in physics brought the two together and they became good __37__. Before long, they fell in love with each other. In 1903, when Einstein was 24, he married Marits, who was four years older than he.

   __38__ their marriage, Einstein __39__ himself to the research of the great theory of relativity. __40__ her husband more help, Marits gave __41__ her own work, and became a good wife and __42__. She tried her best to encourage him __43__ possible. She was sure that her husband __44__ succeed. They often discussed the theory while __45__ outside or sitting together in the room. They __46__ did that in their letters when one of them was __47__ from home.

   In 1914, the Einsteins moved to Berlin and __48__ down there. At that time, Einstein’s theory __49__ to be correct and he became __50__ all over the world. Marits was very __51__ her husband with his success. But it was not long before the First World War __52__. Marits as well as her two sons, who were __53__ holidays in Switzerland, couldn’t come back to __54__ any longer. The war not only stopped Einstein’s work but also broke __55__ the warm, happy family. In 1919, Einstein and Marits had to get divorced. (离婚)

36.A. of                   B. from                   C. in                        D. at

37.A. pairs                B. couples             C. friends                D. classmates

38.A. Since               B. For                     C. With             D. After

39.A. gave                B. offered              C. forced            D.devoted

40.A. Giving          B. To give             C. Given                   D. To have given

41.A. off               B. out                          C. up                        D. in

42.A. cook               B. mother              C. friend                     D. assistant

43.A. whatever         B. whenever            C. however               D. wherever

44.A. must               B. might                  C. could                          D. would

45.A.walked             B. walking             C. went                    D. going

46.A. even                B. never                  C. often                    D. always

47.A. far               B. off                    C. out                       D. away

48.A. put               B. settled          C. lived                      D. set

49.A. seemed         B. appeared        C. proved             D. looked

50.A. happy              B. pleased         C. satisfied            D. famous

51.A. proud of              B. praised for         C. pleased with          D. worried about

52.A. happened         B. took place         C. occurred           D. broke out

53.A. in                B. at              C. on                        D. for

54.A. Zurich             B. Berlin                  C. Hungary               D. Switzerland

55.A. out               B. off             C. down                 D. up

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