One possible version:
To attract young people to our bookstore, in the first place, we must supply them with interesting magazines and books. I suggest a poster outside announcing subjects of interest, such as music, films, video, football and so on.
Magazines should be sold at lower prices for the first-time customers. Once they come to the shop they will see other attractions.
Also advertise on the local media about discounts for young people on all books bought in the next month. Operate an exchange programme where they can trade old books for new ones at a special price. Reserve a youth section in the shop where books and magazines interesting to them are on show. Invite them to come and sit in the comfortable chairs provided, to meet friends and look through books and magazines.
If we adopt proper strategies, young people will be attracted to our shop, and the sales will be on the rise.

阅读下面的文字,用英语写一篇120-150词的短文。最近的一项研究表明,北京大约50%的青少年有不吃早餐的习惯。请根据表格的内容用英语写一篇题为“Top Meal of the Day”的短文。
原因 | 晚上学习太晚,不吃早餐可多睡一会。家长太忙无暇顾及,给钱让孩子自己解决。 一些女孩为保持苗条身材常不吃早餐。 |
结果 | 课上整天想睡觉。注意力下降。考试成绩不理想。 |
建议 | 早餐不可少,它提供全天所需能量的30%。而且有助于创造性思维。青少年健康应从早餐 抓起。 |
2.词数:100左右 3.参考词汇:苗条的:slim 创造性的:creative