
11.Sometimesit might/may be helpful to use examples to explain abstract concepts.(helpful)有时候举例也许有助于解释抽象的概念.

分析 it might/may be helpful

解答 通过比较英汉句子,汉语句子的主语为"举例",对应英语句子中的不定式to use example,而此处to use example却在句后,可以推测此句应用it作形式主语,真正的主语在后面--不定式to use example.因此答案为it might/may be helpful.

点评 翻译时注意情态动词might/may的用法,表示也许,可能.

(When Sara came home from work,she found her mother in an anxious state.)
S:What's wrong,Mum?You seem upset.
M:It's your (76)younger/youngest sister Jill.She should have been here an hour ago.
S:Don'(77)worry,Mum!It's not all that late and she has probably not (78)realizedhow late it is.I think she'll be here soon.
(Just then Sara's brother Peter came into the kitchen.)
P:What's up?Mum's on the phone and she seems as though she's going to cry.
S:It's Jill.She should have (79)returned/reachedhome by now and Mum's getting anxious.
P:You needn't feel so anxious,Mum!You know what teenage girls are like.(80)Sureshe's all right.
M:I can't help but be concerned.I've just rung Lucy and she said Jill her outside cinema ages ago to get the bus.
P:Well,the bus service isn't very frequent in the evenings.Perhaps she (81)missedone and is waiting for another.Have you tried (82)phoningher on her mobile?
M:Yes,but there's no reply.That made me even more worried.I think (83)somethingmust have happened to Jill.Do you think we should call the (84)policeman?Or it may need to be charged.
2.It's such a happy-looking library,painted yellow,decorated with palm-tree stickers and sheltered from the Florida sun by its own roof.About the size of a microwave oven,it's pedestrian-friendly,too,waiting for book lovers next to a sidewalk in Palm Beach country Estates,along the northern boundary of Palm Beach Gardens.
It's a library built with love.
A year ago,shortly after Janey Henriksen saw a Brian Williams report about the Little Free Library organization,a Wisconsin-based nonprofit that aims to promote literacy and build a sense of community in a neighborhood by making books freely available,she announced to her family of four,"That's what we're going to do for our spring break!"
Son Austin,now a 10th-grader,didn't see the point of building a library that resembles a mailbox.But Janey insisted,and husband Peter unwillingly got to work.The 51-year-old owner of a ship supply company modified a small wooden house that he'd built years earlier for daughter Abbie's toy horses,and made a door of glass.
After adding the library's final touches (装点),the family hung a signboard on the front,instructing users to"take a book,return a book,"and making the Henriksen library,now one of several hundred like it nationwide and among more than 2,500 in the world,the only Little Free Library in Palm Beach County.
They stocked it with 20 or so books they'd already read,a mix of science fiction,reference titles,novels and kids'favorites."I told them,keep in mind that you might not see it again,"said Janey,a stay-at-home mom.
Since then,the collection keeps replenishing (补充) itself,thanks to ongoing donations from borrowers.The library now gets an average of five visits a day.
The project's best payoff,says Peter,are the thank-you notes left behind."We had no idea in the beginning that it would be so popular."(317 words)

66.In what way is the library"pedestrian-friendly"?B
A.It owns a yellow roof.
B.It stands near a sidewalk.
C.It protects book lovers from the sun.
D.It uses palm-tree stickers as decorations.
67.Janey got the idea to build a library fromD
A.a visit to Brian Williams                                
B.a spring break with her family
C.a book sent by one of her neighbors                
D.a report on a Wisconsin-based organization
68.The library was builtC
A.by a ship supply company                              
B.on the basis of toy horses
C.like a mailbox                                              
D.with glass
69.What can we infer about the signboard?C
A.It was made by a user of the library.
B.It marked a final touch to the library.
C.It aimed at making the library last long.
D.It indicated the library was a family property.
70.The passage tells us that the usersA
A.donate books to the library                            
B.get paid to collect books for the library
C.receive thank-you notes for using the library  
D.visit the library over 5 times on average daily.

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