
On Thursday afternoon Mrs Clake locked the door and went to the women’s club as usual. It was a pleasant way of ___1___ time for an old woman who lived ___2___.

When she came home she ___3___ something unusual. Had someone got in? The back door and the windows were all locked and there was no ___4___ of forced entry(进入). Had anything been taken? She went from room to room, ___5___, and found her camera and spare watch missing.

The following Thursday she went out at her ___6___ time, but didn’t go to the club. Instead, she took a short walk in a park ___7___ and came home, letting herself in through the ___8___ door. She settled down to wait and see what would happen.

It was 4 o’clock when the front doorbell rang. Mrs Clarke was ___9___ tea at the time. The bell rang again, and the next moment she ___10___ her letter-box being pushed open. Picking up the kettle of boiling water, she moved ___11___ towards the letter-box. A piece of ___12___ appeared through the letter-box, and then a hand. The wire turned and caught around the knob(原形旋钮) on the door-lock. Mrs Clarke ___13___ the kettle and poured the water over the hand. A ___14___ cry was heard outside as the wire ___15___ to the floor and the hand was pulled ___16___, which was followed by the sound of ___17___ feet.

It wasn’t long ___18___the police caught the thief. And Mrs Clarke was greatly ___19___ at the club for her successful ___20___.

1. A. saving          B. passing         C. stealing          D. finding

2. A. lonely           B. alone            C. sadly             D. easily

3. A. learned         B. found           C. sensed           D. hoped

4. A. sight             B. exhibition         C. note                  D. sign

5. A. watching             B. searching             C. looking          D. checking

6. A. late            B. dinner           C. usual             D. own

7. A. faraway        B. club           C. nearby           D. hurriedly

8. A. open             B. back             C. front             D. broken

9. A. drinking        B. making         C. pouring          D. planting

10. A. saw            B. watched        C. heard             D. smelled

11. A. quietly         B. loudly           C. fast            D. angrily

12. A. wood          B. equipment        C. chalk             D. wire

13. A. discovered     B. brought         C. raised            D. supported

14. A. soft            B. gentle            C. sharp           D. loud

15. A. pushed        B. put             C. stuck           D. fell

16. A. up           B. forward         C. back            D. down

17. A. walking       B. jumping         C. running        D. steady

18. A. after           B. when             C. before          D. until

19. A. admired      B. encouraged        C. instructed        D. supported

20. A. self-satisfaction B. self-protection      C. self-respect          D. self-service

1--  20      BBCDD   CCBBC   ADCCD   CCCAB  


本文讲述的是 Mrs Clarke 在发现家中有被盗后采取措施,靠智慧保护了自家财产,同时用开水惩治小偷,并帮助警察捉到了小偷的故事。

1. B。从上下文来看,此处说的是 Mrs Clake 每到星期四下午都去女子俱乐部来消磨时光/打发时间。

2. B。从语境可知,Mrs Clake 是独自一人住,当她外出时只好锁门。lonely 意为“孤独的,孤单的”,alone 意为“独自一人的”。

3. C。从后面的几个问句来看,她对是否出现了问题还没有把握,故这只是她回到家时的一种“感觉”,觉得有点“反常”,但不能说是 learn(得知),find(发现),更不能是 hope(希望)。sense 在此为动词,意为“觉察到,感觉到”。

4. D。从 The back door and the windows were all locked 及下文来看,此处应用 sign,即没有人强行进入的迹象 / 痕迹(sign)。

5. D。从 Had anything been taken 来看,她仍不知道是否丢失了东西,由此可推测此时只能是“核实”一下是否有丢失的东西,而不是注视着(watch),搜查(search)或看(look)。

6. C。由第 1 段第 1 句话知她每逢星期四下午就到女子俱乐部去,由此可推测在下星期四她又像往常一样出门了。at her usual time 指在往常的时间,与往常一样。

7. C。由语境可推测,这家公园应离她家很近,否则她不会那么快就赶回家等着捉贼。她没去 club,且代之以 a short walk in a park 等来看,这是她设下圈套准备捉贼。

8. B。为防止被贼看到,Mrs Clake 从后门偷偷地进了家门。前面已提到她已把门锁上了,故排除 open。

9. B。从下文的 Mrs Clarke raised the kettle and poured the water over the hand 来看,此处说的是她正在沏茶(make tea),并非是喝茶(drink tea)或倒茶(pour tea)或种茶(plant tea)。

10. C。从上下文来看,贼在外面,Mrs Clarke 在里面,只能是听到外面 letter-box 被打开,而 see, watch, smell 都不合此时捉贼的情景。

11. A。为不让贼发现家里有人,Mrs Clarke 应是悄悄地向 letter-box 走去才合乎情景。

12. D。从后面的 A sharp cry was heard outside as the wire fell to the floor来看,此处说的是盗贼用铁丝作工具来行窃。

13. C。前面说当出现动静时她正在沏茶,此处说的是她举起沏茶用的热水壶,然后把水浇在伸进来的那只手上。

14. C。她举起热水壶把开水浇在那只手上,由此可想象那人应是痛得尖叫起来,即 a sharp cry。

15. D。由一声尖叫可推测,那只手被烫着了,由此可判断此处说的是铁丝掉到了地上。fall to the floor 意为“掉到地上”。

16. C。前面说铁丝掉在了地上,可以想象刚伸进来的那只手应该是本能地缩回去,故用 back。pull back 意为“缩回去”。

17. C。这是盗贼被冷不防遭到袭击后的反应:先是铁丝掉到了地上,接着把手缩回去,然后就逃跑了,故此处说的是她听到了逃跑的脚步声。

18. C。It wasn’t long before… 是常用句型,意为“不久就……”。这里说的是不久警察就把小偷捉到了。

19. A。Mrs Clarke 凭借智慧捉到了小偷,自然在女子俱乐部受人羡慕/受到了赞扬。Admire 有“夸奖,赞扬”的意思。

20. B。结合全文,可知她这种做法是“自我保护”,故用 self-protection。


Three armed robbers stole two Pablo Picasso prints from an art museum in downtown Sao

Paulo on Thursday, which was the city’s second high-profile art theft in less than a year. The bandits also took two oil paintings by well-know Brazilian artists Emiliano Di Cavalcanti and Lasar Segall, said Carla Regina, a spokeswoman for the Pinacoteca do Estado museum.

The Picasso prints stolen were "The Painter and the Model" from 1963 and "Minotaur, Drinker and Women" from 1933, according to a statement from the Sao Paulo Secretary of State for Culture, which oversees the museum. The prints and paintings have a combined value of $612,000, the statement and a museum official said.

About noon, three armed men paid the $2.45 entrance fee and immediately went to the second-floor gallery where the works were being exhibited, bypassing more valuable pieces, authorities said. "This indicates to us that they probably received an order" to take those specific works, Youssef Abou Chain, head of Sao Paulo's organized crime unit, told reporters at a news conference. The assailants overpowered three unarmed museum guards and grabbed the works, officials said. The robbery took about 10 minutes and the museum was nearly empty at the time. The assailants took the pieces — frames and all — out of the museum in two bags. The institution has no metal detectors.

In December, Picasso's "Portrait of Suzanne Bloch" and "O Lavrador de Cafe" by Candido Portinari, an influential Brazilian artist, were stolen from the Sao Paulo Museum of Art by three men who used a crowbar(铁撬棍)and car jack to force open one of the museum's steel doors. The framed paintings were found Jan. 8, covered in plastic and leaning against a wall in a house on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, South America's largest city. One of the suspects in that robbery — a former TV chef — turned himself over to police in January, who already had two suspects in custody(监禁).

What did the armed men steal on Thursday?

         A.Two prints by Pablo Picasso

        B.Two oil painting by Brazilian artists

        C.Two prints by Pablo Picasso and two oil paintings by two Brazilian artists.

        D.Two prints by two Brazilian artists and two oil paintings by Picasso Pablo.

Why didn't the thieves take other more valuable works?

        A.Because they didn't know that the other pieces were worth more.

        B.Probably because they had received an order for the prints that they took.

        C.Because they didn't have enough time.

        D.Because they were in such a hurry that they couldn’t get them all.

How many people were in the museum during the robbery?

        A.A lot. The museum was crowded.

        B.Not too many. It was almost empty.

        C.There were a lot of people outside the museum.

        D.Only three of them.

According to the passage, which of the followings is TRUE?

        A.In December, "Portrait of Suzanne Bloch" and "O Lavrador de Cafe" painted by Candido

Portinari were stolen.

        B.There are steel doors and no detectors in Sao Paulo Museum of Art.

        C.Three robbers defeated three armed museum guards and took away the works on Thursday.

        D.Three suspects in the first high-profile art theft in less than a year were arrested.

Treatment for HIV has become more widespread, especially in poorer countries. It's also become cheaper, as medicine companies have lowered their prices for life-saving anti-retroviral drugs(抗逆转录病毒药物). But these drugs are still expensive and many countries are looking to create the biggest impact with limited resources. That's where World Health Organization guidelines come in, says Rochelle Walensky, a disease researcher from Harvard.

Walensky and her colleagues used computer programs to model the most cost-effective disease interventions(干预), as well as collected data from clinics in Africa and India about what works best. They found that among the choices of what to do first, earlier anti-retroviral therapy (疗法)improved five-year survival dramatically and resulted in the longer life expectancy. But cost-effective doesn't always mean affordable, especially for governments in poor countries. Countries still have to make difficult choices about how much treatment they can afford.

People in Nairobi, Kenya on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010, protest a potential free trade area agreement between the EU and India that could see cheap anti-AIDS drugs phased out(逐步淘汰). However, Walensky notes that first-line anti-retrovirals—those medicine given to newly diagnosed patients that can keep away from symptoms for years - are much cheaper than they were a decade ago. "Second-line therapy have come down quite a bit but not to the level of first-line and countries are having a hard time affording them and increasingly over time, people are going to fail first-line therapy and they're going second-line therapy and then, eventually, they're going to need third-line therapy, some of them."

According to Walensky, history has shown that drug prices can come down when international pressure is applied to drug makers. But for now, she says, countries should focus on treating as many people as they can, as early as possible

Her paper is published in the online journal PLoS Medicine.

Which is the best title for the passage?

A. HIV Has Spread in Poorer Countries       B. Rochelle Walensky’s Life

C. International Pressure to Drug Makers        D. Early HIV Treatment Saves Lives

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Anti-retroviral drugs have become cheap now.

B. The cost-effective treatment may be a heavy expense.

C. Cheap anti-AIDS drugs have been phased out .

D. First-line therapy deals with the most severe disease.

The research is done by          .

A. using computer programs and collecting data from clinics

B. giving medicine to newly diagnosed patients with AIDS

C. urging countries to focus on treating more patients earlier

D. publishing her paper in the online journal PLoS Medicine

The passage serves as a(n)___________ to Rochelle Walensky 's study.

A. assessment           B. comment          C. introduction     D. background   

Elena Kagan has reached a lifelong goalbecoming a Justice on the United States Supreme Court.The US. Senate confirmed Kagan on Thursday by a vote of 63?37.She replaces Justice John Paul Stevenswho retired in June.

Kagan will take a sacred oath(誓言) to uphold the Constitution of the United States on Saturday at a swearing?in ceremony.The new Justice will bring the number of women sitting on the nation’s highest court to three.Kagan joins Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor—all three New Yorkers.

Kagan is the fourth woman in history to sit on the Supreme Court.Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was the first female Justice.She was appointed by President Ronald Reagan and served from 1981 to 2006.

Kaganwho is 50 years oldis the second Justice appointed by President Barack Obama.(He appointed Justice Sotomayor in 2009.) Obama told reporters on Thursday that Kagan will make an “outstanding Justice who understands that her rulings affect people.” He also noted that the addition of another woman to the Supreme Court marks a sign of progress for the country.Obama and Kagan will celebrate her confirmation with a ceremony at the White House today.

Kagan has spent most of her adult life working with the law.She served in President Clinton’s administration as a legal adviserwas the head of Harvard Law Schooland until her confirmation Thursdaywas the US. Solicitor General—one of the most powerful lawyers in the federal government.Kagan was born in New York City.She grew up in an apartment on the Upper West side of Manhattanthe strong?willedindependent middle sister sandwiched between two brothers.

Kagan’s mother was a public school teacher who taught fifth and sixth grades.Her father was a lawyer.

The new Justice once wore a judge’s robe in a picture for her high?school yearbook.Now she’ll be wearing real ones as she and the other eight Justices decide some of the most important legal cases.

1.What can we infer according to Paragraph 1?

AElena Kagan has become the only female Justice of America.

BIt’s Kagan’s dream to be a Justice on the United States Supreme Court.

CKagan achieved this position in the election by beating John Paul Stevens.

DIt will take a long time for Kagan to become a Justice on the United States Supreme Court.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

ATo take the place of an old Justicea Justice was elected by the Senate.

BThere will be four women working in the United States Supreme Court.

CKagan will take a sacred oath before taking part in the election.

DNo one but a New Yorker can be a Justice of the Supreme Court.

3.What is the main idea of Paragraph 5?

AKagan is a born lawyer.

BIt is about Kagan’s biography.

CKagan’s character is fit for her job.

DKagan has worked for two Presidents.

4.This text must be taken from ________.

Aa storybook

Ba textbook

Ca newspaper

Da biography of famous people


Anne Frank was born in Germany in 1929. As her family was Jewish, her father found that it was hard for them to continue to live in Germany when the Nazis, who __36__ the Jews very much, came into power in 1933. So they __37__ to Amsterdam, Netherlands when Anne was only four years old.

In May, 1940, the Germans occupied(占领) Netherlands and the Jews there were __38__ to work in certain places. On June 12, 1942, Anne Frank’s parents gave her a small red-and-white-plaid(格子图案)diary __39__ her thirteenth birthday present and on July 6, 1942, her family had to go into hiding. Though they could take very few things with them, Anne brought her __40__ to her new home, which she called “Secret Annex.”

For two years when Anne lived in the Annex (附属建筑物), she __41__ down her thoughts and feelings in her diary. __42__ putting down series of facts __43__ most people do, she wrote about her life with the seven other people in hiding, as well as the war going on around her and her hopes for the future. She __44__ her diary as her best friend and talked to it about whatever she wanted to. But  __45__ , on August 4, 1944, the Nazis raided(轰炸)the Secret Annex and Anne was arrested(逮捕)and sent to a concentration camp(集中营), __46__ she died in March, 1945.

Through thick and thin, Anne’s father __47__ her dairy published in June, 1947 by Contact Publishers, a Dutch firm. Today Anne’s Dairy is available in fifty-five languages and over 24 million copies have been sold.

This page of diary was written on Thursday 15, June, 1944, in which she wrote about her strong love for __48__, which she had hardly been able to see face to face since she began to __49__ from the Nazis. Afraid of being caught, she __50__ go outdoors and had to stay indoors most of the time. On the night of June 15, she stayed awake __51__ until half past eleven just in order to take a good look at the moon for once by herself. She remembered another time five months ago when the dark rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds __52__ her entirely in their __53__. She was so crazy about everything to __54__ with nature that she would like to __55__ anything for her freedom, but...... 






































A.In place of

B.Because of

C.In case of

D.Instead of







































A.keep away

B.hide away

C.stay behind

D.hold back



A.didn’t dare

B.must not

C.was afraid

D.should not



A.for purpose

B.with purpose

C.on purpose

D.in purpose





















A.give in

B.give up

C.give away

D.give out


Motherhood may make women smarter and may help prevent dementia(痴呆) in old age by bathing the brain in protective hormones, U.S. reseachers reported on Thursday.

Tests on rats show that those who raise two or more litters of pups do considerably better in tests of memory and skills than rats who have no babies, and their brains show changes that suggest they may be protected against diseases such as Alzheimer’s(早老痴呆症). University of Richmond psychology professor Craig Kinsley believes his findings will translate into humans.

“Our research shows that the hormones of pregnancy are protecting the brain, including estrogen(雌激素), which we know has many neuroprotective effects,” Kinsley said.  

“It’s rat data but humans are mammals just like these animals are mammals,” he added in a telephone interview. “They go through pregnancy and hormonal changes.”

Kinsley said he hoped public health officials and researchers will look to see if having had children protects a woman from Alzheimer’s and other forms of age-related brain decline.

“When people think about pregnancy, they think about what happens to babies and the mother from the neck down,” said Kinsley, who presented his findings to the annual meeting of the Society of Neuroscience in Orlando, Florida.

“They do not realize that hormones are washing on the brain. If you look at female animals who have never gone through pregnancy, they act differently toward young. But if she goes through pregnancy, she will sacrifice her life for her infant—that is a great change in her behavior that showed in genetic alterations(改变) to the brain.”

1. How do scientists know “Motherhood may make women smarter”?

A. Some researchers have told them.

B. Many women say so.

C. They know it by experimenting on rats.

D. They know it through their own experience.

2.What does the phrase “litters of pups” mean in the second paragraph?

A. Baby rats.       B. Animals. C. Old rats.        D. Grown-up rats.

3. What can protect the brain of a woman according to the passage?

A. Estrogen.                    B. The hormones of pregnancy.    

C. More exercise.               D. Taking care of children.

4. “It’s rat data but humans are mammals just like these animals are mammals.” What does the sentence suggest?

A. The experiments on the rats have nothing to do with humans.

B. The experiments on the rats are very important for animals.

C. The experiments on the rats are much the same on humans.

D. The experiments on the rats are much the same on other animals.

5. Which title is the best for this passage?

A. Do You Want to Be Smarter?

B. Motherhood Makes Women Smarter

C. Mysterious Hormones  

D. An Important Study



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