
Dear Parents,
As we start the second half of the spring term, I thought it important to update you on some key developments.
Post-16 Collaboration(合作)
We have entered into an exciting new collaboration with Bassaleg Comprehension School, Duffryn High School, St Joseph’s High School, and Coleg Gwent—The Newport West Post-16 partnership. We will be working together to deliver nearly 40 different courses at other schools and likewise, students from other schools will study some subjects here. Information about the courses available to students can be found on the partnership website www. Newftartwest. corn. uk.
I would take this opportunity to remind all parents that students are not permitted to wear non-school uniform cardigans (开襟羊毛衫) in Newport High School. It is the responsibility of parents to make sure your son or daughter wears the correct uniform to school. This includes completely black shoes. Over the next half term we will be working with students to develop a cardigan with the school logo which will provide an alternative to the current school jacket.
School Catering.
We are currently seeking a new company to provide school meals. Our new catering provider will be in place at the start of the summer term and will be working with students, parents and staff to provide improvements to our current provision. I look forward to keeping you updated on this development.
Some key dates for you to be aware of over the next half term are:

Tuesday 15March
Year 9&10 Revision Conference
Wednesday 23 March
Year 12& 13 Parents Evening (4:00—7:00 p.m.)
Thursday 31st March
Academic Review Day
Friday 1st April
Teacher Training Day (school closed to students)
Friday 15st April
End of Spring Term
Tuesday 3rd May
Start of Summer Term
Thank you for your continued support.
Your faithfully,
Karyn Keane
【小题1】Karyn Keane wrote the letter on behalf of ______.
A.Bassaleg Comprehensive SchoolB.Newport High School
C.St Joesph’s High SchoolD.Duffryn High School
【小题2】What can be learned about the new collaboration?
A.It involves four schools altogether.
B.Course information will be mailed to every student.
C.Students can choose as many courses as they want.
D.It allows students to learn at other schools.
【小题3】When will the new catering company start working?
A.In MayB.In April C.in MarchD.In June
【小题4】What do we know from the passage?
A.Students will develop a logo for the school.
B.All parents will be invited to school on 23rd March
C.Students won’t go to school on 1st April.
D.The letter was written at the start of the spring term.


解析试题分析:本文讲述的Newport High School介绍自己学校的课程设置,校服以及用餐等方面具体的信息。
【小题1】B 细节题。根据Uniform
I would take this opportunity to remind all parents that students are not permitted to wear non-school uniform cardigans (开襟羊毛衫) in Newport High School.可知作者是代表着Newport High School这所学校的。故B正确。
【小题2】D 细节题。根据We have entered into an exciting new collaboration with Bassaleg Comprehension School, Duffryn High School, St Joseph’s High School, and Coleg Gwent—The Newport West Post-16 partnership.可知他们和很多其他的学校有合作,他们的学生也可以到其他的学校去学习。故D正确。
【小题3】A 推理题。根据Our new catering provider will be in place at the start of the summer term;  Tuesday 3rd May   Start of Summer Term可知是在五月份的时候开始的。故A正确。
【小题4】C 细节题。根据

Friday 1st April
Teacher Training Day (school closed to students)
点评:本文讲述的Newport High School介绍自己学校的课程设置,校服以及用餐等方面具体的信息。文章基本上是考查细节题,对此类题型考生可以首先从问题中找到关键词,然后以此为线索,运用略读及查阅的技巧在文中迅速寻找这一细节,找到后再把这一部分内容仔细阅读一遍,仔细比较所给选项与文中细节的细微区别,在准确理解细节的前提下,最后确定最佳答案。


Put on your sunglasses and enjoy the island, the sun and the blue sea. Malta combines (结合) learning English with the Mediterranean way of life: you will have a language course and a great holiday at the same time.

Your language course

Our school lies in Sliema, only a few meters from the sea, the beach road and cafés. The school is in an old Maltese building. Our teachers use a modern teaching method and you will learn English quickly.

Brief information

Class size: 10, at most 15 students

Minimum (最小的) age: 13

Language levels: all

Internet access: in the Internet cafe

The leisure (休闲) programmes

Our school and team leaders organize varied leisure programmes. There will be a welcome party on your first day. You will also take part in beach volleyball, and beach parties.

Other activities include: Discos, visit to Popeye Village, Water Park, bowling, cinema, ice skating (different prices).


Family: You will live in friendly host families that the school has known for years. All families are near the school (20 minutes on foot or by bus).

Supervision (监督)

Our team of friendly teachers, team leaders and host families will always be there for you. There is also an emergency phone number for parents and students.

Dear parents, please note that there are periods of time when your children are unsupervised, for example on the way to school. We are happy to discuss any questions you may have. Please contact us by phone or email.

1.If you want to attend the English course in Malta, you should ______.

A.be at least 13 years old                   B.have a higher English level

C.learn English without the Internet           D.be watched all the time

2.Where will you live if you attend the English course in Malta?

A.In an old Maltese building.                B.In a local family.

C.In a café in Sliema.                      D.In Popeye village.

3.What information can you get from the passage?

A.There are at least 15 students in a class.

B.You can take part in any activity for free.

C.You will have a good time while learning English.

D.It takes you 20 minutes to go to school by bus.

4.The passage is mainly written for ______.

A.travelers to Malta                       B.teachers planning to work abroad

C.host families wishing for students           D.teenagers learning English


Put on your sunglasses and enjoy the island, the sun and the blue sea. Malta combines (结合) learning English with the Mediterranean way of life: you will have a language course and a great holiday at the same time.

Your language course

Our school lies in Sliema, only a few meters from the sea, the beach road and cafés. The school is in an old Maltese building. Our teachers use a modern teaching method and you will learn English quickly.

Brief information

Class size: 10, at most 15 students

Minimum (最小的) age: 13

Language levels: all

Internet access: in the Internet cafe

The leisure (休闲) programmes

Our school and team leaders organize varied leisure programmes. There will be a welcome party on your first day. You will also take part in beach volleyball, and beach parties.

Other activities include: Discos, visit to Popeye Village, Water Park, bowling, cinema, ice skating (different prices).


Family: You will live in friendly host families that the school has known for years. All families are near the school (20 minutes on foot or by bus).

Supervision (监督)

Our team of friendly teachers, team leaders and host families will always be there for you.There is also an emergency phone number for parents and students.

Dear parents, please note that there are periods of time when your children are unsupervised, for example on the way to school. We are happy to discuss any questions you may have. Please contact us by phone or email.

1.If you want to attend the English course in Malta, you should ______.

A.be at least 13 years old

B.have a higher English level

C.learn English without the Internet

D.be watched all the time

2.Where will you live if you attend the English course in Malta?

A.In an old Maltese building.

B.In a local family.

C.In a café in Sliema.

D.In Popeye village.

3.What information can you get from the passage?

A.There are at least 15 students in a class.

B.You can take part in any activity for free.

C.You will have a good time while learning English.

D.It takes you 20 minutes to go to school by bus.

4.The passage is mainly written for ______.

A.travelers to Malta

B.teachers planning to work abroad

C.host families wishing for students

D.teenagers learning English


Dear Parents,

As we start the second half of the spring term, I thought it important to update you on some key developments.

Post-16 Collaboration(合作)

We have entered into an exciting new collaboration with Bassaleg Comprehension School, Duffryn High School, St Joseph’s High School, and Coleg Gwent—The Newport West Post-16 partnership. We will be working together to deliver nearly 40 different courses at other schools and likewise, students from other schools will study some subjects here. Information about the courses available to students can be found on the partnership website www. Newftartwest. corn. uk.


I would take this opportunity to remind all parents that students are not permitted to wear non-school uniform cardigans (开襟羊毛衫) in Newport High School. It is the responsibility of parents to make sure your son or daughter wears the correct uniform to school. This includes completely black shoes. Over the next half term we will be working with students to develop a cardigan with the school logo which will provide an alternative to the current school jacket.

School Catering.

We are currently seeking a new company to provide school meals. Our new catering provider will be in place at the start of the summer term and will be working with students, parents and staff to provide improvements to our current provision. I look forward to keeping you updated on this development.

Some key dates for you to be aware of over the next half term are:

Tuesday 15March

Year 9&10 Revision Conference

Wednesday 23 March

Year 12& 13 Parents Evening (4:00—7:00 p.m.)

Thursday 31st March

Academic Review Day

Friday 1st April

Teacher Training Day (school closed to students)

Friday 15st April

End of Spring Term

Tuesday 3rd May

Start of Summer Term

Thank you for your continued support.

Your faithfully,

Karyn Keane

1.Karyn Keane wrote the letter on behalf of ______.

A.Bassaleg Comprehensive School            B.Newport High School

C.St Joesph’s High School                  D.Duffryn High School

2.What can be learned about the new collaboration?

A.It involves four schools altogether.

B.Course information will be mailed to every student.

C.Students can choose as many courses as they want.

D.It allows students to learn at other schools.

3.When will the new catering company start working?

A.In May            B.In April            C.in March          D.In June

4.What do we know from the passage?

A.Students will develop a logo for the school.

B.All parents will be invited to school on 23rd March

C.Students won’t go to school on 1st April.

D.The letter was written at the start of the spring term.


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