
I was successful at my job . I worked very hard , but it ___21___ me and my family a fabulous (极好的) lifestyle . I’d worked for the same company for twenty years and had worked my way up to department director. ___22___, one afternoon last May, I was called to the office, and it was __23__ explained to me that they were letting me go. I just sat there __24__ they talked on and all I could think was, “I’ve ___25___ .” I’d been so well respected ; ___26___ I was of no value. ks5u

For six weeks, I was in a very __27__ place. I wandered around my house like a zombie (僵尸).I could __28__ things needed doing, but would not do anything . My beliefs in looking forward and seeing the positive(积极的) in everything ___29___ me . ks5u

Then, in late June, my youngest son’s football team made the city cup final. The year before, he’d been very sad when I __30___ the same final, so he was ___31___ when I told him I’d go. Not only did they win, but the look on his face as he saw me ___32___ him on was unbelievable. From then in , I spent the summer enjoying my sons and their passions (激情) . I attended match after match and performances of my elder son’s band ―I ___33___ went to another city to watch him play. These moments were so ___34___. My life had been so much devoted to __35__ for so long , and I felt __36__ that my sons were happy to welcome me into their world. ks5u

___37___ , being unemployed gave me back a sense of purpose ― I was someone’s mum! I felt a sense of being ___38____ again. Now I feel more positive about my professional ___39___ and I’m getting on better with my family than I ever have. Losing my job made me realize just how __40__ it is to achieve real balance in life. ks5u

21. A. promised

B. afforded

C. showed

D. left

22. A. Therefore

B. Anyhow

C. Otherwise

D. However

23. A. quickly

B. gently

C. partly

D. easily

24. A. until

B. after

C. as

D. so

25. A. failed

B. finished

C. tried

D. changed

26. A. suddenly

B. finally

C. immediately

D. shortly

27. A. secret

B. quiet

C. lonely

D. dark

28. A. see

B. get

C. suggest

D. understand

29. A. defended

B. directed

C. deserted

D. disturbed

30. A. watched

B. missed

C. lost

D. won

31. A. disappointed

B. worried

C. honoured

D. delighted

32. A. cheering

B. taking

C. leading

D. passing

33. A. just

B. even

C. still

D. almost

34. A. hopeful

B. meaningful

C. difficult

D. strange

35. A. work

B. family

C. matches

D. performances

36. A. successful

B. thoughtful

C. thankful

D. peaceful

37. A. Naturally

B. Doubtfully

C. Disagreeably

D. Unexpectedly

38. A. employed

B. Comforted

C. valued

D. encouraged

39. A. education

B. experience

C. relationship

D. future

40. A. important

B. interesting

C. simple

D. surprising

21.  B  ks5u

解析:afford sb. sth.提供某人某物。该句的意思是我的工作给予了我和我的家人一种极好的生活方式。 ks5u

22. D  ks5u

解析:根据前后文可知是表示转折,然而一天下午我被叫到办公室。 ks5u

23 B 由于是要辞退作者,所以要用柔和的语气向作者表明她被辞退了。 ks5u

24. C  ks5u

解析:as 引导一个时间状语从句,当他们在给我讲话的时候我坐在那里。 ks5u

25.  A  ks5u

解析:当他们告诉我我被解雇了的时候,我所想到的一切只是我失败了,与句首的成功形成对比。 ks5u

26.  A  ks5u

解析:作者一直认为很成功,现在却被告知被解雇了,所以说作者突然觉得自己很没用。 ks5u

27.  D  ks5u

解析:被解雇后作者生活在黑暗的日子里,感到绝望和无助。 ks5u

28.  A  ks5u

解析:我能看到有些事情需要我去做,但是我就是不愿意做,这与作者被解雇后的心情是一致的,同时也与后面的变化形成了对比。 ks5u

29.  C  ks5u

解析:由于作者被解雇,作者原有的遇事情能够向前看,并且看到事情中的积极的一面,这种人生信仰也抛弃了作者,用desert生动形象,有拟人化的手法。 ks5u

30.  B  ks5u

解析:watch“看”;miss“错过”;lose“失去比赛”;win“赢得比赛”。B项符合语境。 ks5u

31.  D  ks5u

解析:当作者告诉孩子要去看他们的球队的比赛时,孩子当然是表现的很高兴。 ks5u

32.  A  ks5u

解析:cheer sb. on 为某人喝彩,为某人加油。 ks5u

33.  B  ks5u

解析:even甚至,用来表示程度的加剧,深化。作者甚至去另外的一个城市里去看孩子的表演。 ks5u

34.  B  ks5u

解析:这些时刻与作者解雇后的心情相比是极其有意义的。 ks5u

35.  A  ks5u

解析:在事业后的这一段经历中,通过和孩子相处,作者认识到她过去太致力于工作了。 ks5u

36.  C  ks5u

解析:作者很感激,在自己忽略孩子们之后孩子还是很欢迎她进入孩子们的世界,这让作者感到很是感激。 ks5u

37.  D  ks5u

解析:出人意料的是,失业让我重新有了一种人生的目的感。 ks5u

38  C  ks5u

解析:我再次觉得我的人生有价值有意义。与前文形成对应。 ks5u

39.  D  ks5u

解析:在经历了失业这一人生挫折之后,作者变得对自己的职业前景更为主动,和乐观。 ks5u

40.  A  ks5u


 Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. There are two extra. (10 points)

give out   put stress on    give in   come into being   cut off concern ... with

date from    come across   under the influence of  cut down contribute to

bring an end  to

1.I tried every possible means to persuade him to give up the plan with little succes, and finally my patience _________.

2. He had no choice but _________ to his wife when a quarrel broke out between them because he is a responsible and gentle man who loves his wife so much.

3. As a science student, I’d like to choose a career which _________ engineering after graduation from college.

4.____________ his mother who was born into a very poor family, the boy also formed a habit of saving.

5.While teaching how to write a formal letter, the teacher _____________ the conventions, content as well as the details including the vocabulary, grammar and accuracy of the language.

6.The Three Gorges Dam was completed in 2002, ___________ the danger of flooding .

7.Since Chairman Xi Jinpin came to power, many local governments in China ___________ the cost of all kinds of meetings greatly.

8.____________the 11th century, the old buildings of Paris including the palaces, castles and churches have attracted masses of visitors.

9.If you ___________ a monster which only existed in fictional novels or movies on the road, would you feel so frightened as to freeze?

10.From my perspective, it is poor air quality that __________ an increasing number of people getting ill.


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