
After all the preparations,the big time come. I stood at the start line,taking deep breath and getting myself ready for the following 100-meter-run. "Bang!" I was dashed out. I had anything in my mind but the very word "run,run,run". When I had covered two third of the distance,I felt too exhausted that my legs could hardly move. However,I never thought about give up and kept telling myself to carry out. When I finally arrived at the finishing line,sweat dropped down my face and scarce could I even speak a word. Tired as I was,I knew it was worth it when I was told that I had passed the examination with flying colors.

After all the preparations,the big time come. I


 stood at the start line,taking A deep breath and 



 getting myself ready for the following 100-meter- run. "Bang!" I w^s,dashed out. I had anything in 


my mind but the very word "run,run,run". When I had covered two third of the distance,I felt too 

thirds so

 exhausted that my legs could hardly move.

However,I never thought about give up and kept


 telling myself to carry out. When I finally arrived at


the finishing line,sweat dropped down my face and scarce could I even speak a word. Tired as I was,


I knew it was worth it when I was told that I had passed the examination with flying colors.


You experience time stress when you worry about time,or the lack of it. You worry about the number of things that you have to do,and you fear that you'll fail to achieve something important. Common examples of time stress include worrying about deadlines or rushing to avoid being late for a meeting. 1       It is essential to learn how to manage this type of stress if you're going to work productively in a busy organization.

First,2       This can include using To-Do Lists or,if you have to manage many projects at the same time,Action Programs.

Second,make sure that you're devoting enough time to your important priorities (优先项) . 3       Unfortunately,it's easy to get caught up in seemingly urgent tasks which actually have little impact on your overall goals. This can leave you feeling exhausted,or feeling that you worked a full day yet accomplished nothing meaningful. Your important tasks are usually the ones that will help you reach your goals. Working on these projects is a better use of your time.

Third,if you often feel that you don't have enough time to complete all of your tasks,learn how to create more time in your day. 4       Next,5       . This helps you do more with the time you have. For instance,if you're a morning person,schedule the tasks that need the greatest concentration during this time. Learn to prioritize your tasks and schedule them during your most productive times of day. You can leave less important tasks,like checking emails,for times when your energy levels drop.

Last,make sure that you're polite but firm about saying "no" to tasks that you don't have the capacity to do.

   A. That is to say,first things first.

   B. learn good time management skills

   C. Time stress is one of the most common types of stress that we experience today.

   D. Balancing urgent and important tasks can help you work with more efficiency.

   E. Use your peak working time to concentrate on your most important tasks.

   F. This might mean coming in early or working late,so that you have more time to manage things.

   G. It is inportant to separate tasks that you need to focus on from those you can safely put off. 1.         2.       3.                                        4.       5.         

Selecting a proper summer camp for your child is not an easy task. 1       Remember,you are sending your kid to a summer camp not just to have fun but also to help him gain confidence. Therefore,you should try to select a summer camp for your kid so that after he returns from the camp,the first thing that he asks you is when you will send him again for camping. 2       Search the Internet If you browse the Internet,you will find a number of websites of summer camps where you can find all the detailed information about the camps,like the total cost of camping,the list of activities children can do in the camps and the additional facilities they provide. Don't forget to read the comments of parents who have previously sent their children to those camps.

3       Search for Advertisements in Newspapers 4       Some of the organizers even invite famous people to their camps to communicate with the kids. You should keep an eye on the summer camp advertisements in newspapers so that you could pick a suitable one for your kid.

Seek Advice from Your Child's School Teachers Go to your kid's school and ask his teachers whether they can give you names of some of the summer camps they consider to be the best. Know the Interest of Your Child While searching,you will come across various types of camps which are organized according to the nature and interest of children. 5       Therefore,it is very important to know what your child is interested in before deciding on a summer camp.

   A. Some camps really cost too much.

   B. You have to consider too many factors.

   C. Advertisements sometimes mislead you.

   D. There are music camps,sports camps,reading camps,etc.

   E. You should also pay attention to how they rate those camps.

   F. Let us see how you can pick the best summer camp for your child.

   G. Some camp organizers prefer to place advertisements in newspapers.

1.         2.         3.                  4.          5.         

Humans love animals and they especially love animals with humanlike personalities. For this reason,many of the most popular films are either centered on animals 1        have animals as important characters. Even in a movie that has little or nothing to do with animals,a pet can add a certain 2       (emotion) quality to a film's plot. As 3       (expect) ,dogs and cats,the two most popular pets,make up the majority of animal characters in films. 4       many other less common pets have had 5 (star) roles also. Snakes,rats,pigs,rabbits,horses and many others have touched our lives through their extraordinary ability to personify humans in ways that humans just can't do.

Most movies that feature pets as central characters are family movies that give families a platform around 6        delicate subjects can 7       (discuss) . Often kids have an easier time understanding subjects like death and illness if they see it through the eyes of one of these personified animals.

These days,computer animation and graphics allow an 8       (entire) new generation of pet movies 9       (make) . Animals that before were never seen in a film but now appear on the big screen in life. Whether they are lions,elephants,polar bears or some other exotic animals,video stores now have hundreds of titles10       ( offer) humanlike performances from any type of animal imaginable.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.         7.         8.                  9.          10.       

From different media,the articles which suggest people to use cellphones 1       (little) are very common. In modern society,radiation is not an unfamiliar word to most people.

Hundreds of experiences have been tested by scientists from home and abroad. 2       they still hardly tell the final effects,they could see the little change. So the common suggestions are using electronic products less. The cellphones are one of the3       ( close) radio control products around us. Everyone uses cellphones to contact,to record files,to get entertainment. The cellphones are more likely to be our best friends who can share our happiness and upset feelings.

4      ,every coin has two sides. As a radio control product,it has radiation which is 5       (like) to damage our health. So many people choose to turn off the cellphones at night. To tell the truth,it does good 6        health and it should 7       (recommend) to follow. But I think that it depends on different persons. For those who have to keep in touch with others,it is quite hard for them to say OK to turn off the cellphones at night. I am one of the people who do not turn off the cellphones. 8       (general) speaking I charge the cellphone all night. I am sure I am not lonely about this.

Although I cannot turn off the cellphone at night,in my mind 9          (turn) off the cellphones at night is very good. So I strongly encourage students,pregnant women,10       (retire) people. . . to turn off the cellphones at night.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.                  7.         8.                  9.          10.       

Happiness training at work can be extremely good for the company as well as the individual. A few short training days can produce huge benefits. 1       There are so many benefits of happiness training at work. Let's take a look at a few of them.

Happiness at home;One of the benefits for happiness at work is that people will go home happier. Being happier at home translates into a benefit to business because a better mental state and a proper rest will mean employees can work more efficiently and productively the next day. 2       Emotional intelligence:There is a change toward stress reduction,as people are taught happiness and begin to practise it at work. 3       It will increase the individual's skills to deal with problems,and the ability to improve his selfcontrol.

Increased focus:Happiness is responsible for creating an increased ability to focus on the job at hand or the problem to be solved. 4       Loving work:Happiness at work creates the environment for people to actually love what they do. They begin to experience the feeling of loving their work. Since an employee spends 8  to 10 hours,5 days a week at work,it accounts for a great deal of his life.

Feeling appreciated: 5       When you make someone feel appreciated,he feels better about himself and what he is doing for the company. He feels like he is making a contribution to the other people in the company and to the people who buy the products and services of his company. Employees feel they are making a difference.

   A. People will waste less time and be more in the "flow".

   B. Happiness increases emotional control for the individual.

   C. The cost is very small,but the positive effects can be everlasting.

   D. Happiness exists when you look at the overall picture of your life.

   E. It's also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.

   F. They will be far less likely to take time off either because of poor health or excuses.

   G. How do all these benefits take place not only for the worker but for the management as well?

1.                  2,                  3.                  4.           5.        

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