
Students taking the course _____to finish their homework with the help of computers.

  1. A.
    are encouraged
  2. B.
    have encouraged
  3. C.
    are encouraging
  4. D.
    had been encouraged
考查被动语态。taking the course是现在分词答语作后置定语,Students和encourage是动宾关系,应该用被动语态,排除B、C;句中没出现过去的动作,不能用过去完成时。故选A。

One of India's top engineering schools has restricted Internet access in its boarding houses, saying addiction to surfing, gaming and blogging was affecting students' performance, making them lonely and even suicidal.

Authorities at the best Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai said students had stopped socializing and many were late for morning classes or slept through them. "Now, a student doesn't even know who lives two doors away from him because he is so busy on the Internet," said Prakash Gopalan, dean of student affairs. "The old dormitory culture of companionship and socializing among students is gone. This is not healthy in our opinion."

IIT-Mumbai, with about 5,000 students, is one of seven IITs across India which are considered to be among the finest engineering schools in the world. They are also a talent pool for global technology giants. But their hard courses, tough competition and lonely campus lifestyle have taken an effect on students. Depressive and dysfunctional (不正常的) lifestyles are known to be common among IIT students, and at least nine have committed suicide in the past five years. Students have unlimited free Internet access in their boarding houses to help them in their studies, but many also use it to surf, chat, download movies and music, blog and for gaming.

Starting Monday, Internet access will be banned between 11 p.m. and 12.30 p.m. at IIT-Mumbai's 13 boarding buildings to encourage students to sleep early and to try and force them out of their "shells," Gopalan said. But the move has not gone down well with students who say they hate their lives being regulated. "Now they will say we need to listen to a lullaby (摇篮曲) to go to sleep," said Rajiv, an electronics student.

Which of the following is not the possible effect of free Internet access on students?

A. There has been a decline in students’ lessons.

B. Participation in social activities has gone down.

C. Some students feel lonely and even suicidal.

D. Students don’t even know his classmates.

What measure has been taken in IIT- Mumbai?

A. Students have unlimited free Internet access in their dormitories.

B. Students are forbidden to surf the Internet.

C. Internet access is unavailable in deep night.

D. Students must go to bed before 11 p.m.

In the passage the students are told to _____.

A. sleep through their lessons                    B. break away from the Internet

C. go to sleep along with music          D. stop surfing, make friends

We may infer from the last paragraph that _____.

A. the banning order causes some complaints among the students

B. all electronics students hate the banning order

C. more students prefer listening to music to surfing the Internet

D. there is no Internet access on the IIT campus even since.


I often think if I am as important to you as you are to me.

We had an unhappy time yesterday.I really felt sad after it and almost apologized (道歉) to you.However,you could still laugh and talk with others like nothing had happened.I suddenly realized that I was not that important to you.You didn’t even realize that I was angry and sad.What’s more,you even forgot my birthday this year.

Goodbye,my friend.I have closed my feeling toward you.It is sad to say goodbye,my friend.But it is meaningless (无意义的) for us to be friends any longer.


Dear Lucy,

I’m sorry that I hurt you so much yesterday.But here is something I really need to tell you.I never thought the quarrel we had yesterday was as serious as you thought.I just felt tired and didn’t feel like going shopping.Susan and Lily are also my good friends.I couldn’t pretend (假装) not seeing them when they passed by.I also couldn’t let them know I was blue because of the quarrel.I didn’t want them to feel sad just because I was sad.I’m your best friend,but I don’t want to be your only friend.I don’t want to be with you all the time because sometimes I need to have my own time.I want to spend some time with my other friends and my brother.Please try to make more friends.You will feel much happier if you have more friends.And remember,I’m your best friend forever!


41.What’s the purpose of Lucy’s letter?

A.To tell Jenny that she is really sorry for what happened yesterday.

B.To tell Jenny she doesn’t want to be friends with her any longer.

C.To ask Jenny not to be friends with Susan or Lily.

D.To ask Jenny if she means much to her.

42.What’s the cause of the quarrel yesterday?

A.Jenny laughed and talked with others.

B.Jenny didn’t notice that Lucy was sad.

C.Jenny didn’t want to go shopping.

D.Jenny didn’t remember Lucy’s birthday.

43.In the letter,Jenny suggests Lucy should________.

A.make more friends

B.leave her alone

C.make friends with Susan and Lily

D.spend more time with her family

44.According to the passage,if we say someone is blue,we mean he/she is________.

A.angry                                                 B.sad

C.kind                                                   D.happy

45.After reading Jenny’s letter,we learn that________.

A.Jenny and Lucy are both students

B.Lucy doesn’t know how to keep a healthy friendship

C.a friend in need is a friend indeed

D.Lucy is Jenny’s only friend

第一节 完形填空
You’ve just finish you’re a-levels and you’ve got a place at university, but you’d really like a break from the academic world. Why not think about taking a year out? While most students go     1         from school to university, more and more people today are choosing to spend a year at “the university of life”  2      . There are lots of things to choose from. You could work in a bank or do community work. You might even do something challenging, such as  3      an exploration(探险)to the Amazon rainforest. The experience will  4      your horizons and teach you new skills. It may also give you the chance to earn some money, which will be very helpful when you  5      start your studies. If you are interested in taking a year out, you must make sure that the university will  6       your place for you till next year. Most are quite happy to do this,  7        they find that year-out students are  8        experienced, confident, and independent. But don’t forget: it’s a year out not a year  9        . Your university will want to know what you’re going to do. They won’t be very pleased if you just want to do _10        for a year. So what would do with a year out?
(   ) 1. A. easily            B. simply             C. fast           D. straight
(   ) 2. A. last              B. first               C. at last         D. at first
(   ) 3. A. participating       B. joining            C. attending      D. expecting
(   ) 4. A. broaden           B. spread            C. improve       D. raise
(   ) 5. A. hopefully          B. willingly          C. eventually     D. happily
(   ) 6. A. hold             B. leave             C. occupy        D. remain
(   ) 7. A. however           B. though           C. as             D. when
(   )  8. A. less             B. much             C. even           D. more
(   )  9. A. in              B. off               C. away          D. through
(   ) 10. A. nothing          B. something          C. anything       D. everything

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