
Column 1.

Excellent room for women begins Jan. 2. 4 or 8 month lease. Singles,$250~$290.Double,$320.Call for appointment. 800-1932.

Column 2.

Female Grad Student wanted:to there q2-bdrm,furnished apt. ,own rm. 1/2 block from Frieze Bldg. $265/mo. Starting Jan. 1.Call 800-6157 after 5:00.

Column 3.

Wedding Invitations—Mod. Or traditional. Call 800-0942 anytime.

Column 4.

Passport and Application Photos. Call 800-0552 or 800-9668,ask for Steve.

Column 5.

Mature Student would take care of children during Christmas vacation. 800-0441 eves.

Column 6.

Typing and editing. Call Jean. 800-3594.10 a.m.~10 p.m.

Column 7.

Experienced Guitar Teacher wants students. Fold/jazz.Bob.800-7535.

Column 8.

Found:Cat,6 months old,black and white markings. Found near Linden and South U. Steve. 800-4661.

Column 9.

Come to our moving sale—plants, pottery,books,clothes etc,Sat,Dec. 14—9:00~5:00.1612 Ferndale,Apt.1,800-4696.

Column 10.

Overseas Jobs—Australia,Europe,S. America,Africa Students all professions and occupations $1 000 to $5 000 monthly. Expenses paid,overtime,sight-seeing. Free information.

1.What can Steve do for you?

A.Rent you an apartment.

B.Offer you a modern wedding.

C.Take pictures for you.

D.Take care of your children.

2.If you want to get your graduation paper typed,when should you call?

A.10 a.m.~10 p.m.           B.After 5:00.

C.9:00~5:00.             D.Anytime.

3.If you want to know how to play the guitar you should call    .

A.800-1932    B.800-0942    C.800-0441    D.800-7535

4.If your cat is missing,you should read the information in Column    .

A.1       B.2        C.8        D.9

5.What CANNOT be found at the moving sale?

A.Plants.      B.Books.       C.Clothes.    D.Cassettes.


1.解析:根据“Column 4.Passport and Application Photos.Call 800-0552 or 800-9668,ask for Steve.”可知Steve从事摄影工作。


2.解析:根据“Typing and editing.Call Jean.800-3594.10 a.m.~10 p.m.”可知答案。


3.解析:根据“Experienced Guitar Teacher wants students.Fold/jazz.Bob.800-7535.”可知答案。


4.解析:根据“Column 8.Found:Cat,6 months old,black and white markings.Found near Linden and South U.Steve.800-4661.”可知答案。


5.解析:根据“pottery,books,clothes etc.”可知,搬家售货中,没有提到cassettes。




Compared with the previous week, air quality in Shanghai became worse last week , according to the latest report from the Shanghai Environment Monitoring Centre.

         The average air pollution index (API) for sulphur dioxide (SO2) remain almost unchanged from the previous week, but the APIs for nitrogen oxide (NOx) and total suspended (悬浮) particles (TSP) rose by 35 and 27 percent.

         The overall quality still belonged to class 2 category.Nitrogen oxide, caused mainly by vehicle exhaust and burning of cooking gas, was still the major pollutant of the week.

         The Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Centre operates six automatic air monitors in the city’s Putuo, Yangpu, Luwan, Hongkou, Jing’an and Xuhui districts.




1.Judging from the chart, on which day was the air quality the worst?

         A.October 13.    B.October 14.    C.October 17.    D.October 18.

2.Which of the following can be used to describe the air quality of the week?

         A.Good.               B.Seriously polluted.

         C.Excellent.                  D.Slightly polluted.

3.Six automatic air monitors are operated in the city except ________.

         A.Putuo District

         B.Xuhui District

         C.Chang’an District

         D.Hongkou District

4.In shanghai, nitrogen oxide mainly comes from ________.

         A.the burning natural gas

         B.the burning cooking gas

         C.the burning coal

         D.dust raised by vehicles

5.This passage is obviously taken from ________.

         A.a magazine about air pollution

         B.a scientific report from TV

         C.the weather column in a newspaper

         D.the traveling guide to Shanghai


At 227 billion yuan ($33 billion) for 2008, Guangdong's cultural industries accounted for 6.4 percent of its GDP and experienced a growth rate of 13.8 percent.  But Lai admits that size does not equal weight. "Our businesses are mostly small, financing difficult and brands few."

One local brand that has made it big is Pleasant Goat and Big, Big Wolf, also translated as Happy Sheep and Gray Wolf, China's most popular cartoon series currently being aired. But Liu Manyi, general manager of Creative Power Entertaining Inc, the firm behind the hit show, is not laughing to the bank. Instead she is bitter: "Pirate discs were all over the streets before our first movie hit the screen. Their images appear on all kinds of products. All this has no proper licensing."

In case you don't know, China produces the largest amount of animated(动画的) programming in the world. But quantity is not quality. Behind every Pleasant Goat there are tens of thousands of flops. The best way for the government to promote the country's creative industries is to crack down on piracy (盗版). Hollywood often raises its voice about being victimized (受害) in China. Truth be told, Hollywood is probably the least affected since there is a quota system for China's importation of Hollywood films.

Many Chinese producers are taking baby steps and the domestic market is all they have. If their rights in the home market are not protected, they will never see the day their products find a foreign audience.

The sudden closure(关闭) of BT websites where copyrighted materials used to flow freely suggests a determination on the part of the government to take intellectual property rights seriously. This kind of websites is bad for us, so we should ban them.

Much of the news coming out of the 2009 International Cultural Industries Forum was encouraging. China's film industry is expected to get 6 billion yuan ($879 million) in box office receipts this year. A decade from now, this number may go up to 30 billion, according to some forecasts.

If the government takes serious action against online and offline pirates, China's creative industries may well have a bright future.

1.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 1 mean?

A. Fast as the development of Guangdong's cultural industries is, they don’t have a big challenge in the world.

B. Guangdong's cultural industries can make a big profit although they are just the small companies.

C. Guangdong's cultural industries make a big contribution to its GDP because of their strong economic power.

   D. The development of Guangdong's cultural industries cannot catch up with any other industries.

2.What does Liu Manyi think about Pleasant Goat and Big, Big Wolf?

A. It is a failure since it is a local brand.

B. It is a success but cannot get the expected profit.

C. Its profit from the images has been shared legally.

D. Pirate discs make it more popular among the children.

3. Hollywood films are mentioned to tell us that __________.

A. Hollywood films make our creative industries have less space to survive

B. it is piracy that makes it possible for Hollywood films to get less influenced

C. our creative industries need enough protection to have a bright future

D. foreign films have taken up more market in China than the local ones

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Chinese creative industries are more advanced than foreign ones.

B. The domestic market is of little significance to the survival of Chinese creative industries.

C. BT websites stand in the way of the development of Chinese creative industries.

D. The growth of China's film industry is always slow and needs more support.

5.In which column of a newspaper will you probably read this passage?

A. Regional    B. Economic     C. Sports    D. Education


  “First we make our habits,then our habits make us.”——Charles C.Noble

  It’s such a simple concept,yet it's something we don’t always do. It’s not extremely difficult to do, and yet I think it’s something that would make a world of difference in anyone’s life. Break your goals into habits,and focus on putting those habits into autopilot. My belief is that having one goal to focus on is much more powerful than having many goals.

  I try to turn my goals into habits,and in doing so,I put my goals on autopilot. Turning a goal into a habit means really focusing on it,seriously,for at least a month,to the exclusion of all else. The more you can focus on it, the more it’ll be put on autopilot. Let’s look at my marathon goal as an example. I was just starting out in running,and l had the brilliant idea to run a marathon within a year. But in order to achieve that goal,I broke it down into two habits:

  1.I had to make running a daily habit.

  2.I had to report to people in order to have accountability(责任)—I did this through family,friends and coworkers,through a blog,and through a column in my local newspaper every two weeks. With this accountability,there’s no way l would stop running.

  The accountability habit took a couple of months,mainly because I didn’t focus on it too much while l was building the running habit. But it stuck,and for that first year of running,I would report to people I knew and blog about my running every day and I would write a column every two weeks for my local paper.

  Once those two habits were firmly fixed,my marathon goal was pretty much on autopilot. I still had to do the work,of course,but it didn’t require constant focus. And eventually,I ran the marathon. I was able to achieve this because,all year long,I had the daily running habit and daily accountability habit. I put my marathon goal into autopilot,and that made it much easier--instead of struggling with it daily for an entire year,I focused on it for one month and was able to accomplish it while focusing on new habits and goals.

55.According to the passage,we can see the key to forming a habit is ______________.

A.to break the goals into habits

B.to report to other people about your plan

C.to set a reasonable goal first

D.to focus on the habit as much as possible

56.The author told people about his running in order to ______________.

A.get more support

B.ask for their opinions

C.carry out his plan better

D.earn more admiration

57.What do we know about the author?

A.He was a local athlete.

B.He often gave people advice.

C.He had no blogs before.

D.He wrote for a local newspaper.

58.The passage is mainly about ______________.

A.goals and habits

B.how to turn your goals into habits

C.habits and achievements

D.how to make running a good habit


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