
People express their personalities in their clothes, their cars, and their homes. Our diets can also show our personalities because we might choose certain food to tell people something about us.
For example, some people mainly enjoy high quality food, such as caviar (鱼子酱) and lobster (龙虾), and they eat only in expensive restaurants – never in cafeterias or bars. They know about the “better things in life”.
Some people choose not to eat meat. Vegetarians often have more in common than just their diet. Their personalities might be similar too. For instance, vegetarians in the United States and Canada may be creative people, and they might not enjoy competitive sports or jobs. They worry about the health of the world, and they are probably strongly against the war.
Some people eat mostly fast food. One study shows that many fast-food eaters have a lot in common, but they are very different from vegetarians. They are competitive and good at business. They are also usually in a hurry. Many fast-food eaters might not agree with this description of their personalities, but it is a common picture of them.
Some people also believe that people of the same astrological sign(星座)have similar food personalities. Aries (born under the sign of Aries, between March 21 and April 20) usually like spicy foods, with a lot of onions and pepper. People with the sign of Taurus (April 21 to May 22) prefer healthful fruits and vegetables, but they often eat too much. Sagittarius (November 22 to December.22) like traditional food from many different countries.
What is your food personality?
小题1:Why do some people mainly eat high quality food?
A.They want to show off their wealth.B.Food can show off their social position.
C.They want to enjoy better things in life.D.They are wiser than any other persons.
小题2:A vegetarian may be a person________.
A.who is believed to be a peace – loverB.who values the importance of success
C.who cares little about the future of the worldD.who shows his power to make money
小题3:From the passage, we can draw a conclusion that_____________.
A.food is just a mirror of the human history
B.we can know a person from what he eats
C.people are particular about the food they eat
D.what people eat may change their personalities


Tamiflu does not kill but prevents H1N1 from further proliferation (繁衍) till the virus limits itself in about 1-2 weeks (its natural cycle).H1N1, like other Influenza A viruses, only infects the upper respiratory tract and proliferates (only) there.The only way of entry are the nostrils(鼻孔) and mouth/ throat.In a global epidemic of this nature, it's almost impossible not coming into contact with H1N1.
Contact with H1N1 is not so much of a problem as proliferation is.
While you are still healthy and not showing any symptoms of H1N1 infection, in order to prevent proliferation, some very simple steps can be practiced:
1.Frequent hand-washing.
2."Hands-off-the-face" approach.Resist all temptations to touch any part of face (unless you want to eat or bathe).
3.Gargle(漱口) twice a day with warm salt water (use Listerine if you don't trust salt).H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/ nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms.Simple gargling prevents proliferation.In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one.Don't underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative method.
4.Similar to 3 above, clean your nostrilsat least once every day with warm salt water,Which is very effective in bringing down viral population.
5.Strengthen your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C .If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc to boost absorption.
6.Drink as much of warm liquids as you can.Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction.They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.
7.All these are simple ways to prevent, within means of most households, and certainly much less painful than to wait in long queues outside public hospitals.
57.What part of a person’s body do H1N1flu viruses mainly infect?
A.one’s lung            B.the upper respiratory tract
C.one’s heart            D.one’s throat and lung
58.H1N1 flu viruses go into our bodies by ________.
A.touching          B.diet      C.breathing  D.dirt
59.What does the underlined word “underestimate” mean ?
A.assign too low a value to
B.drop the cost of
C.pay more attention to
D.calculate the number of money
60.The author presents this passage by ______.
A.telling an interesting story         B.testing an idea by reasoning
C.introducing some practical methods    D.describing some activities in a natural order

Bacteria(细菌) are extremely small living things. While we measure our own sizes in inches or centimeters, bacterial size is measured in micron. One micron is a thousandth of a millimeter; a pinhead is about a millimeter across, Rod-shaped bacteria are usually from two to four microns long, while rounded ones are generally one micron across. Thus, if you magnified a rounded bacterium a thousand times, it would be just the size of a pinhead, while a grown-up human enlarged by the same amount would be over a mile tall.
Even with an ordinary microscope(显微镜), you must look closely to see bacteria. Using a magnification of 100 times, one can hardly find bacteria. Nor can one make out anything of their structure(结构), of course. Only by using special colors, can one see that some bacteria have wavy-looking “hairs” called flagella. Others have only one flagellum. The flagella move round a central point, pushing the bacteria through the water. Many bacteria lack flagella and cannot move about by their own power, while others can move along over surface by some little-understood “machinery”.
From the bacterial point of view, the world is a very different place from what it is to humans. To a bacterium, water is as thick as molasses(糖浆) is to us. Bacteria are so small that they are affected by the movements of the chemical molecules(分子) around them. Bacteria under microscopes, even those with no flagella, often jump up and down in the water. This is because they knock with the water molecules and are pushed this way and that.
36. The underlined word magnified means _______________.
A. enlarged                                                      B. widened                  
C. killed                                                          D. caught
37. We know from the passage that _______________ is the smallest.
A. a pinhead                                            B. a rounded bacterium 
C. a microscope                                        D. a rod-shaped bacterium
38. The relationship between a bacterium and its flagella is most nearly like which of the following?
A. A rider jumping on a horse back 
B. A ball being hit by a bet
C. A boat powered by a motor    
D. A door closed by wind
39. Why does the writer compares water to molasses in the third paragraph?
A. To tell us how difficult it is for bacteria to move through water.
B. To suggest that bacteria are fond of different liquids.
C. To show different chemicals are of different structures.
D. To show that bacteria are the best swimmers.
40. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
A. The characteristic (特点) of bacteria.      
B. How bacteria reproduce.
C. The various parts of a bacterium’s body    
D. How bacteria cause diseases.            

Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
For most pregnant women, exercise is the last thing on their minds. After all, keeping slim while you’re expecting isn’t exactly the top priority— rather, it’s making sure your baby gets enough nutrients to grow. But in a small new study, researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand report that a mother’s regular aerobic exercise may be good for a growing fetus’ health — and may even help a baby get a healthier start in life.
The finding is a bit surprising, because exercise is known to lower the risk of insulin resistance(胰岛素抵抗),a condition eventually leading to diabetes(糖尿病). Although insulin resistance is a detriment in healthy adults, it turns out to be helpful for proper fetal(胎儿)development. In pregnant women, this condition means nutrients get shunted to the growing baby.
The question is: could a mother’s exercise put her developing baby’s food supply at risk? Past studies looking at the effect of exercise on birth weight have been inconclusive, and none have really investigated the influence of exercise on the mother’s sensitivity to insulin. So the University of Auckland’s Dr. Paul Hoffman and his team decided to study 84 first-time mothers, who were of normal weight on average, and track any effects aerobic exercise(有氧运动) might have on their insulin sensitivity and, ultimately, on their babies’ birth weight. Researchers asked some women to exercise on a stationary bicycle for at least 40 minutes per session, up to five times each week, starting in the 20th week of pregnancy; the other women were not specifically asked to exercise. When the two groups and their babies were compared, the team found that women who bicycled regularly gave birth to babies who were on average 150g lighter than those born to the non-exercising mothers. In both groups, however, the babies were of healthy weight, and there was no difference in the mothers’ weights.
Generally speaking, babies on the lower end of the normal weight range are considered healthier and less prone to developing diabetes and obesity than heavier ones, so this was an encouraging result. Even more reassuring was that regular exercise did not seem to affect the flow of nutrients to the growing babies in the womb.
1. According to the new study, a pregnant woman’s regular exercise may _______.
A. bring benefits to a baby’s growth
B. lower the risk of insulin resistance
C. put her baby’s food supply at risk
D. help her keep slim and healthy
2. What does the underlined word “detriment” mean in the second paragraph?
A. Something that brings good.
B. Something that brings damage.
C. Something that brings obstacles.
D. Something that brings development.
3. What is the purpose of the experiment carried out by Dr. Paul Hoffman?
A. To investigate the influence of exercise on pregnant women.
B. To find out what aerobic exercise can benefit a baby’s growth.
C. To make sure of the effects exercise may have on babies’ birth weight
D. To compare the differences between mothers who exercise and who don’t
4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. Lighter babies are generally believed to be healthier than heavier ones.
B. Non­-exercising mothers will definitely give birth to heavier babies.
C. No studies have looked at the effect of exercise on birth weight before.
D. Some women studied were asked to exercise regularly while some don’t.
5. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?
A. All mothers should take aerobic exercise.
B. Moms who exercise give birth to lighter babies。
C. Exercise reduces the risk of insulin resistance.
D. Heavier babies are more likely to develop diabetes.

Growing numbers of people are becoming addicted to text messaging(手机信息), a German doctor warned recently。
Psychotherapist(采用精神疗法的医生) Andreas Herter estimated that there were some 380,000 sufferers in Germany。 Herter based his prediction(预测)on the growing number of manic mobile phone users among patients arriving at his Hanover clinic (诊所)for addiction treatment。
“Text message addiction is a real and serious illness because it causes mental and financial damage,” said Herter。 “The problem leads to depression and personality disorders, not to mention skyrocketing (飞涨的)phone bills。”
For example, a teenage boy spent 8,900 euros (US$11,000) texting people he didn’t even know and a married couple could only communicate by text message, even when they were sitting side by side。
55。 The passage is mainly to tell us ______。
A。 why people like text messaging   B。 text messaging has many advantages
C。 overusing text message does great harm       D。 text messaging does no good
56。 Herter thinks text message addiction is ______。
A。 acceptable      B。 easy to deal with           C。 unreasonable         D。 worrying
57。 The examples given in the last paragraph are used to show ______。
A。 text message addiction is a serious diseas                            
B。they care about nothing else but text message
C。 sending text message is their only hobby       
D。 they are very rich

Sports medicine experts have observed for  years that athletes such as long distance runners, especially women athletes, often display a lack of iron. Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.   
"We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise of middle degree showed sings of iron loss," says Roseanne M. Lyle, associate professor at Purdue. Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively. But the ratio is even greater among active women, affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes. This means, Lyle says, that "too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in". Women of child-bearing age are at greatest risk, since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss. Plus, many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron. And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.
Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms. Some iron is lost in sweat, and, for unknown reasons, intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system. Athletes in high-impact sports such as running may also lose iron through a phenomenon where small blood vessels in the feet leak blood.
There are three stages of iron deficiency. The first and most common is having low iron reserves, a condition that typically has no symptoms. Fatigue and poor performance may begin to appear in the second stage of deficiency, when not enough iron is present to form the molecules(分子) of blood protein that transport oxygen to the working muscles. In the third and final stage, people often feel weak, tired, and out of breath - and exercise performance is severely compromised.
"People think that if they're not at the third stage, nothing is wrong, but that's not true," says John L. Beard, who helped design the Purdue study. "You're not stage 3 until your iron reserves go to zero, and if you wait until that point, you're in trouble."
Beard and other experts say it’s advisable for people to have a yearly blood test. If iron levels are low, talk with a physician to see if the deficiency should be corrected by changing your diet and taking iron-rich foods or by taking iron-added pills.
“Select breads and cereals with the words ‘iron-added’ on the label,” writes sports diet expert Nancy Clark. “This added iron supplements the small amount that naturally occurs in grains.” Clark also recommends cooking in iron pans, as food can obtain iron from the pan during the cooking process.
64.Which of the following may be the title for the passage?
A.Science, sports and exercise
B.Correct iron deficiency
C.Women, Iron and exercise
D.Women, health and exercise
65.The third paragraph is developed mainly by________ .
A.organizing the details according to the order of time
B.presenting the result followed by specific causes
C.beginnign with details followed by a general statement
D.making comparisons ad contrasts
66.What does it mean when you are in the third stage of iron defieiency?
A.Nothing serious though you don’t have much iron stored in the body.
B.There is not enough iron to form the molecules of blood protein to transport oxygen.
C.The small blood vessels in your reet are beginnig to leak blood.
D.No iron is left in your body and you would be in trouble without urgent measures.
67.What is the writer’s attitude in writing this passage?
A.Defensive.       B.Persuasive.      C.Supportive.      D.Objective.

A new World Bank report warns that children who do not get enough good food in the first two years of life suffer lasting damage.They may be underdeveloped or under weight.__71____  In addition, poorly nourished (营养不良的) children are more likely to drop out of school and earn less money as adults.
The report is called "Repositioning Nutrition as Central to Development." It notes that too little food is not the only cause of poor nutrition.__72__ For example, the study says that mothers often fail to give their newly born babies their first breast milk (母乳).This milk-like substance is called colostrums (初乳).__73__
Africa and South Asia are affected the most by poor nutrition.__74__ The World Bank study also notes that rates of malnutrition (营养不良) in South Asia are almost double those in central and southern Africa.Other parts of the world are also severely affected, including Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Guatemala and Peru.
75   Instead of directly providing food, the study suggests educational programs in health and nutrition for mothers with young babies.It also recommends cleaner living conditions and improvements in health care.
A.They may suffer from poor health or limited intelligence.
B.The study also links malnutrition to economic growth in poor countries.
C.Many children who live in homes with plenty of food suffer for other reasons.
D.The study says about half of all children in India do not get enough good food.
E.It is full of nutrients that improve a baby's ability to fight infections and disease.
F.Poor countries could possibly double their economic growth if they improved nutrition.
G.The study recommends that developing countries change their policies to deal with malnutrition.
A new study of 8,000 young people in the journal of Health and Social Behavior shows that although love can make adults live healthily and happily, it is a bad thing for young people. Puppy love(早恋)may bring stress for young people and can lead to depression. The study shows that girls become more depressed than boys, and younger girls are the worst of all.
The possible reason for the connection between love and higher risk of depression for girls is “loss of self”. According to the study, even though boys would say “lose themselves in a romantic relationship”, this “loss of self” is much more likely to lead to depression when it happens to girls. Young girls who have romantic relationships usually like hiding their feelings and opinions. They won’t tell that to their parents.
Dr. Marianm Kaufman, an expert on young people problems, says 15% to 20% young people will have depression during their growing. Trying romance often causes the depression. She advises kids not to jump into romance too early. During growing up, it is important for young people to build strong friendship and a strong sense of self. She also suggests the parents should encourage their kids to keep close to their friends, attend more interesting school activities and spend enough time with family.
Parents should watch for signs of depression—eating or mood changes—and if they see signs from their daughters or sons, they need to give help. The good news is that the connection between romance and depression seems to become weak with age. Love will always make us feel young, but only maturity(成熟)gives us a chance to avoid its bad side effects.
41. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A. Puppy love may bring young people depression.
B. Parents should forbid their children’s love.
C. Romance is a two-edged sword for adults.
D. Romance is good for young people.
42. Which of the following are more likely to have depression?
A. Young people who have a strong sense of self.
B. Young boys whose parents watch for their behavior.
C. Young girls who always hide their feelings and opinions.
D. Careless parents whose children are deep in love.
43. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Lacking love can lead young people to grow up more quickly.
B. Early love makes young people keep close to their friends and parents.
C. Parents should help their children to be aware of the signs of depression.
D. The older a woman is, the less likely she seems to lose herself in romance.
44. What’s the author’s attitude towards puppy love?
A. Confused.                                            B. Disapproving.
C. Uninterested.                                    D. Scared.
45. Dr. Marianm Kaufman does NOT suggest parents’ encouraging their kids to ______.
A. keep close to their friends
B. attend more interesting activities
C. chat more on line
D. spend more time with their family
As many as 60,000 people worldwide die each year from too much sun, but simple safety steps could prevent many deaths, according to a World Health Organization report.
The report, released on Wednesday, was treated as the first overall look at the global health burden from UV radiation, which is linked to up to 90 percent of melanoma(恶性黑色素瘤) and other skin cancers. UV radiation can also cause sunburn, more rapid skin aging, eye diseases, and reactivation of the herpes(疱疹) virus that causes cold sores, and pterygium, a fleshy growth on the surface of the eye.
“We all need some sun, but too much sun can be dangerous—and even deadly,” said Dr Maria Neira, the director of WHO’s agency of public health and the environment, who released the report.
To prevent cancer and other diseases linked to UV radiation, the agency recommends that people:
— Limit time in the midday sun.
— Use shade wisely and seek shade when UV rays are most intense.
— Wear protective clothing, hats and sunglasses.
— Use sunscreen with a sun protection factor 15+.
— Avoid sunlamps and tanning parlours.
People under age 18 should not use them at all.
“The application of sunscreens should not be used to prolong sun exposure but rather to protect the skin when exposure is unavoidable,” the report warned.
The report also noted that the ground’s surface can make a difference:
— Fresh snow reflects as much as 80 percent of ultraviolet light.
— Sea foam reflects about 25 percent.
— Dry beach sand reflects about 15 percent.
Small amounts of exposure to the sun help the skin to produce vitamin D.
48. The report was highly spoken of mainly because ____.
A. it had listed up to 60,000 deaths from UV radiation
B. it related the deaths to UV radiation
C. it showed the advantages and disadvantages of UV
D. it found out the approaches to preventing deaths from UV radiation
49. According to Dr Maria Neira, which of the following is TRUE?
A. In fact we need only a small amount of sunlight.
B. Receiving large amounts of sunlight will cause deaths.
C. Midday sunlight has stronger UV radiation.
D. Melanoma will disappear if we follow the report’s advice.
50. As a construction worker, it is strongly recommended that ____.
A. he should stay inside the building                 B. he spread sunscreen on the face
C. he should wear good sunglasses                           D. he be equipped with sun protection
51. Which of the following can be the headline of the passage?
A. UV—A Deadly Killer From The Sun               B. Melanoma Can Be Prevented Today
C. UV—A Great Need For Vitamin D                   D. Teenagers Mustn’t Stay Outside

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