
During our two months on the road,Bennett and I had a really   experience with a good,honest  2  and some helpful mechanics(机修师).

We were driving east on Highway 10 when our “check engine” light came on. We limped(拐)off a(n)  into Las Cruces. We had a real car  .Bennett nursed the car into a local garage. By the time the car was missing(熄火), it was shaking all over so  .This was the   time to arrive at a garage—late Friday afternoon. Service adviser Scott was busy   paper work and customers as we  8  our problems.  he was already “ten cars behind”,he told us to pull the car into the garage.

Lincoln,who we later  10  was one of the top motor technicians,took  11   of our car repairing. He and Scott and some other mechanics stayed several hours after closing, 12   the car.

Early the next morning(the shop was officially closed on Saturdays),Lincoln finally located the  13  and fixed it easily within only  14  .?

Later Scott  15   out to us that it was our attitude that helped. “You didn’t come into the place demanding this or that. You showed an ?16  of our problems on a busy Friday afternoon. Customer’s attitude means a lot.” He was right in some way,customers should show  17   and understanding to people who  18   them. 19   people are extremely busy,they can find a way to at least try and help when they are met with politeness.?

The pleasant experience I had shows that  20   for other people can always help.?

1.A.awful                  B.pleasant                 C.wonderful                  D.terrible?

2.A.station                 B.studio                   C.factory                      D.garage?

3.A.exit                     B.turning                  C.crossing                    D.entrance?

4.A.difficulty             B.examination           C.trouble                      D.disaster

5.A.busily                  B.badly                    C.quickly                      D.weakly?

6.A.highest                B.easiest                   C.luckiest                     D.worst

7.A.at                       B.on                        C.with                          D.by?

8.A.explained             B.introduced             C.repeated                    D.expressed

9.A.As                      B.Because                C.Even                         D.Though

10.A.learned              B.understood            C.recognized                 D.thought

11.A.care                  B.control                  C.charge                       D.pride?

12.A.building             B.examining              C.repairing                    D.driving?

13.A.problem             B.disease                  C.danger                       D.wound?

14.A.days                  B.hours                    C.months                     D.minutes?

15.A.spoke                B.pointed                  C.broke                        D.blew?

16.A.understanding    B.ignorance            C.appreciation               D.awareness

17.A.cruelness           B.fairness                 C.calmness                   D.politeness?

18.A.comfort             B.protect                 


C.serve              D.rescue

19.A.Even if              B.As if                     C.Even so                     D.As though

20.A.obedience          B.respect                  C.patience                     D.mercy

1-5 BDACB   6-10 DCADA   11-15 CBADB   16-20 ADCAB


14days from just £2,090pp

Fully inclusive from the UK

Price cover international airfares, departure taxes, fuel charge, local transportation all meals, entrance fees, guides, daily tours and visas for UK citizens. 

◆  Days 1-3 UK-Shanghai

Fly to the great city of shanghai and in the evening sample traditional shanghai food. Visit the beautiful YU Garden, Old Town. Shanghai Museum, cross the Great Nampa Bridge and tour the Pudong area. Also explore Xintiandi with its 1920’s style Smkomen buildings and end your stay in shanghai with an amazing Huangpu river evening tour. 

◆  Days 4-7:Shanghai-Yangtze River Tour

Fly to Yichang and change (approx: one hour)to board your Yangtze River ship for the next four nights. Enjoy a tour of the three Gorgee Dam(三峡大坝)before sailing on the grand Yangtze River ,passing through the impressive Three Gorges. We take a side tripe to the lesser Three Gorges or travel up the shennong Stream in a peapod boat and enjoy various shore trips along the way. 

◆  Day8 :Chongqing—chengdu

Get off in Chongqing and drive to Chengdu for an overnight stay. 

◆  Day9-10;Chengdu-xi’an

Visit the famous Panda Reserve to see the lovely animals We then fly to the bistoric city of xi’an for two nights stay and enjoy traditional Shuijiao. Next day, explore one of the most important discoveries of the 20th century—the Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑),followed by the ancient City wall and a performance of Tang Dynasty dancing. 

◆  Day11-13:xi’an-beijing

Visit little wild goose pagoda and see the ancient objects at the well-known Shanxi provincial museum before walking through the lively militia Quarter to see the Great Mosque. Later fly to Beijing for three nights stay and try Peking Duck. During our stay in Beijing, we stroll through Tiananmen Square to the Forbidden city, the largest and best preserved collection of ancient buildings in china, and visit the summer palace. Next day we take a walk on the Great wall, tour the unique Temple of Heaven and enjoy an attractive Chinese Acrzibatio show. 

◆  Day14:Beijing-UK

Fly back to the UK, arriving home later the same day filled with happy memories.

The underlined word “sample” in the passage probably means “       

A. buy          B. reserve          C. taste        D. make

The first and last scenic spots to he visited in xi’an are       .  

A. the Terracotta Warriors and the Great Mosque

B. the Terracotta Warriors and shanghai provincial Museum

C. little wild goose Pagoda and Great Mosque

D. Little wild goose Pagoda and the Muslim Quarter

Which of the following is TRUE according to the ad ?

A. The tourists will have to pay extra for fuel and meals.  

B. The tourists will visit the 1920’s Shikumen buildings in Beijing

C. The tourists will take a side trip to the Three Gorges Dam during the tour.  

D. The tourists will stay in Beijing for three nights before leaving for the UK

The ad is mainly intended to        .  

A. encourage the British to travel in China

B. attract the British to traditional Chinese food

C. offer service of booking air tickets to tourists

D. provide the British with a better understanding of China.  

(选E涂AB; 选F涂CD)
A. Sea kayaking in Turkey
Enjoy beautiful scenery on Turkey’s Turquoise Coast. The water is clear and calm with temperatures of 25º–28º in July and August. You don’t need any previous kayaking experience to enjoy this trip. However, you do need to be quite fit, as you will be on the water for 4–6 hours a day.
B. Diving holidays in Kenya
Experience diving and sailing in the Indian Ocean in March and April. Enjoy warm, clear water and white, sandy beaches. Spend all of your stay on one of our yachts (游艇) with first-class service and excellent food. Explore remote and unspoilt reefs, and see a wonderful range of underwater sea life.
C. Swimming with dolphins in The Azores Islands, Portugal
Would you like to discover the underwater world of the dolphin? Join us in July or August in the clear waters around the Azores. You will receive training from expert guides to gain confidence in the water with the animals. We often see eight different species of dolphin during our trips.
D. Gulfoss Waterfall in Iceland
Come to Iceland in summer to see the biggest waterfall in Europe. Gulfoss, the ‘Golden Waterfall’ is a truly spectacular sight. The water from the River Hvítá and water from glaciers come together and fall 32m in two stages. You can follow a path quite close to the falls, which provides wonderful opportunities for photos and videos. Warm clothing is essential.
E. Plitvice Lakes, Croatia (克罗地亚)
Set in a National Park, the lakes are Croatia’s most popular tourist attraction. The beauty of the region comes from the 16 lakes, waterfalls, and areas of woodland, where deer, wolves and bears can be found. The park is open all year. There are several walks for all levels of fitness. You can also see the park by boat or bus.
F. Lake Balaton, Hungary
If you enjoy nature, you will love Lake Balaton. Much of the area around the lake is part of a protected National Park. We have expert guides with knowledge of local plants and animals. That will take you on long walks around the park. The marsh area of the lake is home to a wide number of bird species.
【小题1】Jonny is crazy about plants and animals in different parts of the world. He travels a lot and each summer he goes to a different place to learn about the local plants and wildlife.
【小题2】Leo and his family have already done different water sports in Europe and so want to travel further abroad. They would like to try a new sport and they don’t mind working hard. They are not free to travel until the summer.
【小题3】Ellen enjoys being near water but she doesn’t want to do any water sports and she doesn’t like the cold. Walking long distances is rather difficult for her, but she likes being outside and seeing wildlife. She has already been to Hungary. She can travel at any time between November and January.
【小题4】Amy and Eric are retired but they are still very active. They enjoy walking and looking at scenery. They would like to go somewhere cool this summer where Amy can take a lot of photos.
【小题5】Will is a student of marine biology. He is also a very good swimmer and an experienced diver. He’s looking for a summer holiday where he can learn about animals and help people. He wants to stay in Europe.

Our “Mommy and Me” time began two years ago. My next-door neighbor and fellow mother, Christie, and I were out in our front yards, watching seven children of age 6 and under ride their bikes up and down. “I wish I could take one of my children out alone,” said Christie.

   Then we worked out a plan: When Christie takes one of her children out, I’ll watch her other three. And when she watches two of mine, I’ll take someone out.  

   The children were extremely quick to accept the idea of “Mommy and Me” time. Christie’s daughter, McKenzie, went first. When she returned, the other children showered her with tons of questions. McKenzie was smiling broadly. Christie looked refreshed and happy. “She’s like a different child when there’s no one else around,” Christie shared with me quickly. With her mother all to herself, McKenzie didn’t have to make an effort to gain attention(注意). 

   Just as Christie had noticed changes in McKenzie, I also discovered something different in each of my children during our alone times. For example, I am always surprised when my daughter, who is seldom close to me, holds my hand frequently. My stuttering(口吃的)son, Tom doesn’t stutter once during our activities since he doesn’t have to struggle for a chance to speak. And the other son, Sam, who’s always a follower when around other children shines as a leader during our times together.

   The “Mommy and Me” time allows us to be simply alone and away with each child talking, sharing, and laughing, which has been the biggest gain. Every child deserves(应得到)to be an only child at least once in a while.

1.What is the text mainly about?  

A.The basic needs of children.

B.The advantage of spending time with one child at a time.

C.The happy life of two families.

D.  The experience of the only child being with mother.

2.Right after McKenzie came back, the other children were _____________.  

A.happy                    B.curious                           C.regretful             D.friendly

3.What is one of the changes the author finds in her children?  

A.Tom has less difficulty in speaking.      

B.Sam holds her hand more often.

C.The boys become better followers.    

D.The daughter acts like a leader.

4.The author seems to believe that ___________.  

A.having brothers and sisters is fun

B.it’s tiring to look after three children

C.every child needs parents’full attention

D.parents should watch others’ children.


信息匹配 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分)




Comment on : Hunter Country Lodge & Restaurant

    My husband and I stayed at this lodge during our honeymoon. Set in the beautiful surroundings of Hunter Valley you have your own very log cabin. The rooms are comparatively expensive, but they are very spacious. The restaurant has delicious food with wine of varieties, ready for you in the evening.


My ratings (等级) for this hotel are:   ●●●●●Value ●●●●●Service

I recommend this hotel for: honeymoon, romantic couples


Comment on: Aloha Pualani Hotel

    My husband and I stayed at the Aloha Pualani after months’ busy work. The rooms are small but clean. The peaceful laidback feel was exactly what we were looking for. We didn’t hear noise from streets. My husband loved the outdoor barbecue (烧烤). If you are looking for a relaxing, childfree, clean, natural place to stay this is without a doubt, but it’s a long tiring way.

My ratings for this hotel are:  ●●●●○Rooms     ●●●●●Cleanliness

I recommend this hotel for: romantic getaway

I don’t recommend this hotel for: the aged, young children


Comment on: Karin’s Holiday Cottage

    Karin’s Holiday Cottage is really worth the price for lower earners. Walking along the beach, we saw many fish and turtles. We had a rental car because it was a little far from the shopping center. But we found the windows needed to be open to allow air in, and the cottage didn’t have air conditioning but with the 3 ceiling fans. Anyway we stayed plenty cool.

My ratings for this hotel are:     ●●●○○Rooms       ●●●○○location

I recommend this hotel for: young, single people.

I don’t recommend this hotel for: People hunting for luxurious (豪华的) hotels.


Comment on: Arison Centre Hotel

  We hosted a conference last month at the Arison Centre Hotel - a charming hotel. The modern and large rooms are air-conditioned and fully-equipped with private safe, wireless Internet access and all new equipments. The hotel also has a business centre, conference rooms, car park and a western-style restaurant.

My ratings for this hotel are: ●●●●●surroundings    ●●●●●Service

I recommend this hotel for: conference and holiday

I don’t recommend this hotel for: city getaway from noise


Comment on: GeofBob Holiday Inn

  This hotel is great for the value. I was impressed by how attentive the staff were. I left my room without locking the door. The cleaning lady noticed and immediately informed me. Staying in the hotel made my trip a pleasant one. But we wouldn’t come again because of the walk. You can’t just hop down to the beach or the bar - 200 steep steps each way – so exhausted.

My ratings for this hotel are:    ●●●●●Value      ●●●○○location

Likes: Service                 Dislike: traffic

I recommend this hotel for: young travelers

I don’t recommend this hotel for: people with disabilities


Comment on: Punta Regina Isle Hotel

   Tastefully located on an island, the hotel is good, with its staff helpful and its price reasonable. Don’t drive a car, for most of the tourist spots were walking distance, or you can go everywhere by boat. If you like sea food, island setting, and wine, this is excellent.

My ratings for this hotel are: ●●●●●location  ●●●●●Service

Like: beautiful surroundings             Dislike: vehicles

I recommend this hotel for: young holiday makers

I don’t recommend this hotel for: self-driving travelers



 When the Blacks are budgeting their yearly vocation, money is the first thing they think about. They are used to simple life without too much modern equipment. The family all like swimming, and sea food as well.

57. Mr. John Wallace is going to have a product presentation to promote (促销)his late microphone. He is searching for a hotel in the city center which is well-equipped, and where people from different parts of the country can join in the event over the NetMeeting.

58. Having had their wedding, Jim and Sussane plan a trip. Imagine how sweet they are when they are sipping their favourite Nyetimber in the sunset. They also treasure the environment, the comfort of the rooms and the service of the hotel.

59. A group of college students are having their holiday. They plan to choose a place where they can have their BBQ food, and where they are free from noise. They don’t care much about room size but at least they should be clean.

60. Ken and Judy are newly-married. They dreamed of the life of islanders who are eating sea food, hunting for fish. They prefer that the hotel rooms are not so expensive and the service is good.


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