





Dear Mr. Johnson,

I’ve learned from a newspaper that some clerks are wanting in your company. I am eager to being one of them. So I am writing the letter. My name is zhang Hua. I was born in the Hebei Province and I am in good health. I’ve just graduated in the Computer Department of Wuhan University. I did very good in all subjects and I am especial good at computer studies and English. I can read science books in English and doing some writing in English as well.

Beside, I know a little French. And in my spare time, I enjoy playing basketball. As is said that your company is very famous and I’ll very glad if you let me work for it. My telephone number is 027-89276628.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  The playwright George Bernard Shaw once said humorously, “England and America are two nations divided by a common language. If he were writing today, he might add ‘divided by a common technology--- e-mail’”.

  Two completely different styles of e-mail have formed on either side of the Atlantic-Euromail and Amerimail. Americail is informal and chatty. It’s likely to begin with a “Hi” and end with a “Bye”. The chances of Amerimail containing a smiley face or an “xoxo” are disturbingly high. We Americans are unwilling to dive into the meat of an e-mail. We feel we have to first inform recipients (收信人) about our vacation on the island which was really excellent except the jellyfish were biting and the kids caught a cold, so we had to skip the whale watching trip, but about that investors’ meeting in New York. Amerimail is a bundle of contradictions, casual and yet direct, respectful yet over proud. In other words, Amerimail is America.

  Euromail is stiff and cold often beginning with a formal “Dear Mr. X” and ending with a simple “Sincerely”. You won’t find any mention of kids or the weather or jellyfish in Euromail. It’s all business. It’s also slow. Your correspondent might take days even weeks to answer a message. Euromail is exactly like the Europeans themselves.

  Recently about 100 managers were asked on both sides of the Atlantic whether they noticed differences in e-mail styles. Most said yes. Here are a few of their observations:

  “Americans tend to write (e-mail) exactly as they speak.”

  “Why don’t you just call me instead of writing five e-mails back and forth?”

  “Europeans are less interested in checking e-mail”.

  “In general, Americans are much more responsive to e-mail—they respond faster and provide more information.”

  So which is better, Euromail or Amerimail? I realized it’s not popular these days to suggest we have anything to learn from Europeans, but I’m fed up with an inbox filled with casual, barely meaningful e-mails from friends and colleagues. If the alternative is a few earnestly written, carefully worded bits of Euromail, then I say, “Bring it on.”

What did George Bernard Shaw mean by saying “England and America are two nations divided by a common language”?

A. There is not much difference between British English and American English.

B. Both England and America speak the common language, so they are much the same.

C. Either England or America is a divided nation, though they share a common language.

D. There is sharp difference between England and America despite their common language.

Which of the following is most likely to be the “meat” of an Amerimail?

A. The jellyfish were biting.

B. We had an excellent vacation on the island.

C. We had to skip the whale watching trip.

D. We were to attend the investors’ meeting in New York.

On receiving an e-mail, Europeans tend to __________.

A. respond to it immediately and earnestly

B. take more time than Americans to respond to it

C. respond by calling up their correspondent

D. never respond to it all

What are characteristics of Amerimail?

A. Informal and chatty                                          B. Casual and indirect

C. Stiff and cold                                                       D. Formal and direc60

We can conclude from the passage that __________.

A. the different e-mail styles do much harm to the relationship between the two sides on Atlantic

B. Amerimail is more appreciated by the writer for being informative and casually written

C. Euromail always impresses the writer as something more pleasant to read

D. the writer doesn’t favor either e-mail style as both have their own shortcomings

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该       项涂黑。
Reina  wrote in her blog (博客);“a few months ago I took my cat to the vet(兽医)because she was old and very sick . The vet injected her in the stomach and said she would die .She tried to stand but she couldn't .It took at least twenty minutes for her to die . I sat in the room with her and the vet came in a couple of times and finally he said she was gone . I will never forget how she died .Was she frightened ? What was wrong with the old way ?"
Dear Reina
My beloved cat Bugle was very sick with kidney (肾)failure and I took him to the vet . I stayed with him for 10 minutes , holding him in my arms and loving him as we always did ,and he look at me ,as if to say ,"It's ok ....I'm ready." After that the vet came in and injected him with the shot that would put him into a quiet sleep .All the while I held him and told him I loved him , then the vet said his heart stopped beating .They placed him in a little box and I took him home and buried him in the yard where we always run and played ,right under his favourite bush .I still cry myself to sleep ,even though I  am a grown man of 65 years of age ! That cat means everything to me .I have a little stone on his grave and it says ,"Bugle ,my beloved cat ,you were so smart and loving ,I shall miss you every   day for the rest of my life !"
I am sorry for your loss and I know you must feel.I hope this comforts you some .
Love COL Bright .
56  Why did Reina go to the vet ?
A To get some advice on pet care       B To give her cat some medical care
C TO have her cat's stomach examined  D To have her cat's life ended in Comfort
57.  It seemed that Bright treated his pet cat as ______
A a close neighbour B  a good helper  C a part of his family  D a new friend
58  According to the passage , we can learn that Reina and Bright ________
A both suffered pet loss B  both had an old sick pet cat
C are close friends    D have similar life experience
59  Bright replied to Reina in order to _______
A comfort her           B share his story 
C encourage her         D tell her to forget her past         

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