
Recently a study, led by Pedro Hallal of the Federal University, suggests that nearly a third of adults, 31%, are not getting enough exercise. That rates of exercise have declined is hardly a new discovery. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, technology and economic growth have helped to create a world in which taking exercise is more and more an option rather than a necessity. But only recently have enough good data been collected from enough places to carry out the sort of analysis Dr Hallal and his colleagues have engaged in.
There are common themes in different places. Unsurprisingly, people in rich countries are less active than those in poor ones, and old people are less active than young ones. Less obviously, women tend to exercise less than men—34% are inactive, compared with 28% of men. But there are exceptions. The women of Croatia, Finland, Iraq and Luxembourg, for example, move more than their male countrymen.
Malta wins the race for most slothful country, with 72% of adults getting too little exercise, and Swaziland and Saudi Arabia are in close behind, with 69%. In Bangladesh, just 5% of adults fail to exercise enough. Surprisingly, six Americans in ten are active enough according to Dr Hallal’s study, compared with fewer than four in ten British.
These high rates of inactivity are worrying. Human beings seem to have evolved(进化) to benefit from exercise while deliberately avoiding it whenever they can. In a state of nature it would be impossible to live a life that did not provide enough of it. But that is no longer the case. Actually lack of enough activity these days has nearly the same effect on life span(寿命) as smoking.
小题1:We may learn from Paragraph 1 that_________.
A.the decline of exercise rates is newly discovered
B.the study suggests 31% of female adults get too little exercise
C.the good enough data has been collected from only one country
D.the industrial revolution has changed the way people live to some degree
小题2:According to the study, women of Luxembourg_________. 
A.have little time to exercise
B.hate to get regular exercise
C.take more exercise to lose weight
D.exercise more than men in their country
小题3:The underlined word “slothful” in Paragraph 3 most probably means_________.
小题4:What can be the best title for the text?
A.Worldwide Lack of Enough Exercise
B.New Health Discovery
C.Evolvement of Human Beings
D.Benefits of Taking Exercise


小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, technology and economic growth have helped to create a world in which taking exercise is more and more an option rather than a necessity.可知工业改革已经在某些程度上改变人们的生活方式,选D
小题2:细节题:从第二段的句子:But there are exceptions. The women of Croatia, Finland, Iraq and Luxembourg, for example, move more than their male countrymen.可知Luxembourg 的妇女锻炼的比男子多,选D
小题3:猜词题:从文章第三段的句子:Malta wins the race for most slothful country, with 72% of adults getting too little exercise, and Swaziland and Saudi Arabia are in close behind, with 69%.比较起来Malta的人是世界上最懒惰的人,可知“slothful”是“懒惰”的意思,选C
小题4:标题确定题:从全篇文章和第一段的句子:Recently a study, led by Pedro Hallal of the Federal University, suggests that nearly a third of adults, 31%, are not getting enough exercise.可知这篇文章讲的是世界范围的人缺少足够的锻炼,选A
There was a sweet smell of incense (香) in the air as the well­muscled man moved his legs into a position well behind his head.It was something that the human body really should not be able to do.But what else would you expect at the First World Yoga Championships?
On September 25,the world’s leading yoga experts arrived in the US to find out who was the best.But the real prize was to turn yoga into a proper Olympic event.
“Yoga is a combination of bodybuilding,Miss World,Mr Universe and gymnastics,” said championship organizer Bikram Choudhury.“There are some 70 people from more than 20 countries competing in this event.Why not have yoga at the Olympics?”
The public cannot decide whether or not Choudhury’s dream will come true.But he is right about one thing:yoga has become popular with young and old people all over the world.In the US alone,15 million people practise yoga.Everyone is at it,including Madonna and Ricky Martin.
Yoga started in India more than 5,000 years ago.The name means “to join together”.That is to bring the body and mind together into one pleasing experience.The whole system of yoga is built on three things:exercise,breathing and meditation (沉思).
The yoga that we know today is mostly physical yoga.It’s seen as a type of exercise,but is different from sports like football or running.When we do yoga,we move our body into positions that stretch the muscles and joints,making them stronger.
One of the best things about yoga is the fact that everyone can do it.To women,it means a flat stomach,more shapely legs and a graceful body.To men,it is a way of becoming stronger and more athletic.
There are also specially­designed yoga classes for pregnant women or children suffering from mental disabilities,such as autism (孤独症).As for teenagers,meditation and simple breathing exercises can help them learn to calm down,relax and concentrate better.But teenagers under  16  are  not supposed to do the body exercises as it could have a bad effect on their natural growth.
小题1:What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Something sportsmen should not do in practising yoga.
B.Basic skills that are required in performing yoga.
C.The performance of the sportsmen at the First World Yoga Championships.
D.The unique setting where yoga is performed.
小题2:What is Choudhury’s dream in the passage?
A.Turning yoga into a proper Olympic event.
B.Making all Americans practise yoga.
C  Winning the First World Yoga Championships.
D.Getting the public support for promoting yoga.
小题3:Why does the author mention Madonna and Ricky Martin in the fourth paragraph?
A.To compare the differences between the young and the old.
B.To describe the extensive popularity of yoga in the US.
C.To emphasize the importance of practising yoga.
D.To explain the strong influence of public figures in the US.
小题4:Which statement is NOT true about yoga?
A.It is a type of exercise which benefits the body and mind.
B.It makes muscles and joints stronger by stretching.
C.It contains exercise,breathing and meditation.
D.It is similar to the sports like football or running.
小题5:According to the passage,who does not need to pay special attention in practising yoga?
A.Women to be mothers.  B.Teenagers under 16.
C.Adult men.  D.Children with autism.
Traveling can be a way to gain life experiences, especially during Spring Break — a week long school vacation in the United States. But what if you’re a student and don’t have enough money for a trip? Don’t worry. Here are some useful suggestions.
●Save: This probably is the most important preparation for traveling. Cut expenses to fatten your wallet so you’ll have more choices about where to go and how to get there.
●Plan ahead: Don’t wait until the last minute to plan your trip. Tickets may cost more when bought on short notice. Giving yourself several months to get ready can mean security(安全) and savings.
●Do your homework: No matter where you go, research the places you will visit. Decide what to see. Travel books will provide information on the cheapest hotels and restaurants.
●Plan sensibly: Write down what you expect to spend for food and hotels. Stick to your plan or you may not have enough money to cover everything.
●Travel in groups: Find someone who is interested in visiting the same places. By traveling with others you can share costs and experiences.
●Work as you go: Need more money to support your trip? Look for work in the places you visit.
●Go off the beaten path: Tourist cities may be expensive. You may want to rethink your trip and go to a lesser-known area. Smaller towns can have many interesting activities and sights.
●Pack necessary things: The most important things to take are not always clothes: Remember medicine in case you get sick and snacks in case you cannot find a cheap restaurant.
●Use the Internet: The Net can help to save money. Some useful websites include www. Travelocity. com, www. bargains-lowest fare. com and www. Economic travel. com.
By planning sensibly, even students can enjoy the travel. Your travel experiences will be remembered for a lifetime.
小题1:This passage is about _______. 
A.how to plan your travelB.how to travel with enough money
C.how to make your travel interestingD.how to get life experiences
小题2:Before your trip, the first thing you should do is _______. 
A.to make a plan of the route B.to get information in the Internet
C.to save money by spending less D.to buy tickets in advance
小题3: The writer advises you _______. 
A.to share costs with any other people B.not to go to well-known places
C.not to visit dangerous places D.to buy anything you want to buy
小题4:During your trip, _______. 
A.you need more shoes than clothes
B.you shouldn’t look for work all the way
C.you can gain valuable life experiences
D.you should forget to do your homework
Car crashes are the top killer of American teenagers.Most of the crashes result from distracted driving not paying attention to the road.
Ryan Didone was a fifteen-year-old passenger in a car that hit a tree.He was one of the nation's more than thirty thousand victims of traffic crashes in 2008.Nearly four thousand deaths, about twelve percent, involved drivers aged fifteen to twenty.Ryan's father, Thomas Didone, is a police captain in Montgomery County, Maryland.He said, "It was an inexperienced, immature driver who felt that he was invincible(不可战胜的), driving at night with a carload of kids.He was distracted, he was going too fast, and it ended up causing one death and some upsetting experiences and tragedy for the rest of the community."
Jim Jennings from the Allstate Insurance Company said "The number one cause of distracted-driving accidents is the mobile phone.Talking on the phone or reaching for it is like drinking four beers and driving.If you're texting while driving, you are twenty-three times more likely to get into an accident than somebody who isn't.
Reaching for a cell phone when it's going off, you're nine times more likely to get into an accident than normally driving," The insurance industry recently held a safety event near Washington for teen drivers.
At first, nineteen-year-old Kevin Schumann easily avoided large, inflatable dolls thrown in front of the car to represent children.He also avoided orange cones representing the edge of the road.Then, as part of the test, he started texting. He hit several cones and at least one doll.
Debbie Pickford from the Allstate Insurance Company said, "Teens are especially at risk from distracted driving—and not just because they lack experience on the roads.What we know from research on teen brain development, is that teens don't really have fully developed brains until they are twenty-five years old. You put those two things together and you get a much, much higher risk.”
小题1:According to the passage, _____is the most likely to lead to a traffic accident while you are driving.
A.texting on the mobile phoneB.reaching for a cell phone.
C.talking on the mobile phoneD.bringing along a cell phone
小题2:A safety event held by insurance industry was meant to _   _.
A.attract more teenagers to take part in it
B.draw enough attention to teenagers' distracted driving
C.make more teenagers practice avoiding large barriers
D.encourage more teenagers to pay for insurance protection
小题3:The passage is probably followed by a concluding paragraph about ____.
A.much higher riskB.teen brain developmen
C.experience on the roadsD.measures to be taken t
小题4:Of all the following, which is the best title for the passage?
A.Car Crashes —the Top Killer.
B.Distracted Driving —Let's Avoid!
C.Drunken Driving — Dangerous Enough!
D.Tips on Driving While Calling
The World Health Organization and several other United Nations agencies are calling for a major new effort to fight malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS. These three infectious diseases killed almost 6 million people last year. That is about 10 percent of the total number of deaths around the world last year.
The WHO and UN agencies released a new report at the World Economic Forum in New York City earlier this month. The document says that deaths around the world from malaria and tuberculosis could be cut in half by the year 2010. It also says the number of deaths from AIDS could be reduced 25 percent within that same time period.
The report is called “Calling Up the Response to Infectious Diseases.” It calls for huge new investments in methods to prevent and treat infectious diseases. Officials say money is needed for research and to purchase drugs. Money is also needed to devices to prevent diseases, such as bed nets. Bed nets prevent mosquitoes that carry malaria from biting people while they sleep.
David Heymann, director of the infectious disease program at the World Health Organization, says that providing effective drug treatments is important for improving peoples’ health and economic well – being. Reducing disease can also help improve economic growth in developing countries.
The WHO report also describes successful health programs in developing countries. In Peru, for example, the number of tuberculosis cases was cut in half by increasing the treatment to control the disease. In Vietnam, malaria was reduced 97 percent through the use of bed nets. And in Uganda, cases of the virus that causes AIDS were cut in half among pregnant women and children through the use of anti – AIDS drugs.
This new international health campaign is estimated to cost about 12,000 million dollars a year. So far, officials say the campaign has about 2,000 million dollars. The WHO says the campaign will need stronger relationships among government, private aid agencies, and drug companies to succeed.
小题1:According to the report         is the disease most difficult to fight.
小题2:To prevent these diseases, a large amount of money is needed to          .
A.to buy food and pay for the caretakers
B.do research work, buy drugs and devices
C.take care of the families of the deaths
D.set up more hospitals and health institutions
小题3:We can infer from the text that reducing infectious diseases is          .
A.to help the countries develop better
B.to promote cooperation between countries
C.to help people get more scientific knowledge
D.to help people get a cleaner environment
小题4:Most serious infectious diseases spread mainly in         .
A.AfricaB.South America
C.AsiaD.developing countries
小题5:To fight the diseases,         is necessary.
A.better environment
B.cooperation between different people
C.to wipe out the pests
D.more drugs and money
Bad teeth can be painful and even be deadly. Infections of the gums(牙龈) and teeth can release bacteria into the blood system. Those bacteria can increase the chance of a heart attack or stroke and worsen the effects of other diseases. And adults are not the only ones at risk. For example, a 12­year­old boy died when a tooth infection spread to his brain in 2007 in Washington. Experts said it might have been prevented had he received the dental care he needed.
Experts say good dental care starts at birth. Breast milk, they say, is the best food for the healthy development of teeth. Breast milk can help slow bacterial growth and acid production in the mouth. But dentists say a baby's gums and early teeth should be cleaned after each feeding by using a cloth with a little warm water. Experts say if you decide to put your baby to sleep with a bottle, give only water.
When baby teeth begin to appear, you can clean them with a wet toothbrush. Dentists say it is important to find soft toothbrushes made especially for babies and to use them very gently. The use of fluoride(氟化物) to protect teeth is common in many parts of the world. For example, it is often added to drinking water supplies. The fluoride mixes with enamel(釉质), the hard surface on teeth, to help prevent holes from forming.
But young children often swallow toothpaste when they brush their teeth. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry notes that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste can cause problems. So young children should be carefully watched when they brush their teeth. And only a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste, the size of a pea, should be used.
Parents often wonder what effect finger sucking might have on their baby's teeth. Dental experts generally agree that this is fine early in life. Most children stop sucking their fingers by the age of four. If it continues, experts advise parents to talk to their children's dentists or doctors. Because it could interfere_with the correct development of permanent teeth.
Dentists say children should have their first dental visit at least by the time they are one year old. They say babies should be examined when their first teeth appear—usually at around six months.
小题1:According to the passage,what is the function of fluoride?
A.Making the surface on teeth much cleaner.
B.Protecting gums from being infected.
C.Keeping holes on teeth from forming.
D.Slowing down bacterial growth and acid production.
小题2:The underlined phrase “interfere with” in Para.5 probably means “________”.
A.do harm toB.account for
C.contribute toD.stand for
小题3:What is the purpose of the author in writing the passage?
A.To warn us of the deadly infections of gums and teeth.
B.To introduce the advantages of fluoridated toothpaste.
C.To draw our attention to the dental care of young children.
D.To present the research results about dental care.
A new study has found evidence of aggressive (攻击性的) behavior in children who drink four or more servings of soft drinks every day. Information for the study came from the mothers of 3,000 5-year-olds. Researchers asked the women to keep a record of how many servings of soft drinks their children drank over a two-month period. They were also asked to complete a checklist of their children’s behavior.
The researchers have found that 43 percent of the children drink at least one daily serving of soda, and 4 percent of the youngsters have even four or more sodas to drink every day.
Shakira Suglia, a famous expert, says they’ve found that children who drink the most soda are more than twice as likely as those who drink no soda to show signs of aggression.
“For the children who consume four or more soft drinks per day, we see more withdrawn behaviors, which make them hard to get along well with others.”
The aggressive behaviors include destroying possessions belonging to others, taking part in fights and physically attacking people.
The researchers have determined the link after considering factors like the child’s age and sex. They have also considered other possible influence, such as whether the boys and girls are eating sweets or giving fruit drinks on a normal day. In addition, the researchers have examined parenting styles and other social conditions that may be taking place in the home.
Researches are trying to find why young children who drink a lot of soda have behavior problems. An ingredient often found in soft drinks is caffeine, which helps to make people feel energetic. Doctor Suglia suggests that caffeine could cause the 5-year-olds to be more aggressive. Earlier studies of adults have found the highest sugar levels in those who carry weapons (武器) and show signs of negative social behavior.
小题1:What section of a newspaper is the passage probably taken from?
A.Scientific TechnologyB.Science Fictions
C.Social NewsD.Health Report
小题2:The underlined word “withdrawn” in paragraph 4 can probably be replaced by the word ______.
小题3:Researchers studied the following aspects of the children except ______.
小题4:According to the research, which of the following is right?
A.Mothers were asked to keep a record of how many servings of soft drinks their children drank over a three-month period.
B.4 percent of the youngsters have even four or fewer sodas to drink every day.
C.Children who drink no soda show fewer aggressive behaviors.
D.Children with the highest sugar levels tend to carry weapons and show signs of negative social behavior.
小题5:After a further study on ingredients in soda, Shakira Suglia implies that the direct cause of the aggressive behaviors may be ______.
A.soft drinksB.attention problems
C.caffeineD.social conditions
New research suggests that speaking more than one language may delay different kinds of dementia(痴呆), that is the loss of mental ability. In fact, researchers say, speaking two languages appears to be more important than the level of education in defending against dementias.
A study in India examined the effect of knowing more than one language in delaying the first signs of several dementias. Researchers studied nearly 650 people whose average age was 66. 240 of those studied suffered from Alzheimer's, the most common form of mental decline(下降). 391 of the subjects spoke two or more languages. Researchers found the dementias began about four-and-a-half years later in those who spoke two languages compared to those who spoke only one language. The level of education had no effect on the age at the first sign of dementia.
Thomas Bak, from the Center of Cognitive Aging at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, who helped to organize the study, suggests that individuals who speak more than one language train their brains by moving back and forth between different words and expressions. He also believes this effort improves what scientists called executive(执行的) functioning, which often weakens in people with dementias. He states that researchers found there was no extra gain in speaking more than two languages.
Mr Bak says it does not appear important whether you learn another language at a young age or later in life. It's not something that “you missed the boat when you do not do it as a baby.” It is something that is still quite useful and powerful when you do it as an adult.
小题1:The finding of the study is that________.
A.learning more than one language can cure dementias
B.speaking two languages may delay kinds of dementias
C.the level of education matters in defending against dementias
D.people who suffer from dementias will lose mental ability
小题2:The underlined word “subjects” refers to________.
A.people who were studied in the study
B.notices that were put on about the study
C.questions that were asked in the study
D.methods that were used in the study
小题3:According to Mr Bak, ________.
A.the more languages one speaks, the less chance of getting dementias
B.people’s executive functioning often strengthens with age
C.when you learn one more language makes no difference
D.it is much easier to learn one more language at a young age
小题4:This passage may probably be seen in________.
A.a research planB.a health magazine
C.a book reviewD.a business magazine
According to the survey conducted by some scientists, it is common to have difficulty sleeping during the day. Humans are naturally wired to sleep best at night and be awake during the day. However, modern work schedules require some people to try to accommodate the unnatural schedule of shift(轮班)work — being awake at night and sleeping during the day.
In order to make this adjustment, you need to pay special attention to your sleep environment and your preparation for sleep. If shift work is a necessary part of your work life, here are some suggestions that may help.
Arrange to sleep uninterrupted in a quiet, dark room. This means you may have to turn off or unplug your phone, hang darkening curtains on the windows or wear a sleep eye mask, and train your family and friends to leave you alone while you sleep.
Fit in a nap (小睡). When your daytime sleep period is too short, taking a short nap of less than 30 minutes just before work or on a break has been shown to improve alertness and enhance performance.
Develop and follow a sleep routine. It's best if you go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Try not to vary this too much on weekends. Your body likes routine.
Take extra care to make healthy choices. You may be tempted to reach for unhealthy foods or nicotine to stay awake or alcohol to try to sleep. But ultimately these choices are more harmful than helpful.
If you have tried all these things and are still having problems getting enough quality sleep during the day, talk to your doctor or a sleep specialist. Sometimes medications (药物治疗) may be helpful and safe. In other cases, there may be an underlying sleep disorder that needs to be addressed.
小题1:The purpose of the text is to_____ .
A.persuade workers to have a good sleep
B.advise night workers to keep healthy
C.encourage workers to do day work
D.help night workers to sleep well
小题2:What does the author recommend?
A.A suitable amount of alcohol to help sleep.
B.A regular life on weekday’s and weekends.
C.A bright room without phones to sleep in.
D.A break for sleeping anytime during the day.
小题3:On which condition should a person turn to a sleep specialist for help?
A.If he suffers from a sleep disorder for the first time.
B.If a good sleep environment is greatly needed for him.
C.If he fails to get quality sleep through his own efforts.
D.If he has the problem of falling asleep in the daytime.
小题4:We can learn from the text that_____________.
A.night workers need a long time to fall asleep
B.constant breaks at work help to improve performance
C.it is difficult to create a good sleep environment
D.night work requires people to adjust their body clocks

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