
  The first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens(雅典)in 1896 and only twelve nations participated it.Besides the host nation,many participants(参赛者)were tourists who happened to bein Greece at the time.Though the whole affair was informal and the standard was not high, the old principle of the sport was kept up.

  Since then, the games had been held every four years except during the interruption of the two World Wars.This was definitely a departure(背道而驰)from the old Olympic spirit that wars had to stop and make way for the games.

  The games have grown in scale and physical performances have now reached unprecedented(空前的)heights.Unfortunately the same cannot be said about their moral standard.The modern games are now held in different cities all over the word.Politics and commercialism get involved for the honor to hold the games because of the profit.In the 11th games held in Berlin in 1936, Hitler who had newly come to power in Germany tried to use the occasion for his Nazi propaganda(宣传).For the first time the Olympic flame was brought all the way from Olympia to the games site in relays, a marathon journey now often taking months to finish.The last relay runner lit the huge symbol torch high on a pedestal(火炬台)above the stadium on the opening day, and with great pomp and fanfare(壮丽多彩)the opening ceremony began.

  The Games of the 24th Olympiad, Beijing 2008, will take place from 8th to 24th, August 2008.The Games will play host to the 28 summer sports.About 10,500 athletes are expected to take part in the Games with around 20,000 media bringing the Games to the world.

  On 11th, November, 2005, the Organizing Committee for the Games of Beijing 2008 has launched the five official mascots(吉祥物)for the Beijing Games at a show, to mark the 1,000-day countdown(倒计时)to the Opening Ceremony of the Games.The five mascots are officially called the Five Friendlies.They are Beibei, the fish; Jingjing, the panda; Huanhuan, the Olympic flame; Yingying, the Tibetan antelope; and Nini, the swallow.The first syllables from their two-syllable names form a line that reads“Beijing Huanying Ni”, or in English - “Welcome to Beijing”.The mascot’s colours were chosen in line with the colours of the Olympic rings.


What does the underlined word participated mean?

[  ]


take part in.


make an offer of help.


had a journey to.


paid a visit to.


Which is right?

[  ]


The Games have always been held every four years all the time since the beginning.


The first Olympic Games were formal.


The old Olympic spirit was that wars should make ways for the Games.


The standard of the old Olympic Games was high.


The modern Olympic Games _________.

[  ]


are held in every city all over the world


are not held in the same cities


were held 11 times in Beijing


started its Olympic flame before Hitler came into power


Which is the symbol of the Beijing 2008 Games?

[  ]





IV.阅读理解(共20小题;每题2分; 满分40分)
Football--called soccer in the United States--is probably the most popular sport in the world today, It has been popular for a long time. But many years ago each country had different rules for its own football game.
In 1863 a group of people met in England to change this. They wrote a set of rules for all countries to follow. They also planned for soccer teams from different countries to play against each other. The idea worked. These rules are the same today, more than 100 years later.  Now teams from all the world compete in the famous World Cup. The cup is a series of games which is held every four years. Team from many countries plays to see which is the best. Soccer is so popular today that it is not unusual for 600 million people to watch a World Cup match on television.
How did the World Cup start? The soccer team from Uruguay won the Olympic championship in soccer in 1924 and 1928. That country decided to have the first World Cup games in Montevideo in 1930, These first games were not very successful. Only thirteen teams arrived to play and eight of them were from South America.
It didn't seem like a world championship. The team from Uruguay won the Cup that first year.
56. In 1863 a group of people met in England______.
A. to play for football teams from different countries
B. to learn the rules for football
C. to write a set of rules for football
D. to have matches between teams from different countries
57. The rules written in 1863 are _____.
A. the same as today's     B. different from today's
C. changed a lot          D. changed a little
58. When did the first World Cup take place?
A. In 1930.        B. In 1924.         C. in 1928        D. In 1934
59. The first World Cup was not successful because
A. the Olympic champion didn't take place   
B. some of the teams arrived too late
C. all teams were from South America       
D. it did not seem like a world championship

The London 20120lympics are being praised as a sporting and logistical(后勤)success,but the influence on economy is far less certain.Some London tourist attractions,businesses and hotels reported that their business actually fell during the Games.But as Olly Barratt reports from London,the overall UK economy is looking for long-term results.
Showing an Olympic-sized party like this cost the UK almost l 5 billion dollars.But while spectators went to east London’S Olympic Park,central London has been much quieter than。normal. Arthur lRason,a central London stallholder,said,“Am I taking less? Yeah,I’m taking less.There’S no question about it.”
Restaurants were among businesses that reported lower takings than normal at this time of year.And one tourism trade association says a survey of its members found the Games had  had a negative influence all over the UK.But during the recent recession(不景气),British officials still insist the Games were worth it.Boris Johnson,Mayor of London said,“I think it’S been an amazing display of what you can do if you plan and you work for years and years on a project.
And I think it’s a great advertisement for British engineering and British industry."    The government hopes the Games will be a great help to the British brand worldwide,and they are also an opportunity to sweet-talk potential investors from all over the world.And a fall in takings for some attractions should not have come as a surprise.
【小题1】Where is the London’S Olympic Park located?

A.Central London.B.East London.
C.West London.D.Outside London.
【小题2】Mayor of London thinks the Games’effect on British economy is——.
C.negative D.uncertain
【小题3】What can we learn from the text?
A.The British government did badly in organizing the Games.
B.Businesses in central London were improved during the Games.
C.Most British businessmen thought poorly of the London Games.
D.Most British officials were worried about the future of British economy.

Below is a web page from Google.

Olympic—Modern Olympic Games

The completer results archive of summer and winter Olympic games, with winners lists, statistics, national anthems and flags of all contries since 1896.

www. olympic. it/english/home-16k


Beijing steel plants to run at the lowest level of cost during 2008 Olympics [2007-03-11] Beijing able to treat 90 pct of waste water [2007-02-05] ·Air quality in Beijing has improved over the past six years [2007-02-01]·Green Olympics dream coming true …

en. Beijing2008.com/80/67/column211716780.shtml-52k

Beijing announces planned roule of Olympic torch relay

Beijing announced the 2008 Olympic Games torch relay route and set off the Olympic Games torch on Thursday. … Green Olympics is one of the three concepts of the Beijing Games. …


Environmental Symbol of Beijing Olympics —‘Green Olympics’

Environmental Symbol of Beijing Olympics —‘Green Olympics’, officially announced on Saturday, 24 September 2005. The symbol, created using a calligraphic art form, is composed of human and tree-like shapes, …


Green Olympics Forum In Beijing 2004

On behalf of BOCOC, Wang Wei, executive vice president of BOCOC, gave a presentation about Green Olympics, introduced the environment protection work of BMC and BOCOC, and answered several questions such as protection of cultural relics …


Olympic Games Quizzes and Olmpic Games Trivia

Who was the founder of the Modern Olympics? In which cities were the modern Olympic Games due to be held/ scheduled during the ‘war years’, i.e., 1916, 1940, and 1944? … In which three years of the Modern Olympic Games were … More questions …

www.funtrivia.com/quizzes/sports/ olympic_games.html-12k


… aimed at young researchers engaged in scholarly research on the Olympic Movement, its history and values, and the impact of the …[ Full story] SPORT ACCORD[2005-01-23]…


Ancient Olympic Heritage and Modern Olympic Games in Athens 2004

As put forward in the various official texts, the Olympic symbols of ancient Olympia, the Olympic flame and the Marathon race are bridges between the ancient and the modern Olympic Games, …


1.When was the environmental symbol of Beijing Olympics made public?

A.On January 23, 2005.                    B.On September 24, 2005.

C.On February 5, 2007.                    D.On March 11, 2007.

2.Which of the following websites is designed for young researchers interested in the Olympics?


B.Green Olympics Forum In Beijing 2004

C.Olympic Games Quizzes and Olmpic Games Trivia


3.Which website provides a complete list of the winners in the Olympic Games?

A.OlympicModern Olympic Games

B.Green Olympics Forum In Beijing 2004

C.Environmental Symbol of Beijing Olympics —‘Green Olympics

D.Ancient Olympic Hertiage and Modern Olympic Games in Athens 2004

4.What do we learn from the above web page?

A.Beijing has made efforts to improve its air quality.

B.The Olympic torch relay route has not been planned.

C.The Olympic flag will be on display in Athens.

D.A quiz on the Olympics will be held in Beijing.


IV.阅读理解(共20小题;每题2分; 满分40分)

Football--called soccer in the United States--is probably the most popular sport in the world today, It has been popular for a long time. But many years ago each country had different rules for its own football game.

In 1863 a group of people met in England to change this. They wrote a set of rules for all countries to follow. They also planned for soccer teams from different countries to play against each other. The idea worked. These rules are the same today, more than 100 years later.  Now teams from all the world compete in the famous World Cup. The cup is a series of games which is held every four years. Team from many countries plays to see which is the best. Soccer is so popular today that it is not unusual for 600 million people to watch a World Cup match on television.

How did the World Cup start? The soccer team from Uruguay won the Olympic championship in soccer in 1924 and 1928. That country decided to have the first World Cup games in Montevideo in 1930, These first games were not very successful. Only thirteen teams arrived to play and eight of them were from South America.

It didn't seem like a world championship. The team from Uruguay won the Cup that first year.

56. In 1863 a group of people met in England______.

A. to play for football teams from different countries

B. to learn the rules for football

C. to write a set of rules for football

D. to have matches between teams from different countries

57. The rules written in 1863 are _____.

A. the same as today's     B. different from today's

C. changed a lot          D. changed a little

58. When did the first World Cup take place?

A. In 1930.        B. In 1924.         C. in 1928        D. In 1934

59. The first World Cup was not successful because

A. the Olympic champion didn't take place   

B. some of the teams arrived too late

C. all teams were from South America       

D. it did not seem like a world championship


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