Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive,the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight __1__ before setting down. High desert winds had __2__ the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be __3__ the city for a few minutes waiting to __4__. We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened __5__ there might be a few bumps(颠簸).We11,that few minutes turned into about forty-five minutes,including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车) __6__ by comparison. The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt __7__ and had to use airsickness bags. As you might guess,that's not a good thing to have happen in a(n) __8__ space because it only __9__ to increase the discomfort of the situation.

About twenty minutes into the adventure,the entire airplane became very __10__.There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be __11__ noticed.Every passenger simply held on for dear life...except one. A __12__ was having a good time! With each bump of the __13__, he would let out a giggle(咯咯的笑)of delight. As I observed this,I __14__ that he didn't know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his  __15__. He neither thought about the past nor about the future. Those are what we grown-ups have learned from __16__.He was __17__ the ride  because he had not yet been taught to fear it. Having  understood this,I took a deep breath and __18__ back into my seat,pretending I was __19__ on a roller coaster. I smiled for the rest of the flight. I even  __20__ to  giggle once or twice,much to the chagrin(懊恼)of the man sitting next to me holding the airsickness bag.

1. A. mistake  B. delay  C. change   D. wind

2. A. forced     B. warned  C. swept      D. reminded

3. A. watching  B. visiting  C. circling     D. crossing

4. A. arrive     B. enter  C. stop         D. land

5. A. if       B. though  C. because      D. while

6. A. light    B. pale    C. easy         D. quick

7. A. sick     B. nervous  C. angry      D. afraid

8. A. empty   B. narrow  C. secret      D. open

9. A. happens  B. continues  C. fails     D. serves

10. A. quiet   B. hot   C.  dirty        D.  crowded  

11. A. partly  B.  gradually  C. shortly  D. clearly

12. A. pilot   B. baby  C.  guard  D.  man

13. A. seats         B.  passengers

C. flight         D. airplane

14. A. realized  B.  hoped      C.  agreed       D.  insisted

15. A. health   B. safety        C. joy           D. future

16. A. teachers  B. books       C.  experience    D.  practice

17. A. learning   B.  taking    C.  missing       D.  enjoying

18. A. sat       B. lay         C. went          D. rode

19. A. nearly     B.  finally    C.  really        D.  suddenly

20. A. attempted  B.  managed   C.  wanted      D.  decided

Dear Benter,
  You have been away exactly two weeks today but it seems more like two years to me!
  I’m glad to hear you’ll be back soon. Are you coming directly home, dear? Or do you plan to make some stops   36  the way? I hope you’ll be home in  37 for Patsy’s birthday next Sunday. She is  38 you to show films to her  39 friends.
Patsy keeps asking every day  40 you’ll be back. She says you never  41  that story you were telling her about  42 train that lost its “ toot”(喇叭嘟嘟声). You’d better   43  and think up a good ending  44 it. You know how Patsy is? She  45 be happy until she knows exactly what ­__46  to the “toot” and  47 the little train got it back  48 !
  Everything at home is fine except that we  49 you so much! I’ve been  50 with the spring cleaning. Yesterday I had Cora  51 in to wash the kitchen walls and she did a very good __52 of it. The kitchen looks as though it’s been repainted. I made some new yellow curtains, and they  53 very beautiful.
  I went to see your mother yesterday. Her  54 is all gone and she looks very  55 . Your sister Jean looks wonderful! She has taken off about fifteen pounds since she began dieting. But now she’s complaining that none of her clothes fit!
Hope to see you before next Sunday.
  Love and kisses to you!
【小题1】A in           B. on          C. at          D. along

A.timeB.factC.allD.the end
A.expecting B.thinkingC.agreeingD.hoping

第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
September 4 was my first day at Phillips Academy, my new school. It was also my 18th birthday.
I received a warm   26    from my host family--- the Steins. Gena was my host mum, and her daughter Lily would also be a new  27   at Phillips. They took me to the school and      28   me around the campus.
On our way to my dorm (学生宿舍), we saw a truck delivering a student’s  29  to her room. Many students at the school were very rich, and they would fill their dorms with decorations(装饰物). But I was  30   not to because I thought it was a   31   of time and money.
I had a single room, which was about the   32   of a Chinese college dorm --- the ones which usually hold six people.  33  she helped carry my bags, Lily asked me, “What’s your favorite  34  ,Teresa?” I thought for a moment before answering, “Orange.” I didn’t know why she had asked the question.
We   35  an introduction meeting after dinner.  36   of the students were native English speakers, so I felt a little   37  .  I returned to my room after the   38  , tired and wanted to go to bed after a (n)   39  day.
When I opened my door, I found a big    40  .The bed was perfectly made with blankets and an orange sunflower pillow. On the    41   was a sunflower-pattern mat(地垫,垫子)while a colorful lamp    42  beside the bed.
I opened my mouth,   43   .  How beautiful!
There was also a  44   card. I touched the little pillow on the bed as I read the card. A warm current (暖流) rushed through my   45   .
26. A. heart           B. card                  C. service                     D. welcome
27. A. student       B. teacher                    C. citizen               D. visitor
28. A. walked               B. introduced         C. showed             D. invited
29. A. bag             B. newspaper         C. letters               D. money
30. A. warned       B. forced                     C. determined        D. supposed
31. A. matter         B. waste                C. show                 D. use
32. A. design         B. size                   C. pattern                     D. example
33. A. As               B. Though             C. Because             D. While
34. A. fruit            B. weather             C. food                 D. color
35. A. organized     B. planned             C. attended            D. opened
36. A. All              B. Most                 C. Some                D. Few
37. A. pleased       B. nervous            C. angry                D. afraid
38. A. dinner         B. class                C. meeting             D. party
39. A. exciting       B. surprising         C. tired             D. interested
40. A. secret          B. joke                  C. warmth          D. surprise
41. A. wall            B. desk                  C. floor            D. ground
42. A. stood           B. lay                C. appeared        D. hanged
43. A. frightened    B. moved                     C. satisfied         D. understood
44. A. post             B. birthday            C. name            D. festival
45. A. mind         B. head                C. face               D. body

阅读下列各小题, 根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号内。

71. It being Sunday yesterday, rather than stay indoors, I ____________________. (prefer)


72. Henry told me that there was a time _____________________ (他熬夜) every night going over his lessons. (stay)


73. He insisted that we ______________________, though no one really agreed with him. (schedule)


74. They say that the accident happened because of the carelessness of the driver, but in my opinion, it is the cyclist rather than the driver ________________________ (blame)


75. Not until we watched the Earth Day program on TV ______________________ much about global warming. (learn)


76. The manager, _____________________, felt like a cat on hot bricks. (settle)


77.The earthquake is reported          more than 300 lives in Indonesia. (claim)


78. ________________________(货物空运) is very expensive in my country. (transport)


79. When it comes to English learning, we ______________ to remember words in the way of imagination. (find)


80. Ever since middle school, my sister ____________________ a bike trip. (dream)


阅读下列各小题, 根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号内。

71. It being Sunday yesterday, rather than stay indoors, I ____________________. (prefer)


72. Henry told me that there was a time _____________________ (他熬夜) every night going over his lessons. (stay)


73. He insisted that we ______________________, though no one really agreed with him. (schedule)


74. They say that the accident happened because of the carelessness of the driver, but in my opinion, it is the cyclist rather than the driver ________________________ (blame)


75. Not until we watched the Earth Day program on TV ______________________ much about global warming. (learn)


76. The manager, _____________________, felt like a cat on hot bricks. (settle)


77.The earthquake is reported          more than 300 lives in Indonesia. (claim)


78. ________________________(货物空运) is very expensive in my country. (transport)


79. When it comes to English learning, we ______________ to remember words in the way of imagination. (find)


80. Ever since middle school, my sister ____________________ a bike trip. (dream)


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