

Japan will hand out its first “Nobel Prize of Manga (国际漫画奖)” for artists in the comic book field abroad. This is another step in Japan’s efforts to show the power of pop culture diplomacy.

The International Manga Award, which was compared by manga lover Foreign Minister Taro Aso to a “Nobel Prize” when he first proposed it, will be given to an artist working abroad whose work best contributes to the spread of the manga form worldwide.

Manga, a name used for Japanese style comic books, often combines stories with drawing styles that differ from the overseas superhero comics and cartoon, particularly in their frequent emphasis on cuteness.

The winner will receive a certificate and a cup at an award ceremony, and will spend 10 days in Japan meeting with local comic book artists and publishers.

“Manga has been spreading overseas and are selling quite well,” Aso said when announcing the award to the public. “I want to further improve the communicative power of these so-called ‘pieces of pop culture’.”

Aso has argued that warm feelings for Japanese comics and cartoon can translate into warm feelings for Japanese foreign policy.

He has proposed sending cartoon artists overseas as cultural ambassadors and the government has named some officials to advise ways to promote Japanese cartoon and culture to foreign audiences.

The award committee, consisting of manga artists and publishers, is expected to make its selections quite soon.

According to a ministry official Nobuyuki Watanabe, the prize carries no money reward. The cup’s design has yet to be finished, but it will be something “appropriate”.

1. The International Manga Award will be presented to ____________.

A. a Japanese who has achieved a lot in creating new methods of drawing

B. an artist who makes contributions to introducing manga to the other foreign countries

C. the person who is expert at comics and cartoon

D. a foreign artist who has contributed to the development of manga

2. Which statement is NOT true about manga?

   A. Manga is different from the overseas comic books.

   B. Manga is popular not only in Japan but also overseas.

   C. Manga refers to international comics and cartoon.

   D. There are stories and pictures in manga.[来源:学_科_网]

3.What has the Japanese government done to show its support?

   A. To propose “Nobel Prize of Manga”.

   B. To name officials to advise ways of spreading manga overseas.

   C. To hand out its first “Nobel Prize of Manga”.

   D. To send cartoon artists overseas as cultural ambassadors.

4.The passage is mainly about ____________.

   A. Nobel Prize of Manga                      B. the characteristics of manga

   C. a brief introduction of manga             D. the development of manga








【解析】 略



The forces that make Japan one of the world's most earthquake-prone(有…倾向的) countries could become part of its long-term energy solution.
Water from deep below the ground at Japan's tens of thousands of hot springs could be used to produce electricity.
Although Japanese high-tech companies are leaders in geothermal(地热的) technology and export it, its use is limited in the nation.
"Japan should no doubt make use of its resources of geothermal energy," said Yoshiyasu Takefuji, a leading researcher of thermal-electric power production.
The disastrous earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 caused a reaction against atomic power, which previously made up 30 percent of Japan's energy needs, and increased interest in alternative energies, which account for only 8 percent.
Artist Yoko Ono has called on Japan to explore its natural energy, following the example of Iceland which uses renewable energy for more than 80 percent of its needs.
For now, geothermal energy makes up less than 1 percent of the energy needs in Japan, which has for decades relied heavily on fossil fuels and atomic power.
The biggest problem to geothermal energy is the high initial cost of the exploration and constructing the factories.Another problem is that Japan's potentially best sites are already being developed for tourism or are located within national parks where construction is forbidden.
"We can't even dig 10cm inside national parks." said Shigeto Yamada of Fuji Electric, adding that regulations protecting nature would need to be relaxed for geothermal energy to grow.
Researcher Hideaki Matsui said, "Producing electricity using hot springs is a decades-long project.We also have to think about what to do for now as energy supplies will decrease in the short term."
The Earth Policy Institute in Washington, US, believed Japan could produce 80,000 megawatts(兆瓦)and meet more than half its electricity needs with geothermal technology.
Japanese giants such as Toshiba are already global leaders in geothermal technology, with a 70 percent market share.In 2010, Fuji Electric built the world's largest geothermal factory in New Zealand.
【小题1】What would be the best title for the text?

A.Alternative energies in Japan
B.Japan thinks of geothermal energy
C.Japan takes the lead in geothermal technology
D.World's largest geothermal plant
【小题2】What percentage of Japan's energy needs is geothermal energy?
A.About 8%.B.Around 30%. C.Below 1%.D.Over 80%.
【小题3】According to Shigeto Yamada, the growth of geothermal power in Japan needs ____.
A.high technologyB.financial support
C.local people's helpD.a change of rules
【小题4】Geothermal energy is considered as a long-term program by _____.
A.Hideaki Matsui   B Yoshiyasu Takefuji.    C.Shigeto Yamada       D.Yoko Ono
【小题5】It can be learned from the last two paragraphs that _____.
A.the world's biggest geothermal plant was built by America
B.Japan will not export its geothermal technology
C.it is hard to find geothermal energy in Japan
D.the potential of Japan's geothermal energy is great

Japan will hand out its first “Nobel Prize of Manga (国际漫画奖)” for artists in the comic book field abroad. This is another step in Japan’s efforts to show the power of pop culture diplomacy.
The International Manga Award, which was compared by manga lover Foreign Minister Taro Aso to a “Nobel Prize” when he first proposed it, will be given to an artist working abroad whose work best contributes to the spread of the manga form worldwide.
Manga, a name used for Japanese style comic books, often combines stories with drawing styles that differ from the overseas superhero comics and cartoon, particularly in their frequent emphasis on cuteness.
The winner will receive a certificate and a cup at an award ceremony, and will spend 10 days in Japan meeting with local comic book artists and publishers.
“Manga has been spreading overseas and are selling quite well,” Aso said when announcing the award to the public. “I want to further improve the communicative power of these so-called ‘pieces of pop culture’.”
Aso has argued that warm feelings for Japanese comics and cartoon can translate into warm feelings for Japanese foreign policy.
He has proposed sending cartoon artists overseas as cultural ambassadors and the government has named some officials to advise ways to promote Japanese cartoon and culture to foreign audiences.
The award committee, consisting of manga artists and publishers, is expected to make its selections quite soon.
According to a ministry official Nobuyuki Watanabe, the prize carries no money reward. The cup’s design has yet to be finished, but it will be something “appropriate”.
【小题1】 The International Manga Award will be presented to ____________.

A.a Japanese who has achieved a lot in creating new methods of drawing
B.an artist who makes contributions to introducing manga to the other foreign countries
C.the person who is expert at comics and cartoon
D.a foreign artist who has contributed to the development of manga
【小题2】 Which statement is NOT true about manga?
A.Manga is different from the overseas comic books.
B.Manga is popular not only in Japan but also overseas.
C.Manga refers to international comics and cartoon.
D.There are stories and pictures in manga.[来源:学_科_网]
【小题3】What has the Japanese government done to show its support?
A.To propose “Nobel Prize of Manga”.
B.To name officials to advise ways of spreading manga overseas.
C.To hand out its first “Nobel Prize of Manga”.
D.To send cartoon artists overseas as cultural ambassadors.
【小题4】The passage is mainly about ____________.
A.Nobel Prize of MangaB.the characteristics of manga
C.a brief introduction of mangaD.the development of manga

Nuclear­powered aircraft carriers are considered one of the most important marine weapons in the 20th century. So far, only two countries in the world, the USA and France, have ever produced them. But these fearful fighting machines are about to enter Asia.

The US Navy said last month that one of its nine nuclear­powered aircraft carriers will be sent to Japan to replace the diesel(柴油)­powered carrier Kitty Hawk in 2008. In an agreement on October 30, the two countries also planned to level up their military (军事的) cooperation and the USA called for Japan to take a larger role in alliance (联盟)military moves.

It will be the first time that a nuclear­powered carrier is based in Japan. Bombed by US forces in World War Ⅱ at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan is the only world country to have been attacked by a nuclear weapon. Therefore, the citizens are highly sensitive to where nuclear­powered weapons are based.

“A radiation leak at Yokosuka would kill 100,000 people as far away as Tokyo, and could cause billions of dollars in damage,” said Masahiko Goto, leader of a protest group in Yokosuka. His group has collected more than 300,000 signatures of people across Japan opposed to the nuclear carrier.

The 44­year­old Kitty Hawk, the US Navy's oldest active ship, has been based in Yokosuka since 1998. It had returned to the US to be decommissioned(废弃核武器) in 2008. The new carrier will travel faster, be capable of supporting longer operations and carry with it the Navy's most modern technology.

Experts pointed that this change is not only to strengthen the US­Japan military alliance but also to keep the military power of China and North Korea within limits. However, even Japanese experts don't believe that the two countries are threats to the region.

“There is no need for Japan to have a nuclear carrier as defense,” said Tetsuo Maeda, an international relations professor at Tokyo International University. He said that the change of ship indicates an increased military capability in the region, much more than what is needed.

1.With such a powerful weapon to enter its country, Japanese citizens ________.

A.are aware of its benefits to the country

B.are anxious about its potential danger

C.are curious about the advanced technology

D.are against where the carrier will be based

2.The replacement of the aircraft carrier is intended to________.

A.set up a kind of base in Japan

B.strengthen the US­Japan military alliance

C.show Japan's greater military capability

D.get rid of the dated marine weapon

3.From the story, we learn that________.

A.no other countries except the USA and France possess aircraft carriers

B.Japan has long planned to increase its military capability with new weapons

C.Japan will be the first country in Asia to have a nuclear aircraft carrier

D.Japan will be the third country to produce a nuclear­powered aircraft carrier

4.By his remark in the last paragraph, the professor means that________.

A.he is quite confident of their military defense

B.he is completely opposed to a new nuclear carrier

C.what is needed is far more than a nuclear carrier

D.it is unnecessary to guard against the two countries


      Tired of Working in Your Country?

With over 500 teachers and 20 years of experience, we are the leader in the field of teaching foreign languages. We now have positions open in Osaka starting September/October 2004 for teachers of English, German, Spanish and French.

• Teach many different kinds of classes using the latest technology in small classes of up to 3 students.

•Accommodation (???), and other necessary documents will be ready before you leave.

• Applicants will teach their first language only.

• Excellent teacher training programs.

If you are young with a university degree and are willing to experience different cultures, apply (????) now. Experience in teaching is an advantage but not specially required. Knowledge of the Japanese language is not necessary but good English skills and practical computer knowledge are basic requirements.

Apply with C. V. and send letters to:

NOVA France, Mr. Sampy (IHT3/2)

34, Bd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris, Franceks5*u

Fax: 33148014804

Or visit our website: www. teadyp. com

The manager expects to meet and talk with successful applicants in Paris in June and July.

1.What is the purpose of the text?

    A. To introduce a language school in Japan.           B. To hire language teachers to work in Japan.

    C. To describe working conditions in Japan.           D. To make clear the requirements for Japanese teachers.

2.We know from the text that those who are going to Japan will _______.

    A. teach English only in Osaka                        B. receive a degree from a university

    C. have free accommodation             D. get trained for the job

3.Before going to Japan, you need _______.

    A. to see the manager of NOVA France   B. to take some computer courses

    C. to write a letter to Japan                         D. to find a place to live

4.If you want to work in Japan you should _______.

    A. have some working experience                       B. know how to use computers

    C. present good teaching plans              D. speak several languages


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