
【题目】_______life in a new city can be hard, it can broaden a person’s view of the world.

A. Because B. When C. While D. As












I read a lot of history, a little philosophy, and a good deal of science. My curiosity was too great to allow me to give much time to reflect what I read; I could hard wait to finish one book, too eager was I to begin another. This was always an adventure, and I would start upon a famous work as exciting as a reasonable young man would go in to bat for his side or a nice girl goes to a dance. Now and then journalists in search of copy ask me when the most thrilling moment of my life is. If I am not ashamed to say, I might answer that it is the moment that I began to read Goethe'sFaust.

I have never been quite lost this feeling, and even now the first pages of a book sometimes send the blood racing through my veins. To me reading is a rest as to other people conversation and a game of cards. It is more than that; it is a necessity, and if I am deprived of it in a little while I find myself as irritable as the addict deprived of his drug. I would sooner read a timetable or a catalogue than nothing at all.


【1University College London researchers tested pupils in 2004, with __________ 12 to 16. (range)


【2The scientists have already figured out why it is __________ so quickly with the latest technology. (go)


【3】If you had taken your mother’s advice when you started to arrange for your wedding, you __________all your money so soon. (run)


【4__________ English, and you will master the language sooner or later. (concentrate)


【5】__________ that the day before his retirement, Mr. Smith will have been teaching for a total of forty years. (coincidence)


【6】"Both of us stressed once again that under no circumstances _______ North Korea to possess nuclear weapons," he said. (allow)


【7】Be careful when you deal with this chemical, as it will explode __________ sunlight. (expose)


【8】My neighbor who never cares about others’ feelings is always singing loudly at midnight, which is ___________. (stand)


【9】The flat __________ a large sum of money a couple of years ago has now doubled in value. (pay)


【10In the past few years the workers _________ a lot of suggestions but none of them was adopted. (put)


【题目】Having taken a room at the hotel at which he had been instructed to stay, Smallwood went out; it was a lovely day, early in August, and the sun shone in an unclouded sky. He had not been to Lucerne since he was a boy, but remembered a covered bridge, though not clearly, a great stone lion and a church in which he had sat, bored yet impressed while they played an organ (风琴); and now wandering along a shady quay (码头) he tried not so much to find his way about a half-forgotten scene as to reform in his mind some recollection of the shy and eager boy, so impatient for life, who so long ago had wandered there. But it seemed to him that the most lively of his memories was not of himself, but of the crowd; he seemed to remember the sun and the heat and the people; the train was crowded and so was the hotel, the lake steamers were packed and on the quays and in the streets you found your way among the holiday-makers. They were fat and old and ugly and strange.

Now, in wartime, Lucerne was as deserted as it must have been before the world discovered that Switzerland was the play-ground of Europe. Most of the hotels were closed, the streets were empty, the boats for hire rocked (摇晃) lazily at the water’s edge and there was none to take them, and in the avenue by the lake the only persons to be seen were serious Swiss taking their dogs for their daily walk. Smallwood felt happy and, sitting down on a bench that faced the water, surrendered (听任) himself to the feelings. The blue water, snowy mountains, and their beauty hit you in the face. So long, at all event, as the fine weather lasted he was prepared to enjoy himself. He didn’t see why he should not at least try to combine pleasure to himself with advantage to his country.

【1】We can infer that Smallwood went to Lucerne _________.

A. to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the area

B. to do something as told

C. to visit his friend there

D. to get in touch with the shy and eager boy

【2】He felt that the city _________.

A. was more crowded than it used to be

B. had changed out of all recognition

C. had been ruined by becoming an attraction

D. was quieter than he remembered it

【3】He was prepared to enjoy himself as long as _________.

A. he was serving his country

B. he was making a profit

C. the pleasant weather continued like this

D. he could stay in Lucerne

【4】After reading the passage, we can draw a conclusion that _________.

A. Smallwood’s former visit to Lucerne was made in peacetime

B. Smallwood was pleased by the sound this time

C. Smallwood was very nervous when he got to Lucerne

D. A war would soon break out in Lucerne

【题目】A lot of people are afraid of spiders(蜘蛛). One would even avoid walking in grass . And if he thought the spider was in the room or house, he would have to leave the house for days. In fact, fear of spiders is a type of disorder called specific phobia(恐惧症), one of the most common anxiety disorders, which annoys about 7% of the population, a study says. Common specific phobias also include fear of blood, needles, snakes, flying and enclosed spaces.

The Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine tried the “exposure Therapy(暴露疗法)”, which was small, done on 12 adults, but all of them held or petted the spider afterward. One participant celebrated by getting a spider tattoo(纹身) after having been unable to even look at photos of spiders.

This is the first study to document the immediate and long-term brain changes after treatment and to illustrate how the brain recognizes long-term to reduce fear as a result of the therapy. Every one would come in thinking: I am going to be the one who can’t do this . There is no way ,”Haunter ,author of the study ,says “They were impressed by the end.”

In therapy lasting two or three hours, which is different for each person, the participants were taught that troublesome thoughts about spiders were untrue. They thought the spiders might be capable of jumping out of the cage and on to them, Hauner says.

Exposure therapy gets its name from exposing a patient to what he fears, says Todd, research assistant professor: “/span>A lot of it about dispelling peoples beliefs. You can get significant changes in a short period of time.

【1】Which of the following is true about the people with specific phobia?

A. They dont dare to walk in grass

B. They are afraid of spiders by nature

C. 7% of them need medical treatment.

D. They have a sense of scare about something.

2What can we learn about exposure therapy

A. It turned out to be quite effective

B. The participants had to take some medicine.

C. It had a better effect on adults than on children.

D. The participants had photos taken with spiders in the end?

3According to Hauner ,_______.

A. the therapy was completed ahead of time.

B. the therapy removed the participant’ fear.

C. each participant doubted the therapy at first.

D. spiders sometimes attacked the participants.

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