¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Life is just like a mirror, you smile at it, and it smiles at you, too. ÇëÄãÒÔ"Learn to smile, get rid of stress"ΪÌ⣬¸ù¾ÝϱíËùÁеÄÒªµãдһƪ100´Ê×óÓÒµÄÎÄÕ (ÎÄÕ¿ªÍ·ÒѸø³ö£¬²»¼ÆÈë×Ü´ÊÊý) ¡£


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Learn to smile, get rid of stress

I remember a song by Westlife, the first sentence of it is "Just a smile and the rain is gone." Do you like smiling? I think you should learn to smile and you can get rid of stress.





Learn to smile, get rid of stress I remember a song by Westlife, the first sentence of it is "Just a smile and the rain is gone." Do you like smiling? I think you should learn to smile and you can get rid of stress.

First, learn to smile at yourself when something unpleasant happens in your life. If you fail an exam, face stress or you are misunderstood by your friends, don't be sad. Just smile at yourself. Smiling at yourself brings back your confidence. Sometimes the one who beats you is not others, but yourself. And smile can also keep you healthy.

Second, learn to smile at others. It will make you communicate better with other people. Smiling at others makes yourself happy as well.

In a word, smile is a kind of language belonging to everyone. It passes love and friendship and helps shorten the distance between you and other people. Living with a smile, every day will be shiny.



As I got out of my car near a store£¬I noticed a small sign stuck to the very bottom of the pole. It stood out because it appeared to be a ____.

At first I thought it had fallen£¬but at closer look I saw it had been very securely(Àι̵Ø)____ with several inches of sticking tape(½º´ø)£®I was ____ who would attract people's attention in this way to sell a ____£¬and then I saw more such signs£¬a little girl and a lady.____£¬I approached them and waited until the little girl ____ another yard of tape around the last sign.

¡°Excuse me£¬but why are you placing the house for sale signs so close to the ____£¿¡±I asked.

¡°She is not selling the house. Look ____£¡¡± the lady said with a smile. I bent down adjusting my ____ until I could finally read the small print.

¡°We miss you£¡Come home£¡¡±I read out loud. ¡°Then look at the ____£¡¡±the lady said. I was really ____ my hands and knees and saw in the picture a child and a ____ in front yard before standing up with a ____ look.

¡°Her dog£¬Grace£¬is lost£¬¡± the lady explained.

¡°But most people would hang a lost ____ where people could actually see it£¬¡± I said.

¡°Well£¬you saw it£¬¡± the young girl responded.

The innocent(ÌìÕæµÄ) answer made me hesitate to ____ further explanation. Thankfully£¬the lady continued to explain£¬¡°I have told her that it may be ____ to find her dog because you can see the store has many signs posted. But she wanted her dog to find her.____ the picture of the house£¬her and the dog...I didn't want to ____ until she felt she did everything she could.¡± she said.

I got ____.The signs were there for the dog to see. If you want to learn the meaning of ____£¬get down to a child's level. One week later Grace came home. Amazing!

¡¾1¡¿A. chance B£®belief C£®mistake D£®cheat

¡¾2¡¿A. fastened B£®closed C£®locked D£®pressed

¡¾3¡¿A. shouting B£®wondering C£®seeking D£®testing

¡¾4¡¿A. house B£®picture C£®store D£®tape

¡¾5¡¿A. Continuously B£®Curiously C£®Carefully D£®Stupidly

¡¾6¡¿A. wound B£®placed C£®tore D£®spread

¡¾7¡¿A. store B£®pole C£®ground D£®car

¡¾8¡¿A. harder B£®closer C£®lower D£®further

¡¾9¡¿A. direction B£®sight C£®height D£®position

¡¾10¡¿A. design B£®picture C£®material D£®explanation

¡¾11¡¿A. on B£®with C£®off D£®by

¡¾12¡¿A. house B£®mother C£®dog D£®shop

¡¾13¡¿A. frightened B£®surprised C£®disappointed D£®puzzled

¡¾14¡¿A. poster B£®sign C£®mark D£®notice

¡¾15¡¿A. send for B£®ask for C£®call for D£®look for

¡¾16¡¿A. easy B£®pleasant C£®hard D£®hopeful

¡¾17¡¿A. Thus B£®However C£®Instead D£®Otherwise

¡¾18¡¿A. put up B£®give up C£®mix up D£®clear up

¡¾19¡¿A. this B£®those C£®these D£®it

¡¾20¡¿A. care B£®respect C£®life D£®faith

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿If we bought only things we needed£¬there would be enough for everybody.What do we need£¿What you need depends on how old you are and your way of life.Rearrange the list of things you can buy and put the things you think we most need at the top of the list.


Designer jean


CD player

Dental check up

Restaurant meal





MP3 player



Bar of chocolate

Cushion cover

If we don¡¯t need to buy so much£¬we don¡¯t need to work so much.We can take parttime jobs or reduce our working day from eight hours to six hours.Some people are leaving very well paid jobs to live a healthier life in the countryside or a more exciting life abroad.Parents can spend more time with their children and the unemployed are given more opportunities to work.

If we start to respect saving the earth more than spending money£¬we will become¡°conservers¡±(±£»¤Õß)£®When we are conservers£¬we try to choose environmentally friendly products that last a long time.We may find growing our own vegetables or making our own clothes more rewarding than buying them.

Next time you go shopping£¬think about what you really need to buy.Don¡¯t deprive (°þ¶á) yourself of things you like£¬but decide what you should buy before you go out£¬so that you won¡¯t be influenced by advertisements or promotions.If it is more expensive to buy goods that don¡¯t have much packaging and things that are more durable (ÄÍÓõÄ)£¬buy less.If you can to work less£¬decide which things you would like to make£¬do or grow yourself.Even though you have less money£¬your life will become richer.

¡¾1¡¿From the passage£¬we can see the author suggests us consumers________£®

A£®find out more about a product instead of buying blindly

B£®consider what we really need before going shopping

C£®avoid regret at not buying enough

D£®find a real bargain

¡¾2¡¿The writer will agree with you if you buy products that are________£®

A£®beautifully packaged

B£®extremely cheap

C£®usable for a long time

D£®fashionable now

¡¾3¡¿According to the passage£¬if we don¡¯t need to buy so much£¬the benefits will include________£®

a£®we will have more time enjoying life

b£®the employment rate will increase

c£®we will get better paid job

d£®we as consumers will have more choices of what to buy





¡¾4¡¿This passage is mainly written to________£®

A£®persuade people to buy less and buy environmentally friendly product

B£®put forward some questions so that you can become a smart buyer

C£®introduce some good ways to make a wiser choice when shopping

D£®criticize the consumer society in which people buy too much

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ÈÎÎñÐÍÔĶÁ£¨¹² 10 СÌ⣬ÿСÌâ 1 ·Ö£¬Âú·Ö 10 ·Ö£©

Thanksgiving day is celebrated mainly in America and Canada. Much like the annual harvest festivals celebrated in other countries throughout the world, Thanksgiving Day was meant to pay our homage to the Almighty for this bountiful harvest. While the purpose and origin of the concept remains the same, the day of its celebration differs from country to country. In the United States, the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November while in Canada (which has an early harvest cycle and season), the holiday is observed on the second Monday in October, known as the Columbus Day. Much like the Christian Thanksgiving day, it is celebrated with pomp and show.

Since 1930, the end of Thanksgiving season marks the beginning of Christmas shopping season. In Canada, Thanksgiving holiday lasts for only three days but the time period may vary in the US. Let's have a look at the brief history of Thanksgiving in North America, U.S. and Canada:

In North America: Thanksgiving Day was first celebrated on September 8, 1565 in St. Augustine when Pedro Menendez de Aviles and his men shared a feast with the natives. After that Pilgrims held a three days feast to make merriment on their enormous harvest.

In United States: The immigrants who sailed to this country aboard the Mayflower were basically members of the English Separatist Church (a Puritan sect). They took shelter in Netherlands but soon were disgusted by their lifestyle. They settled in United States with a desire for a better lifestyle. But their beginning was horrendous. The climate was unfavorable and many of them died. But in 1621 they hard turmoil bore fruits for them as there was a huge harvest. They celebrated it with a feast with 91 Indians who had helped them during their harsh times.

Thanksgiving was celebrated after that at irregular intervals until Franklin Roosevelt, had set it one week to the next-to-last Thursday of November in order keeping an eye on commercial benefits as Christmas was nearby. Allegations were brought against this decision, which made the President to move Thanksgiving back to its original date two years later. And in 1941, Thanksgiving was finally set by Congress as a legal holiday, as the fourth Thursday in November.

In Canada: Probably the Americans who migrated to Canada after American Independence brought with them the practices of Thanksgiving. Initially it was celebrated in English Canadian Society but later it became a countrywide practice. Formally, Canadian Thanksgiving Day was celebrated on April 5, 1872 on behalf of the Prince of Wales' recovery from illness. Innumerable transformations took place before the date of celebration finally settled on the second Monday in October in 1957.

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