I recently turned fifty, which is young for a tree, midlife for an elephant, and ancient for a sportsman. Fifty is a nice number for the states in the US or for a national speed limit but it is not a number that I was prepared to have hung on me. Fifty is supposed to be my father’s age, but now I am stuck with this number and everything it means.

A few days ago, a friend tried to cheer me up by saying, “ Fifty is what forty used to be.” He had made an inspirational point, Am I over the hill?People keep telling me that the hill has been moved, and I keep telling them that he high-jump bar has dropped from the six feet I once easily cleared to the four feet that is impossible for me now.

“ Your are not getting older, you are getting better.” says Dr. Joyce Brothers. This, however, is the kind of doctor who inspires a second opinion.

And so. as I approach the day when I cannot even jump over the tennis net. I am moves to share some thoughts on aging with you. I am moved to show how aging feels to me physically and mentally. Getting older. of course, is obviously a better change than the one that brings you eulogies(悼词). In fact, a poet named Robert Browning considered it the best change of all:

Grow old along with me!

The best is yet to me.

Whether or not Browning was right, most of my first fifty years have been golden ones, so I will settle for what is ahead being as good as what has gone by. I find myself moving toward what is ahead with a curious blend (混合) of both fighting and accepting my aging, hoping that the philosopher (哲学家) was right when he said.” Old is always fifteen years from now.”

44. The author seems to tell us in Paragraph 1 that ________.

A. time alone will tell B. time goes by quickly

C. time will show what is right             D. time makes one forget the past

45. When the author turned fifty, people around him ________.

A. tried to comfort him                        B. got inspiration with him

C. were friendlier with him                   D. found him more talkative

46. The author considers his fifty years of life

A. peaceful              B. ordinary           C. satisfactory            D. regretful

47. We can infer from the passage that

A. the old should led a simple life          B. the old should face the fact of aging

C. the old should take more exercise    D. the old should fill themselves with curiosity

One day I was doing a big clean?up when I ____ a knotted handkerchief with an old dark brown coin inside.I took one look and immediately ___ a forgettable time.

In 1991I had spent five months in Nigerwith sandstorms and great heat.Its ____ and beggars were my biggest and most constant complaint.Street beggars would continually reached out their handsshouting “GiftGift

One dayI ___ for neighboring Burkina to work in a health clinic.

Arriving by taxi at our destination in Burkinawe began to ____.Out of the darknessa motorbike with two men approached slowly.Without ____one of the men grabbed my daypack as the motorbike swept close by.Within secondsthe two were out of sight____ up by the night.

The bag had my passportmoneytraveler’s chequescameraan airline ticket and other things ___ to me.I was in deep trouble.

In the weeks that followedI ____guarded the rest of my valuables and regarded all ____ with suspicion.All I wanted was to leave this place.

Thenwalking through Burkina’s streetsI met with an old woman.“GiftGift” she cried.I’d had enough.I was ____ of the countryits povertyits thievesthe heatand the dust.I told her angrily“A thief stole all my money and now I can’t ____ out of your country.I cannot give you anything.”

The beggar woman listened attentively and ___ my words.Then she reached ____ the folds of her dress.

“Then I will give you a gift”she announced.Kindlyshe placed an olddark brown coin in my hand.I looked at it in ____.It was a very small amount of money? but for this womanthe coin ___ a meal.At that momentI felt a shame.In spite of the ____she was able to give me something priceless.

I saw then the ____ beauty of the people of Burkina—and appreciated deeply the quiet ____ of the poor.With the old woman’s giftI hope never to part with the coin she gave me.With one small coinshe ____ my concept completely.

1.A.cared about? Bcame across

Clooked for? Dfocused upon

2.A.presented? Bgave

Crecalled? Dreminded

3.A.traffic? Bdust

Cnoise? Dclimate

4.A.headed? Bmade

Cstood? Dcame

5.A.move? Bunload

Chide? Dpass

6.A.warning Bplanning

Cthinking? Darranging

7.A.hung? Bput

Cswallowed Dcleared

8.A.obvious? Bexpensive

Cfamiliar? Dprecious

9.A.elegantly? Bcautiously

Cdependently Dfrequently

10.A.locals? Bthieves

Cbeggars? Dmotorbikes

11.A.proud? Bconscious

Csick? Daware

12.A.get? Brun

Ccome? Drush

13.A.attended to? Blooked up

Cthought about? Dwrote down

14.A.for? Binto

Cout? Dat

15.A.order? Bvain

Ccase? Dshock

16.A.meant? Bmade

Cserved? Dsuggested

17.A.dirtiness? Bpoverty

Ckindness? Dsafety

18.A.updated? Bunfolded

Cbroken? Dunexpected

19.A.moment? Baction

Cdignity? Dlife

20.A.changed? Bdamaged

Cfound? Daccepted


Fear plays no part in this latest problem.“I’m not afraid I'll lose my children.I won't lose my children. We live together, and nothing, nothing,” she repeats, her voice rising when speaking to John's lawyer, “will stop me from being with my children. A law? Yeah, right. Don't disturb me when it comes to my children. You are never going to win. If John wants to see them, I cannot stop him. He's their father­­—I want them to see him! However, his visit in his present condition will disturb the children's stable (稳定的) life.”

John, who has spent much of his time in California, recently, has only hired a house for himself in Pennsylvania, according to his lawyer. "If he'd like to stick to a regular life, I'd be more than happy to do that," Jane says. "The best thing for any child of a divorced (离婚的) parent is a stable life. I want nothing more than for him to set up a stable life for himself, so that he can be part of making our children's lives more stable. "

While matters of money and care won't be settled for weeks, Jane hardly puts her life on hold. Last week the ABC network announced that Jane would return with her own show, Twist of Jane, in which she gives advice to other moms.Jane and her eight children will also return to ABC in a series of Jane Plus 8 specials showing them on various adventures.It’s a rest for Jane, who insists that she needs her new,busy life to provide for her family.“I have to lead such a life, and I’m thankful that I’ve built it to the top where now I can support my children.”she says.

And whether a bellicose(好斗的)dance judge or a bellicose former wife, Jane plans to keep on facing attacks on her. “Some people try to knock me down—only to make me more fierce,more protective,more determined to do better,”she says.“Go ahead, take me on. This will just make me stronger.”

1.According to Jane in the first paragraph, the law               

A. can’t take her children away from her

B. can’t do anything with the case

C. will best settle the problem

D. will disturb her children

2. What does “to do that” refer to in the second paragraph?

A. To live with John.

B.To hire a house for John.

C.To allow John to see the children

D.To ask John to set up a regular life.

3.What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean?

A.Jane’s life is very difficult.

B.Jane continues to live as usual.

C.Jane almost can’t control her lire

D.Jane works very hard to live a happy life.

4. Which word can best describe Jane?

A. Proud.





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