Language experts say that spoken English was almost the same in the American colonies and Britain. Americans began to change the sound of their speech after the Revolutionary War in 1776.They wanted to separate them?selves from the British in language as they had separated themselves from the British government. Webster published The American Dictionary of the Eng?lish Language in 1828. It established rules for speaking and spelling the words used in American English.

  The different languages of the immigrants who came to the United States also helped make American English different from British English. Many foreign words and expressions became part of English as Americans speak it.

  Sometimes Americans and British people do not understand each other because of different word meanings. For example,a "wastebasket" in Ameri?ca is a "dustbin" in Britain. French fried potatoes in the United States are called "chips" in Britain. All these differences led British writer George Ber?nard Shaw to joke that Britain and America are two countries separated by the same language.

1.Why did Americans want their language to differ from British English?

   A.Because they found British English hard to speak.

   B.Because they found British English hard to spell.

   C.Because they wanted to have their own language.

   D.Because foreign settlers wanted them to change their language.

2.When did the languages Americans and British people spoke begin to dif?fer?

   A.After 1776.

   B.Before the Revolutionary War.

   C.After lots of immigrants who came to the United States.

   D.After the publication of The American Dictionary of the English Lan-

3.Why do Americans and British people misunderstand each other some?times?

   A.Their languages have different word spelling.

   B.Their languages have different word meanings.

   C.They speak their own languages at different speeds.

   D.They misunderstand each other on purpose.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

   A.Webster's simplifying the spelling of English words.

   B.Differences and similarities between British and American English.

   C.The reasons why American English was formed and its development.

   D.Varieties of English throughout the world.

 I did not know what to expect as I walked into my beautiful classroom. I felt like a child who was entering the school for the first time. The smell of brand new school supplies tilled the classroom,and I couldn't stop thinking of what would happen on my first day as a teacher.

  I felt prepared,since I had just gone through one week of training. I had learnt how to create a suitable lesson plan and how to help my students. Yet,none of that prepared me for classroom management. Now,this was a real challenge for me. As the students started to pour into the hallways, I began to grow more and more nervous. By the time my classroom was filled with learn?ers,my heart felt as if it was going to pound its way out of my chest. I tried to calm myself down. I kept thinking to myself that not all students could be bad. "Well,here goes nothing.”was my exact thought as I closed the door behind me and walked to the front of the classroom.

  It was a class of about twenty-one students,my first class that I would ever teach!When I reached the front of the classroom,it just felt so natural to me. I began talking to the students, and they responded to my questions. They even laughed at my lame jokes. Despite(尽管) all the sweating and nerves,I was able to overcome my very first challenge: my first day as a teacher.

  Although I was worried about classroom management,my students turned out to be the best students. They taught me that classroom manage?ment could be finished through thoughtful planning,classroom engagement and surely a big old heart. Yes,believing in yourself is important. Overco?ming challenges can be difficult,but doing so helps you learn life lessons.

1.What did the writer think he had ignored?

   A.Creating a very suitable lesson plan.

   B.Planning how to help all his students.

   C.Preparing for classroom management.

   D.Preparing for classroom engagement.

2.What did the writer hope as he entered the classroom?

   A.He could make his students laugh.

   B.He would have had thoughtful planning.

   C.The students liked his lesson most.

   D.The students wouldn't make trouble.

3.In what way did the teacher have the class?

   A.He told a lot of jokes in the class.

   B.He let his students speak actively.

   C.He talked and students listened quietly.

   D.He did it in the most advanced way.

4.We can learn from this passage that     .

   A.there were forty students in the classroom

   B.the writer was nervous while he was teaching fact the author's students are the best

   D.classroom management is independent of teaching

5.What does the underlined part "a big old heart" in Paragraph 4 mean?

   A.Having great confidence in teaching.

   B.Great kindness that is praised by all.

   C.Using an old and useful teaching way.

   D.One's heart that shows care for students.

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