阿根廷共和国(The Republic of Argentina)
1. 为南美洲第二大国,位于南美州南部,首都是布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)。
2. 1810阿根廷从西班牙统治下获得独立。官方语言是西班牙语。
3. 西部是安第斯山脉(the Andes),占总面积30%,东部是平原。自然资源丰富, 矿产种类繁多, 多达80余种。
4. 国家名片: 一张是世界文明的阿根廷探戈舞(tango),另一张就是足球,它是这个国家最流行的运动。现在由马拉多纳(Maradona)率领的国家队正在南非为大力神杯而拼搏。
参考词汇:西班牙语 Spanish
矿产 minerals
大力神杯 / 世界杯 “FIFA Would Cup”
Possible version:
The Republic of Argentina
The Republic of Argentina is the second largest country in South Africa, located in the southern part of the continent, with its capital Buenos Aires. Argentina gained its independence from Spain in 1810 and its official language is Spanish.
The Andes stands in the west of the country while to the east lies plains. The country is abundant in natural recourses, especially in minerals — over 80 kinds.
It is said that there are two national cards for Argentina: one is its world famous dance — tango. The other is football, which is the most popular sports in the country. Now the Argentina national football team, being led by Maradona, are fighting for “FIFA Would Cup” in South Africa.