Peking Man, the earliest human ancestor that lived in China between roughly 200,000 or 750,000 years ago, was a wood-working and fire-using man. The man unimaginable liked to drill holes into objects for unknown reasons. Later, some new discovery painted a picture of a human ancestor who was many more complicated than previously believed.
Peking Man first discovered in 1923 in a cave near the village of Zhoukoudian, close to Beijing. During World War Two, fossils of Peking Man went missed. Researchers do some lab work including using microscopes to look at artifacts made by Peking Man. Beside, scientists were still trying to determine the details. Finally, the analysis showed that what Peking Man had the interest in clothes and that some tools were used for removing animal skins.
¡¾´ð°¸¡¿1. ancestor¡úancestors
2. or¡úand
3. unimaginable¡úunimaginably
4. discovery¡údiscoveries
5. many¡úmuch
6. firstÇ°¼Ówas
7. missed¡úmissing
8. do¡údid
9. Beside¡úBesides
10. PekingÇ°µÄwhatÈ¥µô
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2. ¿¼²éÁ¬´Ê¡£¹Ì¶¨´îÅ䣺between¡and¡£¨¡¡ºÍ¡¡Ö®¼ä£©£¬¹Ê½«or¸ÄΪand¡£
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