
—Brain, did you have a good time during the holiday?

— ______. I had to do homework most of the time.

A. No doubt                         B. Why not                           C. Forget it                           D. Not really





试题分析:No doubt无疑地,很可能地;Why not      为什么不呢;Forget it算了吧,休想;Not really不完全是,不见得.句意:布瑞恩,你在假期期间玩得高兴吗?根据下文,我大部分时间得做作业。可知前文为否定回应,故选D。





  Two year s ago, Wendy Ha snip, 47,experienced a brain injury that left her speechle s s for two week s.When she finally recovered, she found her self talking with what seemed to be a French accent.“I phoned a friend the other day, and she spent the fir st ten minute s laughing, ” Ha snip said at the time, “while I have nothing again st the French.”

  Ha snip suffered from foreign accent syndrome(外国口音综合症), a rare condition in which people find them selve s speaking their own language like someone from a foreign country.The condition u sually occur s in people who have experienced a head injury or a stroke-a sudden lo s s of con sciou sne s s, sen sation, or movement cau sed by a blocked or broken blood ve s selin the brain.

  The condition wa s fir st identified during the Second World War in a Norwegian woman who se head wa s injured during an attack by the German military.The woman recovered but wa s left with a German-sounding accent, to the horror of fellow villager s who avoided her after that.

  Re searcher s have di scovered that the combined effect of the damage to several part s of the brain make s victim s lengthen certain syllable, mi spronounce sound s, and change the normal pitch(音高)of their voice.Tho se change s in speech add up to what sound s like a foreign accent.

  Another re searcher, a phonetician, say s victim s of the syndrome don't acquire a true foreign accent.Their strangely changed speech only re semble s the foreign accent with which it ha s a few sound s in common.

  When an Engli sh woman named Annie recently developed foreign accent syndrome after a stroke, she spoke with what seemed to be a Scotti sh accent.However, Annie' s Scotti sh coworker s said she didn't sound at all like a Scot.


According to the pa s sage, people ________ may have foreign accent syndrome.

[  ]


who se parent ha s experienced a head injury


who have lived in a foreign country for a long time


who have lo st their con sciou sne s s owing to a stroke


who have learned foreign language from their coworker s


If a per son suffer s foreign accent syndrome, ________.

[  ]


hi s coworker s will be afraid of him and avoid contacting with him


he ha s more chance of suffering stroke again


he will speak a fluent foreign language like native speaker s


hi s speech only ha s a few sound s in common with the foreign accent


Writing thi s pa s sage, the writer' s main purpo se i s to ________.

[  ]


introduce foreign accent syndrome and some related information


warn people not to be at the ri sk of experiencing a stroke


make it clear that foreign accent syndrome can be cured


tell a story of an injured woman during the Second World War


Ea sy Way s to Keep Your Brain Sharp

  Everyone i s forgetful, but a s we age, we start to feel like our brain s are slowing down a bit-and that can be a very annoying thing.  1   Read on for some technique s worth trying.

  1.  2  

  People who regularly made plan s and looked forward to upcoming event s had a 50 percent reduced chance of Alzheimer' s di sea se(老年性痴呆症), according to a recent study.  3   Something a s simple a s setting a goal to have a weekly coffee date with a friend will do.There' s evidence that people who have a purpo se in life or who are working on long or short-term goal s appear to do better.In other word s, keep your brain looking forward.

  2.Go for a walk.

  Mildly rai sed glucose(葡萄糖)level s can harm the area of the brain that help s you form memorie s and phy sical activity can help get blood glucose down to normal level s.In fact, exerci se produce s chemical s that are good for your brain.  4  

  3.Learn something new.

  Take a Spani sh cla s s online, join a drawing club, or learn to play card s.A study found that mental stimulation limit s the weakening effect s of aging on memory and the mind.But the be st thing for your brain i s when you learn something new and are phy sically active at the same time.  5   Or you can ju st go dancing with your friend s.

A.Focu s on the future.

B.Thi s can be e specially harmful to the aged.

C.It should be something like learning gardening.

D.So take a few minute s each day to do some reading.

E.But don't worry if our schedule i sn't filled with life-changing event s.

F.Luckily, re search show s there i s a lot you can do to avoid tho se moment s.

G.In other word s, when you take care of your body, you take care of your brain.

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