
     US government date reveals that up to 44% of the US workforce is single-and it may be because of
work. Here are four reasons why your job might be keeping you single and what to do about it.
     1. "I don't have time to date." Many people who are single say their jobs don't leave them with
enough time to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right. You may have made a conscious decision to make career
your No.1 priority(优先). Or it may be that pursuing your dream job is easier than pursuing your dream
partner. Whatever the reason, spending too much of your time and energy on your career will cause your
dating life to flounder(折磨).
     2. "My boss knows I'm single and singles me out." Singles are often expected to work late,
travel for business, and take on last minute assignments because they don't have "family commitments
(义务)". For example, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell stated last year that the choice of Janet
Napolitano as Homeland Security Secretary was an excellent one because she has "no family and no
life" and could devote 19-20 hours a day to the job.
     3. "Everyone I know is taken/ married/coupled up." While this may not seem to be a job related
issue, it could be. Statistics show that nearly half of all married couples met at work. So you're at a
disadvantage if your work doesn't provide you with opportunities to meet and hang out with other singles.
      4."No one wants to date a …" unfortunately, some jobs come with certain stereotypes (陈词滥
调) that can make an expected date a complete failure. For example, being a lawyer or doctor could
make you an unwelcome person because nobody's idea of a good date is to argue or be psychoanalyzed(用精神分析疗法治疗分析)!
1.Which of the following is NOT a reason why 44% of the US workforce is single?
A. Singles are often given more work.
B. Some jobs seem to prevent one from dating successfully.
C. They are too busy with their work.
D. Many people don't know how to make themselves look attractive.
2."Mr. or Mrs. Right" in the second paragraph means_________.
A. an ideal husband or wife
B. a certain Mr. or Mrs. Right
C. a reliable person
D. one's colleague
3. If your friend is single due to the second reason, what do you say to him/her?
A. Make dating your work.
B. Tell your boss that you already have plans.
C. Create your own dating pool.
D. Be yourself, not your job.
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1. This passage is written to ________.
A. offer some wonderful stories to readers
B. encourage people to write something
C. show that making money is not difficult
D. remind people that life is full of joy
2. The underlined word "karma" is closest in meaning to ________.
A. wish            
B. explanation
C. luck            
D. imagination
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The magazine is mainly intended for entertainment.
B. The more words you write, the more money you get.
C. Anecdotes and Jokes isn't paid much attention to.
D. New jokes can be sent in for Life's Like That.
4. Where can you most probably see this passage?
A. In a library.              
B. In a magazine.
C. In a story book.      
D. On a website.
(US  $ million)
Country or area Manufacturing Resources development Commerce and Services Others Total
A 722 38 8952 137 9849
B 2049 4 571 107 2731
C 2937 12 3630 101 6680
D 3657 6813 1209 12 11691
E 716 84 1952 71 2823
     The chart above shows Japanese direct investment(投资) in five Asian countries or areas (A, B, C, D
and E) from 1951 till 1990. The value of Japanese investment in manufacturing(制造业) was roughly the
same in Hong Kong and in China, but in commerce(商业)and services Hong Kong was over China by
seven billion dollars ( = 7000 million dollars). In resources development, Japan didn't show great interest in Singapore and even smaller attention was paid to Taiwan, which received exactly one third as much money as Singapore. In total, the biggest investment by Japan was made in Indonesia.
1. In total, Japan invested _____ more in Hong Kong than in Singapore.
A. about 3.2 billion dollars
B. about 7.1 billion dollars  
C. about 8.7 billion dollars
D. about 4.1 billion dollars
2 ._____ attracted Japan most in terms of resources development.
A. China
B. Hong Kong
C. Indonesia
D. Singapore
3. Taiwan was the only area where Japan's investment was larger in _   _ than in any other field.
A. commerce and services
B. manufacturing  
C. others
D .resources development
4. Which is right according to the passage?
A. In total, Japan invested more in Taiwan than in Singapore.
B. Japan's investment in commerce and services in Singapore was about three times that in Indonesia
C. Regarding Indonesia, Japan invested more than twice as much money in resources development as in
D. In the field of "others", Hong Kong ranked second.
     US universities enrolling a new wave of Chinese undergraduates, according to a report. While India
was, for eight years on end, the leading country of origin for international students, China is rapidly
catching up, spending 98,510 last year, which is a 21 percent increase. In China, the shift has been quite
sharp. Last year, China sent 26,275 undergraduates and 57,451 graduate students to the US-compared
with 8,034 undergraduates and 50,976 graduate students five years earlier.
    Peggy Blumenthal, executive vice president of the Institute of International Education, said the growing
share of undergraduates would change the face of the Chinese students'presence in the US. "It used to
be that they were all in the graduate science and computer departments, but now, with the one-child
policy, more and more Chinese parents are taking their considerable wealth and investing it in that one
child getting an Amercian college education," she said. "There's a book getting huge play in China right
now explaining liberal arts (人文) education." The book, A Ture Liberal Arts Education, by three
Chinese undergraduates in American universities, describes the education available at small liberal arts
colleges and the concept of liberal arts, both relatively unknown in China.
     " There's growing disposable (支配) income in China, and not enough good universities to meet the
demand, "Leventhal at the University of Cincinnati said. "And in China, especially, studying in the United
States makes a great difference, because when students get home, they speaking English. "
     Although the report tracks only the 2008-09 mumbers, a smaller survey by the institute last month
found that over all, the increase in international students seems to be continuing, with China remaining
strong. Of all the unversities surveyed this fall, 60 percent reported an increase in Chinese college
students, and only 11 percent a decline.
1. The year before last, China sent about           international students aborad.
A. 98510  
B. 26275  
C. 81413  
D. 57451
2. The number of           sent to the US from China has increased most sharply in recent years.
A. undergraduates 
B. graduates  
C. postgraduates  
D. art students
3. Why do more and more Chinese parents spend kids to study in the US?
A. They prerfer science and computer departments in American universities.
B. There is much better education for liberal arts in American universities.
C. They have realized the importance of liberal arts as well as science.
D. They are wealthier but can't find enough good universities in China.
4. We can learn from the survey that          .
A. all surveyed American universities enrolled more Chinese students than before
B. most American universities enrolled more Chinese international students
C. the number of Chinese college students fell in American universities
D. more and more Chinese students are sent to the US to learn English
     Let us suppose it is now AD 2060. Let's believe it is fifty-three years from now. Of course, things have changed and life is very different.?
     Travels to the moon are being made every day. It is as easy to take a holiday on the moon today as it
was for the people in 1990 to take a holiday in Europe. At a number of scenic spots on the moon, many
hotels have been built. The hotels are air-conditioned, naturally. In order that everyone can enjoy the
beautiful scenery on the moon, every room has at least one picture window where everything imaginable is provided for entertainment of the young and the old.?
     What are people eating now? People are still eating food. They haven't yet started to take on heir(继承) supply of energy directly as electrical current or as nuclear power. But many foods now come in pill
form, and the food that goes into the pill continues to come mainly from green plants.?
     Since there are several times as many people in the world today as there were a hundred years ago,
most of our planet's surface has to be filled. The deserts are irrigated with water and crops are no longer
destroyed by pests. The harvest is always good.?Farming, of course, is very highly developed. Very few people have to work on the farm. It is possible to run the farm by just pushing a few buttons now and
     People are now largely vegetarians. You see, as the number of people increases, the number of animals decreases. Therefore, the people have to be vegetarians and we are healthier both in our bodies and in our minds, and we know the causes of diseases and pain and cures for them, and it is possible to get rid of
diseases. No one has to be ill any more.?
     Such will be our life in AD 2060.?
1. It can be concluded that the passage was written in            .?
A. 1860
B. 1960
C. 2000
D. 2007
2. What will be on the moon in AD 2060 according to the passage??
A. Many tourists.
B. Many other animals.?
C. Many plants.
D. The sea.
3. According to the passage in AD 2060 people will eat           .?
A. biscuits in pill form
B. foods in pill form?
C. foods in water form
D. foods in gas form
4. From the passage we learn that in AD 2060 on the earth,             .?
A. there will be less people
B. crops will grow better?
C. there will be less water
D. there will be more pests

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