
Huge global interest in “the best job in the world”—earning good money for lazing on a paradise(天堂) island for 6 months — has crashed the Australian website where it is advertised.
The job pays 150,000 Australian dollars (about 100,000 US dollars) and includes free airfares from the successful candidate’s home country to tropical Hamilton Island on the famous Great Barrier Reef. In return, the winner will be expected to have as much fun as he or she can — soaking up the sun, swimming, snorkeling, sailing—and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.
The successful candidate—who will stay rent—free in a multi-million-dollar three-bedroom beach home—must be over 18, a “fantastic and charismatic” communicator, and able to speak and write English.
The campaign is a key element in a drive to promote the northeastern Australian state’s 18-billion-dollars-a-year tourism industry during the tough global economic climate, officials say. And they are at pains to stress that it is “a real job”.
The successful applicants will “also have to talk to media from time to time about what they’re doing so they can’t be too shy and they’ll have to love the sea, the sun, the outdoors,” said acting state Premier Paul Lucas. “The fact that they will be paid to explore the islands of the great Barrier Reef, swim, snorkel and generally live the Queensland lifestyle makes this undoubtedly the best job in the world.”

  1. 1.

    The Australian website was crashed because          .

    1. A.
      some people destroyed it        
    2. B.
      the website was clicked very frequently
    3. C.
      the website was infected by a virus 
    4. D.
      the government banned the website
  2. 2.

    To apply for the job, the person is supposed         .

    1. A.
      to have a good knowledge of Australia  
    2. B.
      to be strong in health  
    3. C.
      to be able to speak at least 3 languages  
    4. D.
      to talk to media from time to time
  3. 3.

    The purpose of the campaign is to improve         .

    1. A.
      the global economy             
    2. B.
      the environment
    3. C.
      the popularity of the website      
    4. D.
      the tourism industry
  4. 4.

    Through the passage, the writer is intended to        .

    1. A.
      encourage everyone to apply for the job
    2. B.
      tell us something about the most attractive job
    3. C.
      encourage everyone to visit the Great Barrier Reef
    4. D.
      support Australian tourism industry

The devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina is a wake-up call. It is a call for every American to pay attention to the destruction we risk by allowing human-induced(导致的) climate change to continue. It is impossible to prove that Hurricane Katrina was caused by global warming, or even that human activities made the storm more severe. However, a paper published in the scholarly journal Nature reports that the force of dangerous hurricanes has increased by 50% during the last 50 years. It also reports that a global warming-induced rise in temperature near the ocean’s surface has probably contributed to this increase in dangerous storms, and thus to property(财产) damage and human death.

On August 30, the Los Angeles Times summed up(总结) the view of many scientists who agree that if the frequency of hurricanes does not decrease in the next few years, then we will be fairly certain that humans, and not natural storm cycle, are at the root of the problem. I believe there is at least a chance that by reducing U.S. reliance on fossil fuels for energy, we can prevent future tragedies like Hurricane Katrina. Let the change begin now.

There are many ways to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas emissions. My family drives the most fuel-efficient car we can afford, but I prefer to take public transportation whenever possible. My family buys locally grown food instead of produce that was transported thousands of miles on fuel-burning vehicles. We also replaced our incandescent light bulbs(白炽灯泡)with more energy-efficient compact fluorescents(荧光灯). This might sound like a trivial move, but the Union of Concerned Scientists reports that if every household in the United States replaced one incandescent bulb with a compact fluorescent, it would have the same effect on U.S. carbon-dioxide emissions as removing 7.5 million cars from the roads. Now think if every household replaced not just one but all of their incandescent bulbs!

The United States, with just five percent of the world’s population, is responsible for close to one quarter of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, yet our country is doing far less than most European nations to fight global warming. We don’t have to sacrifice our lifestyles; Europeans enjoy the same standards of living as Americans. So what are we waiting for? It is time to act.

Which of the following is a fact?

A. Hurricane Katrina was caused by global warming.

B. Human activities made the storm more severe.

C. The force of dangerous hurricanes has increased by 50 percent during the last 50 years.

D. A global rise in temperature near the ocean’s surface accounts for more dangerous storms.

From Paragraph 2 we can infer that many scientists agree ________.

A. it might be human activities that lead to global warming.

B. natural storm cycles have caused global warming.

C. hurricanes are likely to come more frequently.

D. burning fossil fuels for energy is a better alternative.

If every household in the U.S. replaced all their incandescent bulbs, ________.

A. it would have the same effect as removing 7.5 million cars from the roads.

B. it would save 7.5 million tons of carbon-dioxide from going into the air.

C. this would reduce the total output of CO??emissions in huge amounts.

D. cars will be much more environmentally friendly.

According to the writer,_______in reducing the volume of greenhouse gas emissions.

A. Europe does a better job.   

B. Europe should follow the example of America.

C. he, as an European, wants to see more efforts made by Americans.

D. Europeans should shoulder a greater responsibility.

Huge global interest in “the best job in the world”—earning good money for lazing on a paradise(天堂) island for 6 months — has crashed the Australian website where it is advertised.
The job pays 150,000 Australian dollars (about 100,000 US dollars) and includes free airfares from the successful candidate’s home country to tropical Hamilton Island on the famous Great Barrier Reef. In return, the winner will be expected to have as much fun as he or she can — soaking up the sun, swimming, snorkeling, sailing—and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.
The successful candidate—who will stay rent—free in a multi-million-dollar three-bedroom beach home—must be over 18, a “fantastic and charismatic” communicator, and able to speak and write English.
The campaign is a key element in a drive to promote the northeastern Australian state’s 18-billion-dollars-a-year tourism industry during the tough global economic climate, officials say. And they are at pains to stress that it is “a real job”.
The successful applicants will “also have to talk to media from time to time about what they’re doing so they can’t be too shy and they’ll have to love the sea, the sun, the outdoors,” said acting state Premier Paul Lucas. “The fact that they will be paid to explore the islands of the great Barrier Reef, swim, snorkel and generally live the Queensland lifestyle makes this undoubtedly the best job in the world.”
60. The Australian website was crashed because          .
A. some people destroyed it         B. the website was clicked very frequently
C. the website was infected by a virus  D. the government banned the website
61. To apply for the job, the person is supposed         .
A. to have a good knowledge of Australia   B. to be strong in health  
C. to be able to speak at least 3 languages   D. to talk to media from time to time
62. The purpose of the campaign is to improve         .
A. the global economy              B. the environment
C. the popularity of the website       D. the tourism industry
63. Through the passage, the writer is intended to         .
A. encourage everyone to apply for the job
B. tell us something about the most attractive job
C. encourage everyone to visit the Great Barrier Reef
D. support Australian tourism industry

Huge global interest in “the best job in the world”—earning good money for lazing on a paradise(天堂) island for 6 months — has crashed the Australian website where it is advertised.

The job pays 150,000 Australian dollars (about 100,000 US dollars) and includes free airfares from the successful candidate’s home country to tropical Hamilton Island on the famous Great Barrier Reef. In return, the winner will be expected to have as much fun as he or she can — soaking up the sun, swimming, snorkeling, sailing—and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.

The successful candidate—who will stay rent—free in a multi-million-dollar three-bedroom beach home—must be over 18, a “fantastic and charismatic” communicator, and able to speak and write English.

The campaign is a key element in a drive to promote the northeastern Australian state’s 18-billion-dollars-a-year tourism industry during the tough global economic climate, officials say. And they are at pains to stress that it is “a real job”.

The successful applicants will “also have to talk to media from time to time about what they’re doing so they can’t be too shy and they’ll have to love the sea, the sun, the outdoors,” said acting state Premier Paul Lucas. “The fact that they will be paid to explore the islands of the great Barrier Reef, swim, snorkel and generally live the Queensland lifestyle makes this undoubtedly the best job in the world.”

60. The Australian website was crashed because          .

A. some people destroyed it         B. the website was clicked very frequently

C. the website was infected by a virus  D. the government banned the website

61. To apply for the job, the person is supposed         .

A. to have a good knowledge of Australia   B. to be strong in health  

C. to be able to speak at least 3 languages   D. to talk to media from time to time

62. The purpose of the campaign is to improve         .

A. the global economy              B. the environment

C. the popularity of the website       D. the tourism industry

63. Through the passage, the writer is intended to         .

A. encourage everyone to apply for the job

B. tell us something about the most attractive job

C. encourage everyone to visit the Great Barrier Reef

D. support Australian tourism industry


Huge global interest in “the best job in the world”—earning good money for lazing on a paradise(天堂) island for 6 months — has crashed the Australian website where it is advertised.

       The job pays 150,000 Australian dollars (about 100,000 US dollars) and includes free airfares from the successful candidate’s home country to tropical Hamilton Island on the famous Great Barrier Reef. In return, the winner will be expected to have as much fun as he or she can — soaking up the sun, swimming, snorkeling, sailing—and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.

       The successful candidate—who will stay rent—free in a multi-million-dollar three-bedroom beach home—must be over 18, a “fantastic and charismatic” communicator, and able to speak and write English.

The campaign is a key element in a drive to promote the northeastern Australian state’s 18-billion-dollars-a-year tourism industry during the tough global economic climate, officials say. And they are at pains to stress that it is “a real job”.

The successful applicants will “also have to talk to media from time to time about what they’re doing so they can’t be too shy and they’ll have to love the sea, the sun, the outdoors,” said acting state Premier Paul Lucas. “The fact that they will be paid to explore the islands of the great Barrier Reef, swim, snorkel and generally live the Queensland lifestyle makes this undoubtedly the best job in the world.”

60. The Australian website was crashed because          .

A. some people destroyed it         B. the website was clicked very frequently

C. the website was infected by a virus  D. the government banned the website

61. To apply for the job, the person is supposed         .

A. to have a good knowledge of Australia   B. to be strong in health  

C. to be able to speak at least 3 languages   D. to talk to media from time to time

62. The purpose of the campaign is to improve         .

A. the global economy              B. the environment

C. the popularity of the website       D. the tourism industry

63. Through the passage, the writer is intended to         .

A. encourage everyone to apply for the job

B. tell us something about the most attractive job

C. encourage everyone to visit the Great Barrier Reef

D. support Australian tourism industry

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