
—He didn’t feel a bit nervous when ________.

—No.He’d had a lot of time ________ for it after all.

A. interviewing;to prepare

B. interviewed;to prepare

C. interviewing;preparing

D. being interviewed;preparing



My grandmother was diagnosed with the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease(老年痴呆症)when I was 10 . At that point in my life , I was ________ as all kids are , so I didn’t think twice about it . I had no idea how it would ________ affect my life , as well as my family .

As I grew up , I ________ my grammy changing . She ________ forget where she set her book , or she couldn’t find her purse . ________ , I didn’t think it was serious . Yet one incident ________ was my wake-up call .

About three years ago , my father and I went to visit my ________ after a tornado went through our town . I went inside , gave my grammy a hug and took my ________ seat on the couch by her side . Suddenly , she ________ me , hesitated for a moment and with ________ eyes that stared right past me , asked , “ Now you’re graduating this year , aren’t you ? ” I was a freshman , so I was ________ by why she was asking me about ________ . Grammy used to well recall the birthdate of every one of her grandchildren . I assured her that I still had a few years ________ graduation and moved the conversation along ________ .

As soon as I got into the car , I started to ________ , realizing how her disease had ________ , transforming my grammy into someone I could hardly ________ . We used to picture my grandmother as the only ________ of the whole family . ________ , The role has switched . Now she is the one who ________ our help . From now on , I will try to cherish the good days and to get through the bad days as best as I can . She will always be my grammy .

1.A. generousB. unkindC. selfishD. cute

2.A. greatlyB. especiallyC. hardlyD. partly

3.A. ignoredB. noticedC. imaginedD. disliked

4.A. shouldB. canC. mustD. would

5.A. Before longB. In no timeC. Once againD. Sooner or later

6.A. in returnB. in generalC. in particularD. in theory

7.A. friendsB. teachersC. sistersD. grandparents

8.A. regularB. plasticC. firstD. safe

9.A. referred toB. yelled atC. turned toD. laughed at

10.A. flashingB. emptyC. tearfulD. sharp

11.A. excitedB. nervousC. frightenedD. confused

12.A. testsB. birthdateC. graduationD. time

13.A. beforeB. sinceC. forD. on

14.A. curiouslyB. doubtfullyC. impatientlyD. quickly

15.A. escapeB. cryC. compareD. guess

16.A. goneB. improvedC. progressedD. spread

17.A. contactB. observeC. recognizeD. grasp

18.A. care-giverB. bread-earnerC. memberD. cleaner

19.A. ThereforeB. StillC. BesidesD. However

20.A. declinesB. needsC. appreciatesD. gives

阅读下列列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.

I was twenty-two, and in Bolivia. I’d been to every other country in South America, and now I was set on getting into Chile, the last on the list.

After several days, I reached the hills. It was cold, and even the distant mountains were clear. The days were lonely, but one evening I met Filomeno and his fellow teachers. They tried to persuade me not to go to Chile, saying it was a bad place, and that I would be killed. I didn’t believe them. I knew nothing of the current politics; I just wanted to go there.

So I walked into the mountains, feeling excited, and came to a sign with the word "Chile" on it. A frightening soldier appeared, stuck a gun in my back, and pushed me down a slope to the police station. The police chief then told me, "There’s nothing for you here." I explained that I had come to see this beautiful country. But he was annoyed.

In the evening they filled me with food. There was laughter, and I was less tense. Then the police chief took me to a tiny cell. I lay down on the mattress (垫子). Even though I had no light and none of my possessions, I felt euphoric. At least I had arrived! And what a story I’d have to tell! The next morning I was released, and I was told that Chile didn’t want me. Throwing my belongings into my backpack, I shouted and screamed at the soldiers. After all this effort I was being sent home! I stomped (以重踏步方式走) towards Bolivia expecting to feel a bullet. But I’d be back! I told myself.

1.The author went to Chile to ______.

A. visit his friend Filomeno B. settle there forever

C. complete his trip plan D. risk his life

2.The underlined word "euphoric" in Paragraph 4 most probably means "______".

A. terrible B. shamed C. bored D. excited

3.According to the last paragraph, the author lost his temper because ______.

A. he was prevented from entering Chile

B. he was badly treated by the soldiers in Chile

C. it was his last chance to travel

D. his friends had stopped him from going to Chile

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. An exciting fight with soldiers in Chile.

B. How the author escaped from Chile.

C. An adventure in Chile.

D. Why the author went to Chile.

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