
补全对话 根据对话内容从A B C D E F G 中选出五个最佳答案
A:  __1__
B:  Yes, I did.
A:  It was a good game, wasn't it ?
B:  __2__  I wanted to. But my husband preferred to watch an old film.
A:  What a pity ! It was quite interesting. Both teams played very well.
B:  __3__
A:  It finished in a draw. __4__
B:  It was quite good. But I missed the beginning of it because I had to have my
       supper first.
A:  Did your husband enjoyed it ?
B:  __5__ After half an hour he stopped watching and began to read a book.

A: What was the film like ?
B: Did you go to the cinema yesterday ?
C: Oh, I didn't watch the football match.
D: No, he didn't.
E: Yes, he enjoyed it very much.
F: How did it finish ?
G: Did you watch television last night, Mary ?

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