
He had a good________ of the examination result when he saw his daughter’s face.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


There is an English saying that goes, “he who laughs last, laughs the hardest.” High School Musical star Zac Efron is laughing a lot these days. , because he was always the smallest in his class and was laughed at because he had a big space between his teeth. In sixth grade, Efron’s basketball team made it to the league championships. In double overtime(两个加时赛), with three seconds left, he rebounded the ball and passed it----to the wrong team!

Now at 21, Efron is one of People magazine’s 100 Most Beautiful People, graces (荣登) the cover of Entertainment Weekly, Hollywood’s most influential magazine, and is traveling the world promoting the third High School Musical film. Director Adam Shankman described Efron as “arguably the biggest teen star in America right now.” Simply google “Zac Efron”, and you get more than 14 million responses. Yes, it seems Efron has a lot to smile about these days.

Efron was born and raised in California. According to Efron, “he would flip out (发疯) if he got a B and not an A in school, and that he was a class clown.” It was his father who encouraged him to act. He also took singing lessons. He graduated high school in 2006 and was accepted at the university of Southern California to study film. But he put it off----why study movies when you can star in them. Efron has risen all the way to the top of the movie business. And he can now laugh all the way to the bank.

A. He owed it a lot to his father that he succeeded.

B. But history, as they say, is a thing of the past.

C. He took part in school performances and acted in a local theater.

D. When he was young, Efron was an unqualified basketball player.

E. He took school seriously.

F. They scored and his team lost the game.

G. As a young boy, Efron was picked on(欺负) by his classmates.

【小题1】The children are doing well a____________ (学业上).
【小题2】Her abilities are not fully a____________ (欣赏) by her employer.
【小题3】They brought back a few s____________ (纪念品) from their holiday in Greece.
【小题4】Her husband’s death left a v____________ (真空) in her life.
【小题5】Kids e____________ (精疲力竭) themselves by running wildly around the park.
【小题6】Crowds poured into the Beijing Worker’s S____________ (体育场) to watch the performance.
【小题7】She knew she hadn’t done enough r____________ (复习) for tomorrow’s exam.
【小题8】 With winter a____________ (临近), many animals are storing food.
【小题9】 I didn’t want to ask her a lot of e____________ (尴尬的) questions in front of her friends.
【小题10】The singer got an e____________ (热情的) reception at the airport.
【小题11】She’s a very i____________ (印象深刻的) public speaker.
【小题12】 “Artificial I____________ (智能)” is a famous science fiction directed by Steven Spielberg.
【小题13】 Many modern arts are being displayed in that art g____________ (美术馆).
【小题14】 A lot of small companies have to fight for s____________ (生存).
【小题15】The captain gave the order to a____________ (遗弃) the ship since it was sinking fast.
【小题16】The hotel room had a g__________ (美丽的) view over the lake.
【小题17】He first went to France as an e__________ (交换) student from Beijing.
【小题18】The baby was f_________ (害怕) of being left by itself in the house.
【小题19】 In general, the bride’s father gave her away at the wedding c____________ (仪式).
【小题20】 Is there a good restaurant in the n____________ (周围)?


The Winner’s Guide to Success

How do successful people think? What helps them to make success? To find out the answers, an American scholar recently visited some of the most successful people in America.    1  

Be responsible for yourself

Sometimes you may want to blame others for your failure to get ahead.    2    You’re saying, “You have more control over my life than I do.”

Live life “on purpose”

Almost all successful people live life “on purpose”— they are doing what they believe they should and want to do. When you live your life on purpose, you’ll try your best to do your job or study as well as you can. You love what you do and you can find pleasure in what you do.

Write a plan

It is very difficult trying to get what you want without a good plan.     3    A good plan is like a map to you. Without this “map”, you may waste your time, money and also your energy; while with the “map” you’ll enjoy the “trip” and get what you want in the shortest possible time.

Be willing to pay the price

Nothing great is easy to get. So you must be ready to work hard — even harder than you have ever done. If you are not willing to pay the price, you won’t get anything valuable.

Never give up

   4   When you are doing something, you must tell yourself again and again: Giving up is worse than failure because failure can be the mother of success, but giving up means the death of hope.


Once an American writer was writing a novel. He could not have a good ending for his book until one night when he had a very good idea. He was so excited that he made a phone call to one of his best friends. “I’ve got a perfect idea,” he said, “I’ll put it down later and show it to you.” But he never did, because he died that night. His book was left without a perfect ending. So remember, do what you can right away. Never delay at all. 

A.In fact, when you say someone or something outside of yourself is stopping you from making success, you’re giving away your own power.

B.It is just like trying to drive through strange roads to a city far away.

C.Some people achieve success much later in life because they fail to realize earlier the importance of hard work.

D.Here are some keys to success that they give.

E. Someone else’s opinion of you doesn’t have to become your reality.

F. It seems to us that everyone knows this. But it is easier said than done.

G. Don’t delay



                    The Winner’s Guide to Success

How do successful people think? What helps them to make success? To find out the answers, an American scholar recently visited some of the most successful people in America.    1  

Be responsible for yourself

Sometimes you may want to blame others for your failure to get ahead.    2     You’re saying, “You have more control over my life than I do.”

Live life “on purpose”

Almost all successful people live life “on purpose”— they are doing what they believe they should and want to do. When you live your life on purpose, you’ll try your best to do your job or study as well as you can. You love what you do and you can find pleasure in what you do.

Write a plan

It is very difficult trying to get what you want without a good plan.     3     A good plan is like a map to you. Without this “map”, you may waste your time, money and also your energy; while with the “map” you’ll enjoy the “trip” and get what you want in the shortest possible time.

Be willing to pay the price

Nothing great is easy to get. So you must be ready to work hard — even harder than you have ever done. If you are not willing to pay the price, you won’t get anything valuable.

Never give up   4    When you are doing something, you must tell yourself again and again: Giving up is worse than failure because failure can be the mother of success, but giving up means the death of hope.   5    Once an American writer was writing a novel. He could not have a good ending for his book until one night when he had a very good idea. He was so excited that he made a phone call to one of his best friends. “I’ve got a perfect idea,” he said, “I’ll put it down later and show it to you.” But he never did, because he died that night. His book was left without a perfect ending. So remember, do what you can right away. Never delay at all. 

A. It is just like trying to drive through strange roads to a city far away.

B. It seems to us that everyone knows this. But it is easier said than done.

C. Some people achieve success much later in life because they fail to realize earlier the importance of hard work.

D. In fact, when you say someone or something outside of yourself is stopping you from making success, you’re giving away your own power.

E. Someone else’s opinion of you doesn’t have to become your reality.

F. Don’t delay

G. Here are some keys to success that they give.


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