
One day Walt Disney had a vision. It was a vision of a place where children and parents could have fun together. The more Walt dreamed of a "magical park," the more imaginative and elaborate it became.

The original plans for the park were on 8 acres next to the Burbank studios where his employees and families could go to relax. Although, World War II put those plans on hold. During the war, Disney had time to come up with new ideas, and creations for his magical park. It was soon clear that 8 acres wouldn't be enough.

Finally in 1953, he had the Stanford Research Institute conduct a survey for a 100-acre site, outside of Los Angeles. He needed space to build rivers, waterfalls, and mountains; he would have flying elephants and giant teacups; a fairy-tale castle, moon rockets, and a scenic railway; all inside a magic kingdom he called "Disneyland."

The search for the best venue for the park ended in the rural Anaheim, California with a purchase of a 160-acre orange grove near the junction of the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) and Harbor Boulevard.

Construction for Disneyland began on July 21, 1954, 12 months before the park was scheduled to open.

Some 160-acres of citrus trees had been cleared and 15 houses moved to make room for the park. However, when the real designing came around, Disney met with inevitable questions. How do you make believable wild animals, that aren't real? How do you make a Mississippi paddle ship? How do you go about building a huge castle in the middle of Anaheim, California? Disney asked his movie studio staff for answers. The design of Disneyland was something never done before.   There would be four uniquely different theme parts: Adventureland, Frontierland, Fantasyland Tomorrow land. Bit by bit, Disneyland got ready for Opening Day. The staff worked around the clock to get ready.

But opening day was a terrible disaster. Beside the terrible opening day conditions, the park did eventually pick up. By 1965, ten years after opening day, 50 Million visitors had come through the gates.

1. The passage is mainly about___________.

What visitors can enjoy in Disneyland.

The difficulties Disney met in building Disneyland

How Disneyland came into being

A brief introduction to Disneyland

2. Which of the following dates would probably be the opening date of Disneyland?

A. 1953     B. 1954       C. 1955       D. 1965

3. Which of the following statements is Not True?

World War II had some influence on the building plan of the Disneyland.

Disney must have met many difficulties in building Disneyland.

About 50 million visitors have visited Disneyland so far.

Disney was a great man with great imagination and creativity.

4. You could see all the following things except_________ in Disney.

A. rivers, waterfalls, and mountains    B. flying elephants and giant teacups

C. a huge castle                    D. wild animals

5. The underlined phrase in the last paragraph probably means _________.

A. collect      B. improve     C. find       D. open

1-5  CCCDB





4.根据倒数第二段:How do you make believable wild animals, that aren't real? 这一句话可以得出答案。

5.根据上下文语境可以推出pick up此处应为“好转;改善”的意思。



  My father made a deal with me that he would match whatever I could come up with to buy my fir st car.From the time I wa s a saver.My allowance, back in tho se day s, wa s twenty five cent s a week.I grew up on a farm near a small town called Ventura.In tho se day s the area wa s mo stly agricultural.The climate wa s and still i s a s clo se to perfect a s you could get.I earned some of my money picking one crop or another.When I wa s about ten, a school friend' s family owned walnut orchard s(果园)and it wa s harve st time.She told me we could earn five dollar s for every bag of walnut s we picked.I certainly learned about picking walnut s that day.Not surprisingly, that wa s my fir st and la st time a s a walnut picker.

  In 1960 my grandmother pa s sed away.She left me 100 share s of AT&T.One hundred share s of stock don't seem like much today but back then tho se share s paid me$240 per year in dividend s(利息).That wa s huge for a kid my age.

  By the time I wa s seventeen.I had saved up $ 1, 300 and I knew exactly that I wanted.Ithink my father wa s somewhat suri sed when I announced I had saved up $ 1, 300 and wa s ready to buy my new car.I'll never forget the evening my father said, “Let' s go see about that car”.I wa s so excited.

  My father could have ea sily ju st given me the car but he alway s in si sted that hi s children work for what they got.Thi s wa s not a bad thing.I learned self-reliance.Self-reliance i s equal to freedom.Now that I think about it I need to be thanking my father.


Which one of the following s didn't belong to the saving of $1, 300?

[  ]


Weekly allowance.


Her earning s by picking crop s.


Share s left by grandma.


Money earned from selling share s.


The underlined part in the second paragraph probably meant ________.

[  ]


she didn't have the chance of picking walnut s


enough money had been earned for her car


the work wa s too hard for children like her


she had no time to do that again for some rea son


We can know from the pa s sage the author got her car at the age of ________.

[  ]










The purpo se of the author' s father doing like that wa s to ________.

[  ]


give the author freedom


be unwilling to buy the author a car


teach the author to learn self-reliance


give the author a big surpri se



In this age of ours, I find that almost all of my friends are becoming mere voices.

Not too long ago when friends came, they would fill half the drawing room and their voices would penetrate the four walls and disturb all the neighbors. Now they have all become, step by step, into invisible and untouched beings, whose tiny voices can only be heard by one ear through the telephone, no louder than the mosquitoes(蚊子).

Since this has become a necessary part of modern life, I too have learnt to live with this “ear language”. Many friends have become more distant because they are not very good at this way of communication(交流), others have become closer through ear language, and there are some friends I know by voice only. There is one particular voice friend I got to know through a very curious incident.

One day my telephone rang. When I lifted the receiver- a young lady’s voice informed me that she was phoning in answer to an advertisement for a night club program hostess. Obviously she had got the wrong number. The incident should have ended there and then. Actually, it was a sweet voice, only her poor imitation(模仿)of Hong Kong pronunciation and intonation got on my nerve and especially the “wa!” gave me the goose flesh. I told her that if I were the boss of the club, I wouldn’t give her a second thought because of her poor pronunciation. The young lady at the other end of the phone immediately came up with a surprising suggestion that, of course in her true local accent, she wanted to learn proper standard spoken Chinese speech from me, because she valued every chance very much. To my great surprise, we became “phone” friends. Every day, at the agreed time, she would ring me up and our “lesson” would begin. And she was tested and interviewed by a radio station in the south and got acceptd. She phoned me for the last time to thank me and to say good-bye. We had already formed a very deep “voice” friendship and have left deep unchangeable vocal(听觉的) impressions in each other’s mind. Any sudden appearance of visual images(视觉印象), good or bad, could only be destructive.

56.The underlined word penetrate in the first paragraph means _____.

A.pass quickly by              B.force a way through 

C.hear accidentally       D.make a hole in

57.The passage suggests us that _____.

A.they would be friends forever

B.they would meet in the future

C.they hadn’t had and wouldn’t have any interview

D.the young lady was able to sing sweet songs in standard Chinese

58.We know from the passage that _____.

A.in modern times people get in touch less than before

B.young people enjoys getting together very much

C.people are more ready to help others

D.people can earn a lot of money in the night club

59.Which is wrong according to the passage?

A.The writer taught the young lady without pay.

B.The young lady can’t be a native of Beijing.

C.The writer is not fond of getting in touch with others

D.Neither of the two is ready to see each other.    




In this age of ours, I find that almost all of my friends are becoming mere voices.

Not too long ago when friends came, they would fill half the drawing room and their voices would penetrate the four walls and disturb all the neighbors. Now they have all become, step by step, into invisible and untouched beings, whose tiny voices can only be heard by one ear through the telephone, no louder than the mosquitoes(蚊子).

Since this has become a necessary part of modern life, I too have learnt to live with this “ear language”. Many friends have become more distant because they are not very good at this way of communication(交流), others have become closer through ear language, and there are some friends I know by voice only. There is one particular voice friend I got to know through a very curious incident.

One day my telephone rang. When I lifted the receiver- a young lady’s voice informed me that she was phoning in answer to an advertisement for a night club program hostess. Obviously she had got the wrong number. The incident should have ended there and then. Actually, it was a sweet voice, only her poor imitation(模仿)of Hong Kong pronunciation and intonation got on my nerve and especially the “wa!” gave me the goose flesh. I told her that if I were the boss of the club, I wouldn’t give her a second thought because of her poor pronunciation. The young lady at the other end of the phone immediately came up with a surprising suggestion that, of course in her true local accent, she wanted to learn proper standard spoken Chinese speech from me, because she valued every chance very much. To my great surprise, we became “phone” friends. Every day, at the agreed time, she would ring me up and our “lesson” would begin. And she was tested and interviewed by a radio station in the south and got acceptd. She phoned me for the last time to thank me and to say good-bye. We had already formed a very deep “voice” friendship and have left deep unchangeable vocal(听觉的) impressions in each other’s mind. Any sudden appearance of visual images(视觉印象), good or bad, could only be destructive.

56.The underlined word penetrate in the first paragraph means _____.

A.pass quickly by               B.force a way through 

C.hear accidentally        D.make a hole in

57.The passage suggests us that _____.

A.they would be friends forever

B.they would meet in the future

C.they hadn’t had and wouldn’t have any interview

D.the young lady was able to sing sweet songs in standard Chinese

58.We know from the passage that _____.

A.in modern times people get in touch less than before

B.young people enjoys getting together very much

C.people are more ready to help others

D.people can earn a lot of money in the night club

59.Which is wrong according to the passage?

A.The writer taught the young lady without pay.

B.The young lady can’t be a native of Beijing.

C.The writer is not fond of getting in touch with others

D.Neither of the two is ready to see each other.    




In this age of ours, I find that almost all of my friends are becoming mere voices.

Not too long ago when friends came, they would fill half the drawing room and their voices would penetrate the four walls and disturb all the neighbors. Now they have all become, step by step, into invisible and untouched beings, whose tiny voices can only be heard by one ear through the telephone, no louder than the mosquitoes(蚊子).

Since this has become a necessary part of modern life, I too have learnt to live with this “ear language”. Many friends have become more distant because they are not very good at this way of communication(交流), others have become closer through ear language, and there are some friends I know by voice only. There is one particular voice friend I got to know through a very curious incident.

One day my telephone rang. When I lifted the receiver- a young lady’s voice informed me that she was phoning in answer to an advertisement for a night club program hostess. Obviously she had got the wrong number. The incident should have ended there and then. Actually, it was a sweet voice, only her poor imitation(模仿)of Hong Kong pronunciation and intonation got on my nerve and especially the “wa!” gave me the goose flesh. I told her that if I were the boss of the club, I wouldn’t give her a second thought because of her poor pronunciation. The young lady at the other end of the phone immediately came up with a surprising suggestion that, of course in her true local accent, she wanted to learn proper standard spoken Chinese speech from me, because she valued every chance very much. To my great surprise, we became “phone” friends. Every day, at the agreed time, she would ring me up and our “lesson” would begin. And she was tested and interviewed by a radio station in the south and got acceptd. She phoned me for the last time to thank me and to say good-bye. We had already formed a very deep “voice” friendship and have left deep unchangeable vocal(听觉的) impressions in each other’s mind. Any sudden appearance of visual images(视觉印象), good or bad, could only be destructive.

56.The underlined word penetrate in the first paragraph means _____.

A.pass quickly by               B.force a way through 

C.hear accidentally        D.make a hole in

57.The passage suggests us that _____.

A.they would be friends forever

B.they would meet in the future

C.they hadn’t had and wouldn’t have any interview

D.the young lady was able to sing sweet songs in standard Chinese

58.We know from the passage that _____.

A.in modern times people get in touch less than before

B.young people enjoys getting together very much

C.people are more ready to help others

D.people can earn a lot of money in the night club

59.Which is wrong according to the passage?

A.The writer taught the young lady without pay.

B.The young lady can’t be a native of Beijing.

C.The writer is not fond of getting in touch with others

D.Neither of the two is ready to see each other.    

In this age of ours, I find that almost all of my friends are becoming mere voices.
Not too long ago when friends came, they would fill half the drawing room and their voices would penetrate the four walls and disturb all the neighbors. Now they have all become, step by step, into invisible and untouched beings, whose tiny voices can only be heard by one ear through the telephone, no louder than the mosquitoes(蚊子).
Since this has become a necessary part of modern life, I too have learnt to live with this “ear language”. Many friends have become more distant because they are not very good at this way of communication(交流), others have become closer through ear language, and there are some friends I know by voice only. There is one particular voice friend I got to know through a very curious incident.
One day my telephone rang. When I lifted the receiver- a young lady’s voice informed me that she was phoning in answer to an advertisement for a night club program hostess. Obviously she had got the wrong number. The incident should have ended there and then. Actually, it was a sweet voice, only her poor imitation(模仿)of Hong Kong pronunciation and intonation got on my nerve and especially the “wa!” gave me the goose flesh. I told her that if I were the boss of the club, I wouldn’t give her a second thought because of her poor pronunciation. The young lady at the other end of the phone immediately came up with a surprising suggestion that, of course in her true local accent, she wanted to learn proper standard spoken Chinese speech from me, because she valued every chance very much. To my great surprise, we became “phone” friends. Every day, at the agreed time, she would ring me up and our “lesson” would begin. And she was tested and interviewed by a radio station in the south and got acceptd. She phoned me for the last time to thank me and to say good-bye. We had already formed a very deep “voice” friendship and have left deep unchangeable vocal(听觉的) impressions in each other’s mind. Any sudden appearance of visual images(视觉印象), good or bad, could only be destructive.

  1. 1.

    The underlined word penetrate in the first paragraph means _____.

    1. A.
      pass quickly by             
    2. B.
      force a way through 
    3. C.
      hear accidentally      
    4. D.
      make a hole in
  2. 2.

    The passage suggests us that _____.

    1. A.
      they would be friends forever
    2. B.
      they would meet in the future
    3. C.
      they hadn’t had and wouldn’t have any interview
    4. D.
      the young lady was able to sing sweet songs in standard Chinese
  3. 3.

    We know from the passage that _____.

    1. A.
      in modern times people get in touch less than before
    2. B.
      young people enjoys getting together very much
    3. C.
      people are more ready to help others
    4. D.
      people can earn a lot of money in the night club
  4. 4.

    Which is wrong according to the passage?

    1. A.
      The writer taught the young lady without pay.
    2. B.
      The young lady can’t be a native of Beijing.
    3. C.
      The writer is not fond of getting in touch with others
    4. D.
      Neither of the two is ready to see each other.    

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