
I had a interesting dream last night. I dreamedthat I took part in a race. At first, I could not to run very fast and fell behind. So I didn’t lose heart and keptrunning. All the students on the playground cheer me on, “ Come on!” I was so encouraging that I ran faster and fast till I caught up all the other runners. I felt as if flying like a superman. In the end, I got to the finishing line first.I won the race. I felt very proudly of myself. Many of my classmate threw me up into the air. Just at that timeI woke up and found me still in bed!

I had a interesting dream last night. I dreamedthat I took part in a race. At first, I could not to run
An                                                                去掉to  
very fast and fell behind. So I didn’t lose heart and keptrunning. All the students on the
playground cheer me on, “ Come on!” I was so encouraging that I ran faster and fast till I caught up
cheered                       encouraged                 faster
∧all the other runners. I felt as if flying like a superman. In the end, I got to the finishing line first.
I won the race. I felt very proudly of myself. Many of my
classmate threw me up into the air. Just at that timeI woke up and found me still in bed! 
Classmates                                                    myself
【小题1】a改成 an
【小题3】So改成 But
【小题4】cheer 改成Cheered
【小题5】encouraging encouraged
【小题6】fast 改成faster
【小题7】caught up 后面加with
【小题9】classmate改成 Classmates
【小题10】me 改成myself

【小题7】固定词组catch up with追上,赶上
【小题9】one of 后面要接复数名词。 


I fell in love with England because it was quaint (古雅)—all those little houses, looking terri­bly old-fashioned but nice, like dolls’ houses.I loved the countryside and the pubs, and I loved London.I’ve slightly changed my mind after seventeen years because I think it’s an ugly town now.

Things have changed. For everybody, England meant gentlemen, fair play, and good man­ners.The fair play is going, unfortunately, and so are the gentlemanly attitudes and good man­ners—people shut doors heavily in your face and politeness is disappearing.

I regret that there are so few comfortable meeting places.You’re forced to live indoors.In Paris I go out much more, to restaurants and nightclubs.To meet friends here it usually has to be in a pub, and it can be difficult to go there alone as a woman.The cafes are not terribly nice.

As a woman, I feel unsafe here.I spend a bomb on taxis because I will not take public trans­port after 10 p.m.I used to use it, but now I’m afraid.

The idea of family seems to be more or less non-existent in England. My family is well united and that’s typically French.In Middlesex I had a neighbour who is 82 now.His family only lived two miles away, but I took him to France for Christmas once because he was always alone.

1.The writer doesn’t like London because she ______.

       A.is not used to the life there now

       B.has lived there for seventeen years

       C.prefers to live in an old-fashioned house

       D.has to be polite to everyone she meets there

2.Where do people usually meet their friends in England?

       A.In a cafe.     B.In a restaurant.      C.In a nightclub.  D.In a pub.

3.The underlined part “it” (in Par      A.4) refers to______.

       A.a taxi                     B.the money        C.a bomb           D.public transport

4.The writer took her neighbour to France for Christmas because he ______.

       A.felt lonely in England                         B.had never been to France

       C.was from a typical French family         D.didn't like the British idea of family


When I was fourteen I was hit by a car and I felt almost senseless from the waist down.I spent the next four years   36   a back support.I began running seven days a week to   37  my muscles (肌肉).It was exhausting but I   38   before I graduated from high school.

    When I was thirty-one, I was in   39   car accident in which my legs were seriously injured.The   40   told me that their goal was to get me to walk "__41   " but that I would never run again.Stubborn and _42_ , however, I set out to rebuild my leg muscles to support my knees through my own personalized  43   program. The fact was that it took me two years to learn how to walk and nine and a half years to run again.

    While on one of my runs, a   44   thought entered my mind: what   45   I could run the LA Marathon? I wanted to know what it felt like to _46   the prized finish line, even if it  47   I had to crawl(爬) across it.I had only four months to get ready.I spent almost all my time training as if my very  48   depended on it——actually, it did.I   49   that if I didn't train to my fullest, my body would   50   and the doctors' diagnosis (诊断) would win.I wasn't about to let that happen.I had a dream: I would run the LA Marathon to achieve one of my life's greatest   51   .I trained eight times a week, seven days a week —twice on Wednesdays.

    Finally, my hard efforts   52   .I crossed the finish line of the LA Marathon, strong and solid.

    I'm often asked why I run, to which I always   53   ,"I run because I can." I   54  myself that the aches and pains I experience while training and racing are  55   , compared to the suffering those whom I admire must bear.This is why I run.

1.A, dressing          B.wearing                              C.designing       D.decorating

2.A.relax              B.comfort                              C.protect         D.strengthen

3.A.recovered          B.cured                                C.quitted         D.shook

4.A.other              B.one             C.another          D.some

5.A.doctors            B.patients                             C.coaches         D.pioneers

6.A.frequently         B.normally         C.attractively                   D.carefully

7.A.determined         B.excited          C.unsatisfied                    D.disappointed

8.A.working            B.sharing                              C.training        D.walking

9.A.suitable           B.reasonable                           C silly            D.crazy

10.A.if               B.whether                              C.unless           D.once

11.A.skip              B.slip             C.complete         D.cross

12.A.meant             B.proved           C.agreed           D.explained

13.A.patience          B.existence        C.appearance       D.absence

14.A.suggested         B.knew             C.noticed          D.declared

15.A.look out          B.come out         C.break down       D.fall down

16.A.promises          B.reputations      C.goals            D.levels

17.A.worked out        B.turned out       C.paid back        D.paid off

18.A.react             B.reply            C.relate           D.refer

19.A.show              B.ask              C.remind           D.teach

20.A.something B.anything C.everything   D.nothing


阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I’ll never forget my first job interview. It was a  36  position at an elementary school in my hometown. I was very  37  and worried, but I thought I had an “in” 38  I knew many people in this district. I felt  39  that the interview would be a piece of cake. I had  40  well for my interview; I had been  41  interview questions in front of my mirror for days. I wore my navy blue suit and took my  42 of lessons I had taught during student teaching. There was  43  I would not face this interview.

After arriving at the school about half an hour early, I waited  44  in the office. The secretary told me not to be nervous.“ Just  45   ,”he advised. When the time for my interview  46  came, I was so nervous that I didn’t think I could 47 any questions. Inside the interview room,  48  people sat at a round table: two teachers, two principals(校长),and a member of the school board .I had been 49  there would only be three people at the interview, and was overwhelmed(不知所措的)by the presence of  50  interviewers.

Once the interviewers started asking questions,  51  ,I answered with ease. Everyone smiled and we even  52  .After they finished asking questions, the  53  told me they would call me in two weeks. Two years later ,I ‘m still waiting for the 54  ! I eventually found out that it was my lack of  55  that kept me from getting the job offer.





































A.no doubt

B.no way

C.no worry

D.no wonder







A.help yourself

B.be yourself

C.enjoy yourself

D.behave yourself









C.think of

D.put forward











































They crossed in front of me as I was driving out of the store parking lot. My first reaction was anger at being delayed for a whole ten seconds. I quickly became patient when I realised that this was an elderly couple.

The man leaned on his wife who walked in front of him. He not only used her for support but it was obvious that he was blind. The two of them worked as one---each needing the other to function in this fast-changing world.

That little example of true strength changed my whole personal perception(理解) of life that day. Suddenly I wasn’t so mad about having to work a few extra hours on Saturdays. I had my strength, and I was still relatively young.

That picture of those two elderly people walking with dignity and strength stayed with me the entire week. My life wasn’t so bad after all. I had my health and a good job. I had a wonderful, supportive wife. I started to think---not only was I lucky to have it all, but so was that wonderful old couple, who, despite the trials and sufferings of a long life, still had the love and support of each other to carry them through this world.

There are so many people out there just like that couple. My wife and I sometimes picture ourselves in our old age, walking arm-in-arm into the sunset. That image always gives us a warm feeling of comfort. Just remember, none of us would be here if it wasn’t for our elders. We should all have a little extra time and patience when it comes to helping our elder friends.

1.When the author was about to drive away, the couple __________________.

A.got in his way

B.hit his car

C. entered the store

D.asked him for help

2. After he saw the couple, the author would _________________.

A.drive at a high speed

B.seldom think of his wife

C.be impolite to the blind

D.spend less time complaining

3. What did the author think of the couple?

A.They lived a happier life than he.

B.They didn’t live a life without hardships.

C.They were admirable for their lasting love.

D.They won respect by walking together.

4. From the passage, we learn _______________________.

A.the author hated working on Saturdays

B.the author was happy with his wife

C.old couples were advised to walk in the sunset

D.many people like that couple are blind


第二节   完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Preparing for tomorrow

    Sixth-grade schoolteacher Ms.Shelton believed in readiness.Students remembered how she walked in on the first day of class and began writing words of eighth-grade on the    36  .They quickly protested that the words were not on their   37    and they couldn’t learn them.

    Their teacher insisted that the students could and would learn these   38   .She said that she would teach them something that should be given.Ms.Shelton   39     by saying that one of the students in the classroom could go on to   40   , maybe even be president someday, and she wanted to prepare them for that day.

    Ms.Shelton spoke those words many years ago.  41    did she know that someday one of her students—Jesse Jackson—would take them   42   .She believed that if they were well prepared, they could   43   high goals.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “People only see what they are   44    to see.” If that’s true, then it is also    45    that they only become what they are prepared to become.And many things in life are just about getting ready.

    “I want to be doing something more    46    with my life than what I am doing now,” a young man once said to me.He    47    what he was doing was just not that important.Other people have said things to me such as, “I only    48    I had a meaningful relationship.” And, “I’d really like to get a better job, but I just don’t see    49    .”

    You fill in the blanks.What is it you would like to    50    that isn’t happening? Perhaps the answer is that you are not yet   51   .Maybe you need more time to prepare before you are truly ready for that which you   52  

    Think of today as another chance to   53   yourself for the exciting future you are looking for.Today is not wasted.If you desire more from   54   , then you can use today as training.For you will experience only what you are prepared to    55   .Something wonderful can happen.And you can use today to get ready for tomorrow.

1.A.desk             B.wall           C.chalkboard     D.door

2.A.duty             B.desk           C.mind           D.level

3.A.words            B.grammars       C.pronunciations D.sentences

4.A.started          B.ended          C.warned         D.reminded

5.A.greatness        B.wealth         C.honor          D.failure

6.A.Seldom           B.Little         C.Hardly         D.Totally

7.A.nervously        B.eagerly        C.seriously      D.simply

8.A.keep             B.have           C.set            D.achieve

9.A.prepared         B.forced         C.attracted      D.tempted

10.A.proper          B.exact          C.legal          D.true

11.A.difficult       B.significant    C.pleasant       D.interesting

12.A.boasted         B.behaved        C.felt           D.  looked

13.A.wish            B.expect         C.hope           D.imagine

14.A.what            B.when           C.why            D.how

15.A.survive         B.happen         C.gain           D.win

16.A.adventurous     B.active         C.ready          D.intelligent

17.A.concern         B.arrange        C.adore          D.desire

18.A.prepare         B.enjoy          C.imagine        D.conduct

19.A.history         B.nature         C.life           D.marriage

20.A.suffer          B.experience     C.struggle       D.work


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