
One factor that can influence consumers is their mood(情绪) state. Mood may be described ____21____ a temporary and mild positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied to any particular circumstance. Moods should be ____22____ from feelings which are usually much more stronger ____23____ to specific circumstances, and often conscious. In one sense, the effect of a consumer’s mood can be thought of in ____24____ the same way as our reactions to the ____25____ of our friends — when our friends are happy and “up”, that tends to influence us positively, but when they are “down”, that can have a negative impact on us. ____26____, consumers operating under a given mood state tend to react to stimuli(刺激因素) in a direction consistent with that mood state. Thus, for example, we should expect to see consumers in a positive mood state evaluate products in more of a ____27____ manner than they would when not in such a state. Moreover, mood states appear able to enhance(增强) a consumer’s memory.
Moods appear to be readily influenced by marketing ____28____. For example, the rhythm(节奏), pitch, and volume of music has been shown to influence behavior such as ____29____ of time spent in supermarkets or intention to purchase products. In addition, advertising can influence consumer’s moods which, in ____30____, are more likely to influence consumers’ reactions to products.
21. A. as           B. about           C. by                D. with
22. A. developed   B. discouraged                 C. divided    D. distinguished
23. A. related          B. referred             C. attached                 D. associated
24. A. nearly            B. much            C. even              D. still
25. A. signal            B. gesture           C. view              D. behavior
26. A. Similarly         B. However               C. Therefore        D. Besides
27. A. casual           B. confident               C. serious           D. favorable
28. A. tendency         B. techniques     C. temperature     D. operation
29. A. degree           B. amount                C. number           D. range
30. A. turn             B. total                     C. detail              D. depth

21-25 ADABD       26-30 ADBBA
                         Phys ed (physical education) is making a comeback as a part of the school core curriculum(核心课程), but with a difference.While group sports are still part of the curriculum, the new way is to teach skills that are useful beyond gym class.Instead of learning how to climb a rope, children are taught to lift weights, balance their diets and build physical endurance(忍耐力).In this way,kids are given the tools and skills and experiences so they can lead a physically active life the rest of their life.
Considering that 15 percent of American children 6 to 18 are overweight, supporters say more money and thought must be put into phys ed curriculum.In many cases, that may mean not just replacing the old gym-class model with fitness programs but also starting up phys ed programs because school boards often "put P.E.on the chopping block(砧板), cutting it entirely or decreasing its teachers or the days it is offered," says Alicia Moag-Stahlberg, the executive director of Action for Health Kids.The difference in phys ed programs is partly due to the lack of a national standard."Physical education needs to be part of the core curriculum," she added.
The wisdom of the new approach has some scientific support.Researchers at the University of Wisconsin have showed how effective the fit-for-life model of gym class can be.They observed how 50 overweight children lost more weight when they cycled and skied cross-country (越野)than when they played sports.The researchers also found that teaching sports like football resulted in less overall movement, partly because some reluctant students were able to sit on the bench.
Another problem with simply teaching group sports in gym class is that only a small percentage of students continue playing them after graduating from high school.The new method teaches skills that translate to adulthood.
小题1:According to the passage, what is usually taught in the old gym class?
A.Lift weightsB.Climb a rope
C.CycleD.Have a balanced diet
小题2:What does Alicia Moag-Stahlberg mean by saying “some school boards put P.E.on the chopping block”?
A.Schools do not pay enough attention to P.E..
B.Schools welcome P.E.but do not have time for it.
C.Schools put P.E.in the first place.
D.Schools cut down other subjects’ time for P.E..
小题3:Which is NOT the reason to carry out phys ed programs according to the passage?
A.More teenagers are overweight.
B.Traditional group sports teaching is not effective.
C.Students need to learn some skills to help them lead a physically active life.
D.Phys ed programs need less money to support.
小题4:How many problems are mentioned in the passage with simply teaching group sports?
小题5:What’s the difference between the come-back phys ed and the ordinary gym-class model?
A.The Phys ed teaches group sports.
B.The Phys ed provides more fitness programs.
C.The Phys ed teaches tools and skills which could be used in the future life.
D.The Phys ed has more support from the government.
I came to India a year ago to find a village in which I could live and write but it was many months before I settled down happily in this Himalayan community.
I wasted a lot of time looking for the “typical” village. Yet no such thing exists. Conditions are quite different from village to village. But the villages I stayed in had much in common---poor, dirty and backward. Often the villagers themselves were puzzled and doubtful. Why had I come? I had put aside my work as a political journalist because my ideas had changed. I had come to believe that what was happening in the Third World was more important than anything else. But to understand how three—quarters of the world population live, and what effect their future might have on ours, I felt that I first had to try and share their way of life.
In the end I chose a mountain village because it was little cooler than those in the plains. I took the bus from town along a rocky road. Then came a rough walk down a steep path to the river. After this I began the climb into the hills. Whenever I stopped to catch my breath, there was a beautiful scene. After several hours’ walk the village came into sight.
小题1:After the writer had arrived in India,________.
A.he spent a year writing about the place he lived in
B.he spent quite some time looking for a suitable place to live in
C.he stayed in an Indian village working for the poor
D.he lived in a Himalayan community for many months.
小题2:While looking for a typical village, the writer found__________.
A.he was searching for the impossible
B.all the villages were exactly the same
C.he was doing something enjoyable
D.the villagers were curious about him
小题3:Before coming to India, the writer________.
A.had been a successful politician
B.had made a decision to work for India
C.had studied India culture for some months
D.had worked for newspapers and magazines
小题4:The write decided to change his way of life because__________.
A.he no longer found his work interesting
B.he hoped to live a peaceful life in the countryside
C.he wanted to find out more about the Third World
D.he wanted to try his luck in a foreign country
小题5:The village the writer finally chose to live in_________.
A.lay at the end of a rocky road
B.had a beautiful sight of the river
C.was a short walk from the river
D.had better weather than those in the plains.
As we grow up, we gradually develop a set of our own values or beliefs. These are influenced by society, our family, the education we receive and so on. Once this value system is set up, it’s not easy to change later in life. Financial experts say that everyone also has his own belief of how to manage his money. According to our different values, experts put us in three catagories---the ant, the cricket(蟋蟀) and the snail.
★ The ant — work first
Just like ants who work heart and soul in summer in order to store food for winter, these people don't care about enjoying the moment. They work very hard and save money they earn so that they can enjoy life when they get old and retire. The ant loves to save, but they could make more out of their money if they were willing to invest in some funds and stocks with low risk.
★ The cricket — fun first
The cricket wants to enjoy everything now and doesn't think too much about the future. They even borrow money when they really want something. Many young people now belong to this group. These people have little savings. When they get old, they might have problems. They should learn to save and buy insurance.
★ The snail — life under pressure
The snail refers to people who make life difficult for themselves. They take big long-term loans(贷款) from the bank in order to buy things such as luxury houses. They are happy to take big loans even though they are not sure they can afford them. This can cause problems in the future. They should plan more carefully.
小题1: One’s values may________.
A.be his ways of managing money
B.be his beliefs about society
C.be connected with his education
D.influence his behavior
小题2: Mr. Smith always enjoys spending a weekend with his friends, fishing, hunting and playing cards. Besides, he spends money in a very luxurious way. So_______.
A.Mr. Smith belongs to the ant type
B.Mr. Smith belongs to the cricket type
C.Mr. Smith belongs to the snail type
D.it’s hard to tell which kind of person Mr. Smith is
小题3:The writer of the passage intends _______.
A.to introduce to us the three types of people with different life style
B.to show us his special attitude to the different people
C.to tell us life is full of joy and happiness all the time
D.to warn us how to live a better life in a new way
小题4:According to the passage, the most suitable title would be _______.
A.Nature of Spending
B.What Comes First
C.How to Understand Your Belief
D.Work and Fun

The other day, I bought six packages of ink for my printer, then I found a deal on better ink at the local computer store, so I went back to the $1 Store to exchange the ink for some other items.
I put the ink into a plastic bag and tied it up. When at the store, I immediately showed the bag to a clerk and told her that I was returning some items, but she was obviously very busy. Then without thinking much, I just put the bag into a cart and started shopping.
I was making my way through the crowd when a female employee suddenly yelled to stop me. I was told not to be allowed to carry a plastic bag of items around in the store and my bag should be checked.
I was astonished. There was no need for her to yell. I opened the bag and showed her the receipt. “I’m returning these to exchange for some other items,” I said.
“You should learn how to follow store regulations. Leave this bag here with the clerk. You can have it back when you check out”.
I was embarrassed and did as told to. I felt like a shoplifter. By the time I had finished shopping and exchanged the items, I was angry and then went looking for her. I wanted an apology. I found her finally and asked what her name was. She yelled at me again, “Ursula!” and stormed away.
Having got home, I called the store’s headquarters. I described my unpleasant experience. A customer service representative responded, “We will not tolerate such behavior. Give me your phone number and I will call you back.”
Two days later, I received a phone call from the representative, “I’m sorry,” she said, “but there is no one at that store named Ursula. Can you describe her? I’ll find out who she is. We do not tolerate rude behavior, nor do we tolerate lying to customers.”
By this time, I had calmed down, so I told the representative to forget about it.
41.The author wanted to exchange the ink for some other items because he found _______.
the ink was too expensive                   
he didn’t need so many packages
it could not match his printer       
there was better ink in another store
42.It can be inferred that _______.
the $1 Store had a very good business
the $1 Store sold items of poor quality
the clerks in the $1 Store were impolite
check-out items couldn’t be exchanged
43. Which of the following is the right order according to the story?
I found I was cheated.
I left the plastic bag with the clerk.
I finished shopping and exchanged the items
A female employee stopped me and yelled at me
I called the store’s headquarters
A. d, a, c, b, e    B. b, c, d, e, a        C. d, b, c, e, a     D. c, b, d, a, e
44. At the end of the story, _______.
A. the female employee apologized to me
B. Ursula was found out and lost her job
C. the representative forgot the matter
D. I forgave the female employee
My mother-in-law, Dorothy, is showing me the red notebook that’s almost as precious to her as my husband’s baby pictures. Inside the notebook is a list of the books she has read since 2007. For some people waking up in the middle of the night is a terrible thing. But for my mother-in-law, that time is a gift. At 87, she is getting the education she never had by working her way through great literature. She has now read close to 100 books, including every single novel by Anthony Trollope, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Edith Wharton, Henry James and Thomas Mann.
My mother-in-law discusses her passion with the enthusiasm of a young girl, although she can also be a very tough critic, writing “VG’ for “ very good” in the margins next to her favorites. So far, only a handful of books have received the top prize.
Born in Ridgefield, Conn, Dorothy was the youngest daughter of an Italian gardener. She taught herself English by reading The New York Times. Eager to come to Manhattan, she became a nurse, married a dentist and spent the next several decades keeping the house and raising a family. In her later years, she put her nursing skills to good use by taking care of my father-in-law, who had lung cancer. There were many trips to the emergency room in the middle of the night and then a long hospital stay. She stayed awake to watch over him for 15 hours a day. Always a light sleeper, she developed sleeplessness as a result of the stress.
It worsened after he died. Deeply sad and lonely for the first time in her life, she began waking up around 2am. Julian and Sylvia, the elderly couple next door suggest she read literature. And so Julian, a great lover of literature, became her “professor”, providing books from his large library. Suddenly the terrifying hole turned onto a world of amazing characters.
小题1:Why is Dorothy considered a tough critic?
A.Because no books are inspiring enough in her eyes.
B.Because only a few books are thought highly of by her.
C.Because she only reads books by famous writers.
D.Because she finds fault with every book she reads.
小题2: It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
A.the books Dorothy has read were bought by her husband.
B.the couple next door are college professors.
C.the author loves literature too.
D.Dorothy was a great wife.
小题3:The underlined part “the terrifying hole” in the last paragraph refers to _____.
A.the frightening death
B.Dorothy’s lack of education
C.waking up in the middle of the night
D.a hole in a book that Dorothy read
小题4: What helped Dorothy get over the sadness and loneliness of losing her husband?
A.Living with her son.
B.Reading literature.
C.Seeing her son’s baby pictures.
D.Talking with neighbors.

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21 ~ 30各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Even after several weeks, every time I read this little story I start to cry:
My sister-in-law teaches physically and mentally handicapped children at a private school in Brooklyn. She recently   21  a Special Olympics and went to the starting line of the 100-metre dash with six   22   contestants.
As the starting whistle sounded, a boy tripped, fell and began to cry. All the other   23  stopped, turned and went back to help. Then they all   24  hands and went on to the finish line together. Needless to say, everyone in the stands   25  .
Why am I so moved? There are tears of joy   26  with tears of sadness. Tears of joy, just for the   27  friendship, selflessness and love embodied (体现) by these children. Tears of sadness, just for how   28  from such behavior we adults have wandered. Wouldn’t it be nice if, at least once in a while, we could pause in our race for money and power; turn around to see the   29   of those we have left behind; go back and   30  these less able ones to their feet; and then walk forward together with them, arm in arm.
21. A. witnessed    B. reported    C. interviewed       D. attended
22. A. eager   B. smart        C. breathless D. active
23. A. players        B. members   C. runners      D. cheerleaders
24. A. held     B. shook        C. took   D. clapped
25. A. shouted       B. cheered     C. cried D. yelled
26. A. filled   B. mixed       C. joined       D. associated
27. A. mature        B. unusual     C. common    D. pure
28. A. long    B. easily        C. far     D. much
29. A. suffering     B. shortcoming      C. surrounding      D. behaving
30. A. comfort      B. support      C. carry D. help
If you thought sports stars Yao Ming and Liu Xiang or Internet entrepreneurs Zhang Chaoyang and Ding Lei would automatically be on the list of the” Men of Our Time”,then you could be behind the times.
The surprise in the list of 10 men released by the All-China Women’s Federation yesterday is that it contains no celebrities- and the guiding factors seem to be care and sympathy for the opposite sex.
In fact,Liu and Yao,as well as actor Pu Cunxin—the image ambassador for China’s anti-HIV,AIDS campaign—appeared in a booklet given out at the contest’s launch ceremony in January.The federation wouldn’t say why they are not in the final list.
The winners,with an average age of 47.5,were selected by women officials and journalists of the nine women’s newspapers in China,whose standard was men promoting equality between the sexes.
Li Zhong hua, a 46-year—old air force officer who test-flies planes,said he thought he was chosen because” he takes good care of his family,and is a gentleman”.
”Gentlemen get more respect in our society.They should be like those in the movie Titanic,who let women and children lave first in life rafts。”he told China Daily.
Shi Hua shan,a 48-year-old policeman in Gui xi of Jiangxi Province,said that he became a”man in the eyes of women” because” women love stories of heroes saving beauties".
His team has rescued more than 180 women who were taken away by force and sold as wives in the mountain regions of Fujian Province.
Some other” Men of Our Time” are:
Lang Jinghe,67,gynecologist at the Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing,who has made breakthroughs in ovarian cancer;
Ma Li,33,official in Xuzhou of Jiangsu Province,whose shelter has helped 196 victims of domestic violence;Li Mingshull,43,lawyer in Beijing,who is active in campaigns against family violence;Liu Ri,51,a mine worker in Lu’an of Shanxi Province,who took care of his paralyzed
parents·in-law for 23 years with his wife.
小题1:Which of the following statements is right?
A.Liu Xiang, a sports star, was on the list of the “Men of Our Time”.
B.LiZhonghua was a man in the eyes of women because he was an excellent air force officer.
C.Shi Huashan rescued women from forced marriages
D.The honor was given to Pu Cunxin at the launch ceremony in January.
小题2:Who is among the“Men of Our Time”?
A.Yao MingB.Ma LiC.Pu Cunxin D.Liu Xiang
小题3:The underlined word “celebrities” in the second paragraph most probably means______.
A.famous scientistsB.famous actors
C.well-known peopleD.well.known sports stars
小题4:This passage is most probably taken from——.
A.a science magazineB.an advertising booklet
C.a travel brochureD.a newspaper

In recent years many countries have been faced with the problem of how to make their workers more productive. Some experts believe that the answer is to make jobs more varied. Do more varied jobs lead to greater productivity? There is something to suggest that while variety certainly makes the worker's life more enjoyable, it does not make him work harder. So variety is not important.
Other experts feel that giving the worker freedom to do his job in his own way is important and there is no doubt that this is true. The problem is that this kind of freedom cannot easily be given in the modern factory with its complicated machinery which must be used in a fixed way. Thus while freedom of choice may be important, there is very little that can be done to achieve this.
Another important consideration is how much each worker contributes to the product he is making. In most factories the worker sees only one small part of the product. Some car factories are said to be experimenting with having many small production lines rather than a large one, so that each worker contributes more to the production of the cars on his line. It would seem then that the degree of worker contribution is important.
To what extent does more money lead to greater productivity? The workers themselves certainly think this is important, but perhaps they want more money only because the work they do is so boring. Money just lets them enjoy their spare time more. A similar argument may explain demands for shorter working hours. Perhaps if companies succeed in making workers' jobs more interesting, they will neither want more money, nor will shorter working hours be so important to them.
72. Which of the following things will not increase productivity?
A. Making jobs more varied.                 
B. Longer working hours.
C. Giving workers the freedom to do his jobs in their own way.
D. Increasing the workers' contribution to production.               
73. The last sentence in this passage means that if companies manage to make workers' jobs more interesting, _________.
A. they will want more money                    
B. they will demand shorter working hours
C. more money and shorter working hours are important    
D. more money and shorter working hours will not be so important to them
74. In this passage, the writer tells us _________.
A. how to make the workers more productive 
B. possible factors leading to greater productivity
C. more money leads to greater productivity
D. how to make workers' jobs more interesting
75. The writer of this passage is probably a _____________.
A. teacher            B. worker                 C. manager             D. physics

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