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Nowadays many young people have some misunderstanding about friendship.








One possible version£º

Nowadays many young people have some misunderstanding about friendship.Some say they will make friends with those who can often stay with them. Some think if a person can eat out with them, he or she is a friend. Others argue that someone who can help them escape punishment when they make a mistake is a friend.

Personally , I don¡¯t agree with the above opinions. What makes a really good friend then?

First , your friend must be honest. They must always tell you the truth, even when the truth might not be what you want to hear. Second , a friend should be helpful and always willing to lend a hand . Favors should be done with gladness. Next , true friends respect each other. A friend should treat you the way they want to be treated. Also, sharing some interests is pretty important when it comes to friendship . Last but not least , a friend should be kind and should love you for who you are.


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