
I ________ for a long time and playing with my little girl ________ a good rest for me.

  1. A.
    have written…has been
  2. B.
    am writing…is
  3. C.
    have been writing…will be
  4. D.
    am to write…is

I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand.All my clothes were new: the black shoes, the green school uniform, and the red cap.They did not make me happy, however, as tins was the day I was to be thrown into school for the first time.I tried in vain lo convince him that I did nothing wrong all the way, but it didn’t help.
When we.arrived at the sate we could see the courtyard, vast and full of boys and girls.I hesitated and clung to his hand, but he gently pushed me from him."Be a man, "he said."today you truly begin your life.You will find me waiting for you when it’s time to leave."
I took a few steps.Then the faces of the boys and girls came into view.I did not know a single one of them, and none of them knew me.I felt I was a stranger who had lost his way.But then some boys began to glance at me in curiosity, and one of them came over and asked, " Who brought you? "
"My father," I whispered.
’’My father’s dead, " he said simply.
I did not know what to say.The gate was now closed.Some of the children burst into tears.The bell rang.A lady came along, followed by a group of men.The men began soiling us into ranks.We were formed into an intricate pattern in the great courtyard surrounded by high buildings.
Well, it seemed that my misgivings had had no basis.From the first moments I made many friends and fell in love with many girls.I had never imagined school would have this rich variety of experiences.
We played all sorts, of games.In the music room we sang our first songs.We also had our first introduction to language.We saw a globe of Earth, which revolved and showed the various continents and countries.We started lean-line numbers, and we were told the story of the Creator of the universe.We ate delicious food, took a little nap, and woke up to go on with friendship and love, playing and learning.
Our path, however, was not totally sweet and unclouded.We had to be observant and patient.It was not all a matter of playing and fooling around. Rivalries could bring about pain and hatred or give rise to fighting.And while the lady would sometimes smile, she would often yell and scold.Even more frequently
she would resort to physical punishment.
The bell rang, announcing the passing of the day and the end of work.The children rushed toward the gate, which was opened again.I said goodbye to friends and sweethearts and passed through the gate.I looked around but found no trace of my father, who had promised to be there.I stepped aside to wait.
【小题1】The writer hesitated and clung to his father’s hand when they got to the school gate because ____.

A.he loved his father and didn’t want to leave his father
B.he had thought attending school meant being punished
C.he was afraid of the punishment given by teachers
D.he did not want to leave his mother and his rather alone at home
【小题2】What happened to him first during his first day at school?
A.He was moved to tears by a sad story told by a girl.
B.He together without other students was grouped.
C.He learnt music and other courses and had a good time.
D.He got punished by die woman teacher because of his impatience.
【小题3】Which of the following subjects did he not probably have?
【小题4】From the last but one paragraph we can learn that ______.
A.they got on well with one another all the time
B.they had a good time at school without being scolded
C.their teacher was more kind to them than strict with them
D.more often than not they experienced physical punishment
【小题5】The writer stepped aside after he got out of the school gate because           .
A.he was polite to let other students go before him
B.he left something behind in his classroom
C.he wanted to say goodbye to his teacher
D.his father has promised to wait for him

Sitting across from his teacher, Edgar Martinez repeated the word he couldn't quite pronounce: "situation".The teacher, LisaMojsin, hired to help Martinez reduce his accent, said the word slowly; "Sit-chew-a-shun." "I wish he had taught me this 20 years ago." said Martinez, 37, who comes from Mexico and lives in Los Angeles.In private tutoring classes throughout the nation, immigrants are focused on sounding more American.
Accent reduction classes have been around for years, but experts say."As our workforce becomes more and more global, these classes are becoming more and more popular." Private tutors said they answer calls almost daily from students, when just a few years ago the phones rang only occasionally.Author Amy Gillett said that sales of her book and CD set, "Speak English Like an American", have increased three times in the last few years.Judy Ravin, President of the Accent Reduction Institute, said she has hundreds of students who follow her program, "Lose Your Accent in 28 Days".
Though there is a general tolerance for diversity, experts said, reality has made some immigrants who sound different feel unwelcome.If someone speaks with an accent associated with an Asian language, they may work as engineers or computer scientists.If someone speaks with certain Spanish accents, people may think they are recent immigrants working in landscaping or the hospitality industry (招待性行业).A French accent gives images of romance.An Australian accent brings to mind adventure and fun.
Accent reduction students said they are aware of how they sound and whether their accents limit their job opportunities or spoil their social lives.Jennie Lo, aged 43, said her accent has been an embarrassment.Sometimes people couldn't even understand her when she said her name.While in college in Oklahoma, Lo said she didn't make many friends, tearing that no one could make out her words.Lo is now taking accent reduction classes and hopes to apply for a manager position at work."I just want to feel good about myself," she said."If I really work hard, if I practice every day, I can't be perfect.But I can be better."
【小题1】In the whole passage, the first paragraph serves as a(n) _____.

【小题2】What does the author want to express in the second paragraph?
A.The effect that popular accent reduction classes have.
B.The fact that accent reduction classes become popular.
C.The steps how accent reduction classes become popular.
D.The reasons why accent reduction classes become popular.
【小题3】If someone speaks with certain Asian accents, people may think _____.
A.they are romanticB.they are hospitality workers
C.they are computer scientistsD.they love adventure and fun
【小题4】What is Jennie Lo's attitude towards her taking accent reduction classes?

Holidays are really important. Many of us will have childhood memories of summer holidays where we were taken away from home to experience new environments and learn in different ways.

But holidays are expensive and, for those on low wages or living on benefits, they are often unobtainable. Even the cheapest holidays require travel and other additional costs that are difficult for many families to meet.

For working parents, the long summer break can be a very difficult problem for childcare. When an annual leave allowance amounts to only five weeks, there is a need to spread this across the year. Couples can find themselves taking leave in turn in order to care for children who are on holiday. For some, this makes even an affordable family holiday difficult.

The schools that I visit in Nottingham are full of experienced staff committed to giving our children a caring and inspiring learning environment. The number of children receiving free school meals is quite large in Nottingham and many schools have breakfast clubs to make sure that children get a healthy start to the day. Most schools undertake programs of group or individual educational support. Schools also have an important role in sofeguaiding children's welfare through the ongoing touch and support with their pupils. During the long summer holidays, much of this is missed.

While teachers are holidaying in the UK, many of their pupils spend the whole six weeks on the street where they live. The lack of free school meals for six weeks can result in pressure on a family budget and an inability to afford the inspiring experiences that help children to continue their learning.

In setting out its plans for a five-term year, Nottingham City Council (委员会)is seeking to reduce the summer holiday down lo four and a half weeks, with a more balanced five terms of roughly eight weeks, each followed by a two-week break. We believe this will give real “down time" for school staff and pupils alike but will be short enough not to cause a real break in learning.

We acknowledge that this change may be difficult for some school staff, particularly whose own children are educated in other authorities. However, this must be weighed against the benefits for city children for whom we all have the greatest duty of care.

1.The passage is probably written by      .

A. an experienced teacher        B. a city council member

C. an inspired student        D. a working parent

2.The underlined word "they" in the second paragraph refers to "       ’.

A. environments        B. wages   C. holidays         D. benefits

3.It is suggested in the passage that the summer break be reduced to       .

A. 2 weeks         B. 6 weeks         C. 5 weeks         D. 4.5 weeks

4.The plans for a shorter summer holiday will help students_____    .

A.      obtain the cheapest holidays without additional costs

B.      get a chance to spend six weeks a term with teachers in school

C.      have more school days to receive free school meals

D.      benefit more from the caring and inspiring learning environment

5.It can be inferred from the passage that          _______.

A.      some school staff will say “ No" to the plans for a shorter summer holiday

B.      the suggested plans for a five-term school year can hardly be carried out

C.      the long summer holiday gives teachers and students real "down time"

D.      working parents can enjoy a five-week break to care for their children


Today I was at the mall waiting for friends, when a lady wearing a knit hat and a sweater came up to me and, shivering, said, “I’m homeless. Would you mind buying me some food?”

In that split second, everything I’d learned since kindergarten flashed through my mind. Don’t talk to strangers… Be a good citizen… People will take advantage of you… Treat others as you wish to be treated…I guess love won the debate. “Sure,” I said. “What would you like?”

She thought and then said, “I’d like to get Chinese food.” We headed upstairs. She ordered soup, an egg roll, white rice, and pepper chicken. I would normally think that was a lot, but she had probably barely eaten in the last few days. I got my usual – lo mein and General Tso’s chicken.

Meanwhile I was eating my lo mein, picking around the cabbage and the other vegetables. Joyce said, “If you don’t like it you can take it back.” I told her that I liked it, but was not fond of the vegetables. She broke into a big grin. “You don’t like vegetables, huh? Neither did I. But now I do.” I immediately felt guilty. How could I be picking at my food across from someone who barely gets to eat at all?

I tried my best to finish, but she seemed to sense my guilt and said, “You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want it.” How could she know what I was feeling? I told her the dish was my favorite, but I just eat slowly.

She got up to get a to-go box. “Would you like one?” she asked, but I refused. I realized that this food would probably last her for a few days, and I was glad she had ordered a lot.

“Would you like these?” I asked, gesturing at the food I had left untouched. “Oh, no, thank you,” she said. “This is enough.” I got up to throw my tray away, feeling guilty again.

“I need to meet my friends now,” I explained. “It was so nice to meet you, Joyce.”

“You too, Claire,” she replied with a smile. “Thank you.”

I headed to the theater, and she went back downstairs. I kept puzzling, Why is Joyce homeless?  She shouldn’t need people to buy her dinner. She was a nurse. She got good grades. She took pictures for her yearbook. She was the person I hope to be in the future. How could such a good life be rewarded with horrible luck?

Anyway, I wish her the best, and hope that the force that brought us together will help her find what she deserves in life.

1. From the second paragraph we know that the writer ___________.

   A. debated with the girl over moral issues 

B. hated having to make a quick decision

   C. hesitated before she decided to reach out    

D. fell in love with the girl at first sight

2.The writer felt guilty for a moment because _________.

   A. she was particular about food and also wasted so much

   B. she was a strict vegetarian who ate very little

   C. she didn’t order enough food for the girl

   D. she urged the girl to take her share of food

3. Why did Joyce end up unemployed and homeless?

   A. She was a victim of high education. 

B. She actually had some kind of mental disorder.

   C. She graduated with average grades. 

D. The reason is not yet given.

4. The passage is intended to _________.

   A. arouse readers' curiosity       

B. explore social problems

   C. teach readers a lesson         

D. share a personal story



Sitting across from his teacher, Edgar Martinez repeated the word he couldn't quite pronounce: "situation".The teacher, LisaMojsin, hired to help Martinez reduce his accent, said the word slowly; "Sit-chew-a-shun." "I wish he had taught me this 20 years ago." said Martinez, 37, who comes from Mexico and lives in Los Angeles.In private tutoring classes throughout the nation, immigrants are focused on sounding more American.

    Accent reduction classes have been around for years, but experts say."As our workforce becomes more and more global, these classes are becoming more and more popular." Private tutors said they answer calls almost daily from students, when just a few years ago the phones rang only occasionally.Author Amy Gillett said that sales of her book and CD set, "Speak English Like an American", have increased three times in the last few years.Judy Ravin, President of the Accent Reduction Institute, said she has hundreds of students who follow her program, "Lose Your Accent in 28 Days".

    Though there is a general tolerance for diversity, experts said, reality has made some immigrants who sound different feel unwelcome.If someone speaks with an accent associated with an Asian language, they may work as engineers or computer scientists.If someone speaks with certain Spanish accents, people may think they are recent immigrants working in landscaping or the hospitality industry (招待性行业).A French accent gives images of romance.An Australian accent brings to mind adventure and fun.

    Accent reduction students said they are aware of how they sound and whether their accents limit their job opportunities or spoil their social lives.Jennie Lo, aged 43, said her accent has been an embarrassment.Sometimes people couldn't even understand her when she said her name.While in college in Oklahoma, Lo said she didn't make many friends, tearing that no one could make out her words.Lo is now taking accent reduction classes and hopes to apply for a manager position at work."I just want to feel good about myself," she said."If I really work hard, if I practice every day, I can't be perfect.But I can be better."

1.In the whole passage, the first paragraph serves as a(n) _____.

    A.introduction                         B.comment          

    C.explanation                          D.background

2.What does the author want to express in the second paragraph?

    A.The effect that popular accent reduction classes have.

    B.The fact that accent reduction classes become popular.

    C.The steps how accent reduction classes become popular.

    D.The reasons why accent reduction classes become popular.

3.If someone speaks with certain Asian accents, people may think _____.

    A.they are romantic                    B.they are hospitality workers

    C.they are computer scientists         D.they love adventure and fun

4.What is Jennie Lo's attitude towards her taking accent reduction classes?

    A.Confident.          B.Helpless.         

    C.Proud.              D.Anxious.


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