
Don’t drive your kids to school. Let them ride a bike to school.

   In England 8.3 million children travel to school every day. It is reported that only a small number of pupils cycle to school (under 2%), although one in three children would actually like to.

   Experts say that to stay healthy, children need at least one hour of moderate (适度的) exercise every day. But only six out of ten boys and four out of ten girls get that. One of the reasons is that parents have developed a habit of driving their children to school when they could just walk or ride a bike to school.

   Teachers often say that children who walk or ride a bike to school are more ready to listen to their classes, ask and answer questions in class than those driven by car, and the school journey is a good chance for children to learn about road safety and other life skills. Also, for many children, riding a bike is more fun than going to school by car.

   Most parents know the benefits (益处). Then what’s stopping them from letting their kids ride a bike? Safety is the number one worry for them. But actually riding a bike is not as dangerous as parents think it is.

   When you decide to buy a bike, you should be aware(意识到) that a bike that is too big or too small is dangerous. Don’t try to get a bike that your child will “grow into”. Get the right size in good working order. Generally, 20-inch wheels are on bikes for 5-8 year olds; 24-inch wheels are for 9-11 year olds; 26-inch wheels are suitable for those over 11, and some older children should even take bikes with 28-inch wheels, but the main thing is that the bike fits your child.

1.This passage is mainly written for ________.

A. teachers whose students have asked their parents to drive them to school

B. children who have asked their parents to drive them to school

C. parents who drive their children to school

D. parents who drive to work

2.Which of the following benefits of cycling to school is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. It will help children keep healthy

B.  It will make children more active in class.

C. It will make children feel freer

D.  It will be more fun for children.

3.Parents don’t allow their children to ride a bike to school mainly because ________.

A. their children don’t want to.

B. they are worried about their children’s safety.

C. they don’t know what size bike to choose

D. They haven’t enough money to buy a bike.

4.Generally, what size bike is suitable for a 10-year-old child?

A. A bike with 20-inch wheels    B. A bike with 24-inch wheels

C. A bike with 26-inch           D. A bike with 28-inch wheels













4.细节理解题。根据最后一段24-inch wheels are for 9-11 year olds可知,适合10岁孩子的自行车是24-inch wheels 的车子。所以选B。

考点: 日常生活类阅读。



Active vacations are often the most relaxing of all. But Wait! It's all in defining what an active vacation is. We don't expect you to take up jogging, backpacking, or hang gliding. we ask the sedentary(爱坐的)vacationers to spend two to four hours a day doing things, such as walking the city streets, exploring a nature preserve, or taking a leisurely rowboat ride.

These kinds of activities aren't just good for your physical health. They improve your mental health, even your spiritual health. And they make vacations memorable and worthwhile. Here are some fresh ideas for active and healthy vacation.

Make the morning your activity time. At that time it is most likely that the weather will be friendlier, your energy level higher, and your schedule emptier than later in the day.

Have a walk at dawn or dusk. Such activity is called rejuvenation(恢复活力). Try to make this a daily routine of life away from home, and you will guarantee yourself both physical and spiritual youth.

Get into the water as much as you can. Don't allow yourself to spend your entire time sitting in front of the water. Whether it is the ocean, a swimming pool, or a tree-lined lake, make sure you get into the water for swimming or games or even walking. Merely standing in waist-high water is a good workout, thanks to the action of the water. And you'll feel so much more alive!

Choose a cruise for your trip. It's amazing how active you can be being stuck on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic. Most cruise ships offer numerous options for seaworthy exercise. During your sea and land trips you can burn calories as you swim, hike, dive, and horseback ride.

Get out of the car every two hours. Many of us spend a large part of our vacations on the road, either getting to and from our destinations, or using the car for sightseeing. But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, great and memorable vacations don't happen in a car seat. Don't wait for tiredness or nature's call to get you to pull over. Frequently get out and stretch, walk, picnic, shop, visit, and have fun. It's important for your health and energy, and it makes traveling a lot more active and interesting.

The first paragraph mainly tells us ____________.

       A.that active vacations are very relaxing

       B.the activities we should join in

       C.how many hours we should exercise every day

       D.what an active vacations is

How many tips does the writer give in the passage?

       A.Three       B.Four  C.Five  D.Six

Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

       A.Usually the weather in the morning is better.

       B.You can have a memorable vacation in a car.

       C.Swimming can make you feel much more alive.

       D.Don’t drive your car very often to go sightseeing.

Which of the following is probably the best title for this passage?

       A.Driving Tips           B.How to Relax Without cars

       C.Give up Your Car and Walk    D.Make your Vacation Healthy

Zach drove over to Mary’s place. She would be his wife soon. She was in China, visiting her parents. Her son Bradley hadn’t gone with her. Bradley was a junior in high school. He neither liked nor disliked Zach, even though he had known Zach for three years. Zach was still trying to get along well with Bradley.
When Zach arrived, he asked if Bradley wanted to drive his car. Bradley had a driver’s license. Bradley said all right. Zach told him not to drive fast, but that he could drive anywhere he wanted. Bradley got on the road. Zach gave Bradley a few driving tips: Don’t drive next to big trucks, because you never know when they might crush(碾压) you. Don’t drive behind trucks filled with things, because you never know when something in the truck will fly out and hit your car.
On their way back, Zach suggested that they stop at the golf course. He wanted to show Bradley how to play golf. Bradley wasn’t interested. He preferred his video games. But Bradley soon discovered that golf was fun! He hit a lot of balls. Zach told him that he was doing well. The next day Bradley, for the first time ever, called Zach. He had a few blisters(水疱) on his hands. Zach said that usually happened. Then Bradley asked if Zach would come next Saturday so they could take a drive and hit golf balls again. Zach said, of course, and felt happy.
【小题1】The best title(题目) for the text might be “________”.

A.You are not my dad, but I begin to love you!
B.I begin to love you, my son!
C.You can do better, boy!
D.Do you love me, dad?
【小题2】Zach let Bradley drive his car because ________.
A.he wanted to teach Bradley how to drive
B.he wanted to take Bradley to the golf course
C.he wanted to go to see Mary
D.he wanted to get on well with Bradley
【小题3】At first, Bradley liked ________ better than golf.
A.drivingB.video gamesC.his lessonsD.a driver’s license
【小题4】The next day, Bradley telephoned mainly to ________.
A.ask Zach to teach him to driveB.ask Zach to see his mother Mary
C.show Zach his friendlinessD.invite Zach to the golf course

Women make better drivers than men for many reasons. Why is that? Wouldn't you think that competing at who has better driving abilities is pointless? If you ask me, I'd like to say, men know that women are better drivers but do not have the courage to admit the truth.

Unlike men, women stop for directions when they have no idea where they are going. Women don't drive around for hours pointlessly wasting a tank of gas only to find themselves heading in the wrong direction. Have you ever been in a car with a man who is lost? He tells you to shut up when you begin to open your mouth. And every five minutes or so he takes a turn going forty-five miles per hour only to find out he's made another wrong turn.

Speeding is what men do best on the road. Traffic is not a race. There is a reason why men get more speeding tickets than women. Not because women trick to get out of tickets but only because they don't speed. Women don't risk putting their own lives and the lives of others in danger. In other words ,they have more responsibility for life.

My largest issue with male drivers is how a majority of them drive with one hand on the wheel and the other hand doing only God knows what. The seat is backed as far as possible. They're totally lost in loud music beyond a necessary level. You don't ever see women driving like that.

I feel that the above evidence more than proves my points that women are queens of the road. Oh ,men, if you want to continue criticizing women for being bad drivers, bring it on. We know you lack confidence, or else you wouldn't be wasting your valuable time making jokes about the ones you may choose to spend the rest of your days with.

1.Who does the author think are the better drivers? (no more than 1 word)

2.When will women drivers stop to ask for help? (no more than 9 words)

3.Why do men get more speeding tickets? (no more than 3 words)

4.What quality do women drivers have when it comes to safety? (no more than 3 words)

5.How is the seat backed by most male drivers? (no more than 4 words)



Zach drove over to Mary’s place. She would be his wife soon. She was in China, visiting her parents. Her son Bradley hadn’t gone with her. Bradley was a junior in high school. He neither liked nor disliked Zach, even though he had known Zach for three years. Zach was still trying to get along well with Bradley.

When Zach arrived, he asked if Bradley wanted to drive his car. Bradley had a driver’s license. Bradley said all right. Zach told him not to drive fast, but that he could drive anywhere he wanted. Bradley got on the road. Zach gave Bradley a few driving tips: Don’t drive next to big trucks, because you never know when they might crush(碾压) you. Don’t drive behind trucks filled with things, because you never know when something in the truck will fly out and hit your car.

On their way back, Zach suggested that they stop at the golf course. He wanted to show Bradley how to play golf. Bradley wasn’t interested. He preferred his video games. But Bradley soon discovered that golf was fun! He hit a lot of balls. Zach told him that he was doing well. The next day Bradley, for the first time ever, called Zach. He had a few blisters(水疱) on his hands. Zach said that usually happened. Then Bradley asked if Zach would come next Saturday so they could take a drive and hit golf balls again. Zach said, of course, and felt happy.

53. The best title(题目) for the text might be “________”.

A. You are not my dad, but I begin to love you!   B. I begin to love you, my son!

C. You can do better, boy!                    D. Do you love me, dad?

54. Zach let Bradley drive his car because ________.

A. he wanted to teach Bradley how to drive    B. he wanted to take Bradley to the golf course

C. he wanted to go to see Mary             D. he wanted to get on well with Bradley

55. At first, Bradley liked ________ better than golf.

A. driving             B. video games        C. his lessons       D. a driver’s license

56. The next day, Bradley telephoned mainly to ________.

A. ask Zach to teach him to drive              B. ask Zach to see his mother Mary

C. show Zach his friendliness                 D. invite Zach to the golf course


Car sharing is another way to drive green that’s gaining in popularity, especially in urban areas.People who may not drive every day but still want a car to run errands (差事)or drive on weekends benefit most from car sharing.Car sharing is usually run by a service like Zipcar, though there are non-profit (非营利的)and informal car sharing services.Members pay a monthly fee and have access to an entire fleet of cars when they need one.The cars are parked in fixed spots around the city, so members only need to make a reservation, and then go to the pickup spot.

         Car sharing has major environmental benefits because it reduces the number of cars on the road.Members don’t drive just because they are in a car.They plan trips, and if they don’t need a car, they don’t use one.Still, a car is available to them if they need to make a big trip to the grocery store, pick someone up at the airport or if they want to go to the beach for the day.Members also benefit by having access to a car without any of the headaches of ownership.They usually don’t have to pay for the gas, insurance or maintenance (保养), and the monthly membership fee is less than a typical car payment.So if you really want to go green but aren’t ready to totally give up a car yet, car sharing may be the way to go.

         If you still need to get around, but want to go even greener than sharing a car, share a bus!

1.The author intends to tell us that car sharing ________.

    A.has become the most popular way to go to work

    B.has become the best way to cut living costs

    C.is becoming more and more popular in cities

    D.is becoming popular both in urban and rural (乡村的)areas

2.We can conclude from the passage that _________.

    A.Zipear can’t help you if you are running urgent errands

    B.Zipcar, different from other services, aims green driving with no profit

    C.Zipcar is a company supplying car sharing service for a monthly payment

    D.Zipcar is a company providing formal car sharing free

3.The second paragraph mainly tells us _________.

    A.why people will share a car          

         B.why car sharing benefits the environment

    C.why car sharing is cheaper than owning a car

    D.why a car is available to members

4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

    A.Car sharing has become a new trend (趋势).

    B.Car sharing can save you the headaches of ownership.

    C.Bus sharing is even greener than car sharing.

         D.Zipcar is the largest company offering car sharing services.


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