
―Somebody wants you on the telephone.

       no one knows I’m here.

       A.For                     B.And                    C.But                     D.So





Though he wore his whiskers (颊须) only four years, today we can hardly think of Abraham Lincoln without them. He often talked about the little girl in Westfield, New York, who suggested in a letter that he grow the famous whiskers. And he would add, “Sometimes a small thing can change our lives!”

Grace Bedell sat in her room looking at a picture of Lincoln. Her little lamp threw shadows on the picture. A frame (框) of small shadows lay around the thin face and covered the hollow cheeks (面颊). “Whiskers!” she thought.

“How nice!” she said to herself. “There will be more people to elect him President if he lets his whiskers grow. Somebody ought to tell him.” She reached for a pen and began to write the letter.

On February 16 of the following year a special train carried the newly elected President Lincoln to the White House. The train stopped briefly at a station near Grace’s town. At the station Lincoln was speaking to a large crowd, among whom were the Bedell family.

Lincoln continued his speech, “I have a little friend in this place,” he said. “That little lady told me how to improve my appearance, and I want to thank her. If she is present, I would like to speak to her. Her name is Grace Bedell.”

Grace’s father led her forward to Lincoln. She looked and laughed happily, for up there on his face were the whiskers.

If you visit Springfield, Illinois, today you will see the house in which Abraham Lincoln used to live. On the wall of a room hangs a piece of paper covered with a child’s handwriting: “Dear sir...”

1.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

   A. Why Lincoln Grew Whiskers

B. A Little Girl’s Letter to Lincoln

    C. How Lincoln Becamse President of the U. S.

D. Lincoln’s Great Kindness to Children

2.Grace suggested Lincoln growing whiskers because she supposed ______.

    A. he looked terrible without whiskers around his face

    B. he would look better with whiskers around his thin face

    C. no one would elect him President if he had no whiskers

    D. he would be famous with whiskers around his thin face

3.Grace’s idea that Lincoln should grow whiskers came from ______.

   A. the lamp        B. Lincoln’s hollow cheeks

   C. the picture of Lincoln           D. the shadows on the picture

4.When Lincoln said “Sometimes a small thing can change our lives”, what he really meant was that ______.

    A. his whiskers had helped him to become President of the U. S.

    B. one should pay attention to small things in one’s life

    C. a little child’s advice had helped to improve his appearance

    D. a child could play an important part in politics

5.Which of the following did Grace most likely tell Lincoln in her letter?

   A. Her school.     B. Her problems.                      C. Her age.      D. Her friends.


In the southern part of America, when somebody has a birthday, often family or friends, or both, will arrange a party. The party could be elaborate(精心准备的)and include a meal or may be simple with a birthday cake and drinks. One does not plan, nor give, one’s own birthday as is the custom in some cultures. At a party there is usually a decorated cake, often with the words “Happy Birthday” and with the name of the person written on the top of the cake. Sometimes there is also one candle for each year of the person celebrating the birthday before the cake is cut. While blowing out the candles, the person makes a wish for something pleasant.

Usually those invited to a birthday party will bring a gift for the person honored. Gifts given by friends do not have to be expensive, but the family of the birthday person will spend whatever they can afford on a gift.

Christmas parties also are very popular in the South. Often this is the only time during the year that some people see acquaintances(熟人). These parties can be elaborate or simple, ranging from a buffet(自助餐)to a reception called “open house (家庭招待会)”. If you are invited to one of these, you don’t need to take a Christmas gift, as it is not customary to take the hostess a gift every time you are invited to a party or a meal. However, if you wish to take a gift, it should only be something useful and inexpensive and should be given to the hostess at the door as you enter the party. Usually gifts of Christmas food treats are the most appreciated.

51. On one’s birthday, before blowing out the candles, he or she will______.

A. wear beautiful clothes          B. eat birthday cake

C. invite friends                 D. make a wish

52. This passage mainly tells us about __________.

A. two kinds of parties in the southern United States

B. how to arrange a birthday party

C. how to arrange a Christmas party

D. who will arrange a party

53. In southern America , birthday parties are often arranged by _________.

A. friends     B. oneself      C. family        D. Both A and C

54. Which of the following is true?

A.For a birthday party, the cake is often cut before candles are blown out.

B.For a birthday party, neither friends nor the family will buy expensive presents.

C. It’s customary to take the hostess a gift when you are invited to a party.

D.If you take a gift to a Christmas party, you’d better take something useful and inexpensive.

55. What kind of gift is the best if someone is invited to a Christmas party?

A. Expensive things     B. Candles      C. Food      D. Money



第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


Dad is a liar, definitely.

He never tells the truth about anything , or anything that he thinks is bad to me,   36   I emphasize that I don’t  37   hearing these things. He is the kindest man I have ever met, who never _38_ others, as well as the _39_ man, for he’s always hard on himself. Every time I _40_ home from college and asked Dad how his _41_ was getting on, he would always reply, “Oh, couldn’t be _42_!” When I asked my mum the same question on the phone, _43_, she honestly told me every _44_ with Dad’s business. I didn’t blame Dad for his _45_. I felt a deep sympathy for him.

Dad is a miser(吝啬鬼), undoubtedly.

I hardly see Dad wear _46_ clothes. In fact, his closet is half empty. Even in this half , two-thirds is occupied by Mum’s clothes and the other _47_ belongs to him. I urged him to buy some new clothes, _48_ he simply shook his head, “The old clothes are still good enough.” Were they? I saw _49_ in them!

It _50_ my heart up when I saw Dad cough terribly   51   his hand covering his mouth. When the pains became unbearable, he _52_ took some pills.

So   53   surprised when the day came that Dad got sick. He was lying in bed, and all the family gathered around him. I knelt by his beside, tears filling my eyes.

Dear Dad, you’ve been _54_ yourself too hard, which you should not have. I know I might as well _55_ a river to flow backward as hope to talk you out of working so hard. But I still want to say, “Dad, take better care of yourself!”

36.A.as if    B.but for        C.even though       D.because of

37.A.mean B.mind  C.agree          D.admit

38.A.prefers       B.laughs        C.helps D.hurts

39.A.noblest       B.cruelest     C.best   D.oldest

40.A.phoned       B.drove C.went  D.stayed

41.A.health         B.business    C.experiment        D.treatment

42.A.better         B.harder        C.easier         D.healthier

43.A.meanwhile         B.anyway      C.however    D.therefore

44.A.change       B.incident      C.achievement      D.problem

45.A.belief B.carelessness      C.lies     D.excuses

46.A.old      B.new   C.beautiful    D.cheap

47.A.one-third   B.half    C.thing  D.closet

48.A.so       B.but     C.since  D.although

49.A.holes B.stains         C.hope  D.importance

50.A.woke up     B.warmed to         C.flew to        D.tore up

51.A.in        B.on       C.by       D.with

52.A.still   B.again C.simply         D.seldom

53.A.somebody B.anybody     C.everybody D.nobody

54.A.controlling B.pushing      C.blaming      D.enjoying

55.A.let      B.allow C.expect        D.cause


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