
第二节: 根据句子的意思和所给中文或首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式。(每小题1分,共10分)

1.Make a list of the things that c________ energy in your home, school, or any other places you can think of.

2.It is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural___(现象)

3.The problem begins when we add huge q________ of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

4.There are those who are o________ to this view that greenhouse effect will lead to a catastrophe.

5.I was a_________ as a volcanologist working for the HVO twenty years ago.

6.Having collected and _______ (评估) the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava will flow.

7.The e_________ of the volcano is really exciting to watch.

8.I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their _________(潜在的) to cause great damage.

9.I am very _________ (外向的) and have learned to adapt to my disability.

10.Her _______(雄心壮志) is to become part of the national team for the next Paralympics Games.


Thirteen-year-old Greg Hoffman had been begging his parents for an iPhone all year. So on Christmas morning he was thrilled to find the object of his desire under the tree, but there was a catch.

The phone came with an 18-point set of terms and conditions that he had to agree to before the phone could be his. And the agreement did not come from Apple or the phone provider, it was from his mother.

His mom, Janell Hoffman, included a contract along with the iphone that listed eighteen conditions or rules that Greg has to follow if he wants to keep it. Some of the rules limit the time he can use the phone; not after 7:30 p.m , and he can’t take it to school. He also has to promise not to send “hurtful” text messages and e-mails to people; give his passwords to his parents, and always answer the phone when his mom or dad calls. Greg also has to use his own money to replace the phone if it’s broken or lost

Janell says the idea behind the contract is to teach her son to have a sense of responsibility and to learn to “co-exist with technology, not be ruled by it’. She told him not to use this technology to lie, fool, or cheat another human being.

Most of the terms do not just apply to the iphone, but to life. She also advised him to, “keep your eyes up. See the world happening around you,” “Stare out a window. Listen to the birds. Take a walk. Talk to a stranger. Wonder without Googling.”

“You are growing up in a fast and ever changing world. It is exciting and enticing. Trust your powerful mind and giant heart above any machine. I hope that you understand it is my job to raise you into a well rounded, healthy young man that can function in the world and coexist with technology, not be ruled by it,”

“I love you. I hope you enjoy your awesome new iPhone. Merry Christmas!”

1.The underlined word “catch” in the first paragraph means “________”

A. great secret B. piece of equipment

C. hidden difficulty D. piece of paper

2.Mom gave her son the 18-point contracts with the iphone in order to __________

A. keep in touch with him at any time

B. teach him to have a sense of responsibility

C. let him learn to use new technology

D. adjust himself o the ever changing world

3.Which of the following may NOT be one of the 18 rules? _________

A. Do not use this technology to lie, fool another human being.

B. Do not ever ignore a phone call if the screen reads “Mom” or “Dad”. Not ever.

C. I will always know the password.

D. Take it to school but turn it off or silence it while having classes

For: Doug Smith, Director of wolf recovery, Yellowstone National Park

In the world today there is so much we are losing; more and more species disappear from the earth every year. The time has come to put something back,to restore to treat some of the old wounds enforced on nature over the years.

Wolves are animals killing and eating other animals in North America. They play an important role in keeping the continent healthy. Most places don’t have enough wild country to make their restoration possible, which means it’s even more important to restore wolves where conditions are right, places like Yellowstone, which has both a high level of wildness, as well as abundant creatures that wolves hunt and eat for living.

Some who oppose wolf restoration have a human centered point of view that the earth is here for humans, we can use it whenever we want and for whatever purpose. But wolves offer us a chance to live another way—a way to learn to live with other life forms.

Against: Larry Bouret, Vice President, Wyoming Farm Bureau

What does wolf introduction to Yellowstone mean? To the average citizen it probably just means introducing wolves to Yellowstone. There would be no unfavorable effects because few people live near Yellowstone.

But to farmers it means introducing wolves, which wander over vast areas—in and out of the park—onto their farms. Wolves eat meat—as in the cattle, sheep that keep farmers in business. Introduction apparently also means lawsuits by environmental groups attempting to remove livestock from federal lands. To farmers, who own private lands in the same area, it means the possibility of financial ruin. To farmers it is a form of land use restrictions. To farmers introducing wolves means taking away the farmers’ livelihoods without just compensation. Why do people not want a nuclear power plant built in their backyard? For the same reason farmers do not want wolves introduced into their backyard.

1.What are the two passages mainly about?

A. Whether to remove livestock away from federal lands.

B. Whether to introduce wolves to Yellowstone.

C. How to increase the number of wolves.

D. How to keep the balance of nature.

2.According to the passage Doug Smith is _______.

A. a national park administrator.

B. a wildlife conservationist.

C. an enthusiastic hunter.

D. a private land owner.

3.What are the farmers concerned about?

A. Being controlled by wolves.

B. Having to sell their farmland.

C. Suffering heavy financial loss.

D. Being forced to leave their homes.

4.Why does Larry Bouret mention “nuclear power plant”?

A. To summarize his opinion.

B. To make his view persuasive.

C. To tell the danger of nuclear power plant.

D. To introduce the background of wolf recovery.

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