

Dear Daddy ,

I just want to say Happy Father's Day and also Happy Birthday* since to?day is also your birthday.

I want to tell you something that I probably never told you before. First of all, I know you had always been the type of American father that didn't show lots of love. You were a little harder on your boys, then you were your girls. But in fact we know you always spoiled us girls.

I know that I didn't visit you as often as 1 should have and I didn't call you either, and for this I am truly sorry. I should have spent more time with you and we could have a good long talk, because I did truly enjoy the talks that we had. You were also one of those people that were always fun to be around and could always make us laugh. I enjoyed the time we spent together and al?though I probably never told you before, but I did appreciate everything you ever did for me.

Mum, my sister and I went to see you this morning and spent some time with you. We couldn't let your birthday and Father's Day go by without pay?ing you a visit. We placed some flowers on your headstone(墓碑)and someone had left a flag on there as well. Probably it's one of my brothers. 1 kept think?ing about that February windy day back in 1992 when we laid you in the ground and how I just wanted to scream, "Don't put my daddy in the ground; it's dark down there.,,

Daddy, I hope that you are still smiling up in heaven the way I remember you when you were alive. I shall see you again soon. 1 will keep it. Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day. I love you and always will.

Yours , Jane

4.      What can we know from the passage?


A.    Jane often dreamed about her father's death at night.

B.     Jane went to see her father alone this morning.

C.    Jane wrote a letter to her father on the day after Father's Day.

D.    Father's Day and the birthday of Jane's father were on the same day this year.

5.      What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably mean?


A.     You were very kind to your girls.

B.     You were a little harder on your girls.

C.     You were friends with your girls.

D.     You were loved by your girls.

6.      What does this passage suggest?


A.    Jane's father was a man of few words.

B.     Jane's father deeply loved his children.

C.    Jane was afraid to talk with her father.

D.    Jane's father was always mean to his children.

7.      From Paragraph 4 we can feel that_____ l.


A.    Jane's mother was still very sad

B.     it was dark down in the ground :

C.    Jane missed her father very much

D.    it was quiet around the headstone

8.      What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 5 refer to?

A. Father's smile.                                              B.Jane's promise.

C.Jane's dream.            

D.Father's kindness.



4.    D细节理解题。根据文章第一段的"I〗ust want to say Happy Father's Day and also Happy Birthday, since today is also your birthday."可知,Jane父亲的生日和父亲节恰巧在同一天。

5.  B推理判断题。文章第二段最后两句的意思是:你对男孩们总是更加严苛,之后就是你的女孩们。但实际上,我们都知道.你总是娇惯我们这些女孩们。根据"You were a little harder on your boys.""可知,you were your girls是you were a little harder on your girls的省略形式。这里的boys和girls分别指Jane的兄弟和姐妹。

6.    B推理判断题。根据文章第二段的"First of all, 1 know yen!…didn't show lots of love."及第三段的内容可知,父亲深爱着自己的孩子们。

7.    C推理判断题。根据文章第四段中的"在墓碑前放鲜花",到Jane想起安葬父亲的那一天等情节的描述,我们可以感受到Jane非常思念她的父亲。

8.    B 推理判断题。在最后一段中,"1 shall see you again soon."是Jane对父亲的承诺,紧接着说"I will keep it.", I will keep the promise..


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