
"Yes, but what did we use to do before there was television?" How often we hear statements like this! Television hasn't been with us all that long, but we are already beginning to forget what the world was like without it. Before we admit the one-eyed monster into our homes,  we never found it difficult to occupy our spare time. We used to enjoy civilized pleasures. For instance, we used to have hobbies, we used to entertain our friends and be entertained by them, we used to go outside for our amusements to theaters, cinemas, restaurants and sporting events. We even used to read books and listen to music and broadcast talk occasionally. All that belongs to the past. Now all our free time is regulated by the "goggle-box". We rush home or gulp down(吞咽)our meals to be in time for this or that program. We have even given up sitting at table and having a leisurely evening meal, exchanging the news of the day. A sandwich and a glass of beer will do-anything providing it doesn't interfere with the program. The monster demands and obtains absolute silence and attention. If any member of the family dares to open his mouth during a program, he is quickly silenced.
The whole generations are growing up addicted to the telly (television). Food is left uneaten, homework undone and sleep is lost. The telly is universal pacifier(抚慰者).It is now standard practice for mother to keep the children quiet by putting them in the living-room and turning on the set.It doesn’t matter that the children will watch rubbishy commercials or violence-so long as they are quiet.
There is little limit to the amount of creative talent available in the world. Television consumes vast quantities of creative work. That is why most of programs are bad:  it is impossible to keep pace with the demand and maintain high standards as well. When millions watch the same programs,  the whole world becomes a village, and society is reduced to the conditions which obtain in preliterate(无文字的)communities. We become completely dependent on the two most primitive media of communication: pictures and the spoken word.
Television encourages passive enjoyment. We become content with secondhand experiences. It is so easy to sit in our armchairs watching others working. Little by little, television cuts us off from the real world. We got so lazy; we choose to spend a fine day in semi-darkness, glued to our sets, rather than go out into the world itself. Television may be a splendid medium of communication, but it prevents us from communicating with each other. We only become aware how totally irrelevant television is to real living when we spend a holiday by the sea or in the mountain, far away from civilization. In quiet, natural surroundings, we quickly discover how little we miss the repetitive oppression of King Telly.
小题1:According to this passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.We used to have hobbies and go to theaters and sporting events.
B.We have a leisurely evening meal and exchange the news when we watch TV.
C.We quickly finish our meals so as to be in time for TV programs.
D.We are usually silent and attentive in front of TV.
小题2: The main idea of the second paragraph is to show that_____.
A.children are very noisy
B.TV is full of rubbishy commercials or violence
C.television disturbs our sleep
D.the whole generations are fascinated with TV
小题3:Which is the best title for this passage?
A.Television Encourages Passive Enjoyment
B.Television Is Doing Irreparable(不能挽回的)harm
C.Television Is a Universal Pacifier
D.We Can't Live Without TV
小题4:This passage is an article of_____.

While Andrew was getting ready for work one Friday morning, he announced to his wife that he had finally decided to ask his boss for a salary raise. All day Andrew felt nervous.   36   Mr. Larchmont refused to   37  his request? Andrew had   38   so hard in the last 18 months.  39  , he deserved a wage increase.
The thought of walking into Larchmont’s office left Andrew weak   40  . Late in the afternoon he finally gathered the   41   to approach his superior. To his   42   and surprise, the ever-frugal (一贯节省的) Harvey Larchmont agreed to give Andrew a   43  !
Andrew arrived home that evening,   44   their dining table set with their best china, and candles lit. His wife, Tina, had prepared a delicate meal   45   his favorite dishes. Immediately he   46   someone from the office had tipped her off!
Next to his plate Andrew found a beautiful lettered   47  . It was from his wife, which read: “  48  , my love! I knew you’d get the raise! I prepared this dinner to show just how much I love you. I’m so   49   of your accomplishments!” He read it and stopped to   50   how sensitive and caring Tina was.
After dinner, Andrew was on his way to the kitchen   51   he observed a second card had slipped out of Tina’s pocket. He picked it up. It read: “Don’t worry about not getting the raise! You do deserve one! I prepared this dinner to show you just how much I love you   52   you didn’t get the increase.”
Tears   53   in Andrew’s eyes. Total acceptance! Tina’s support for him was not   54   upon his success at work.
The fear of rejection is often softened and we can undergo almost any setback or rejection when we know someone loves us   55   our success or failure.
A.What aboutB.How comeC.How aboutD.What if
A.for the weightB.at the kneesC.in the heartD.for the leg
A.to findB.to appreciateC.to noticeD.to decorate
A.Best wishesB.Good newsC.CongratulationsD.Wonderful job
A.call onB.reflect onC.feed backD.remind of
A.as thoughB.even thoughC.whetherD.unless
A.welled upB.flowed overC.rushed outD.streamed down
A.despiteB.withoutC.eitherD.regardless of
The letter was a great disappointment to me. It was from Holy Cross, the only school I really wanted to  41 . I scanned the page, “…. We had a great applicant pool this year. …We can’t offer spaces to   42  … and place you on our waiting list.”
“What does it say, honey?” my dad asked, his voice full of   43  for me.
“I didn’t get in, but I’m on the waiting list.”
“Well, at least it isn’t   44 ,” he said brightly.
“Yeah, but   45 , I don’t want to be on the waiting list; I want to be   46 . No one gets in off the waiting list. It’s a way of saying ‘Thanks for   47 ’.”
“Then let’s go out there and tell them so.”
“That sounds   48 , dad.” I said sadly, “It doesn’t work.”
Upset and annoyed, I   49  myself in my room. However,my father’s advice kept   50  in my head. I thought about it for a few days, finally coming to the   51  that he was right. And the next day I seated myself across from Mr. Luis Soto, my admissions officer.
“What can I do for you, Nacie?” he asked pleasantly.
“Well, sir, I am here to tell you that I love this school and would love a   52  to be here. I just wanted to tell you how much going here would   53  to me—it is my only dream college— and that I would use my time here to the best   54 . I wanted to let you know that if you gave me a chance and reconsidered my application, you wouldn’t   55  it.” The words had poured out  56 I could stop them or check their desperate tone.
Mr. Soto looked me over for a minute before he smiled broadly.
“OK, that is the kind of thing we love to hear. Congratulations, you’re in.”
It was so   57  and I asked, “I’m sorry?”
“We want people in the class who want to be here, who will   58  the best of this education. I’m glad you came to talk   59  to me. I’m happy to offer you a position in the Class of 2009.”
The whole experience taught me a lesson: if you truly want something, never, ever   60 .
A.attend B.study C.admit D.visit
A.everyoneB.anyoneC.someoneD.no one
A.admissionB.imagination C.restrictionD.rejection
A.pointB.conclusionC.agreement D.arrangement
A.referB.turnC.mean D.stick
A.as B.whenC.until D.before
A.unbelievableB.unforgettable C.unbearableD.favorable
A.take B.get C.make D.receive
A.patientlyB.openly C.carefully D.calmly
A.get throughB.give up C.keep on D.try out
It was the last day of the final examination in a large eastern university. On the steps of one building, a group of students were talking about the exam that was going to begin in a few   41 .On their faces was confidence(信心).This was their   42  exam—then they would graduate and begin to work.
Some talked of jobs they already had, others talked of jobs they   43 get. With the certainty of four years of college, they felt 44 and able to take control(控制)of the world.
The coming exam, they knew, would be a(n)   45 task, as the professor had said they could bring  46 books or notes they wanted, requesting only that they did not  47 each other during the test.
  48 they entered the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. And smiles  49 on the students’ faces as they found there were only five questions.
Three hours had passed 50 the professor began to collect papers. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was a frightened expression. Papers in hand, no one spoke as the professor faced the class.
He looked at the  51 faces before him, and then asked: “How many completed all five questions?”   52 a hand was raised.
“How many answered four?” Still no hand.
“Three? Two?” The students moved restlessly in their seats.
“One, then? Certainly somebody finished  53 .” But the class remained silent.
The professor put down the papers. “That is exactly what I   54 ,” he said. “I just want you to know that, although you have completed four years of study, there are 55 many things about the   56 you don’t know. These questions you could not answer are relatively common(普遍)in everyday  57 .” Then, smiling, he added, “You will all  58 this course, but remember—even though you are now college graduates, your education had just  59 .”
The years have weakened the name of the professor, but not the  60 he taught.
A.wouldB.mustC.had toD.used to
A.listen toB.look atC.care forD.talk to
When Wilson got to the airport, 36 flight was already being called 37 the loudspeakers. The day before he had given up his 38 for a morning flight and had booked(预定)an afternoon 39 instead. He had to go to the reservations(预定)desk to collect his 40ticket.
  He apologized for being 41.The reservations clerk(预订票的职员)smiled and began to look through the reservations in front of her. Then her 42 disappeared and 43 began to look 44 .
  “Your ticket doesn’t seem to be here, ” she said. “Let me check it with the computer. ”The 45 clicked(滴答声)and whirred(飕飕声)and 46 began to flash 47 , his flight was called a second time. Wilson became very 48 .  49 the girl looked 50 .
  “There’s been a mistake. Your new ticket was sent to you by post. That’s why it isn’t here”, she said. 51 took her only a 52 time to write 53 a new one. Wilson managed to catch the plane just before it took 54 . “What a way to start a 55 !” he thought.
A.heB.his    C.him     D.her
A.upB.with    C.over    D.out
A.ticket   B.walletC.money   D.plane
A.planeB.ticket   C.flight   D.fight
A.first   B.newC.old    D.another
A.later   B.lateC.last    D.early
A.smileB.smiling  C.smiled   D.laugh
A.he    B.hisC.her     D.she
A.happy   B.angryC.sad    D.worried
A.flight  B.loudspeakersC.clerk   D.computer
A.lights  B.light    C.flight   D.computer
A.just   B.just then  C.then    D.when
A.angry  B.happyC.nervousD.sad
A.Finally  B.Last    C.Then    D.Just
A.at    B.down    C.up     D.out
A.That   B.It     C.SheD.He
A.long   B.short   C.some    D.few
A.down   B.out    C.away    D.of
A.off    B.out    C.awayD.place
A.travel  B.work    C.job     D.holiday

               Motherhood is a career to respect
  A WOMAN renewing her driver’s license at the CountyClerk’s office was asked to state her occupation. She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.
  “What I mean is,” explained the recorder, “do you have a job, or are you just a...”
  “Of course I have a job,” said Emily. “I’m a mother.”
  “We don’t list ‘mother’ as an occupation... ‘housewife’ covers it,” said the recorder.
  One day I found myself in the same situation. The Clerk was obviously a career woman, confident and possessed of a high sounding title. “What is your occupation?” she asked.
  The words simply popped out. “I’m a Research Associate (研究员) in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.”
  The clerk paused, ballpoint pen frozen in midair.
  I repeated the title slowly, then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement (声明) was written in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.
  “Might I ask,” said the clerk with interest, “just what you do in your field?”
  Coolly, without any trace of panic in my voice, I heard myself reply, “I have a continuing program of research (what mother doesn’t), in the laboratory and in the field (normally I would have said indoors and out). Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities (any mother care to disagree?), and I often work 14 hours a day (24 is more like it). But the job is more challenging than most careers and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money.”
  There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk’s voice as she completed the form, stood up, and showed me out.
  As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up (激励) by my glamorous new career, I was greeted by my lab assistants – ages 13, 7, and 3.
  Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model (a 6-month-old baby), in the child-development program, testing out a new vocal pattern.
  I felt proud! I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable (不可缺少的) to mankind than “just another mother.”
  Motherhood... What a glorious career! Especially when there’s a title on the door.
小题1: How did the female clerk feel at first when the writer told her occupation?
小题2: How many children does the writer have?
小题3:Why did the woman clerk show more respect to the writer?
A.Because she thought the writer did admirable work.
B.Because the writer cared little about rewards.
C.Because the writer did something that she had little knowledge of.
D.Because she admired the writer's research work.
小题4: What is the point of the article?
A.To show that how you describe your job affects your feelings toward it.
B.To show that the writer had a grander job than Emily.
C.To argue that motherhood is a worthy career.
D.To show that being a mother is hard and boring work.
The holiday is upon us. Finally, after months of study, you have some time to yourself. So, why not read a book? Well, some people will say, "Why bother with books? We have the Internet and other media that offer a lot of more colorful entertainment. Books are history!" But don't be fooled. I'm sure there's still a lot to be said for reading.
One clear reason is that a well-chosen book is a wonderful source of vocabulary, so long as you have a good dictionary, of course. Believe me, it's far easier to get new English words and phrases from a book or an article than it is from the TV or the Internet.
But another more important point is that books give you something that modern media simply can not. The average webpage is picture-heavy and the text is often designed to make it as easy to read as possible. While "easy" may be attractive, unfortunately it's of little use for any long-term development of reading skills and the general language level. Because of that, there's still no substitute (替代品) of a book.
But perhaps the best single reason is that simply choosing what you read and doing it independently means that it's something you do by and for yourself. You can choose what you want to read. It's hard work, but somewhere down the line, you'll find that what once seemed like a duty is now a pleasure.
小题1:How many reasons for reading a book does the author mention in the passage?
小题2: According to the passage, we basically need a ________ in reading.
小题3:In the author's opinion, reading on the Internet may_________.
A.develop long-term reading skillsB.improve the general language ability
C.not take the place of reading booksD.be an effective way of reading
小题4: The passage is written mainly to _________.
A.share the pleasure of reading booksB.advise readers to read books
C.stress the importance of reading onlineD.help readers to choose good books
Greeks play a special game at Easter and it’s good fun! The rules of the game are as follows: 1.Everyone picks out a hard-boiled Waster Egg.2.Each player finds a partner.One person will be a “holder”, and the other will be a “tapper”.Holders should hold the egg with either the pointy end or the round end facing up.Tappers should hold the egg with that same end facing down.Tapping must be done pointy-end-to-pointy-end or round-end-to-round-end.3.With one good tap, the tapper tries to crack the holder’s egg.One player will end up with a cracked egg.4.Each player finds another partner and repeats steps 2 and 3.(After one end of the egg is cracked, players may continue to play using the uncracked end).5.A player loses when both ends of his egg have been cracked.The winner is the person who still has an uncracked egg.6.Enjoy eating the eggs!
Dye your Easter eggs.With an adult’s help, dye hard-boiled eggs red using food coloring or egg dye.For a nice sheen, use a paper towel to rub some oil on each egg.But don’t use too much oil---you wouldn’t want your egg to slide out of your hand when you play the egg-cracking game!
Why dye eggs red? Eggs represent new life and the red dye symbolizes the pain and suffering in the past.
Why crack eggs? Some say that the cracking of the eggs symbolizes a wish to break away from human misery and enter the new life.
小题1:A player has to drop out of the game when _____.
A.the pointy end of his egg is cracked
B.the round end of his egg is cracked
C.his egg slides out of the hand
D.his egg is cracked at both ends
小题2:Why is oil rubbed on the egg?
A.To give the egg a shiny appearance
B.To make the game more difficult to play
C.To protect the hand of the player
D.To symbolize the wealth of the Greeks
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The holders hold the eggs with the pointy end facing up in most cases
B.If one end of the player’s egg is cracked, he will eat the egg
C.The player in the game must dye his egg red independently
D.It’s said that the broken eggs represent the wish to lead a new life
小题4:Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.The suffering of the GreeksB.The Easter holidays
C.Celebrate Greek EasterD.A special game
People need to relax and enjoy themse1ves.One way they can have a good time is to watch a baseball game or another sports event.Even thousands of years ago,groups of people gathered(聚集) to watch skilled athletes(运动员).
  Over 2000 years ago in Greece,certain days in the year were festival days.These were holidays when people stopped work and enjoyed themselves.They liked to watch athletes take part in races and other games of skill.
  The most important festival was held every four years at the town of Olympia.It was held in honor of the Greek god Zeus(Zus).For five days,athletes from all parts of the Greek world took part in the Olympic Games.At the Olympic Games,people could watch them box,run,jump and so on.There was a relay race between two teams of men in which a lighted torch(火矩)was passed from runner to runner.The Olympic Games were thought to be so important that cities which were at war with one another had to stop fighting.People were allowed to travel to the games safely.Thousands of people came to Olympia from cities in Greece and from her colonies(殖民地)in Africa,Asia and Italy.They met as friends to cheer their favorite athletes and to enjoy themselves.
小题1:What happened in Greece over 2000 years ago?
A.People stopped work and enjoyed themselves.
B.The cities there were often against one another.
C.People watched baseball games.
D.People didn’t go to any games at all.
小题2:What were those countries in Africa?
C.Colonies.D.Other cities.
小题3:What did people do at the games?
A.They fought.B.They just talked to friends.
C.They cheered for good athletes.D.They tried to find friends.
小题4:The best title for the story is“_____”.
A.Greece at WarB.Together for the Games
C.Stop FightingD.Sport

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