
17.Have you considered ______ to improve your spoken English?(  )
A.practising listening and speaking
B.practising to listen and speak
C.to practise listening and speaking
D.to practise to listen and speak

分析 你有没有考虑练习听说来提高你的英语口语?

解答 答案是A.本题考查动名词的用法;题干中关键词consider表示考虑时往往接动名词做宾语;故排除C和D;practise表示"练习",其后也需要动名词做宾语,故选A.

点评 首先判断选项中的动词在句中是以谓语还是非谓语形式出现,然后根据选项在句中的功能结合非谓语的基本用法做出合理的判断.要关注常见非谓语动词的搭配.

15.Eco-friendly Car Racer
Can you image a car racer is so eco-friendly that its tyres are made from potatoes,its body is created from hemp (大麻) and rapeseed oil and it runs on fuel made from wheat and sugar beet?The one-seater racing car called Eco One is built by experts from Warwick University,who hope that Eco One will be adopted by the automotive industry.It is sold at  51,000.
Pollution-sensitive Dress
Don't be caught outside unaware of pollution levels in the air.The pollution-sensitive EPA Dress by Stephanie Sandstrom notices pollution in the air accordingly.This dress-which is actually quite pretty-looks like you pull it from the bottom of the dirty laundry pile when the air is dirty.It might protect your health by advising you to stay indoors for the day,but it won't do you any favor if you're meeting with clients.
Eco-friendly Umbrella
Traditional umbrellas come with a fixed surface.Although it is changeable,you cannot replace it easily.This eco-friendly design is more flexible.It is actually only an umbrella skeleton without any surface,which can be folded,so you can put anything such as newspapers,plastic bags or whatever you want to serve as the protecting surface.
Eco-friendly Moss (苔藓) Carpet
It is said that walking on fresh grass increases your blood circulation.The Moss Carpet,created by Nguyen La Chanh,looks at getting the grass to your feet.The mat includes ball moss,island moss and forest moss.The humidity (湿度) of the bathroom ensures that it grows well.And that's why you need to place it there and not anywhere else.
21.According to Paragraph 1,we can find Eco OneD.
A.can seat one passenger and one driver
B.can't be afforded by the public at present
C.will take the place of the traditional car industry
D.is mainly made from some kinds of plants
22.Why is EPA Dress designed?A
A.To keep users informed of the polluted levels in the air.
B.To advise people to stay at home as often as possible
C.To make women look pretty even in the polluted air.
D.To stop people from meeting their clients if necessary.
23.Compared with traditional umbrellas,the Eco-friendly UmbrellaB.
A.is changeable       
B.hasn't any surface
C.can be folded       
D.is made of newspapers
24.Where does the text probably come from?A
A.A science report           
B.A personal blog
C.A health report             
D.An official document.
8.Tens of thousands of South Africans have joined dozens of world leaders for the national memorial service for former President Nelson Mandela.The service was held in front of a noisy crowd in the FNB stadium in Johannesburg.
US President Barack Obama said Mr Mandela was a"giant of history",describing him as the last great liberator of the 20th Century.The former South African president died last Thursday,aged 95.
The country is observing a series of commemorations(纪念) leading up to the funeral on Sunday.The memorial service,which began at about 12:00 (10:00 GMT),lasted about four hours.It was one of the biggest gatherings of international dignitaries(高层) in recent years,with more than 100 current(现任的) or former heads of state or government attending.
There had been fears people would be turned away.But with heavy rain,security and transport issues,and the fact that Tuesday was not declared a national holiday,areas of the 95,000-capacity stadium remained empty.Introducing the proceedings,the master of ceremonies,Cyril Ramaphosa,said that Mr Mandela's"long walk is over…and he can finally rest".
Current South African President Jacob Zuma made the keynote address but was booed (喝倒彩)in some parts of the ceremony.He said Mr Mandela was"one of a kind…a fearless freedom fighter who refused to allow the cruelty of the apartheid(种族隔离) state to stand in way of the struggle for the liberation of his people".Mr Zuma announced he was renaming the Union Buildings in Pretoria,where Mr Mandela will lie,as the Mandela Amphitheatre.
Earlier Mr Obama delivered his address,carried on the White House web site,to huge cheers.He said:"It is hard to eulogise(颂扬) any man…how much harder to do so for a giant of history,who moved a nation towards justice."He said Nelson Mandela had taught the world the power of action and the power of ideas,and that it had taken a man like Mr Mandela to free not only the prisoner but also the jailer.
60.Why was the memorial service said to be one of the biggest gatherings of international dignities in recent years?.D
A.Because large amounts of money had been spent.
B.Because everyone in the country had been asked to attend.
C.Because Nelson Mandela had taught the world the power of action.
D.Because more than 100 current or former heads of state or government attended it
61.The memorial service for Nelson Mandela took placeB
A.on Sunday 
B.on Tuesday 
C.on Thursday
D..on the day the passage doesn't mention
62.When Mr.Obama said"It is hard to eulogise(颂扬) any man…how much harder to do so for a giant of history…",he meantB.
A.We don't need to eulogise Nelson Mandela
B.It is much harder to eulogise Nelson Mandela 
C.We shouldn't eulogise Nelson Mandela in a hurry.
D.It is much easier to eulogise Nelson Mandela
63.It can be inferred thatC
A.Nelson Mandela only used the power of action to win his struggle.
B.Nelson Mandela paid much attention to the power of ideas to win his struggle.
C.Nelson Mandela used both the power of action and the power of ideas to win his struggle.
D.Nelson Mandela refused to use the power of ideas to win his struggle.
12.When something goes wrong,it can be very satisfying to say,"Well,it's so-and-so's fault."or"I know I'm late,but it's not my fault; the car broke down."It is probably not your fault,but once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation,you are a loser.You have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation.However,you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to remedy the situation.This is the winner's key to success.
Winners are great at overcoming problems.For example,if you were late because your car broke down,maybe you need to have your car examined more regularly.Or,you might start to carry along with you the useful phone numbers,so you could call for help when in need.For another example,if your colleague causes you problems on the job for lack of responsibility or ability,find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability rather than simply blame the person.Ask to work with a different person,or don't rely on this person.You should accept that the person is not reliable and find creative ways to work successfully regardless of how your colleague fails to do his job well.
Being a winner is all about creatively using your skills and talents so that you are successful no matter what happens.Winners don't have fewer problems in their lives; they have just as many difficult situations to face as anybody else.They are just better at seeing those problems as challenges and opportunities to develop their own talents.So,stop focusing on"whose fault it is."Once you are confident about your power over bad situations,problems are just stepping stones for success.

61.According to the passage,winnersA.
A.deal with problems rather than blame others
B.meet with fewer difficulties in their lives
C.have responsible and able colleagues
D.blame themselves rather than others
62.The underlined word remedy in Paragraph 1is closest in meaning toC.
A.avoid   B.accept   C.improve   D.consider
63.When your colleague brings about a problem,you shouldB.
A.blame him for his lack of responsibility
B.find a better way to handle the problem
C.tell him to find the cause of the problem
D.ask a more able colleague for help
64.When problems occur,winners take them asD.
A.excuses for their failures
B.barriers to greater power
C.challenges to their colleagues
D.chances for self-development
65.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A
A.A Winner's Secret 
B.A Winner's Problem
C.A Winner's Opportunity 
D.A Winner's Achievement.
2.One day when Jenny and her mother were at the grocery store,she saw a plastic pearl necklace(珍珠项链) priced at $2.50.When she asked her mother if she would buy it for her,her mother said,"Well,it is a pretty necklace,but it costs a lot of money.I'll buy you the necklace,and we can make up a list of chores(家务) that you can do to pay for the necklace.Okay?"Jenny agreed,and her mother bought the pearl necklace for her.
Jenny worked on her chores very hard every day and soon she paid off the pearls.How Jenny loved those pearls.She wore them everywhere.The only time she didn't wear them was in the shower.
Jenny had a very loving daddy and he would read Jenny her favorite story every night..
One night when he finished the story,he said,"Jenny,do you love me?"
"Oh yes,Daddy,you know I love you,"the little girl said.
"Well,then,give me your pearls."
"Oh!Daddy,not my pearls!"Jenny said."But you can have Rosy,my favorite doll.Remember her?You gave her to me last year for my birthday.Okay?"
"Oh no,darling,that's okay."Her father brushed her cheek with a kiss."Good night,little one."
Several times,when her father asked her to give him the plastic necklace,Jenny would give
him something else instead.
Several days later,when Jenny's father came in to read her a story,Jenny was sitting on her bed and her lip was trembling."Here,Daddy,"she said,and held out her hand.She opened it and her beloved pearl necklace was inside.She let it slip into her father's hand.
With one hand her father held the plastic pearls and the other he pulled out of his pocket a blue velvet box.Inside of the box was a genuine,beautiful pearl necklace.He had had it all along.He was waiting for Jenny to give up the cheap stuff so he could give her the real thing.

56.Why did Jenny's mother tell her the necklace cost a lot?B
A Because she didn't want to buy it for her
B Because she wanted Jenny to pay for it with her own effort
C Because she was afraid she couldn't afford it
D Because she wanted to buy Jenny a real one
57.Who is Rosy?A
A She is a doll girl that Jenny's father gave her
B She is Jenny's sister
C She is Jenny's mother
D She is Jenny's toy-----a little horse
58.Which of the following is false?D
A Jenny worked on her chores very hard to pay off the pearls.
B Jenny wore the necklace all the time except when she took a shower.
C Jenny didn't want to give her father the pearls at first.
D For Jenny,Rosy was more important than the pearl necklace.
59.Which is the best title of the passage?A
A.The pearl necklace                 
B.Jenny and her father
C.One good turn deserves another       
D.A lovely girl---Jenny
60.Which word could best describe Jenny when she gave her father her beloved pearl necklace?C

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