
— I've been working really hard at English recently, but it still remains poor.
— Don't give up. Sometimes things don't _____ like you want right away.

[     ]

A. turn out
B. turn up
C. turn down
D. turn in

Ben Southall, from Britain, got the world’s best job, as an island caretaker on Hamilton Island, Queensland, Australia. Towards the end of his six-month contract, he had an incident. Please read his blog issued on Dec. 29, 2009 to find out more about the incident.
Now I’ve spent nearly six months here in Queensland and so far I thought I’d done particularly well at avoiding any contact with any of the dangerous critters that consider this part of the world their home. I’ve avoided being boxed by a kangaroo, nibbled by a shark and bitten by a spider or a snake—but then in my final few days on Hamilton Island I seemed to be punished by a little creature known as an Irukandji.
Irukandji jellyfish are tiny and extremely poisonous jellyfish that are in the tropical waters of the Queensland coast between early October and May, and which cause symptoms collectively known as Irukandji syndrome(综合症). Its size is roughly no larger than a fingernail of an adult’s little finger.
I was enjoying a post Christmas jetski session with some friends at a quiet beach on Hamilton Island. As I climbed off the back of the ski and onto the beach I felt a small bee-like sting on my forearm. I didn’t think too much of it at the time at it disappeared very quickly and left the beach to head to a sports massage appointment I had. As I arrived I noticed that my feet and hands were tingling(刺痛) slightly. The member of staff immediately suggested that I get the symptoms checked out and within minutes had the security there to escort(陪同) me to the doctor’s room, only a few hundred metres away.
I was feeling pretty hot and sweaty, had a headache and felt pretty sick too, together with pain in my lower back and a tightness in the chest and really high blood pressure all classic symptoms of Irukandji syndrome! This was not what I’d wanted at all and had caught me a little off guard to say the least--I’m supposed to be relaxing in my last few days on Hamilton Island.
The doctor knew instantly what it was and straight away started the course of treatment to get me on the mend. I had a couple of injections which immediately took away the uncomfortable pain I was feeling and I slipped into a comfortable sleep after an hour or so, waking to say hello to a couple of friends who came to see if I was OK! Bre was there the entire time tending to me like a little Florence Nightingale!
Once I’d recovered sufficiently I was discharged that evening and allowed to go home to sleep the effects off and only really knew what had happened when Bre told the full story the next morning--I had been very lucky.
I’d had a minor brush with what can be a very serious jellyfish and has led to people being hospitalized for a number of days, my slight knock was enough to tell me that it’s not something to be messed around with and I really should have been wearing a full stinger suit, as it recommended at all beaches here at this time of year.., even if you’re in the water for just a couple of seconds as I was!
66. We now know that people who suffer from Irukandji syndrome usually ___________.
A. have headache, backache, chest pain, sweat heavily and feel sick
B. have headache, backache, chest pain, breathe quickly and cough a lot
C. is not very painful in the beginning, but can be very painful the next day
D. play with these beautiful jellyfish while swimming in the sea
67. What have we learnt from Ben’s blog EXCEPT that _______________?
A. Ben Southall knows how to take care of himself
B. Ben Southall doesn’t look after himself well enough
C. Ben Southall has been in hospital for some days
D. Ben Southall’s friend, Bre tends to him well
68. What lesson can we learn from Ben’s incident?
A. All rules must be strictly obeyed all the time.
B. All recommendations should be seriously taken into consideration.
C. Always have yourselves covered when you are in the sea.
D. Never play with creatures in the sea.
69. Which of the following is the correct order of the events?
a. Keep an appointment  b. See a doctor              c. Go jetskiing                     d. Get home
A. a,c,d,b              B. c,a,b,d             C. c,b,a,d             D. d,b,a,c
70. How do islanders deal with Ben Southall’s incident?
A. Politely, certainly and successfully.     B. Nicely, slowly and carefully.
C. Hopefully, carefully and skillfully.      D. Kindly, quickly and efficiently.

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or un­finished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked with A, S, C and D, Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.
Matt Scott, who was born with spina bifida (脊柱裂),grew up in Detroit, Michigan, where he participated in a variety of sports alongside his healthy friends. Now as a member of University of Wis­consin -Whitewater wheelchair basketball team, Scott has won four national championships, and hats' recently been selected to the Paralympic team for the second time. The 23 ― year 一 old college senior owes his achievements to his hard work and the support of his friends and family, who never allowed him to use his disability as an excuse. "My mother was always great. Whenever I felt giving up, she had no sympathy. She really helped me build my independence by not babying me the way other mothers would have," Scott says.
It was Scott' s independent nature and strong will, along with his on - the - court skills, that at­tracted the attention of America's most influential sports apparel (衣服)company, Nike. Nike was searching for an athlete with a disability to represent its "Just Do It " trademark. A handful of super­star athletes with disabilities came to audition for the role, but the company picked Scott to star in the 30 一 second commercial.
"I think that they were looking for the prettiest face in America, and found me," Scott jokes about the selection process.
After being picked, Scott flew to California to film the commercial with Oscar - winning docu­mentary director Errol Morris. The ad gave Scott celebrity (名人)status in the community of disabled athletes. He's been asked to speak at a number of disability - related events, and feels it's his duty to use the media to draw attention to those with disabilities. "I've been given a voice, and I want to do whatever I can to break down the social barriers that are still faced by disabled athletes, and make people realize that they have a very high athletic level," Scott says.
56.When Scott was young,   ?
A.he only played basketball with other disabled children
B.he became disabled during a basketball match
C.his friends looked down upon him during basketball matches
D.his mother didn't give him special treatment
57.Nike chose Scott to star in its commercial for his   ________.
a. pretty appearance       b. independent nature
c. strong will  d. excellent basketball skills
e. status in the community of disabled athletes
A. bee     B. ade     C. abd     D. bed
58.The underlined phrase "audition for " in the second paragraph means " ".
A. try out for  B. look out for        C. take on      D. pick out
59.Which of the following about Scott is TRUE?
A.He has graduated from the University of Wisconsin ― Whitewater.
B.He thinks it's unwise for the disabled to use disability as an excuse.
C.He starred in a commercial together with Errol Morris.
D.He thinks it's important to have many goals.
60.To Scott, the most important result of the ad was that    .
A.it made people realize the athletic talent of the disabled
B.it gave him a chance to show his basketball skills
C.he could do more for disabled athletes
D.he was selected to the Paralympic team again


Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or un­finished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked with A, S, C and D, Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.


Matt Scott, who was born with spina bifida (脊柱裂),grew up in Detroit, Michigan, where he participated in a variety of sports alongside his healthy friends. Now as a member of University of Wis­consin -Whitewater wheelchair basketball team, Scott has won four national championships, and hats' recently been selected to the Paralympic team for the second time. The 23 ― year 一 old college senior owes his achievements to his hard work and the support of his friends and family, who never allowed him to use his disability as an excuse. "My mother was always great. Whenever I felt giving up, she had no sympathy. She really helped me build my independence by not babying me the way other mothers would have," Scott says.

It was Scott' s independent nature and strong will, along with his on - the - court skills, that at­tracted the attention of America's most influential sports apparel (衣服)company, Nike. Nike was searching for an athlete with a disability to represent its "Just Do It " trademark. A handful of super­star athletes with disabilities came to audition for the role, but the company picked Scott to star in the 30 一 second commercial.

"I think that they were looking for the prettiest face in America, and found me," Scott jokes about the selection process.

After being picked, Scott flew to California to film the commercial with Oscar - winning docu­mentary director Errol Morris. The ad gave Scott celebrity (名人)status in the community of disabled athletes. He's been asked to speak at a number of disability - related events, and feels it's his duty to use the media to draw attention to those with disabilities. "I've been given a voice, and I want to do whatever I can to break down the social barriers that are still faced by disabled athletes, and make people realize that they have a very high athletic level," Scott says.

56.When Scott was young,   ?

A.he only played basketball with other disabled children

B.he became disabled during a basketball match

C.his friends looked down upon him during basketball matches

D.his mother didn't give him special treatment

57.Nike chose Scott to star in its commercial for his   ________.

a. pretty appearance       b. independent nature

c. strong will  d. excellent basketball skills

e. status in the community of disabled athletes

A. bee     B. ade     C. abd     D. bed

58.The underlined phrase "audition for " in the second paragraph means " ".

A. try out for  B. look out for        C. take on      D. pick out

59.Which of the following about Scott is TRUE?

A.He has graduated from the University of Wisconsin ― Whitewater.

B.He thinks it's unwise for the disabled to use disability as an excuse.

C.He starred in a commercial together with Errol Morris.

D.He thinks it's important to have many goals.

60.To Scott, the most important result of the ad was that    .

A.it made people realize the athletic talent of the disabled

B.it gave him a chance to show his basketball skills

C.he could do more for disabled athletes

D.he was selected to the Paralympic team again


第II卷 (非选择题,共35分)

第一节: 对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

D—David,   T---Tony

D: Hi, Tony. Are you reading something exciting?

T: Oh, nothing much. I’m just reading some science (76) f__. David,      76_______

it’s a long time since I saw you last and I could hardly

(77) r___ you because you’ve changed so much.                     77_______

D: Oh, I’ve just had a (78) h____ in the barber’s and I am wearing       78_______

a pair of glasses now.

T: No wonder. By the way, what’s your plan for this weekend?

D: We are going to have a picnic in the countryside on Saturday.

Do you wan to join us?

T: I’d like to, but I’m afraid I can’t as I’ve got (79) p___of work to      79______

do recently.

D: I know you are always as (80) b___as a bee.But don’t forget          80______

that no matter how much work you have to do, you should try

to (81) s___ aside some time for a rest. Health must come first,       81_______

after all.

T: Yes, you are right. I’ll go with you. And why not ask Sam to

go with us together? He can (82) b___ us a lot of fun.                82______

D: That’s a good idea, but not this time, for his parents

(83) d____ two days ago and he is very upset now. Maybe             83_____

he doesn’t want to go with us.

T: Really? I simply can’t (84) b____my ears.                       84_____

D: Yes, I’m surprised to know that their marriage has broken up ,too.

T: I think he needs to stay(85) a_____and calm himself down.          85_____

D: Yes.


第II卷 (非选择题,共35分)

第一节: 对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

D—David,   T---Tony

D: Hi, Tony. Are you reading something exciting?

T: Oh, nothing much. I’m just reading some science (76) f__. David,      76_______

  it’s a long time since I saw you last and I could hardly

(77) r___ you because you’ve changed so much.                     77_______

D: Oh, I’ve just had a (78) h____ in the barber’s and I am wearing       78_______

a pair of glasses now.

T: No wonder. By the way, what’s your plan for this weekend?

D: We are going to have a picnic in the countryside on Saturday.

Do you wan to join us?

T: I’d like to, but I’m afraid I can’t as I’ve got (79) p___of work to       79______

  do recently.

D: I know you are always as (80) b___as a bee.But don’t forget          80______

  that no matter how much work you have to do, you should try

  to (81) s___ aside some time for a rest. Health must come first,        81_______

after all.

T: Yes, you are right. I’ll go with you. And why not ask Sam to

go with us together? He can (82) b___ us a lot of fun.                 82______

D: That’s a good idea, but not this time, for his parents

(83) d____ two days ago and he is very upset now. Maybe             83_____

 he doesn’t want to go with us.

T: Really? I simply can’t (84) b____my ears.                        84_____

D: Yes, I’m surprised to know that their marriage has broken up ,too.

T: I think he needs to stay(85) a_____and calm himself down.          85_____

D: Yes.

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