
4. ___________ a fine day, Shenzhou VI will be launched on time according to its planned time.

A. Being   B. It being  C. To be  D. It is



选B。 本题考查独立主格结构。前一分句和后一分句在逻辑上存在因果关系,可以排除答案D。因为前面的分词的逻辑主语不可能是后面一个分句的逻辑主语,故前一分句要有一个逻辑主语it表示天气。


  From early times, man has been interested in art. People have often worked together to collect and save the world's art treasures.

  Fine art treasures from many countries are kept in an art museum called the Louvre(罗浮宫)in Paris, France. The works of art have been collected by the people of France over many centuries. It is the biggest art museum n the


  The Louvre has not always been a museum. The first building was a fort(城堡). In 1190, it was the king's castle with high walls and a round tower. It had a moat(护城河)to keep out the enemies.

  Over the years, the number of buildings around the castle grew. By 1350, the castle no longer needed a fort. The Louvre became a palace home for French Kings and Queens.

  During time of peace, new treasures were brought in. During the days of war, many treasures were stolen, and the buildings were damaged.

  When Francis 1 became king of France in 1515, he brought in many artists from other countries. One of the artists was Leonardo da Vinci from Italy. His “Mona Lisa”is the best-known painting in the museum today.

  In 1793, the Louvre became a public museum, just as it is now. It is a place where art treasures are kept for everyone to enjoy. Every year millions of people from all over the world come to the Louvre to see the masterpieces.

(1)How long has the Louvre been a public museum?

[  ]

A.For over 800 years.

B.Since 1350.

C.Since 1515.

D.For over 210 years.

(2)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

[  ]

A.Da Vinci once stayed in France.

B.“Mona Lisa”is kept in the Louvre.

C.The louver was once a church as well as a palace.

D.The Louvre is a place of interest to different people from all over the world.

(3)The passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]

A.an art museum called the Louvre

B.an Italian artist named Leonardo da Vinci

C.a king of France named Francis 1

D.the best-known painting in the Louvre


  From early times, man has been interested in art.People have often worked together to collect and save the world's art treasures.

  Fine art treasures from many countries are kept in an art museum called the Louvre in Paris, France.The works of art have been collected by the people of France over many centuries.It is the biggest art museum in the world.

  The Louvre has not always been a museum.The first building was a castle.In 1190, it was the king's castle with high walls and a round tower.It had a river to keep out the enemies.

  Over the years, the number of the buildings around the castle grew.By 1350, the castle no longer needed to be extended.The Louvre became a palace home for French kings and queens.

  During times of peace, new treasures were brought in.During the days of war, many treasures were stolen, and the buildings were damaged.

  When Francis I became king of France in 1515, he brought in many artists from other countries.One of the artists was Leonardo da Vinci from Italy.Da Vinci's “Mona Lisa” is the best-known painting in the museum today.

  In 1793, the Louvre became a public museum, just as it is now.It is a place where art treasures are kept for everyone to enjoy.Every year millions of people from all over the world come to the Louvre to see the masterpieces.


How long has the Louvre been a public museum?

[  ]


For over 800 years.


Since 1350.


Since 1515.


For over 200 years.


Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

[  ]


Da Vinci once stayed in France.


“Mona Lisa” is kept in the Louvre.


The Louvre was once a church as well as a palace.


The Louvre is a place of interest to different people from all over the world.


We know from the passage that ________.

[  ]


French kings and queens ordered people to build another buildings as their palace home in 1350


many treasures were brought into the Louvre in 1190


Francis I came into power in 1515 and damaged some buildings


some works of art in the museum have been collected from many countries


The passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]


an art museum called the Louvre


an Italian artist named Leonardo da Vinci


a king of France named Francis I


the best-known painting in the Louvre


  Any list of the world's top ten most famous paintings will surely include da Vinci's Mona Lisa.Part of the painting's attraction is its mystery(神秘).

  Those lucky enough to have a view of the Mona Lisa at the Louvre often stare in awe(敬畏), surprised by the smile that seems to flicker(忽隐忽现).Staring at a reproduction of the work produces the same effect.Now she's smiling, then she's not.

  What's the deal with Mona Lisa's smile?

  Harvard scientist Margaret Livingstone is pretty sure she's solved the puzzle.After careful studies on human brains, Livingstone reasoned that the famous painting's flickering smile is caused by the way human beings see.

  Our eyes use two separate regions(部位)to see.One is central vision(视力;视觉), used to see colors and pick out details such as fine print.The other is the vision around, used to observe lights, shadows, black and white contrasts.

  When we look at a person's face, according to Livingstone, we usually focus centrally on the eyes.Staring at Mona Lisa's eyes, our less accurate vision notices the mouth, picking up shadows from the cheekbones.The shadows play tricks, looking like a smile.But when we look directly at the mouth, our central vision doesn't see the shadows, and so the smile suddenly disappears.As our eyes observe different parts of the painting, Mona's smile seems to show up or disappear.

  Did da Vinci intend to create this flickering smile effect? Perhaps.In any case, he was talented enough to paint shadows so good as to puzzle viewers for centuries.Meanwhile, Mona Lisa will keep smiling.And not.


Staring at Mona Lisa, people are amazed because ________.

[  ]


it is one of the world's top ten most famous paintings


Mona Lisa's smile seems to disappear sometimes


they are lucky enough to have a view at the Louvre


the reproduction of the work produces the same effect


The central vision is used to see ________.

[  ]


colors and pick out details


lights and shadows


black and white contrasts


fine paintings


While looking at a person's face, the first we focus on is ________.

[  ]










What can you infer from the passage?

[  ]


Da Vinci created the flickering smile effect by design.


The flickering smile effect is caused by the shadows.


Our eyes use many separate regions to see paintings.


Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world.

From early times, man has been interested in art. People have often worked together to collect and save the world’s art treasures.
Fine art treasures from many countries are kept in an art museum called the Louvre (卢浮宫) in Paris, France. The works of art have been collected by the people of France over many centuries.
The Louvre has not always been a museum. The first building was a fort (要塞)with high walls and a round tower. It had a moat (护城河) to keep out the enemies. Over the years, the number of buildings around the fort grew. By 1350,the fort was no longer needed and became a palace home for French kings and queens.
During times of peace, new treasures were brought in. During times of war, many treasures were stolen, and the buildings were damaged(毁损).
When Francis I became King of France in the year of 1515,he brought in artists from many countries, and one of them was Leonardo da Vinci from Italy, whose Mona Lisa is the best-known painting in the museum today.
In 1793, the Louvre became a public museum, just as it is now. It is a place where art treasures have been saved for everyone to enjoy.
【小题1】The above passage is about       

A.the world-famous painting Mona Lisa
B.a king of France by the name of Francis I
C.a grand art museum in the capital of France
D.an artist named Leonardo da Vinci
【小题2】It seems to be necessary for great art works to be kept in public museum because    .
A.only in this way will they not be stolen
B.it gives everyone a chance to enjoy them
C.it helps people to remember the life of French kings and queens
D.it tells people what meaningful work the French kings did in the past
【小题3】The Louver became an art museum        
A.in the year of 1350
B.in 1515 when Francis I became King of France
C.in the seventeenth century
D.in the nineties of the eighteenth century
【小题4】Though the story does not say so, it makes you think        
A.lots of people pay visits to the Louvre
B.Leonardo da Vinci was once the keeper of the museum
C.the Louvre was only open to the artists from other countries
D.the Louvre became a public museum at the beginning of the last century

From early times,man has been interested in art.People have often worked together to collect and save the world’s art treasures.

    Fine art treasures from many countries are kept in an art museum called the Louvre in Paris.France.The works of art have been collected by the people of France over many centuries.It is the biggest art museum in the world.

   The Louvre has not always been a museum.The first building was a fort.In 1191, it was the king’s castle with high walls and a round tower.It had a river around it to keep out the enemies.

   Over the years,the number of buildings around the castle grew.By l350,the castle no longer needed a river.The Louvre became a palace home for France kings and queens.During time of peace,new treasures were brought in.During the days of war,many treasures were stolen,and the buildings were damaged.

    When Francis I became king of France in 1515, brought in many artists from other countries.One of the artists was Leonardo Da Vinci from Italy.Da Vinci’s“Mona Lisa”is the best known painting in the museum today.

    In 1793,the Louvre become a public museum,just as it is now.It is a place where art treasures are kept for everyone to enjoy.Every year millions of people from all over the world come to the Louvre to see the masterpieces.

1.How long has the Louvre been a public museum?

    A.For over 800 years.          B.Since 1350.

    C.Since 1515.                 D.For over 200)/ears.

2.Most of works of arts in the Louvre have been collected probably _______.

    A.by the French people           B.by Francis I

    C.by Leonardo Da Vinci            D.by people of the world

3.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

  A.Da Vinci once stayed in France

  B,“Mona Lisa”is kept in the Louvre.

  C.The Louvre was once a church as well as a palace.

  D,The L0uvie is a place of interest to people all over the world.

4.Why is it good for the works of art to be kept in public museums?

    A.In public museums works of art won’t be stolen.

    B.In public museums works of art won’t be damaged

    C.In public museums artists can study the works of art.

    D.In public museums everyone has a chance to enjoy the works of art.

5.Which is the best title for this passage?

    A.A famous painting—Mona Lisa.       B.A famous art museum—Louvre.

    C.A famous artist—Da Vinci.                D.The great King—Francis.

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