
I. 选择填空(Multiple-choice)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.)

31. Alice is fond of playing ________ piano while Harry is interested in listening to ________ music.

A. /; the        B. /; a     C. the; /       D. the; a




听音乐用listen to music 不用特指


Street art can be found on buildings, sidewalks, street signs and even trash cans from Tokyo to Paris to New York City. This special kind of art can take the form of paintings, sculptures, cloth or even stickers (张贴物). Street art has become part of a global visual culture. Now, even art museums and galleries are collecting the works of street artists.

It is not easy to provide an exact history of the street art movement. This kind of art has developed in many kinds of ways in places all over the world. Also, because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission, street artists usually work secretly. This secretive nature of street art and its countless forms make it hard to define exactly. And people have different opinions about the movement. Some think street art is a crime and destroys property. But others see this art as a rich form of non-traditional cultural expression.

Many experts say the movement began in New York City in the 1960s. Young adults would use paint in special cans to spray their “tag” on walls and train cars around the city. This tag was a name they created to identify themselves and their artwork. This colorful style of writing is also called graffiti (涂鸦). It is visually exciting and energetic. Some graffiti paintings were signs marking the territories of city gangs or illegal crime groups.

Graffiti also became a separate movement expressing the street culture of young people living in big cities. Graffiti art represented social and political rebellion (叛逆). This was art that rejected the accepted rules of culture and power. These artists could travel around areas of the city making creative paintings for everyone to see. Sometimes this street art created a conflict between artists and city officials. Graffiti artists created their images and city officials quickly painted over them.

During the 1980s, two New York painters — Keith Haring and Jean Michel began showing their work in art galleries and museums. This is when street art started to become part of the more general popular culture.

What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A. Street art has become popular and is accepted as a kind of culture.

B. Street art is very special compared with other forms of popular art.

C. Many people are beginning to learn street art.

D. Street art is better developed in big cities than in rural areas.

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. “TAG” was a word created by people to distinguish street artists and the other artists.

B. There are three reasons explaining why it is hard to define the history of street art.

C. The movement of street art began in the 1980s in New York City.

D. All the people don’t think that the street art is a rich form of cultural expression.

The city officials used to get rid of graffiti probably because _____________.

A. they caused arguments between people           B. they were ugly in someone’s eyes

C. they were not painted under proper guidance   D. they didn’t express traditional culture




In the debates about how a particular piece of land is to be used, the priorities often conflict. What should you do, for example, if you find out that under the fertile fields of a farming community there is a thick bed of coal which can be strip mined(露天矿) ? Strip mining tears up top soil and plants. But mining may create jobs, bring money to the towns businesses. Those who approve of strip mining say that the coal is needed, and they point out that it is quicker and cheaper to get coal from the surface than to go deep into the earth to get it by standard mining techniques. On the other hand, it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of top soil. As the countryside fills up, people are becoming more aware of the need for open space. Nearly every proposal for a new power plant, highway, or airport draws fierce opposition. Everyone wants the big, land-eating “uglies” to be in someone else’s backyard. Minneapolis and St.Paul, Minnesota, for example, have been debating about the site of a future airport for years. Yet if a new airport is needed, it will have to go somewhere.

How do we find our way out of the land-used problem? One way might be to reexamine our values, to think in new directions. Does everyone have to have a car with its need for highways and parking lots? What about developing mass transport systems that use less land? Do suburbs have to spread? Can they be designed so they use less space? Do we have to have more energy? If we do, do we really have to strip-mine coal to provide it?

However difficult they may be to arrive at, choices will have to be made if we want to preserve the beauty and usefulness of the land. For there is at least one point on which all of us can agree: The land does have its limits.

1. The word “priorities” in the sentence means ____.

? A. the various needs           B. the most important goal

? C. the number one necessity     D. the first thing to be considered

2. “…, people are becoming more aware of the need for open space. ” tells us that ____.

? A. people are thinking to develop their living space into the sky

? B. people noticed the need for unoccupied land

? C. people are struggling to get more land from the space ?

D. people are becoming more active on the space issue

3. How do we find our way out of the land use problems?

?A. One way might be to reexamine our values, to think in new directions.

B. Everyone has to have a car with its need for highways and parking lots.

?C. We have to have more energy. We need strip-mine coal to provide it.

D. We may develop mass transit systems which use less land.

4. “Everyone wants the big, land-eating ‘uglies’ to be in someone else s backyard.” shows that        .

? A. people don t want more big projects

? B. people don t want to live in the neighborhood of the big projects

? C. people regard the large construction projects are “uglies ”

? D. people don t like the undesirable building projects

5. The main idea of this article is ____.

?  A. The Limits of Land            B. Land    

C. Land and Our Life Styles      D. Land and Space



I recently heard a story about a very famous research scientist。who was interviewed by a newspaper reporter.He was  asked  36   he was able to be so much more creative than the   

37    person

    He responded that it all came from an  38  with his mother when he wasyoung.He tried to

39  a bottle of milk from the fridge when he lost his firm  40  onl the slippery bottle,spilling

the milk all over the kitchen floor!  41  yelling at him Or scolding him,his mother said,“Rob—

eric,what a great and  42  mess you hav'e made!I have  43  Seen such a huge pool of milk.

Well,the  44  has already been done.Would you like to  45  with the milk for a few minutes

 before we clean it up?”

    46  ,Robert did.After a few minutes,his mother said,“Robert,whenever you make a

 me88 like this,you  47   to clean it up.So,how would you like to do that?We would  48  a

 sponge(海绵),a towel or a mop.Which do you  49  ?”He chose the sponge and together they

 cleaned up the spilled milk.His mother then said,“You know,what we have here is a difficult experiment in how to  50  early a big milk bottle with  51  hands.Now,let’s discover a way to Carry it without  52  it.”The little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the  53  near the lip with both hands,he could carry it  54  .

    Wouldn,t it be great if all parents would  55  the example of Robert’s mother?

36.A.why    B.when    C.whether D.where

37.A.other    B.average    C.simple  D.clever

38.A.idea    B.accident    C.event D.experience

39.A.open    B.put    C.remove D.catch

40.A.hold    B.hand    C.support D.body

41.A.Beyond    B.After    C.In spite of D.Instead of

42.A.bad    B.beautiful    C.aiay D.terrible

43.A.never    B.already    C.hardly D.ever

44.A.experiment    B.art    C.work D.damage

45.A.swim    B.play    C.sit D.draw

46.A.However    B.Maybe    C.Indeed D.Finally

47.A.try    B.have    C.decide D.want

48.A.make    B.clean    C.Use  D.find

49.A.prefer    B.1ike    C.Think  D.take

50.A.slowly    B.quickly    C.Slightly  D.effectively

51.A.tiny    B.big    C.Cold     D.warm

52.A.10sing    B.doing    C.Stopping   D.dropping

53.A.bottom    B.foot    C.Corner  D.Top   

54.A.tightly    B.safely    C.Successfully D.Slightly  

55.A.make    B.follow    C.Take     D.match

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