
  I hate to say,but I have a problem. Actually, I'm not sure what my problem is. But whatever it is,I need    (1) .

  It seems like I'm always doing favors(帮忙)for people, and I (2) have time for myself. I mean,I like people, and I want them to like me,but it's getting to be too much.

  You see,like this week,I'm taking care of Rex. It's a dog that (3) a woman in my office. How did I (4) up taking care of this dog? I don't even like dogs. I was in the office, and Sheila (5) that she was having trouble finding a dog-sitter. And she said (6) she couldn't find a dog-sitter,she couldn't go on vacation. And suddenly I said, "Oh, I can take care of the dog for you. No problem. " (7) did I say that? I always seem to get into(陷入)this kind of (8).

  Just last week,a guy across the hall had a problem with his toilet. So he called me!And I don't even (9) this guy. He said that another neighbor said that I was really (10) fixing things, and that he was sure I would be willing to help him. So how could I say (11) ?So I fixed it,and I really didn't mind;it only took me about an hour.

  It's not only my (12) and people in my office. Like yesterday, my brother needed help to fix a broken window. I drove two hours to his house to help. It only took ten minutes to repair it, (13) my whole day was killed. And Rex chewed up my sofa while I was gone. These kinds of things happen to me all the time.

Oh,there's a (14)。 That's probably Emily's. She's moving out this weekend, and I told her I,d help her    (15) I just couldn't say no.

  Oh,what am I going to do?
(   ) 1. A. help    B. money    C. challenge    D. confidence

(   ) 2. A. even    B. only    C. just    D. never

(   ) 3. A. depends    B. holds on to   C. belongs to    D. gets along with

(   ) 4. A. end    B. look      C. stay    D. make

(   ) 5. A. supposed    B. suggested   C. imagined    D. mentioned

(   ) 6. A. whether    B. unless    C. if    D. that

(   ) 7. A. Why    B. What      C. When    D. Where

(   ) 8. A. danger    B. situation C. friendship    D. happiness

(   ) 9. A. see    B. know      C. like    D. care

(   ) 10. A. good at    B. proud of    C. used to    D. interested in

(   ) 11. A. sorry    B. yes      C. no    D. thanks

(   ) 12. A. classmates    B. neighbors   C. friends    D. parents

(   ) 13. A. and    B. or      C.so     D. but

(   ) 14. A. letter    B. phone    C. bus    D. train

(   ) 15. A. travel    B. stay     C. leave    D. pack

1. A 由...I have a problem. Actually,I'm not sure what my problem is.可知,作者需要帮助,故选A。

2. D 根据I'm always doing favors(帮忙)for people可知,作者没有属于自己的时间,故选D。

3. C 由she was having trouble finding a dog-sitter可推断出这里的woman是dog的主人,故选C ,

4. A look up意为"查找",stay up意为"熬夜",make up意为"编造",end up意为"最后处于"。只有end up后可以接V-ing形式,故选A。

5. D mention意为"提及,说到"。

6. C 由she couldn't find a dog-sitter和she couldn't go on vacation之间的关系可推出,此处应用if来引导


7. A 根据语境可知,此处意为:我为什么会说那样的话?故选A。

8. B 本句意为:我好像总是陷人这种情形。situation意为"情形",故选B。

9. B 根据语境可知B项最符合句意。

10. A 此处意为:他听另一个邻居说我非常擅长修理东西.be good at意为"擅长",故选A

11. C 根据语境可知,此处意为:我怎能拒绝呢?故选C。

12. B 根据上文可知选8。

13. D 句意为:虽然修理破窗户只花了十分钟,但我的一整天都浪费了。

14. A 通读本段可知应选A。

15. D 根据She's moving out this weekend,可知作者告诉她自己愿意帮她打包。故选D。


  The story happened in Vietnam during the war. A bomb(炸弹)landed in an orphanage(孤儿院)and several children were wounded, (1) an 8-year-old girl. People from the village requested medical help from the nearby American forces. Soon,an American doctor and a nurse arrived in a jeep. They found out the girl was the most seriously injured. (2) quick transfusion( putting new blood into a person's body) ,she would die of shock and (3) of blood. A quick test showed that (4) American had the correct blood (5) but several of the uninjured orphans (children losing their parents) did. Speaking poor Vietnamese, the doctor tried to explain to those (6) orphans that unless they could replace some of the girl's lost blood,she would die. Then they asked if anyone would be willing to give blood to help. The request was met with (7) After several moments, a small hand slowly went up,dropped back down,and then went up again. He was Heng.

  Heng was quickly (8) on a bed,and a needle(if) was inserted in his arm. After a moment, he let out a sob(抽泣),quickly covering his face with his (9) hand. When the doctor asked him if the needle hurt,he (10) his head. But soon his occasional sobs gave (11) to a steady, silent crying. Something seemed (12) . At this point, a Vietnamese nurse arrived to help. She spoke to the boy rapidly in Vietnamese and after a moment, the patient stopped crying and a(n) (13) of happiness spread over his face.

  Glancing up,the nurse said to the American, "He thought he was dying. He misunderstood you. He thought you had asked him to give all his blood (14) the little girl could live."

  "But why would he be willing to do that?"

  The Vietnamese nurse (15) the question to the boy,who answered simply, "She's my friend.”

(   ) 1. A. including    B. concerning C. containing    D. regarding

(   ) 2. A. Without    B. For        C. Besides    D. Except

(   ) 3. A. lay    B. increase      C. leak    D. loss

(   ) 4. A. both    B. neither      C. either    D. each

(   ) 5. A. kind    B. type        C. sort    D. form

(   ) 6. A. frightened    B. injured    C. surprised    D. hurt

(   ) 7. A. peace    B. calm        C. absence    D. silence

(   ) 8. A. lain    B. laid       C. lied    D. lay

(   ) 9. A. free    B. another    C. extra    D. second

(   ) 10. A. raised    B. lowered    C. shook    D. nodded

(   ) 11. A. way    B. time        C. room    D. chance

(   ) 12. A. correct    B. right      C. normal    D. wrong

(   ) 13. A. appear    B. sight     C. sense    D. look

(   ) 14. A. because    B. when      C. so    D. although

(   ) 15. A. gave    B. replied      C. repeated    D. said

  The train shakes back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise. Outside the window the freezing cold of winter (1) the world. The carriage(车厢)is filled with cold (2)passengers.

  Suddenly a little boy pushes his way through the grown-ups' legs to sit down by the window. His father chooses to stay by the door behind us. What a( an) (3) child, I think,smiling.

  The train begins to crawl into a tunnel. Then something (4) happens suddenly. The little boy slides down from his seat and leans(倾斜)his hand on my knee. He wants to (5) me and return to his father? So I help him to stand up. But instead, he holds his (6) up towards mine. He wants to say something to me? Then I (7) my head to receive the message. Wrong again!What I do receive is a(8) kiss on the cheek. The boy returns to his seat calmly, leans back and continues looking outside. I am (9) What just happened? A child is kissing an unknown grown-up on the train!How can (10) want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? Soon enough,all of my neighbors are certainly kissed. Nervous and a little surprised, we (11) at the father. When he sees our questioning looks as they get ready for their stop,he offers a clue(线索).

  "He's so happy to be alive," the father says. "He has been very sick."

  The father and son (12) into the crowd, moving toward the exit. The doors close and the train goes on. On my cheek I can still (13) the child's kiss. How many grown-ups (14) kissing each other from the joy of being alive? How many of us ever give any thoughts to the chance of living?

  The little kisser had taught us a sweet but serious lesson:Live your life to the fullest and don't let yourself (15) before your heart stops!

(   ) 1. A. visits    B. blocks    C. protects    D. rules

(   ) 2. A. excited    B. tired   C. scared    D. surprised

(   ) 3. A. friendly    B. awful    C. active    D. weak

(   ) 4. A. great    B. unexpected   C. unlucky    D. funny

(   ) 5. A. kick    B. cross       C.catch     D. pass

(   ) 6. A. eyes    B. ears      C. head    D. nose

(   ) 7. A. raise    B. lower     C. keep    D. shake

(   ) 8. A. loud    B. foolish     C. dirty    D. proud

(   ) 9. A. pleased    B. shocked     C. satisfied    D. feared

(   ) 10. A. somebody    B. nobody    C. anybody    D. everybody

(   ) 11. A. stare    B. smile    C. shout    D. point

(   ) 12. A. fall    B. get       C.  disappear D. follow

(   ) 13. A. touch    B. taste      C. smell    D. feel

(   ) 14. A. go around    B. show around C. turn around    D. look around

(   ) 15. A. live    B. stop       C. die    D. sleep

 At a day care centre in Texas, Jessica McClure was playing outside. Jessica's mother, (1) worked at the day care centre, was watching her. Suddenly Jessica (2) and disappeared. Jessica's mother cried and ran to her.

The well in the yard was only eight inches across, and a rock always (3) it. But children had moved the rock. (4) Jessica fell,she fell right into the well.

  Jessica's mother ran to a phone and called 911 for (5) Men from the fire department arrived. They (6) that Jessica was about 20 feet down in the well. Then they told Jessica'a parents their (7) "We can't go down into the well," they said. "It's too small. So,we're going to dig a hole (8) the well. We'll dig down about 20 feet. Then we'll dig a tunnel(通il) across to Jessica. When we reach her,we'll bring her out through the tunnel. Then we'll bring her up through our (9) ”

  The men began to dig the hole on a Wednesday morning. Two days later, on Friday morning, they were    (10) digging. And Jessica McClure was still in the well.

All over the world people waited for news of Jessica. They read about her in newspapers and watched her rescue(营救行动)on TV. Everyone (11) the little girl in the well.

  At 8:00 p. m. on Friday, the men (12) reached Jessica and brought her up from the well. Then doctors rushed her to the hospital. Jessica was badly injured but she was still (13) . A doctor at the hospital said, "Jessica is lucky for she is very (14) ,and she's not going to remember this very well."

Maybe Jessica will not remember her days in the well. But her parents, her rescuers, and many other people around the world will not forget (15) .

  After Jessica's rescue, one of the rescuers made a metal cover for the well. On the cover he wrote, "To Jessica, with love from all of us."

(   ) 1. A. she    B. who      C. whom    D. which

(   ) 2. A. fell    B. slept    C. stooped    D. rose

(   ) 3. A. broke    B. hid    C. covered    D. opened

(   ) 4. A. Because    B. Although    C. If    D. When

(   ) 5. A. advice    B. money      C. help    D. information

(   ) 6. A. promised    B. discovered    C. hoped    D. agreed

(   ) 7. A. dream    B. study     C. lesson    D. plan

(   ) 8. A. next to    B. along with    C. far from    D. out of

(   ) 9. A. well    B. tunnel     C. hole    D. yard

(   ) 10. A. still    B. already    C. always    D. almost

(   ) 11. A. looked after         B. worried about

         C. made friends  with   D. stayed away from

(   ) 12. A. immediately    B. usually    C. quickly    D. finally

(   ) 13. A. alone    B. asleep      C. alive    D. afraid

(   ) 14. A. young    B. popular     C. clever    D. pretty

(   ) 15. A. it    B. them     C. him    D. us

   Some years ago,on a hot summer day in south Florida,a little boy decided to go for a swim in the river in front of his house.

  In a (1) to dive into the cool river,he ran out through the back door,leaving (2) his shoes and shirt as he went. He dived into the water, not (3) that as he swam toward the middle of the river, an alligator(短吻If) was swimming (4) him. Inside the house, his mother was looking out by the window. She saw the two as they got closer and closer. In great fear,she rushed out of the house and (5) toward the water, (6) to her son as loudly as she could.

  Hearing her voice, the little boy became alarmed and made a (7) to swim to his mother. It was too    (8) Just as the mother reached her son, so did the alligator.

  From the bank,the mother caught the boy by the (9) while the alligator snatched his leg. Then began an unbelievable tug-of-war(拔河比赛)between the two. The alligator was much (10) than the mother, but the mother wouldn't give up.

  A farmer (11) to drive by. He heard the cry,raced from his truck, took aim and shot the alligator.

After weeks and weeks in hospital, the little boy was in good (12) again. But on his legs there were scars(伤疱) (13) by the animal and,on his arms,there were also scars left by his mother in her effort to hold on to the son she loved.

  A newspaper reporter asked the boy (14) he would show his scars. The boy lifted his legs. And then,with clear(15),he said to the reporter, "But look at my arms,I have great scars on my arms,too. I have them because my mother wouldn't let go."
(   ) 1. A. hurry    B. dream    C. hungry    D. time

(   ) 2. A. for    B. over      C. behind    D. out

(   ) 3. A. hearing    B. understanding    C. feeling    D. realizing

(   ) 4. A. backward    B. downward     C. toward    D. upward

(   ) 5. A. ran        B. walked       C. jumped    D. moved

(   ) 6. A. smiling    B. shouting    C. talking    D. nodding

(   ) 7. A. change    B. mistake    C. face    D. turn

(   ) 8. A. dangerous    B. close    C. late    D. early

(   ) 9. A. legs       B. arms      C. hands    D. feet

(   ) 10. A. faster    B. taller    C. bigger    D. stronger

(   ) 11. A. happened    B. came    C. noticed    D. stopped

(   ) 12. A. shape    B. health     C. look    D. build

(   ) 13. A. followed    B. written    C. left    D. broken

(   ) 14. A. where         B. how      C. when    D. whether

(   ) 15. A. sadness    B. pride     C.purpose  D. service


  Editor needed to direct the work of New Music Magazine. At least two years of editorial experience is needed. Hours: 8 :00 a. m. to 5 : 00 p. m. Some overtime required. Send your personal information to: P. O. Box 213,Fairview, IN.46243.

                                BANK MANAGER

  Town Bank is looking for a bank manager to head its downtown branch(分行).A person with 5+ years' experience is needed. Working Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mail to <newbank@ gol.com>for more information.

                               TEACHERS NEEDED

  Language Centre needs experienced teachers for its new English teaching program. PT/ET(兼/ 专职)positions available. No more than 25 teaching hours a week. AM/PM changes. Teachers with background in computer skills is preferred(优先).Tel: 567-1243.

                                NURSES IN NEED

  Child Care Centre serves children from 3 to 6 years of age. It provides care five days a week,and is open about ten hours a day. It is in great need of nurses with the experience of guiding (指导)different activities such as indoor and outdoor games. Call at 432-3745 or visit our website:www. vps. msu. edu/cfcr.

(   ) 1. A person with       of experience is needed to head the bank.
A. at least two years    B. twenty-five years

C. three to six years    D. more than five years

(   ) 2. You should work for      if you become an editor of the magazine.

A. just nine hours a day    B. no less than nine hours a day

C. about ten hours a day    D. less than 25 hours a week

(   ) 3. If you want to be a teacher, you can      for more information.

A. call at 567-1243         B. mail to < newbank@ gol. com >

C. phone 432-3745       D. write to P. O. Box 213,Fairview

(   ) 4. You need to have the experience of directing different activities to      

A. be an editor of the music magazine    B. head a bank branch of Town Bank

C. teach English in Language Centre    D. work as a nurse in Child Care Centre

(   ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Child Care Centre doesn't provide care for children of all ages.

B. Teachers are wanted to teach English in the Language Centre.

C. One with computer skills will be preferred to head the bank.

D. Your own information is needed for the position of the editor.

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