
I just come back from Britain last week.I was luckily enough to be one of the students from different country to visit the UK from Feb.16 to 28.We visited to many places,like London,Oxford or the Lake District.I learned much about British culture and history in London,where was my favorite.I also liked Oxford,where I saw much more old buildings.The Lake District was beautiful,but it was pity that it rained heavily when they were there.The most exciting thing for me in Britain was what I made a lot of friends there.

分析 上周我从英国回来.我很幸运成为参观英国的学生之一.我们参观了很多地方,伦敦,牛津,和大湖区.我学到了很多伦敦的历史文化.我喜欢牛津,那里有很多古老的建筑.大湖区很美,可惜我们去的时候下雨.最开心的是我在那交了很多朋友.

解答 I just come back from Britain last week.
I was luckily enough to be one of the students from different country to visit the UK from Feb.16 to 28.
         lucky                                                                        countries
We visited to many places,like London,Oxford or the Lake District.
               去掉                                                  and
I learned much about British culture and history in London,where was my favorite.
I also liked Oxford,where I saw much more old buildings.
The Lake District was beautiful,but it was∧pity that it rained heavily when they were there.
                                                               加a                                               we
The most exciting thing for me in Britain was what I made a lot of friends there.
6.where改为which.句中was my favorite是一个非限制性定语从句,从句缺少主语,要用关系代词;句意指的是抽象名词历史文化,要用which来指代.
8.加a.固定搭配,it is a pity真遗憾.
10.what改为that.句中I made a lot of friends there是作系动词的表语,是一个表语从句;从句结构完整,表达的是一个事实,要用从属连接that连接.

点评 短文改错题考查的是语境理解能力和用法基础知识.常考的知识点有:名词(单复数错误),动词(时态,语态,搭配,转换),代词(指代错误),形容词和副词(转换,比较等级),连词(and,but,or)等.偶尔也会考查逻辑错误,如本来用her,却用了his等等.解题是要注意:以句子为单位,以动词为中心.看句子要看完整,避免句子前后矛盾的错误;找错误要以动词为主,动词或与动词有关的错误占了改错的题的重要一部分.

4.My father had always been an alert observer of human character.Within seconds of meeting someone,he could sum up their strengths and weaknesses.It was always a challenge to see if any of my boyfriends could pass Dad's test.None did.Dad was always right-they didn't pass my test either.After Dad died,I wondered how I'd figure it out on my own.
That's when Jack arrived on the scene.He was different from any other guy I'd dated.He could sit for hours on the piano bench with my mother,discussing some composers.My brother Rick loudly announced that Jack wasn't a turkey like the other guys I'd brought home.Jack passed my family's test.But what about Dad's?
Then came my mother's birthday.The day he was supposed to drive,I got a call."Don't worry,"he said,"but I've been in an accident.I'm fine,but I need you to pick me up."
When I got there,we rushed to a flower shop for something for Mom."How about gardenias?"Jack said,pointing at a beautiful white corsage.The florist put the corsage in a box.
The entire ride,Jack was unusually quiet."Are you all right?"I asked."I've been doing a lot of thinking,"he said."I might be moving."Moving?Then he added,"Moving in with you."I nearly put the car on the sidewalk."What?"I asked."I think we should get married,"he said.He told me he'd planned his proposal in a fancy restaurant,but after the accident,he decided to do it right away."Yes,"I whispered.We both sat stunned,tears running down our cheeks.I'd never known such a tender moment.If only Dad were here to give his final approval.
"Oh,let's just go inside."Jack laughed.My mother opened the door."Happy Birthday!"we shouted.Jack handed the box to her.She opened it up.Suddenly,her eyes were filled with tears."Mom,what's wrong?"I asked."I'm sorry,"she said,wiping her eyes."This is only the second gardenia corsage I've ever received.I was given one years ago,long before you kids were born.""From who?"I asked."Your father,"Mom said."He gave me one right before we were engaged."My eyes locked on Jack's as I blinked away tears.Dad's test?I knew Jack had passed.
56.According to the text,we know the writer's father wasB.
A.interested in observing things around
B.good at judging one's character
C.strict with he boyfriend
D.fond of challenges
57.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?A
A.Jack got the family's approval except Dad's.
B.Jack was different from any other boy.
C.Jack was getting on well with Mother.
D.Jack knew a lot about piano.
58.The underlined word"proposal"in Paragraph 5 meansD.
A.piece of advice            B.wedding ceremony
C.celebration of birthday      D.offer of marriage
59.On hearing"moving in with you",the writer feltC.
A.pleased           B.worried         C.surprised        D.disappointed
60.Why did the writer's mother cry?A
A.The gift was the same as the one her husband gave her.
B.She had never received such a beautiful gift.
C.Her daughter found her life partner at last.
D.The gardenia corsage was too expensive.

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