






Dear Tom,

How are you?I am just writing to tell you I had wonderful time at your place in New York.

I arrived home, safely and sound. I have something to ask for you.I have been looking through my bags for my favorite red shirt, or I can't find it somewhere.I'm sure I might have left it at your place. Could you look around your house for it? By the way, I am planning my parents' wedding anniversary celebration. I had already invited you and your parent.I wonder whether you would like to come to Chicago this time. What do you think of it?Take care of you and write to me soon.Giving my regards to Uncle Bernard and Aunt Norah.





Five tips for safe running

We all know that exercise is good for our health. But some kinds of exercise may be better than others. Running, for example, may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems.

Running is good exercise, but it can be hard on the body.1.

Take it easy. Do not run too much, too soon or too fast. Most people get running injuries when they push themselves too hard. The body needs time to get used to increases in distance or speed. 2.

Listen to your body. Most running injuries do not come unexpectedly. 3. They may include body aches, sore muscles and pain that does not go away.

4. There is no single best shoe for every runner. You should find the shoe that offers the best fit and support for your feet. More importantly, you should replace your shoes every 500 to 800 kilometers.

Take good notes. Take time after each run to write down what you did and how you felt. Look for patterns(模式), things that happen over and over again. These notes will help you find the best exercise for you.

Cross train. As we said earlier, running is hard on your body. So physical fitness experts suggest some form of cross training to improve muscle balance and to help you stay injury free. They say swimming, yoga, and riding a bicycle are good exercises to combine with running. 5.

A. Get good running shoes.

B. Usually, there are warning signs.

C. Running may also help you live longer.

D. These exercises are easier on the body.

E. Muscles and joints(关节) need time to recover.

F. As advertisements for the running shoe Nike say, “just do it.”

G. Here are five ideas to reduce the risk of injury.


Tens of thousands of ancient pictures carved into the rocks at one of France’s most important tourist sites are being gradually destroyed. Scientists and researchers fear that the 36,000 drawings on rocks in Mont Bego in the French Alps are being damaged so rapidly that they will not survive for future generations.

The mountain, believed to have once been a site for prayer, is scattered (散布) with 4,000-year-old drawings cut into bare rock. They include pictures of cows with horns, cultivated fields (耕地) and various gods and goddesses. But as the popularity of the site increases, the pictures are being ruined by thoughtless graffiti (涂鸦).

Jean Clottes is the chairman of the International Committee on Rock Art. He says, “People think that because the pictures have been there so long they will always continue to be there. But if the damage continues at this rate there will be nothing left in 50 years.”

He describes seeing tourists stamping on the drawings, wearing away the rock and definition (清晰) of the artwork as they do so. Some visitors, he says, even cut off parts to take home as souvenirs. “When people think they can’t take a good enough photograph, they rub the drawings to get a clearer picture,” he said. “The drawings are polished by the weather, and if the sun is shining and the visitors can’t see them properly they simply rub them to make them look fresher.” Other researchers describe how people arrive carrying long sticks with sharp ends to scratch (刮) their own drawings, or even their names, in the rocks.

But experts are divided over the best way to preserve the drawings. Henry de Lumley, director of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, believes that the only way to save the site is to turn the whole mountain into a “no-go” area, preventing the public from going there except on guided tours. Otherwise, he says, not only will the site be completely destroyed but important research work will be reduced.

Clottes disagrees, “The measure suggested by Henry de Lumley is the most severe, and while it is the most effective, it is also certain to bring about protests from people who live there,” he said. “The site was classified as a historic monument years ago by the Ministry of Culture, and we must do as much as possible to save what is there.”

David Lavergne, the regional architect, also wants to avoid closing the site. “Henry de Lumley’s idea isn’t ideal,” he said. “Our department feels that the best solution is to let people look at the site, but because the area is very big it is difficult to prevent visitors from damaging it. I would prefer that everyone was able to look at it, but the main problem is money. We do not have the funds to employ the necessary number of guards. We may have to consider charging a fee. It doesn’t seem to be possible to get the government support.”

In Nice, Annie Echassoux, who also worked on researching the site, is alarmed that as the mountain becomes easier to reach — tourists can now avoid the three-and-a-half-hour walk by hiring vehicles — the damage will increase rapidly. She thinks that the only solution is to rope off the area and provide guides. “You can’t say the plan can’t go ahead because there is no money,” she said. “That is not good enough. Money must be provided because the Ministry of Culture has classified this area as a historic site. If we don’t take steps, we will be responsible for losing the drawings for the next generation.”

1.Jean Clottes says that people who visit the mountain____.

A. do not believe the drawings are old.

B. believe they are allowed to paint there

C. think the drawings should be left alone

D. think the drawings will not disappear

2.According to Jean Clottes, some of the visitors to the area have____.

A. helped to clean the drawings

B. taken bits of the rock home

C. been unable to take photographs

D. misunderstood what the pictures mean

3.Henry de Lumley is eager to ____.

A. set up research projects

B. protect public rights

C. keep out individual visitors

D. ban traffic in the area

4.This passage has been written about Mont Bego to ____.

A. advertise the closing of the site

B. warn visitors about the dangers of the site

C. encourage scientists to visit the site

D. describe fears for the future of the site


Have you ever noticed that the more you have, the more you want? Let's face it.Thinking our life is good enough doesn't come naturally to many people.When we have high expectations of everything in life we will run into disappointment.Only when we are aware that needs are different from desires can we live with satisfaction.Here are a few ideas to help you be happier with what you have and who you are.

Focus on what you are thankful for.Most people want things to be better than they are, or when things are going well, we forget to appreciate what we have.Learn to reflect on how much better things are than they could be.Focus on what you are thankful for.Write down 5 things you are grateful for right now.

When we hold onto regrets from decisions we have made, it can really poison our well?being.Many people regret something they can no longer change, which ends up holding them back from moving forward in a more positive manner.What happened in the past is done and gone, so work to stay present and be mindful of the current moment to find more joy and fulfillment.

When we use other people as the measuring stick for our personal success and quality of life we are likely to be less satisfied.Social comparisons can provide useful information when we try to learn from others, but they also hold our perspective in a discontented position.Compare yourself less with others so you can be satisfied more.

When you are focused on your big ambitions and future goals you might elide the daily pleasures that surround you.Learn to slow down and absorb the wonder and beauty around you.Stay present and focus on the task you're unde?rtaking at the moment.Don't let the life pass you by because you're always on the goal and distracted by ambition.

Practice looking at life through the lens of contentment and it will become more natural.

1.How can we live with contentment?

A.To change our lifestyle.

B.To have a motivation in life.

C.To give less attention to what we are grateful for.

D.To realize the difference between needs and desires.

2.What's the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A.Make wise decisions.

B.Know the present situation.

C.Let go of regrets.

D.Remember the past.

3.The underlined word “elide”(in Paragraph 5) probably means “________”.

A.enjoy B.change

C.create D.neglect

4.What should you do to put yourself in a good mood?

A.Make time for simple pleasures.

B.Learn from successful people.

C.Focus on your future goals.

D.Create chance to learn more.

阅读下面短文, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

As prices and building costs keep rising, the "do-it-yourself" (DIY) trend(趋势)in the U.S. continues to grow. "We needed furniture(家具)for our living room, "says John Ross, "and we just didn’t have enough money to buy it. So we decided to try making a few tables and chairs." John got married six months ago, and in common with many young people these days, they are struggling to make a home at a time when the cost of living is very high. The Rosses took a 2-week course for $280 at a night school. Now they build all their furniture and make repairs around the house.

Jim Hatfield has three boys and his wife died. He has a full-time job at home as well as in a shoe making factory. Last month, he received a car repair bill for $420. "I was deeply upset about it. Now I’ve finished a car repair course, I should be able to fix the car by myself."

John and Jim are not unusual people. Most families in the country are doing everything they can to save money so they can fight the high cost of living. If you want to become a "do-it-yourselfer", you can go to DIY classes. And for those who don’t have time to take a course, there are books that tell you how you can do things yourself.

1.We can learn from the text that many newly married people _____.

A. find it hard to pay for what they need

B. have to learn to make their own furniture

C. take DIY courses run by the government

D. seldom go to a department store to buy things

2.Jim Hatfield decided to become a do-it-yourselfer when _____.

A. his car repairs cost too much

B. the car repair class was not helpful

C. he could no possible do two jobs

D. he had to raise the children all by himself

3.What would be the best title for the text?

A. The Joy of DIY

B. You Can Do It Too!

C. Welcome to Our DIY Course!

D. Ross and Hatfield: Believers in DIY.


Many people in high school cannot wait to go to college and leave their hometown behind.Questions arise, though, when it comes to all of the decisions involved in choosing a college.

One of the first considerations may be finance. State and public colleges are often the least expensive. Often, though, the better colleges are private and more expensive. It is sad when gifted students cannot attend a college of their choice just for financial reasons.

Another major factor is location. Whether the college is in a small town or large city can have a major impact on its activities. A water lover probably will be more comfortable spending four years near an ocean or a lake.Those who cannot tolerate heat will probably be more comfortable at a northern college. Distance from home may also come into consideration.If family is a top priority, that person should stay close to home; on the other hand, if independence is desired, a campus farther from home would be more appropriate.

School size also plays a major role in the decision process. If you want to get to know your teachers, a small college is suitable. For those of you who consider yourself a “people_person” and want a wide range of activities, a large college is more fitting. Your area of interest is another factor to consider in the decision?making process if you want to get the most from your education. The whole point of college is to learn what is of interest to you.

Crucially(至关重要地), one must take into consideration the colleges by which you can realistically be accepted. An Ivy League school for an average student would probably not be a good match. Similarly, an average school for an above?average student would not work well. The college should provide enough of a challenge for the student to work hard.Although there may not be the perfect college out there, there probably will be one that is close.Those who cannot find a suitable college are probably not looking hard enough.

1.When it comes to going to college the author thinks ________.

A.students will become homesick

B.students are unwilling to leave their home

C.financial situation is the first to consider

D.students are eager to attend their ideal university

2.What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A.The location of the college is a main factor.

B.A long distance will make students upset.

C.Students can be independent at college.

D.The climate must be taken into consideration.

3.What does the underlined part “people person” in the passage mean?

A.A very sociable person.

B.A very particular person.

C.A person of great capacity.

D.A person of great importance.

4.Which is the most important factor when choosing a college?

A.The location of a college.

B.The coming challenges.

C.School size.

D.The examination result.


Since the 1970s, scientists have been searching for ways to link the brain with computers.Brain?computer interface (BCI) technology could help people with disabilities send commands to machines.

Recently, two researchers, Jose Millan and Michele Tavella from the Federal Polytechnic School in Lausanne, Switzerland, demonstrated(展示) a small robotic wheelchair directed by a person's thoughts.

In the laboratory, Tavella operated the wheelchair just by thinking about moving his left or right hand. He could even talk as he watched the vehicle and guided it with his thoughts.

“Our brain has billions of nerve cells. These send signals through the spinal cord(脊髓) to the muscles to give us the ability to move. But spinal cord injuries or other conditions can prevent these weak electrical signals from reaching the muscles.” Tavella says. “Our system allows disabled people to communicate with external world and also to control devices.”

The researchers designed a special cap for the user. This head cover picks up the signals from the scalp(头皮) and sends them to a computer. The computer interprets the signals and commands the motorized wheelchair.The wheelchair also has two cameras that identify objects in its path. They help the computer react to commands from the brain.

Prof. Millan, the team leader, says scientists keep improving the computer software that interprets brain signals and turns them into simple commands. “The practical possibilities that BCI technology offers to disabled people can be grouped in two categories:communication,and controlling devices.One example is this wheelchair.”

He says his team has set two goals. One is testing with real patients, so as to prove that this is a technology they can benefit from.And the other is to guarantee that they can use the technology over long periods of time.

1.How did Tavella operate the wheelchair in the laboratory?

A.By controlling his muscles.

B.By talking to the machine.

C.By moving his hand.

D.By using his mind.

2.Which of the following shows the path of the signals described in Paragraph 5?





3.The team will test with real patients to________.

A.make profits from them

B.prove the technology useful to them

C.make them live longer

D.learn about their physical condition

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Switzerland, the BCI Research Center

B.New Findings about How the Human Brain Works

C.BCI Could Mean More Freedom for the Disabled

D.Robotic Vehicles Could Help to Cure Brain Injuries


A lot of us lose life’s tough battles by starting a frontal attack—when a touch of humor might well enable us to win.Consider the case of a young friend of mine,who hit a traffic jam on his way to work shortly after receiving an ultimatum about being late on the job.Although there was a good reason for Sam’s a being late—serious illness at home—he decided that this by-now-familiar excuse wouldn’t work any longer.His supervisor was probably already pacing up and down preparing a dismissal speech.

Yes,the boss was.Sam entered the office at 9:35.The place was as quiet as a locker room;everyone was hard at work.Sam’s supervisor came up to him.Suddenly,Sam forced a grin and stretched out his hand.“How do you do!” he said.“I’m Sam Maynard.I’m applying for a job,which,I understand,became available just 35 minutes ago.Does the early bird get the worm?”

The room exploded in laughter.The supervisor clamped off a smile and walked back to his office.Sam Maynard had saved his job—with the only tool that could win,a laugh.

Humor is a most effective,yet frequently neglected,means of handling the difficult situations in our lives.It can be used for patching up differences,apologizing,saying “no”,criticizing,getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face.For some jobs,it’s the only tool that can succeed.It is a way to discuss subjects so sensitive that serious dialog may start a quarrel.For example,many believe that comedians on television are doing more today for racial and religious tolerance than people in any other forum.

1.Why was Sam late for his job?

A.Because he was ill.

B.Because he got up late.

C.Because he was caught in a traffic jam.

D.He was busy applying for a new job.

2.The main idea of this passage is ________.

A.Sam Maynard saved his job with humor

B.humor is important in our lives

C.early bird gets the worm

D.humor can solve racial discriminations

3.The phrase “clamped off” in Paragraph 3 means ________.

A.tried to hold back B.tried to set

C.charged D.gave out

4.Which of the following statements can we infer from the passage?

A.Many lose life’s battles for they are lacking in a sense of humor.

B.It wasn’t the first time that Sam came late for his work.

C.Sam was supposed to come to his office at 8:30.

D.Humor is the most effective way of solving problems.

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